This unreasonable impulse seemed to have been buried in his heart all this time, always ready to move.

The goddess of the earth, the god who walks on the earth.

He has the appearance and way of thinking of a human being, but his essence is far higher than that of a human being.

He is a god, a great spirit that exists in eternity.

His blood...


Why... I am longing for blood...


The hunter stopped his steps.

My mind swelled slightly at this moment.

The meat saw sliced ​​through his fingers, and the pain brought about slightly eased his mind, allowing his nerves to wake up a little.

The hunter lowered his head, staring at his severed fingers, at the blood on his hands.

Stretch it out slowly, put it in your mouth, and squeeze it gently.

The smell of iron and blood seems to be nothing special.

However, during this tasting, it seemed that he felt some kind of ancient tremor, flowing in his blood.

One's own blood also has power.

Suddenly, the hunter understood this.

His blood has power.

No matter what this power is, the fact is that his blood has power.

It's getting more and more confusing.

The hunter gradually began to feel that his past was not just covered in a layer of fog.

Some dark secrets are actually still affecting him until now, and they have been lurking in him, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for one day to finally erupt and cause terrible consequences that he can't imagine.

What is that...

Hunter's expression became more and more serious.

Lowering his head, the wound on his finger had basically disappeared, leaving only a shallow mark.


Why so fast?

Is it because I licked the blood from the wound?

Can one's own blood speed up the healing of one's own wounds?

Is this the secret hidden in him?

The hunter continued to move forward while thinking.

He was still moving towards the place where the induction came from.

At this moment, the hunter has already vaguely sensed what might be ahead.

To be precise, it could only be that thing.

Corrupted Earth Goddess.

Dirty heart.

Just now, I was attracted by this thing.

I was attracted by the breath of this corrupt god.

What is the essence of oneself?

To have a strong instinctive reaction to this kind of thing.

While thinking, the hunter moved forward, without the slightest plan to withdraw.

He has gradually realized that if he goes back to support the hunters now, it may be too late.

Although darkness can cover all light and sound, it cannot cover the vibration of the rock itself.

I haven't felt any vibrations at all until now, and after walking such a long distance, I still haven't felt any vibrations

.This can only mean that either the distance between himself and them is too far, so far that he can't hear their movements. In this case, the hunter can only walk around and bump around. It takes a long time to find those hunters who are fighting fiercely.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the battle is over, so I didn't feel anything, and I just fell asleep until the battle was over.But let's not talk about my own physique, even if I faint, I will quickly wake up. It is impossible for the hunters to end the battle in such a short period of time, unless they are killed in one breath.Even if it was true that the hunters, the heavenly soldiers, killed the guy who almost destroyed the hunter's lantern with a single move, they must have started to look for themselves and the final target at this moment.

Seek out the goddess of corruption, seek out the heart of filth.

As for the hunter at this moment, he could feel that the power of this filthy heart was probably unimaginably strong.

Hunters, there is no possibility of winning against this thing alone.

Then, I have to face this thing first, and fight this thing first.

After all, I am the strongest of all.

One's own strength originally existed to deal with this ultimate enemy.

In order to be able to change the world, change those tragedies.

Let the children no longer be turned into blood fat bags.

Let the hunters no longer need to bet on their lives to fight to the death.

Let everyone live in this world normally, instead of being tortured bit by bit by the cruel and dark world.

I have this ability.

I have this responsibility.

He can do it.

Then he should do it.

and so.

Hunters, hunting that terrible monster.

And the hunter.

Come and hunt the goddess yourself.

Continue to move forward, towards the front of these bright red things that glisten like blood vessels.

The hunter saw that the things behind these rocky walls began to protrude gradually, gradually revealing their own appearance.

It's a weird thing that looks like flesh and blood, but has been alienated into other substances.

It feels like mud, but it has completely solidified together, and has completely turned into some kind of integrated solid structure. Although it does not have the sticky and slippery feeling of flesh and blood, but to be honest Still the same very disgusting thing.

These disgusting things gradually began to replace rocks, gradually began to replace rocks.

The hunter's footsteps quickly stepped on these things, stepped on these twisted and weird dark red soil that seemed to be created out of thin air by filthy forces.These can emit light, but people can only see their light, and can't see things other than the strange blood-red soil.

This soil is constantly extending, and it continues to extend deeper and deeper.

The hunter walked deeper into these red things step by step, to the end of these things.Slowly, he began to notice that his surroundings gradually became wider, as if he was about to enter a certain area.

Then, the hunter stepped into that area.


All are red.

It is so huge that it seems that there are more than four or five stadiums put together. According to a rough estimate, it is almost as huge as half of Starry Sky Town, a huge underground cavity.

A strange area that is completely covered by red, and everything is in the red light.

It is very strange that although the filthy power here has reached the extreme, it will not actively erode the human body, and it no longer has the weird power to eliminate sound and light, but a place where sound can spread normally.

The hunter's eyes scanned the red field, and soon, he noticed a certain figure lying in this place far away.

So he put down the lantern and placed it at this entrance.At this time, the hunter noticed that there seemed to be a lot of entrances in this place, and there were many holes here, extending in all directions, densely distributed on the surrounding red walls and the red top above.

Taking a step forward, the hunter jumped off this area and entered this final realm.

And as if sensing someone's entry, the figure lying on the ground far away also stood up slowly at this moment.

Chapter 160: [Apostle of the Earth, Temple Knight Cro Morgan]

It was a tall knight.

At least, it seemed, a tall knight.

Or should it be more accurate to describe it with knight armor?After all, the hunter didn't seem to see the human structure revealed by this thing.

The red thing has completely covered the armor.

Dilapidated, pitch-black, pure armor that has lost all decorations.

Flesh does not exist, only the red clay-like thing exists in this armor.

The head of the armor no longer exists, only the body remains here.A black long sword was slowly pulled out by the armor at this moment, then lifted up, stood in front of his chest, and stood still with some knight etiquette.the black one

Part of the cloak that had been dyed red swayed slightly with the movements of the headless knight.Without words, an incomparably domineering aura has already been conveyed to the hunter.

He already knew who the figure in front of him was.

Rather, when there is only one missing, as long as there is such an aura, it can be completely determined.

【Apostle of the Earth, Temple Knight Cro Morgan】.

One of the few goddess knights who left his own name in ancient legends, the knight commander of the entire goddess knight order.The existence with the most powerful strength and wisdom among all the knights is one of the highest existences of the entire earth goddess faction, second only to the earth goddess Viniad and the ascetic Elvis.

This existence has left many legendary stories, so that the age of the old gods has passed for thousands of years, and his name still survives in this world.However, after the entire Forest of Blessing and the Fertile Fields were turned into filth, the whereabouts of the strongest knight remained unknown, without leaving any records. In addition to his high popularity, many historians tried to Research has searched for its possible final place of death, but it has never been able to find it.

As a result, he's always been here.

In this real land of the end, in this land of roots of filth.

It can be felt that this knight, like the sealed skeletal beast outside the cursed forest, is basically only an empty shell left.

It's just that, on the body of the sealed skeleton beast, one can obviously feel some kind of vicious curse, which is the result of a deliberate force, and this one, he seems... to be able to achieve a certain goal. Self imposed such a behavior, that is to say, voluntarily destroyed its own existence?

The hunter frowned. At this moment, he gradually felt something hidden in the knight's body.

So he understood at this moment, just like the two knights outside the Forest of the Cursed and the Garden of the Old Gods used themselves to suppress the seal and isolate the inside and outside.As a temple knight, Cro Morgan is also such a seal suppressor.

The only difference is that for the previous two, only one gate was suppressed.

And the goddess knight in front of him, what he suppressed was the goddess herself.

click - click -

The cold air suddenly spread.

In the hands of the hunter, the long sword belonging to the eager knight Grendel was covered in ice at this moment, and the entire blade suddenly extended into a huge blade.

How should I put it, although it is still not as long and handsome as the original version of the knight that people desire, but at least it has more special effects and style than ordinary long swords, and when facing the situation at hand, the hunter feels that using This weapon, also from the Goddess Knight, seems to be better.

Take another step forward, and the battle will start in an instant.

Half of it had been replaced by the red substance, and the black long sword held tightly by the knight pierced into the ground the next moment, and violently set off a gust of wind towards the hunter.

The red ground was torn apart, and the fiery red color instantly turned into a bursting gust of wind, tearing apart everything within a distance of tens of meters in a straight line.

The hunter slid sideways to avoid the blow, followed by the knight and rushed directly in front of the hunter. The long sword swung down suddenly, and collided with the cold and frozen sword in the hunter's hand, causing another burst of scattering in an instant. the squall.

Take a step and step forward.

The hunter attacked the knight who was taller than him without hesitation, swung the big sword in his hand vigorously, and hit the opponent's sword that was raised horizontally, causing the opponent to take a step back.

But the next moment, the knight's leg suddenly lifted up and kicked the hunter's sword. The tyrannical force caused the hunter to retreat one after another, and the knight who followed him rushed forward without missing a chance. It penetrates forward and points directly at the hunter's chest.


Then, amidst the tricky gunshots, he was hit by the hunter and fell to the ground, directly breaking his balance.

The footsteps slipped, and the hunter appeared in front of the knight in the next moment.

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