Hunter doesn't know the answer.

He just vaguely felt that there seemed to be something left in this painting.

Some kind of indescribable, very strange power.

It seems that it is the existence of this power that can keep this painting unchanged and maintain its original appearance.

What kind of power is it?


In the silence, the hunter stretched out his hand.

Gently, put it on the drawing paper of this painting.

In the next moment, he saw the dreamlike foam spreading out, and the white light and shadow intertwined and falling, on the grass under the blue sky.

The figure with long blond hair left traces on the canvas, then turned his head, staring at the tall figure behind with a half-smile.

[Tell me, if I draw a portrait of just you and me and show it to His Majesty Cromorgan, guess how he will treat you, a guy who has repeatedly violated the precepts and disrespected the goddess he serves ? 】

It doesn't sound like a goddess' voice.

On the contrary, it sounded like a young girl's, with a slightly delicate voice.

This feeling, how should I put it, is very strange, obviously it is not like this at ordinary times, it is obvious that it has always been so wise, lively, and very cheerful, giving people a very kind teacher-like attitude.But now, at this moment, in front of him, he showed such a completely different appearance.

Feeling disillusioned?

The attitude of the past is no longer the same as it is now.

How could it be, such a posture is still a posture that can give him infinite happiness.

He also wanted to know more about her.

He also wanted to see more of her gestures.

He still wants a lot of things, he is very greedy, he is very greedy, overwhelmed, and wants more.

Because only she can give herself such a feeling.

[He should wish to kill me, after all, among all the goddess knights, only I have a different attitude towards you and you]

So, he answered honestly like that.

He has always been like this, so sincere in front of her.

Very sincerely, show your attitude, emotion, and thoughts to the other party in this way.

This is not a sacrificial worship of believers.

Nor is it the dogmatic service of a knight.

But out of a more personal feeling, something that had never been done before.

Perhaps in other people, in the more short-lived ordinary people, such feelings have occasionally appeared.

But in that situation, there is no possibility of developing feelings at all, and there is no possibility of caring about them at all. After all, ordinary people often only have a short time of less than 100 years, and there is an insurmountable gap with themselves, so that they don't care about it. may understand one's own mind

, It is impossible to think about problems from a height close to oneself.Therefore, no matter how hard the admiration and emotion of those people struggled, there was no possibility that it would even reach her.

It's just that this time, something seems to be different.

It is different, but the goddess knight, as the top power among human beings, actually only has a lifespan of a few hundred to two to three thousand years.And this is only possible after accepting his own blessings to reach such a lifespan.Otherwise, if relying on the development of human beings themselves, it is impossible to exceed the lifespan of 3000 years. This is the limit of human beings, and it is a problem that must be faced as a living body that has not yet broken through a certain level.

Perhaps with their development, their descendants may indeed reach a higher level in the future, but at least for now, this kind of thing is completely unnecessary to consider.

But, this time, it's really different.

Because, the goddess knight is the person closest to me.

So he can know his various thoughts and opinions anytime, anywhere.

So he was able to learn to keep up with his insights in various fields, at least some of them.

So he can discover that he has a different attitude in private, in front of human beings, and in front of believers.

So he can understand himself.

So he can understand himself.

So what he tried hard to convey to her can really be conveyed to her.

So, this guy is really annoying.

But I didn't say no, did I?

Wouldn't it be enough to simply refuse?

Why hesitate?

What am I...



The scene of memory gradually shattered.

The hunter opened his eyes in a little confusion, feeling the very strange memory with a little bit of confusion and sweetness.

The memory seemed to be mixed with the emotions of the two people, and two different thoughts were preserved and injected into the picture frame in front of them.

And with the hunter's touch, at this moment, the painting has begun to rot and shatter quickly, but after a relatively short period of time, the entire painting no longer exists, leaving only the empty frame of the painting. Continue to stand in place.


The hunter was silent, he had gradually understood what it was.

Are there any remnants of the Earth Goddess and the Forgotten Knight?

Didn't expect to see something like this.

The emotion of that year, for the goddess who has been completely corrupted now, unexpectedly retains such an important meaning, so that her emotional residue can even continue to persist tenaciously in this land of filth.

Then, if you bring the huge sword and those lines that you recast to the goddess of the earth...

Subconsciously, the hunter reached out and touched his back, but found nothing.

Ah, forgot.

In order to avoid the tragic situation of hunters fighting against monsters in the dark, I threw the glowing sword out and pierced that thing.

It seems that we have to find a way to rendezvous with the hunters as soon as possible, otherwise some things may be difficult to understand.

The hunter took a step forward, and after confirming that there was nothing special around him, he continued to move forward, looking for a way out.

It didn't take him too long to find an upward passage not far away, a slightly collapsed rock passage leading upwards.

Walking into it, the hunter walked through the cave, slowly moving upwards.

Gradually, it seemed to feel some kind of heavy pressure.

The weird panting sound seemed to become stronger and more continuous, as if he was approaching the past.

It didn't take long for the hunter to see some red marks on the wall. In the rock, extending bit by bit, there was something constantly flowing under the rock wall, and he didn't know what it was. It is densely covered with things in the entire rock passage.

Some fork roads were gradually found at this time, some did not know which direction they led to, some went down, and some went up.

The hunter originally didn't know which direction he should go, but when he walked in these dark red areas, he gradually began to feel something.

Something that was indescribable in words and made him feel a strong sense of discomfort.

What is that...

The hunter, who frowned, looked a little puzzled at this moment.

He didn't know what he felt.

There is only a vague sense of familiarity.

Although it is different from the one in memory, it is essentially the same, and it has an extremely terrifying level, something so high that it is unimaginable.

Things in my own memory, things in my memory that I can't think of anyway.

that thing is...

The hazy past seemed to have some cracks at this moment because of this strange induction.

The hunter felt that he saw something, like a figure standing quietly under the starry sky, like a dead wreck on the border of the sea, like something that was always invisible and could not be found amidst the ringing of the bell , and in the deepest delusions of memory

Yes, that red moon that fell... that fell... that fell dw&cw0)evb! [email protected]#sFD%....

The fragments of the hazy memory seemed to be completely stirred together because of touching something, and they could no longer see anything deeper.

But the silent hunter just slowly opened his eyes, and uttered that sentence he found in his memory, a sentence of unknown origin.

【Fear the blood of the ancient gods...】

Then, the hunter, who suddenly had a murderous intent in his eyes, walked towards the direction that the abnormal induction came from without hesitation.

Chapter 160: The Last Red Domain

The blood of the gods...


What is the forgotten thing.


Why did I have such a strong sense of déjà vu for blood?

It's hard to describe the weird feeling at this moment.

It's just that I can't restrain this impulse, I can't bear it, I want to get close to the past immediately.



That's right... blood has power...

In the blood... there must be some kind of power...

I forgot about this.

I completely forgot about this.

Why would you forget about this?


The power of blood... is there some kind of danger...

In the blood... is there some deadly horror...

Thinking became more and more chaotic at this moment.



Yanan... blood...

It seemed vaguely that he remembered something, but he couldn't really recall the complete details.

Everything was messed up and broken at this moment, and I could only pick up the broken pieces reluctantly, unable to piece together a complete image.

Who am I...

Where exactly is Yanan...

Blood... what's in the blood...

Blood... the blood of the ancient gods...

Goddess of the Earth... the blood of Viniad...

divine blood...

Hunter couldn't describe the urge of the moment.

He seemed to want to taste the blood of a god.

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