
heavy, clear and painful

Bitter, like the panting sound of a dying person.

The huge monster opened its mouth, and at this moment it made that distorted sound again.

Then, the head of the twisted and chaotic thing slowly turned in the direction of the hunter.


The momentary sense of crisis, almost instinctively, the body acted subconsciously.

The hunter slammed to one side, watching a blood-red spike rise from the ground where he had just stood.

All the red flesh and blood under my feet can be manipulated by this thing? !


The sound of the wind exploded sharply in the next moment.

The hunter slid on the red ground to dodge, and then was blown away by the strong wind, and fell back more than ten meters.

It was a sharp limb located on the back of the filthy heart, which passed through a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and directly bombarded the ground not far from the hunter.

Even if it can be dodged, the speed of this limb is too terrifying, and its size is too large, so that the power when it is swung even creates a small storm, making the hunter ten times around that limb. An area of ​​about [-] meters will be directly lifted up.

Gululu - Gululu -

The blood-red ground surged around the limb that pierced into it, gathering up.

Immediately, he felt that the unlucky hunter was dodging again and again, and then he saw sharp blood thorns bursting out layer by layer on the ground around the limb, roaring and roaring, spreading for a distance of 40 meters in the blink of an eye, shaking the surrounding land They all completely penetrated, and then slowly melted from small to ground.

The hunter started to run, before the blood thorns reached the area where he was, and accelerated towards the filthy heart.

The second bone spur pierced through violently, carrying a violent hurricane.

The hunter quickly dodged sideways, pulled out his cane and pierced the ground directly, firmly stabilized his body and stayed in place, and then jumped up suddenly when the hurricane dissipated, and once again shot at the enemy in front of him. Approach quickly.

The huge palm was clapped at this moment, and landed on the hunter's side, followed by sweeping.

The hunter who jumped up directly stepped on his arm in the next moment, and swung his cane into a long whip, tearing apart the tiny limbs growing on this limb one by one that wanted to grab him, and followed along The gigantic arm lunged forward.

At this moment, the huge head magnified from the hunter's sight.

The twisted teeth opened, and the wriggling tongue suddenly stretched out and ejected towards the hunter, knocking the hunter out at an astonishing speed.

The long whip climbed up like a ghost in mid-air, and before the hunter was really thrown away, it entangled the weird tongue of the person who seemed to be trapped in his own skin, and quickly straightened it, stabbing the hunter hard. Shengsheng pulled it back again and landed on the thing's arm again.

Then, the metal long whip tore the tongue with ferocious force, and then popped out with the hunter's swing, and the whip was whipped out vertically from top to bottom, and the face of this huge monster was smashed in a violent explosion. A long bloody wound was torn open abruptly.

The attack has real sense.

No problem, the opponent can be hurt.

This thing can be killed and completely wiped out.

The hunter's eyes were full of blood, and the long whip in his hand showed the blue light of magic and arcane at this moment. With his next swing, a soul was released from the tip of the whip at zero distance. The giant arrow blasted a more ferocious wound on this thing's cheek.

The sudden trauma does not seem to make this thing feel any sense, or this inhuman twisted thing does not have what can be called a sensory thing.

The flesh under his feet suddenly squirmed, forcing the hunter to quickly jump off.

Almost as soon as he left, blood thorns broke through the skin, piercing densely the place where the hunter had just stood.


Once again, there was a painful gasp.

The hunter fell to the ground, rolled over and stood up, raised his head, and saw the huge monster in front of him raised his hands high, then pressed them down violently, and hit the ground.


For a moment, the hunter standing on the ground felt a slight shaking, but nothing else seemed to happen.

No, no, that's not it.

The hunter raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

The pitch-black, corrosive energy balls one after another made up of pure filthy power gathered densely at the top of this huge underground space.

Then at the next moment, everything fell instantly.

Like a downpour!

Chapter 160 Five: Howling Shattered Light

Opening his eyes, the hunter once again jumped out of the blood-red space in front of him.

The blood-red ground twisted, and the sight of the huge monster had already turned around, and it had already spotted the hunter before he approached him.

Can the other party perceive that he has the ability to resurrect?

It seems that when he was just resurrected, that thing had already started to act?

Or is it just that the sensing range is too large, so you can quickly find yourself?

For some reason, here

For a moment, the hunter inexplicably had some bad premonition.

But no matter what the situation is, it is impossible for the hunter at this moment to stop his pace.After being blasted by the filthy magic bomb like a full-screen bomber that covered no dead ends, the hunter at this moment rushed forward to face the opponent without the slightest hesitation.

Huge bone spurs whizzed forward, running through the ground beside the hunter.

The huge monster opened its mouth wide, and black filthy light spewed out from its mouth, penetrating the entire empty blood-red world in an instant.

The hunter dodged the attack in embarrassment, and then saw a series of explosions begin to appear on the red ground sprayed by the black filthy light, releasing explosions and tremors in a wider range than the ray of light just now with incomparably violent tremors.

The shock wave howled and swept through this underground space, and the hunter had already arrived in front of this twisted evil thing in the flames and black air currents. The cane popped out suddenly, cutting a deep wound on the arm of the monster that swung down. Followed by another blow, it hit the opponent's organ that was obviously exposed, floating on the chest like a heart.

Dirty bloodstains sputtered at this moment, followed by the trembling of the giant hand bombarding the ground in an instant.

The black and red spikes spread out in an instant, sweeping across the hunter's leg that could not be avoided completely in the future, and then the thing stretched out its other hand and grabbed the hunter directly, slamming him violently The whole person flew out.


The distance of [-] meters widened in an instant.

The hunter crashed into the red wall at the edge of the hole, deeply embedded in it, causing the flesh-like red wall to be blasted into large pieces by the shock wave.

The black laser bombarded from a distance without giving him any time to breathe, forcing the hunter to grit his teeth and jump off the wall to dodge quickly, and then he was blown out by the shock wave that exploded from the dirty light behind and fell to the ground.

On the back of the huge monster, a bone spur extended instantly, stabbing towards the hunter at an astonishing speed. Amidst the roar, the hunter turned over in embarrassment on the red ground to avoid it. The moment he stood up, he had turned his stick into a whip Throwing it out, it entangled directly on the bone spur that was being withdrawn, and was driven and dragged directly to the top of this huge monster.

"bring it on!"

Unknowingly, a cannon appeared in the hunter's hand, and he aimed at the monster below and fired a cannon.

The flame exploded, and the huge impact caused the twisted thing's body to shift slightly, and its head tilted to one side.And when it turned back slowly, the hunter who descended from the sky raised the meat saw knife in his hand and slashed down fiercely, leaving a hideous wound on the thing's face in an instant.


The bright red flame, blending into this fiery red world, ignited from the meat saw in the hunter's hand.

Gifted by Malman, the strange red blessing grease of unknown origin, but it made the hunter feel a little uneasy.

In fact, I didn't really want to use this kind of power.

However, judging from the results of the rough fight just now, the power of this thing is really beyond imagination.

The hunter raised his head and looked at the face of this thing. The wounds he had hit several times before, at this moment, the first few wounds had obvious signs of healing, and the wound bombarded by the soul giant arrow was even worse. It was healing at an astonishing speed, and now, in less than a few minutes, it has healed to such an extent that it cannot be seen at all.

After all, he is a god, so he has a strong resistance to ordinary magic?

The hunter quickly judged this point.

The huge palm was raised again, and the wound cut by the hunter before was completely invisible at the moment.

The whole body has a very strong high-speed regeneration ability, only the head part, um, and the part that looks like the heart, only these two parts have a slightly slower healing speed after being attacked by oneself Some.

So the goal is very obvious at this moment.


The heavy breathing sounded again.

The huge palms suddenly closed and wanted to catch the hunter. After taking an empty shot, they hit the ground directly, smashing the red ground into cracks and large-scale cracks.

The hunter himself jumped up and stepped on this arm without hesitation, ran forward and sprinted directly in front of the head of this thing. The cane swung, the long whip tore flesh and blood, and then transformed into the shape of a cane again. As the hunter jumped forward, he stabbed directly into the huge black eye sockets of this twisted filth.


The splattered filthy bloodstains spread in all directions, and the hunter just stepped on the face of the thing, grabbed the cane that was deeply pierced into the eye socket of the thing, and slashed and slid to one side forcefully, turning the whole eye from the left The long and narrow wound was cut to the right, causing more dirty blood to flow out quickly.

At this moment, the huge fingers slapped towards the face, but the hunter had already grabbed the thing's hair first, and swung it to the other's shoulder.The saw blade slashed across the thing's cheek as it slid, cutting deep lacerations across the face as the hunter moved.Immediately after stepping on the shoulder of this thing, the hunter turned his head and saw the tongue of the other party sticking out again, and the wriggling thing pushed out with great force.

The weight was thrown out violently, hitting the hunter's body and flying him away, falling far into the red ground.

It's so fast...

Quickly getting up again, the hunter raised his head, and saw that the huge monster whose face was already covered with tears opened its mouth wide, condensing a black shock wave towards the direction where it was. Release violently.

boom -

Spreading, violently rippling roar.

The explosion followed and spread all the way, making the temperature of this bright red world even hotter.

The bone spur on the back thrust forward violently, but was dodged by the hunter.

The second bone spur almost followed suit. Although the hunter managed to dodge this time, he was still thrown away by the shock wave and rolled on the ground before he was able to stand up.

And the first bone spur had been pulled out at this moment, and it stabbed fiercely at the hunter again.


The ground roared and exploded at this moment.

The hunter ran wildly in a bright red world, and the two huge bone spurs continued to protrude, creating pits one after another behind him, chasing the hunter's traces in the constant roar all the way crazy The bombardment made the entire red space tremble at this moment.

And in such a gap, the hunter forced the distance between him and the monster body again against the crazy attack of this thing, and swung the sawing knife burning with red flames directly on the twisted and covered monster. On the heart of the eyeball, a large piece of flesh and blood was forcibly torn off during the vigorous pulling.

[■■——! ! ! 】

The panting sound finally changed a little at this moment. Along with the spreading waves, the hunter fell backwards and hit the ground, then quickly stood up and rushed forward.He could already see the hands of the monster raised high, and from the sky, one after another, black filthy lights that were about to penetrate down.

And the only safe area for this move is in front of that thing!


In the surging air current, the hunter dodged the slapping palm, took a sudden step forward, directly pressed against the body of the thing, and slashed the meat saw again on the wriggling heart and flesh. above.

And at the same time, countless filthy lights suddenly descended, exploding incomparably terrifying shocks in an instant, and in an instant, the entire red space was churning with berserk energy.

Chapter 160 Six: Demon God Prologue


The red land was shattered at this moment, and quickly healed.

This world seems to be really shaped by flesh and blood, even if it is damaged for a while, it will quickly return to its original state.

The black filthy airflow has gradually dissipated, and before the monster's giant palm fell, the hunter's sawing knife with red flames pierced deeper into the heart of the thing, cutting a hole of one or two meters hard. A big wound comes.

Without the slightest hesitation, the hunter directly plunged into the heart, ignoring the suffocation and pain caused by the filthy blood all over his body. At this moment, with the hunter's waving, the meat saw directly hit the inside of these deformed flesh and blood. Crazy biting and cutting, the blade cut out from the inside, cut a series of openings on the flesh, kept pulling, expanding, and tearing off more flesh and blood, smashing those eyeballs, and completely destroying those wriggling blood vessels. Slash and explode.

[■————! ! ! 】

This desperate and ferocious behavior finally caused huge trauma to this behemoth at this moment. The whole body was completely soaked in the gushing blood, and the blood-stained hunter fell out along with the shattered heart. to the ground below.

Then the monster with a completely broken heart fell heavily, and its entire upper body hit the ground at this moment.The damage to the heart seems to have caused the thing to suffer extremely terrible trauma at this moment, to the point where it lost the strength to support the body.

And the hunter stood up almost scrambling, and rushed up to face the monster without the slightest hesitation.

The bone spurs on the back of this huge monster stabbed downwards, almost stabbing the hunter who was still staggering. The monster's huge mouth opened, and before the wriggling tongue came out, the hunter directly bumped into it, and the monster The tongue rolled into the monster's big mouth together, so that the hunter's body was covered with bloody wounds from being scratched by such sharp fangs.

The monster itself seemed completely unaware of the hunter's "meal delivery" behavior, and subconsciously closed its mouth, but this attempt failed the next moment as the hunter pulled the muzzle of the cannon.The violent explosion directly blew most of its teeth out, and the hunter cut the tendons on both sides of the mouth in the blood, which forced the fragmented mouth to grow a little bit, followed by the hunter turned around and cut it with a knife. Cutting, cutting, and cutting deeper into the tongue that I had been holding tightly to, finally cut off the tongue bit by bit on the spot, and a large amount of dirty blood flew out and sprayed out. everywhere.

[■■——! ! ! 】

A distorted voice that couldn't tell what was being said.

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