The finger pierced directly into the opponent's body, tearing it apart violently, and the very damaged armor itself was immediately torn open, exposing the red thing wriggling inside.

The hunter grabbed the thing and pulled it outward, and part of the red fragments was pulled out with a certain crashing sound.

The torn thing quickly dissipated in the air, and the knight who was hit hard knelt down on one knee, but the next moment he charged straight up with his sword in his hand, collided with the long sword in the hunter's hand, and then changed direction abruptly. When the blades staggered, they cut on the hunter's shoulder, and a lot of blood bloomed.


And the hunter, who was not moved at all, slashed down with his sword almost at the same time, directly cutting a deep depression in the body of this thing.

After waving the attack at the same time, the body of the knight suddenly took a step backward.

The hunter, who was still bleeding from his shoulder, was reluctant, and slid a step forward almost at the same time, and the frozen sword pierced forward again, this time finally piercing through the dent in the opponent's armor, directly He cut a deep wound on the dark red thing.

real rip apart

The red thing began to flow at this moment.

Flowing, dissipating.

The thing that maintained the vitality of the knight was cut off by the hunter at this moment.


It seems, to be able to feel that pleasure//feeling.

In this passing thing, the pleasure//feeling from oneself.


The wound on the shoulder began to heal at this moment.

The vitality of the body has improved in an instant, and it has changed. The wound is healing faster, and the body is becoming more sensitive.Even though all of this was only for a fraction of a second, at this moment, this feeling was undoubtedly reflected in his body and spirit.

I am here...

After only a moment of trance, he suddenly woke up, and in the hunter's consciousness, he understood what had happened.

I, after the attack just now, seem to have absorbed part of the knight's vitality?

Chapter 160 Two: Scarlet Absorption


The surging air flow suddenly spun and spread over the dark red field.

The hunter took a step forward, and the long sword in his hand crossed and collided with the black and red headless horseman. The sudden violent noise set off a more violent storm.

Moving forward, the long sword stabbed fiercely in the footsteps of the next step.

The black-red sharp blade suddenly picked up, obliquely brushed past the hunter's attack, passed through the hunter's wrist amidst a violent shock of interlaced sparks, and drew a long line from the back of the palm to the elbow. Bloodstains, and then the sword turned and slashed directly at the hunter's neck.

Pause, lean down.

At this moment, the hunter's entire body is almost parallel to the ground.

He dodged the blow, and the sword in his hand arced out, cutting a deep gash in the knight's side.

Those red things shattered again, and the cut wound on the hunter's wrist quickly began to heal.

Intoxicating, wonderful.

The feeling of the moment when the wound heals.

In an instant, it seemed as if he wanted to seize even his sanity.

The hunter stepped again, and the big sword in his hand collided with the knight's blade again.


The sound of the wind surged again.

Black ones, red ones, flying ones.

The dark red earth is still shining with light spots.

And the hunter and the knight have been constantly moving their positions in this huge red void in successive battles.


The slashing at this moment was part of the layer of ice covering the big sword in the hunter's hand that was forcibly cut by the black-red blade, and layers of cracks appeared.


The next moment of slashing was the movement of the hunter's arm, and the ice wrapped around the great sword instantly shattered. The blade shrank instantly at this moment, and directly crossed over the black and red blade and slashed at the knight's shoulder. The force knocked him to his knees on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the ice covered the blade of the sword again following the hunter's control, and at the moment when the knight suddenly parried the hunter's attack, the opponent's shoulder and half of the arm were frozen in a crackling sound. Together.

Although the not-so-solid restraint was immediately shattered, the hunter followed him and slashed up with his sword again at this moment, and with a vibrating sound, he was sent flying with one blow and fell to the ground. .

A wound that doesn't seem to heal further?

The hunter looked at his arm that had just been cut, and found that although it healed after the first blow, when he attacked again, it seemed that it had no effect when he attacked again after a while. To the healing speed of this wound.

Only at the moment of injury, at the moment of injury, one can inflict damage on the enemy by attacking, and absorb something from the enemy in this way, so that one's injury can be instantly healed.


During the gap of thinking, the enemy's attack came again.

The cloak fluttered, and the wind spun and released the blade in the knight's hand.

In an instant, a long and narrow gap was pierced through the ground, and at this moment, two fingers of the left hand of the hunter who couldn't dodge were directly chopped off.

Blood, pain.

The next moment, the knight arrived in front of the hunter in an instant, and the sword blade swung down again amidst the supersonic crackling sound.


The one who swung out first was the hunter who was watching the opponent's attack.

The Senran sword that dissipated the cold air slashed out horizontally, cutting a huge wound on the opponent's waist.

That sweet feeling spread quickly, and the hunter's severed finger sprang out bloody flesh and bones at this moment. In the blink of an eye, the finger was regenerated and repaired, and it healed to the point where it was not visible that it had been injured at all.

Fight back at the moment of injury, at the moment when the wound appears, use the enemy's blood and life to replace the lost part of yourself?

In a brief trance, the hunter seemed to gradually realize the nature of this power.

What exactly is this power?

Why do you have such power?

It seems that this is the power that I once mastered and relied on.

Like falling into an irresistible fascination with blood, he constantly yearns for the power of blood.

as deep

The power to fall completely into this intoxicating chalice of blood.

At this moment, the hunter seems to see his past self.

I saw the former self in Yanan in the mist.


Kill the monster himself.

Himself soaked in blood.

The self indulging in endless blood.

Over and over again, intoxicated by the night of unstoppable hunting.



This is not me.

The feeling of intoxication was broken in an instant.

The hunter, who had regained his sight, avoided the heavy blow from the knight's swing.

The blades staggered and pierced into the knight's body again.

While feeling the opponent's fragile body that was almost empty and no longer possessed the power of a goddess knight, the hunter struck the blade vigorously, releasing the force to knock it flying and landed on the ground not far away. .

The hunter, who had realized something, looked down at his healed finger at this moment, and when he looked up again, there was only a cold killing intent in his eyes.

This ability to plunder power from the blood and life of the enemy seems to have been possessed by him when he was in Yanan.

I didn't think of this power at first, and every time I fought, I could only rely on my physical fitness and skills to fight against dangerous monsters without any means of recovery.But now, under the premise of possessing this power, he can use counterattack to injure the enemy every time he is injured, so as to replenish the opponent's blood to himself, so as to heal the wound on his body in an instant .

It's an interesting power that can be of great help if used properly.

However, it must be used with care, this kind of power seems to have a certain degree of influence on the spirit.The hunter doesn't know what will happen if ordinary people are affected by this power, but as far as he is concerned, the moment of trance and obsession just now is indeed a rather indescribable experience, just like blood and life. It has become something that can be plundered wantonly and can bring infinite satisfaction.

It was as if he had become a part of the monster.


The sound of the wind was loud again.

The long sword in the knight's hand had already slashed towards the hunter, and he didn't take the attack hard. The hunter quickly retreated, swung the long sword in his hand, and quickly intersected with the empty knight again, and then slashed. On the opponent's body, once again left deep scars.

According to ancient legends, Cromorgan, the apostle of the earth, has unparalleled power. He can use the earth to move at super high speed, and control the wind and mud to attack. Reasonable existence is only slightly weaker.

But at this moment, at this moment, the hunter has no way to feel such power.

The palace knight in front of him seemed to be just an empty shell.

The power the opponent once possessed, the honor he once possessed, and everything else can no longer remain in this body. The only thing left is an instinct as a seal suppressor, and some remaining fighting skills.

Some people feel sorry.

If it is a real and complete temple knight, what kind of power should it have?

The hunter couldn't help thinking that none of the crippled knights he met along the way could maintain their original posture, none of them could still have the appearance of their former prosperity, even if they were relatively complete. The knight Grendel has also been distorted beyond recognition.Even if the hunter defeats them and kills them, it will only get rid of the remains left in this world with a little bit of their power left.

The former real goddess knights, their posture, probably no chance to see them again?

Taking a step forward, he raised the long sword in his hand.

The hunter's sight became sharper at this moment.

Now that the regret is doomed, at least there is no need to hesitate in giving him rest.

Put an end to each other's pain!


The next moment, the hunter's figure rushed forward, intersecting with the wreckage of the oncoming knight.

Chapter 160 Three: Defiled Heart·The Moment of Appearance

On the ground covered in dark red, black and red knights and hunters are still fighting fiercely.

Sword blades passed by each other, collided, sparks splashed, and the sharp blades fell on each other's bodies, splashing out bright red marks one after another.

The hunter stepped back several steps in a row, but the knight instantly shortened the distance with a bang.The black long sword scratched a long cut on the ground, and then swung upward violently, colliding with the Senran long sword in the hunter's hand, knocking the hunter into the air with great force.

Swinging the weapon, the next moment the knight was about to attack with a blow, but the hunter in mid-air slashed down with one blow and one sword, directly piercing one shoulder of the knight, knocking him down to the ground with great force .


The moment it landed, the sword in the hunter's hand swung out again.

The cold light passed by, the knight's heavy attack only captured the afterimage of the hunter who had disappeared in place, and when it realized that the opponent had appeared behind it

At that time, the heavy heavy sword had already pierced the knight's abdomen, knocking him to the ground under the force of the hunter's thrust forward.

Climbing up, before he could make any further movements, the hunter's fingers forcibly dug into the wound on his back.

At this moment, the hunter forcibly tore off a large piece of the red substance that filled his body.

The heavy blow caused the knight's body to roll over and fall to the ground, and he struggled to get back up after rolling several meters away.

The hunter slapped off the black-red thing that was slowly dissipating into ashes, and walked towards the opponent step by step with the blade in his hand, and once again crossed the knight who stood up and charged forward.The collision of the sword blades set off an air current, and the swings that exceeded the limit of human reaction collided with each other again and again. After the uncountable number of offensives, the black and red knight took a step forward, and the long sword in his hand slashed hard. On the hunter's blade, in an instant, a wound was torn open in the palm of his holding the sword by a huge force.

There is no verbal communication.

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