Is that thing really gradually waking up, absorbing these things buried under the rock bit by bit?

While thinking, the hunter ran forward quickly, approaching the huge monster in front of him.

And amidst the surging flesh and blood, the thing turned its head slowly, and the newly grown cheek chewed it several times in succession, as if it realized that the thing it was chewing suddenly disappeared, and the body of this thing disappeared. His gaze turned to the back of the hunter, to a certain direction he just ran out of, and then his gaze stayed on the hunter's body, and then the huge mouth full of fangs opened, as if to show a smile.

Are you coming again?

When the hunter saw the thing open its mouth, it realized that the other party was about to spray that black, foul light again.


The next moment, the hunter saw what the thing spit out.

The hunter saw the huge head on the twisted monster, and spit out the smaller head towards him.

hunter:? ? ?

The hunter, who looked at the thing's head-spitting action in shock, subconsciously slowed down a beat.

Following him, he saw the head flying in mid-air facing him, and the black filthy light had completely condensed in the open mouth.

Chapter 160: Fire of Blessing

The roaring black light pierced through long traces on the ground, followed by a violent explosion that immediately followed, spreading from all the places where the light swept.

The head suddenly fell to the ground, and immediately began to expand violently, but it exploded violently in the blink of an eye, turning into countless flying pieces of meat and scattering all over the sky.

Once the piece of meat fell on the purple-red ground, it immediately dissolved and grew several to dozens of sharp blood thorns, so fast that it could be completed in the blink of an eye.

The hunter who was caught off guard was suddenly pierced through the abdomen and legs by these bloody spikes, and fell back to the ground one after another. Then he saw a huge palm enlarged in front of him.


Amidst the tremors, the hunter turned over with some difficulty to avoid it, then turned around and swiped out with a long whip, tearing the flesh on that arm.

The wound on his body healed in an instant, making the hunter's movements sharp again.

He took a step, ran, and ran forward amidst the faster swing speed of this thing than before.



A distorted sound suddenly passed by, followed by the sound of wind.

The hunter avoided the waving arm, and then saw the thing suddenly turn around, and move the direction it was facing under the purple-red surround, so that the back full of arthropod spurs faced his direction.

The sharp bone spurs fell down suddenly, piercing heavily into the ground beside the hunter.

The hunter, who had no room for thinking, rolled forward, avoiding a bone spur attack, and then rolled continuously, quickly getting closer to the monster under the pursuit of bone spurs, and then headed towards the opponent's body rush away.

Well, this is—


I saw purple flowers gradually growing from the ground.

Growing just in front of him, a purple flower without any branches and leaves, shaking gently, looks exceptionally beautiful.

Surrounded by clusters of petals, it surrounds a small eyeball in the very center.

A small eyeball staring at him.

Why, there is such a flower here?


The next moment the hunter knew why in a rush of wind.

The tiny tentacles stretched out suddenly, pulling the hunter violently towards the flowers.

The eyeball disappeared, replaced by extremely sharp serrated teeth.

The hunter swung his knife sharply, smashing the predatory flower made of flesh and blood with a saw knife, and then heard the whistling wind that had no time to avoid it, and was pierced by the sharp bone spurs falling from the top of his head on the spot.

Open your eyes again...

How many times is this his resurrection?

He stumbled to the ground, jumped out of the hole, and landed in this huge underground space.

The hunter panted heavily, raised his head, and looked at the thing in the distance, which was obviously watching him.

The battle isn't over yet.

It's not time to rest yet.

Go forward, keep going.

Then the hunter noticed the flowers, the flowers that were growing all over the fields, the flowers that would attack any life that approached.

The meat saw jerked out and fell, chopping up a filthy flower.

Subtle echoes poured into the hunter's body, revitalizing his somewhat exhausted body due to the constant death and resurrection.

Realizing that these flowers have echoes, the hunter who can help him reduce the burden of resurrection immediately speeds up his actions. He keeps cutting more flowers, letting these invisible echoes pour into his body, and in the process Little by little, the distance between him and the enemy was shortened.

That huge monster naturally couldn't understand what the hunter was doing, it just instinctively waved its hands, condensing one after another of filthy light, and bombarded the hunter.

There was one explosion after another, and the ground trembled one after another, but the hunter just quickly cut open a few purple flowers that were blooming on the ground, and quickly closed the distance to this thing after roughly confirming that it was almost done.

This time, this thing must be solved in one go.

Take a step, take off.

The long sword of Glendale exuding the cold air was thrown out, piercing through the mouth of the second head that had regrown in that huge head, and accompanied by a freezing sound, the entire jaw of the thing was completely frozen live.

The cane popped out again, and the long whip danced to wrap around one of the arms of the thing. Before the opponent slapped it down, the whole person jumped up and stepped on this arm.


It seemed to hear something not very good.

The hunter, who sensed something, jumped up again, and then saw thunder bursting violently from the whole body of this thing, covering the whole body in an instant.

This thing seems to be able to realize that the hunter will try to climb up on his body to fight as he continues to fight, so at this moment, his whole body is directly covered with thunder, making it impossible for the hunter to step on his body.

However, even if you don't step on it, you still have a way to attack.

The next moment, the hunter took off a grease bottle from his body and threw it directly at the thing.

The pistol pops out, pull the trigger.

The gunfire was followed by the sound of glass shattering.

The bright red oil spread and burned violently as if blessed by some power, covering the whole body of this thing in the blink of an eye.

Those surging thunders not only have no way to fight against the burning, on the contrary, the filthy power further stimulated

Inspired by the power of these things, the burning became more violent in an instant, and even an explosion appeared directly.

The hunter was thrown away by the shock wave, rolled over and regained his footing, stood up and saw the flame-wrapped thing struggling violently.

The two huge mouths opened at the same time at this moment, as if to let out a scream, but there was no way to make any sound.

In the burning fire, even the surrounding purple-red land has undergone transformation. This flame is burning more and more, spreading more and more. It is very obvious that it has completely exceeded the normal burning limit of oil and spread madly. It even forced the hunter to flee a distance to the rear.

The large expanse of purple-red land, together with the five-meter-high monster itself, were all burned by blood-red flames at this moment.

The hunter couldn't understand why the flame suddenly became so powerful. Obviously, when he painted it on the meat saw to cut this thing, it only played a slightly auxiliary role, but now, at this moment, the power of the flame But it seemed that something insanely insane had been incorporated into it, so that the intensity of the burning was completely uncontrollable.

Do not……

Not the power of madness...

The flames spread to the hunter's feet and around his body.

But it didn't burn on the hunter's body.

This is not some crazy power.

This is simply the power of blessing.

What has been fused into the red grease and has been hidden all along, at this moment because of the large-scale use of it by the hunter in one breath, coupled with the filthy power of this monster that is so strong that it has exceeded a certain limit, And those who have been thoroughly stimulated to achieve the ultimate effect, the most powerful effect, are just the blessings of those children.


The fiercely burning fire did not burn the hunter's body at all.

He started to run again.

Running in the raging fire.

The flames like a prairie fire only lasted for a short period of time and then began to disappear. After all, the blessed flames were still too little. Even if the supernormal effects were exerted, they could only last for a little longer.

But for hunters, for hunters who are just looking for an opportunity, this is enough to constitute an extremely precious opportunity.

One that allows him to quickly approach the enemy in front of him and launch a fatal attack, without the need to use death to test out the opponent's tricks like before, and then think about how to crack it bit by bit, and come up with a solution bit by bit A chance, a chance to bring a truly mortal threat to this twisted monster.


In the sound of panting, the monster whose flesh and blood was scorched black and cracked at this moment, could not detect the hunter running from the gradually extinguished flames in the first place.

Those red flames were too blazing, blocking all prying eyes and the hunter's figure.It was as if there was a figure of a child standing out at this moment, running along with the hunter, blocking the hunter's front, blocking the monster's sight of the hunter, allowing the hunter to approach the hunter again very quickly. crazy monster.


The meat saw knife, which was burnt red in the flames, directly penetrated the abdomen of this thing and embedded it deeply.

The hunter stomped on the ground, causing cracks in the same scorched ground under his feet, and he jumped up like a cannonball.

Driven by his strength, the meat saw tore more and more flesh and blood, from the abdomen to the chest, to the neck of the thing, and to the frozen jaw of the thing.

The hunter stretched out his hand in mid-air, and grabbed the long sword that was pierced in the thing's mouth, freezing a large area.

Then, captured by gravity, the hunter held a meat saw in one hand and a cold long sword in the other. The two weapons pierced the chest of the thing simultaneously, tearing apart as the hunter fell. Going through the strategy, from the chest to the abdomen, he cut open a large amount of flesh and blood all the way, and cut three huge wounds that cut open the belly of this thing in succession, making the dirty blood water violent like a torrential rain. It's dripping down.

Chapter 160 Nine: End?

The twisted monster crashed to the ground as the blood was torn apart.

The gigantic monster howled at this moment, and jet-black rays of light continued to emerge from its body.

The meat saw knife in the hunter's hand was raised high, and in the next moment, it cut fiercely at the neck of this thing. The serrated blade was completely embedded in the flesh, and it cut deeper and deeper bit by bit. The place continues to cut.

The huge arm was raised at this moment, trying to grab the hunter, but because the monster's body structure was too deformed, it couldn't touch the hunter's position at all.The jointed limbs on the back were also dancing wildly at this moment, but there was no way to hit the hunter who was on the neck of the monster.

Cut, cut, go deeper, keep cutting.

The meat saw had completely submerged into the neck of this huge monster, and under the constant force of the hunter, it continued to saw the flesh and blood of this thing, just like sawing wood, going deeper and deeper.With the cutting of the blade, the hunter's body

A part of the body has already penetrated into the body of this thing, and the whole body is sprayed with a lot of blood, dripping with blood.

The monster's howl became harsher and crazier at this moment.

The hunter, who seemed to have no sense of it, just cut deeper and continued to cut again.


Until he finally cut to the bone of the thing, on the bone of the monster's neck.


Stretch out the blade and slash down heavily.

The bone was even stronger than the hunter had expected, so that the hunter's blow could barely make a slight depression.

So at the next moment, the meat saw was deformed in the sound of tearing, and the blade popped out to tear a large piece of flesh, and most of his body was buried in the monster's neck. The hunter in the middle of the meat saw followed again, letting the blade The deformation bounced back, and it was directly stuck on the bone of this thing.

click - click -

Forcefully, in the sound of tearing at this moment, the hunter tugged at the bones that stuck the monster's neck, just so stiffly, little by little, in that tooth-piercing broken sound, he pulled the bone The bones of the thing were broken in half.

A broken, spreading sound.

And the sound of the monster struggling frantically, its whole body constantly shaking, trying to throw the hunter out of the wound on his neck.

The hunter could feel his body uncontrollably following the violent swing, but he didn't care, he just tightly grasped the meat saw that was still stuck on the bone of the thing .

Not only that, with the help of the monster's swinging power, he can even further exert power on the meat saw, causing the bones to tear apart faster and shatter faster. Under the exertion of his own power, Finally, it was completely twisted off.

Kacha-! ! !

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