There is no gap for hesitation.

What is here is just a competition and fight in pure sword skills.

The opponent is a body that has lost its self, and it is the chains that suppress and seal the land that must be wiped out.

The hunter would not show the slightest sympathy in such a battle, it was something that he would have time to think about after victory, and the only thing he could do now was to fight, to fight with all his strength, to completely wipe out his opponent.Just like the knight's body, it's just waving the weapon in its hand with all its strength for the sake of life and death.


In another collision, the red ground was torn apart by the storm.


In the fierce, full-strength impact, the black knight's cloak trembled.


Amid the increasingly frightening roar, the hunter was slashed back a few steps by the opponent's blade, and the knight had already pursued him mercilessly.

The blade swung forward, cutting open the hunter's chest in an instant, leaving a red bloodstain.

If it was the case in the past, the hunter's first reaction at this moment should be to withdraw more distance as soon as possible to avoid further blows, so as to find ways and opportunities to counter the opponent.

But now, after the combat method of absorbing the blood and life of others has been retrieved from memory, the hunter's first reaction at the moment of injury is to retaliate fiercely with a sword in a more ferocious posture. The blade went straight through the chest of this thing, until only the hilt was left exposed, and then pulled it out fiercely.

The blood red color is flying, and the wound on the hunter's chest has begun to heal.

The knight's swing fell again, slashing on one of the hunter's shoulders, cutting deeply and splitting the bones.

At the same time, the hunter's fingers directly penetrated into the knight's body, grabbing the dark red things that made up its body and filled the entire armor, and forced it to the ground with a tearing sound. break apart.


With a sweeping sword, the knight stumbled back.

At this moment, this knight who fought extremely fiercely has already suffered a lot of injuries.The already dilapidated black armor became tattered, and there were wounds cut by the sword blade everywhere, as well as the large holes left after the hunter pulled out several times and forcibly tore those things apart.

The sound of bone healing cracked, and the hunter who stood up again, the terrible injury on his shoulder that had just been split open, could no longer see anything, and even the clothes themselves were under the influence of a mysterious force Completely restored with no signs of damage.

This feeling is really intoxicating.

The hunter moved his shoulders and stepped towards the knight in front of him.

And the knight who had been continuously injured was already stumbling a little at this moment, unable to support the intensity of the battle at the beginning.

It seems that that's all there is to it.

This distorted and broken remains, what is left in the end is only this level of things.

Hunter would not say that he feels pity or regrets, even if he has such emotions, he will just bury them in his heart.Showing himself, expressing himself, this kind of thing is still a bit too unfamiliar to the hunter, he is more used to keeping silent, silently doing what he should do.For this reason, it is often difficult for those fellow hunters to understand the hunter's thinking, and only Disma and others who have gotten along with him and are still familiar with him have a general understanding of what kind of person he is.

As for the person who can quickly understand his various thoughts, and even guess the unexpressed thoughts hidden in his heart, there is probably no one else except Abigail.

Thinking about it this way, taking advantage of that child's trust in him and locking him up in the small town would probably be a serious injury to Abigail.

He didn't want to do this, but compared with letting Abigail join this operation and enter this dangerous zone, the hunter would rather bear the price of being hated and alienated by the other party, and would rather the other party have resentment towards him, and it is impossible to do this. Let the girl step into such a terrible place.

The only person who bears the danger is yourself.

The hunter who steps forward,

Collided with the dark thing in front of him again.

The long sword was swung out, and a trace of chill spread out.

In the roaring and vibrating sound, the black and red long sword flew high, fell to the ground, and gradually dissipated and turned into ashes.

And the knight's armor has already been penetrated by the hunter, this weapon that once belonged to another knight, pierced the armor through the cut in the neck, completely submerged in it, and completely penetrated the inside of the entire armor's torso .



Countless ice spikes erupted under the hunter's stimulation of the blade's power.

These spikes pierced through the knight's armor one after another, piercing out from the inside of the armor, piercing the knight's body with dense holes, almost completely destroying his ability to move in an instant.

Suffering an unparalleled severe injury, the knight trembled all over at this moment, and the strength in his body began to be lost step by step. Little by little, his body began to collapse and collapse.

Slowly stretching out his hand, at the last moment, the knight did not attack again, but reached out and grabbed the hunter's arm.

There was something that finally came out until the dying moment, allowing the hunter to see some broken pieces.

It was in the depths of the scarlet darkness, a god with long golden hair knelt down on the ground, his hair was dyed jet black, his body gradually distorted, and gradually turned into red dirty limbs, while dark red things spread out beneath him Come, to the scene that spreads around.

The knight who saw this scene finally understood the fact that the god he served and followed had reached its limit.

[Let's do it, my most loyal knight, my apostle, Cro Morgan]

The leisurely voice reached the hunter's mind through a long time at this moment.

[We still failed in the end, trying to escape those dark and blasphemous things, in exchange for failure in the end]

[From now on, human beings will only be able to survive in the dark, and even have to exchange the blood of their companions for the possibility of survival]

[However, there will still be people who can continue to live, and there must be hope that they can continue to survive]

[So now, even if it is about to turn into a disaster, we must do our best to do what we can in the end]

【So come on, do it, Your Excellency Cromorgen, kill me with your blade, and then use your soul and flesh to suppress me here】

[The era of gods and humans hand in hand is about to come to an end. Next, let us wait quietly for the arrival of those who can kill the gods, and the arrival of those who can end this cycle of sorrow]

At the end of the fragment is the sword blade raised in the knight's hand, and the smile that has become increasingly distorted and alienated by the god.

Swing down the attack, what flows out is not blood, but light mixed with dirty colors.

The goddess's body fell slowly, and at this moment dissipated like light, shattered, and poured into the knight's black armor.

【Goddess I reverence, please stay in the dark and wait slowly】

[I will continue to wait here, even if I collapse, even if I turn into an empty shell, I will continue to wait for the end of the moment]

[Unknown latecomer, unknown hero, if you can see the last remnant of me, please... must... end all of this...]

The remaining images have disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The hollow body of the knight fell to his knees on the ground, losing all his strength, and slowly turned into ashes like this, disappearing into this red world.

Is this the only thing left of this last goddess knight?

The hunter stared at the place where the knight's wreckage finally turned into nothingness, bowed his head slightly, and paid his respects.

In this way, the last seal, the last obstacle, will no longer exist at this moment.

The battle just now was just a way to warm up.

Hunter is very clear, then, the real critical moment has just begun.


I can feel it.


This completely different, oscillating feeling.

The hunter raised his head, looked around, and looked at the red world.

Something surged in this bright red.

Something gradually came to life amidst the scarlet.

Ancient, long-standing things.

Precipitated, has existed for an unknown number of years.

At this moment, with the dissipation of the last seal, and the demise of the temple knight who was the guardian of the final level, there is no longer any obstacle to prevent this existence from showing its own posture, showing its true appearance .

The real one, even though it has been polluted and corrupted, and has lost its original shape and strength, is still terrifying and incomparable. It spreads at this moment, making the hunter feel the existence of a deeply suffocating horror.

Beings called gods.

"Are you coming..."

Turning around, the hunter looked at the land not far away.

The bright red colors are gathering and blooming, and the dark things have descended into this abyss.

The hunter drew his meat saw, turned around, and faced

toward the presence ahead.

And that filthy heart completely showed its own posture here.

Chapter 160 Four: [[The filthy heart lurking in the earth]]


The continuous and violent roar——

The earth trembled, and the scarlet color kept sweeping and surging——

That existence has been liberated from the darkness, revealing its true existence——

The heart of filth, the true source of that horrible existence that shaped the fields of corruption and the forest of the curse.At this moment, in front of the hunter's eyes, it slowly emerged from this scarlet underground cavity, from the glaringly shining earth.


The sound of heavy breathing became extremely clear at this moment.

It was so clear that the hunter could clearly realize that the voice was coming from the other party, from this huge body that slowly emerged.

boom -

The blood-red arm slowly raised.

The entwined dim colors slowly emerged in it, and bloody things like flowers bloomed silently between the flesh and blood.

The long black hair hangs down, and the existence of pupils cannot be seen in the ferocious pitch-black eye sockets, only the boundless intent of death can be felt.

The body that appeared at this moment seems to be able to overlap with the last remaining memory of the knight wreck just now, but the distortion is more serious, and it is even more inhuman, so that it is almost impossible to match that with the golden long hair. The appearance of a gentle goddess with long hair is linked together.


The ground continued to tremble.

That huge monster is still slowly emerging.

The hunter raised his head, staring at this increasingly clear and thorough existence, and his movements became more cautious.

He could already feel the aura on the other party's body, that powerful and overwhelming, unprecedented since he entered this world, far surpassing the aura that the former caller could match.This is the power of the superior in the true sense, a level that humans cannot reach, and a level that cannot be understood.Even if such a posture is now fragmented and no longer what it used to be, it still possesses a heavy power that cannot be underestimated.


The blood-red ground surged more and more crazily, surging towards the huge body.

This piece of red land seems to be the existence of that thing itself, a part of that thing.It's just that under the condition that the temple knight Cro Morgan used himself as a seal to suppress this area, the red soil itself could not be gathered at all, and could not be fused and transformed into this terrifying existence itself.But at this moment, after losing the original suppressor and sealer, these blood-red things finally showed their true posture and showed their due strength.

Rumble - boom - boom

The head of the huge monster has been slowly raised at this moment.

From the two giant arms, smaller human arms sprouted from the skin, mostly underdeveloped, misshapen arms, missing fingers or having deformed joints.And the huge finger itself has something that looks like teeth, on the finger, in the skin, there are hidden teeth that open and close.

The huge monster slowly opened its mouth. Among the countless densely packed torn teeth, the hunter saw the tongue of the other party. It was so deformed that it was indescribable. It was like a melting tongue of a living person. Panting from the sharp teeth, writhing and struggling in the skin, being pierced by those fangs, dripping with blood.

The third arm and the fourth arm grew out from behind, longer and more tapered than the first two arms.The arm itself does not seem to be fully developed, and it seems to be done on purpose, so there are no fingers, but only two sharp bony spurs appearing at the front of the arm.

Wriggling sarcoma grew on the monster's chest, eyeballs opened one after another, looking around, and the monster's torso was covered with distorted yellow-black pustules, The pale yellow pus seemed to be seeping out continuously, spreading to the surroundings, wriggling on this extremely huge body.

The red matter is constantly surging, building this huge monster more completely. All this seems to have passed a long time, but in fact, it only takes less than two or three seconds from the hunter's perspective.Those blood-red colors completely converged into one piece, forming a huge monster more than ten meters high out of thin air.Even the body of this thing can't be regarded as completely condensed, because in fact, only the upper body sticks out from the filthy blood-red color, and the part starting from the abdomen doesn't continue to grow, but only maintains the half of the thing. Just a body.

It's as if this monster can no longer recall its complete appearance, and can no longer recall what its complete posture should look like, it's just something that can be built to this extent.

"Is that the case..."

The hunter couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

The goddess of the earth, Vineyard.

The filthy heart that lurks in the earth.

At this moment, in front of him, he finally showed his true posture.

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