At this moment, the black blood water almost drowned his vision, and every drop that fell on his body was filled with unbearable severe pain of corrosion.

The hunter's breathing became heavier, but the movements of his hands became more and more fierce.


For the lower part of the severed tongue, he stood firmly in the mouth of this thing, and swung the meat saw vigorously to cut on the side of the mouth of this thing, deep, deep cut in, until it touched It stops when it hits a bone.

The huge monster howled in pain, struggled, and stretched out its hand to get inside its mouth, but it couldn't catch the nimble hunter.

One slash, another slash,

The saw knife got stuck on the bone of the lower jaw, and under the power of the burning bright red flame, it got deeper and deeper, and it was hard embedded in the joint between the bones.Following the hunter, he jumped out all of a sudden, and the meat saw tightly held in his hand rotated with his movements, driving the powerful force to tear open the bones of the big mouth, making the crackling sound suddenly clear.

[■————! ! ! 】

The distorted voice had completely lost its original pitch at this moment.

The hunter fell to the ground, staggered back a few steps before barely standing still, and was pierced directly by a bone spur, and the released shock wave exploded into rotten flesh on the spot.

After opening his eyes again, the hunter fell into the red land, and ran towards the monster whose jaw had been torn off in half, and now its whole mouth was tilted and overturned, and pulled closer again. with the distance.

The turbulent bone spurs swung forward, and with the sound of another explosion on the ground, the thing's mouth began to condense black light trying to attack the hunter, but because the mouth itself had been torn apart, the filthy power shattered before it could condense completely. Come on, there is no way to launch the attack at all.


With the sound of breathing, the distance has been shortened again.

The huge arm swung down heavily, fingers embedded in the ground.

The hunter stepped out and leaped into the air, and the ground under his feet was covered by countless spikes.

The cane turned into a long whip and was thrown out, grabbing the giant hand.

The moment the hunter lifted his finger, he was driven into the air by the force, and fell directly towards the face of the monster.


Thinking became clearer and calmer.

Just staring at the hideous and twisted horror below.

The fallen hunter stretched out his cane, pierced the other eye of the thing directly, and pierced it deeply.

crunch - crunch -

The cane stirred in the eye sockets.

Crunch—crunch—the hunter squatted on the monster's upturned cheek, and while moving, he kept moving forward with his cane on the thing's eye, cutting the eye horizontally with a huge wound, The eyes of the huge monster were completely abolished at this moment.

Fall, fall in blood.

At the moment when the monster covered his eyes and roared, the hunter fell to the ground, got up quickly, and rushed forward without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, two giant hands slapped fiercely from both sides, exploding the hunter who had just jumped up on the spot, his whole body was completely shattered in an instant, and rained blood in all directions.

And at the moment when this attack ended, this huge thing had already turned its head, and looked at a healed eye socket in the direction where the hunter had come running not far away.

One thing the hunter did not guess wrong.

This thing, this gigantic monster, knows that the hunter is coming to life.

It even knows where the hunter was resurrected.

If it wasn't after the death of the temple knight Cromorgan, this place still has a certain degree of restraint on this abominable thing, so that it can only stay where it is, and can only wait for the hunter to come and attack it. If so, then after the hunter was resurrected for the first time, this thing would definitely attack the lantern that the hunter had hidden in advance.Because in the perception of this monster, the death of the hunter himself was not death at all, but just dissipated.

Dissipated, and then consumed some power, re-condensed near the lantern, and changed into the appearance of a hunter again.

So to destroy the hunter, we must destroy the lantern.

[■■——! ! ! 】

The giant mouth opened, trying to gather strength again.

However, half of the entire jaw had been removed by the hunter in advance. At this moment, the monster, which was unable to launch an impact, could only open its mouth in vain, continue to attack with the tentacles behind it, and try to catch the hunter with its huge hands.

Dodging, approaching, the hunter once again arrived in front of this terrifying thing, and once again tried his best to swing his weapon to attack.

The sharp thorns and shock waves intertwined continuously in the roaring sound. The hunter stepped forward again and again, rushed forward again and again, attacked alternately, blood surged, and then was torn apart again, and rushed out again.

And the head of that huge monster was finally smashed into a hole by the hunter under repeated heavy blows, and under a fierce thrust, the hunter's walking stick was directly and completely twisted into the head of the thing, Tearing a deep wound through the opponent's head.


The sound of pain seemed somewhat similar to the initial gasp, but it was even more distorted and hideous.

The hunter, who had been resurrected for the sixth time, fell heavily to the ground and staggered up after rolling twice. His body was covered with dirty blood and shattered brain fluid.

And the huge monster hit the ground all of a sudden, and the aura on his body seemed to gradually become weaker at this moment.

Is it over?

Has this filthy heart been resolved?

The hunter, who was panting heavily, stood up while holding on to his cane with some exhaustion, and looked at the huge monster whose heart had been blown out and whose head had been pierced through.

Then I saw this thing opened its eyes, trembling and twisting its body again.

No, it's not over yet.

The hunter, who took a step back, felt an increasingly strong feeling at this moment.


It's not "it's over" anymore.

This breath, this feeling, this thing...

Are those powers just now just instinctive phenomena caused by incomplete awakening?

Towards the power scattered around, these filthy powers that gathered and then shattered were more than doubled compared to the concentration just now.

boom -

The surging black light lifted the hunter, who was already in a state of exhaustion from continuous resurrection and fierce fighting, into the air.

The surrounding red soil gradually changed at this moment, and gradually became deeper and deeper. From a dark red color, it began to change to a dark purple appearance, making this extremely huge hole gradually take on a somewhat strange and divine appearance. Come.



A heavy, yet extremely painful gasp.

The twisted thing has gradually supported itself again.

And amidst the panting of a dying person, the hunter felt a stronger killing intent than before.

He began to realize that hunting this filthy heart, hunting this fallen god, and hunting this dark demon god was just a prologue.

Chapter 160 Seven: Dirty Frenzy

The monster, which had been completely dyed deep purple, opened its torn mouth at this moment, and stretched out its arms upward.

Its hands began to rot, and its head also began to rot. At this moment, the whole body of this huge monster was rotting violently, as if it could no longer maintain its own shape, and fell into a state of more and more ruptures. .

However, at the same time as this rotting, it almost immediately appeared, under the rotting body, the flesh and blood that was rapidly regrowing.

Covered by purple blood vessels, it was a little smaller than before, but its breath became even more terrifying.


A strong air current is sweeping towards the surroundings.


The earth is vibrating at a more intense frequency.


The hunter who couldn't stand still fell to the ground again, and the swept ground rolled in the direction of that thing.

These things around, these purple-red things that make up the ground, are converging on the monster's body further?

Could it be that this thing has been gradually awakening and strengthening during the battle?

Standing up with difficulty in the violently shaking ground, the hunter half squatted on the ground, holding the meat saw tightly, staring at the thing that was getting closer to him, the thing surrounded by countless purple-red rays of light, that was constantly rotting and festering. wearing something.

pat- pat-

The flesh and blood on the surface continued to shatter at this moment.

The corrupted things that fell quickly turned into ashes and dissipated and disappeared.

And the new flesh and blood thing has raised its head at this moment.

It was a slightly human-like thing, and it seemed to look more human than the monster just now.

Purple-red blood vessels covered the whole body, as if they were about to break free from the flesh.

At this moment, the elongated hands extended outwards, and extended to the surroundings, with six or seven fingers distorted. It could be seen that the nails had become longer.

Five or six sharp and slender bony spurs grew from the back. These bony spurs seemed to resemble limbs, and they began to bend to a certain extent, as if they had changed from simple thorns to tentacles of some insects. .

The torso of this thing has shrunk significantly, and the overall curves appear thinner, at least compared to the size of this thing.More eyes emerged from the festering flesh, distributed in different positions on the torso, and two new arms grew out from the chest, more like human's, showing light red arms, just Put your hands together like this, as if you are praying.

The biggest change appeared on the thing's cheek at this moment, because the original head of the thing didn't seem to be completely rotten, but the upper and lower jaws completely fell off, and then a new human face grew out of the hole in the mouth. One is still distorted and deformed, but more like a human face.This makes this thing present two different faces. The strange thing is that these two faces are obviously still able to move, and you can constantly see the blood vessels on the cheeks, and there seem to be some bugs in the dark eye sockets. The grotesque appearance of something crawling.


The murmuring, panting sound sounded again, and after the appearance of this thing had completed its transformation, the hunter heard the sound of this thing again.

Weird sound.


The monster, which had shrunk to a height of about five meters, seemed to be a little taller at this moment.

No, it's not that it's raised a little, but that compared to the last thing, this thing has more parts exposed.

The hunter could see the monster's belly growing out of the dirt.

The previous one could only grow to the chest and then stop, but this one can reveal the abdomen?

If this thing will change its shape further, will it slowly break away from the soil, become free to move, become able to go anywhere, roam in the entire Lost Cave, or run outside? The Garden of the Old Gods, the Forest of the Cursed outside, or even... the Corrupt Field, and the human living area today?

Without the slightest hesitation, he stepped forward again.

Aware of a certain urgency, the hunter rushed forward to face the monster that was still in a state of transformation.


Whispering, distorted voices.

One of the two faces turned around, but the other remained in place.

A slender giant hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed at him.The hunter dodged to one side, watching the huge palm dig seven deep cut marks on the ground, then raised it up suddenly, and directly set off a sharp air flow and rushed towards the distance.

On the arm, one big mouth after another opened, screaming and wailing, spraying out a large amount of corrosive acid and falling all over the ground.

The hunter bravely moved forward in the acid, crossing a distance of tens of meters, rushed to the front of that thing, and then raised the meat saw in his hand.


It was at this moment that the monster's newly grown abdomen, the navel that seemed to be nothing worth noting, suddenly opened at this moment, and a huge purple intestine was sprayed out immediately.

The hunter who was caught off guard was directly hit by this intestine, and then found that his whole body was stuck to the intestine.At this time, the wriggling intestines gradually appeared large and small cracks, just like the cracks on the ground in the dry season, but densely packed teeth grew in each crack, and a strong corrosive foul-smelling liquid flowed out of each crack .

At this moment, the hunter grasped the meat saw with great difficulty, and aimed the blade at this thing. The mechanism rang, and amidst a fierce vibration of "click", the blade of the meat saw was thrown forward violently. Before the fangs successfully ate the hunter's flesh, they bit their flesh one step at a time, viciously cutting off a large portion of the entire intestine.


The huge palm was clapped at the next moment, and a sharp nail directly pierced the hunter's stomach.

The hunter with a muffled grunt swung his weapon again and slashed at the giant hand, but compared with the intestines, the arm seemed to be much stronger, so that the hunter's attack had no obvious effect.Immediately afterwards, this arm grabbed the hunter and lifted him up high. Then, the human face that had just grown out of the twisted filth opened its mouth at this moment, and directly opened its mouth to bite the hunter and one of its own fingers at the same time. The densely packed fangs were embedded in each other, completely crushing the hunter inside.


As a way of dying, listening to the sound of your own bones being chewed seems somewhat special.

The hunter opened his eyes, walked away from the lantern in a daze, jumped off the platform, and landed in the open area in front of him again.

Around, the bloody things under those rocks are obviously much darker than before.

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