It seems to have similarities with the breath of the filthy monster, but it is completely different, something that makes people feel that it is not at the same level.

It was obviously only about two meters in size, which was a head taller than a hunter, and it didn't have the oppressive feeling of a huge size like other filthy monsters. It was just like a filthy monster that couldn't be smaller.

But this seemingly nothing special, bloated flesh and blood monster brought unprecedented pressure to the hunter at this moment.

Unprecedented, never faced, indescribably strange and oppressive.

It's like, I'm not facing some filthy monster.

I am facing things that are more evil, deeper, more transcendent in nature, more unreasonable, and inaccessible.


crunch - crunch -

The sound was still going on.

And this thing made of bloated maggot-like flesh and human hands slowly stood up again at this moment.

At this time, the hunter saw the things under the two faces, the things distributed under the body of this thing, and the densely packed human hands.

It appeared to be some kind of bloated mass with black shapes inside.

Hunters can feel something pregnant in these black things.

Something was gestating inside this weird thing.

The breath of that thing made the hunter think of the monsters he was fighting just now, the various monsters he saw in the Cursed Forest, and the various monsters he saw in the Corrupted Field.In each of these monsters, in each of them, the hunter can feel this breath.

Feel the breath that is being conceived, has not yet matured, has not yet been released, and is spreading.

foul breath.

The body of this bug-like thing is densely filled, one after another, the filthy aura that is gestating.

In each lump, there is an original breath that can pollute a large area, provide strength for thousands of monsters, and regenerate the killed monsters. It belongs to the original breath of filthy power.

And such lumps, densely packed, piled up inside this thing.

Hunters have seen it.

I saw that in the bloated body of this thing, under the skin that seemed to be full of fat, it occupied the entire body, one after another, such lumps that bred filthy power, and this kind of lumps were constantly breeding more More deadly lumps of foul power.

The flesh and blood of the gods has been corrupted.

Defiled things that pollute the gods.

Such a thing feeds on the body of a former god.

What was born in the end was this twisted and corrupted god that appeared in front of the hunter's eyes.

The source of this filth.

This truly filthy heart.


The hunter, who had understood everything, slowly raised the meat saw in his hand in silence.

No matter what kind of enemy you face, the essence of hunting will not change.

This is what sacrificed countless hunters, and countless people fell, and there is nothing that can be seen.

This is the root of the invisible filth that brings disaster to this world.

This is also the only target they want to kill when they form a hunting god team and try their best to get here.

It is also the reason why I came here, and the only reason why I am here.

Completely wipe out this corrupt god's flesh and blood.

Bring true peace to this long overdue goddess of the earth.

This is what I have to accomplish now.


Towards the front, towards this twisted thing, the hunter took a step forward.

Although the body is exhausted.

Although every part of his body is warning him that his current state is not good.

But the hunter still didn't hesitate, just took a step towards this thing, raised the weapon in his hand, and then accelerated suddenly.

When I come here, what I need to do, what I must accomplish, is only this one thing.

So, let's end here.

This ultimate hunt!


The meat saw that exploded in an instant, followed the hunter's swinging movement, and swung towards the flesh and corruption in front of him in an instant.

Chapter 170: Divine Power

Unexpectedly, the first blow he swung directly landed on the opponent's body.

Even the hunter himself didn't think of it, and the opponent didn't make any evasive movements at all, and just cut him with a single knife.

The meat saw tore apart the bloated flesh in an instant, and immediately saw the dense wriggling lumps inside, stuffed in this thing like a large pile of insect eggs.

It can be said that it is completely beyond the imagination of the opponent to let him hit without any reaction, but the hunter did not hesitate at this moment. After the first blow, he immediately followed up with the second blow and followed. To give this thing a hard blow.

Then, he saw the gaze raised by the other party and staring at him.


After the violent explosion, the hunter flew backwards into the distance, and was directly sent flying tens of meters away by this blow.

An unbearable severe pain came from one side of his chest at this moment, clearly telling the hunter the fact that his bones had been broken, but at this moment, facing a person with such a terrifying aura and completely unknown abilities Something, the hunter didn't dare to have any hesitation, endured the pain and turned over and stood up, his eyes looked around, but he didn't see that bloated monster like a bug again.

Where did you go?

Holding the meat saw tightly, the hunter frowned and looked around at this moment.

Did not see any trace of the enemy.

Is it invisible?

This thing has the ability to hide its own figure?

Taking a step cautiously, the hunter turned around, looked behind him, and looked around him.

Still nothing was found.

In this quiet world, it seems that there is only one person.

It doesn't feel like anything else is there.

Has the breath been completely hidden?


The suppressed panting sound suddenly sounded again.

The hunter suddenly turned to the direction of the sound, fired a shot, and amidst the "bang" of the gunshot, he saw the thing that appeared directly in front of him out of thin air.

【Ah... ah...】

In the sound of gasping and struggling to breathe, the white arm dug into the hunter's chest.

With the sound of tearing, one of the hunter's lungs was forcibly ripped out. At this moment, the blood was flying and violently splashing around, and it was pulled out along with the slightly deformed arm. with.

The hunter's breath was suddenly suffocated, but without the slightest hesitation, he slashed into the flesh and blood of this thing with a backhand blow, and directly cut open several lumps with the sound of tearing. Let the unformed filth within dissipate.

What was absorbed.

In the torn blood, the hunter felt and absorbed something.

The hole in the chest that was pulled out quickly healed, and the torn internal organs quickly began to recover. Although the broken bones did not grow back, at this moment, with the crazy counterattack, the hunter regained himself in an instant The lost things were rebuilt with the monster's blood and life.

Come again!

The attack swung out violently, but the next moment it was completely empty.


In that panting sound, the bug-like thing had already healed its wound, took a big step back, and then sank directly into the soil like this.

It turns out that this thing can drill into the ground.

Is this why I couldn't find where this thing went before?

Thinking like this, the hunter took a step forward, and then felt something was wrong.

The ground is flickering.

The color of the entire ground is constantly flickering at this moment.

The ground, which was originally just maintaining a dark red color, flickered violently for no reason at this moment, and it was completely incomprehensible why it flickered like this, in a faster and brighter state, constantly flickering. flashed a bright red color.


It is even possible to hear something sounding from the ground.


It was getting closer and closer, the sound gushing from the depths of the ground.


The hunter turned around abruptly, facing the source of the sound.

boom! ! !

The next moment, he was directly knocked out by the rock pillar that rushed out of the ground.


In mid-air, not yet

Can wait until I turned around, the ground below roared again and raised the second stone pillar, hitting the hunter with great force, causing him to fly high to a higher place.

The sound of the wind, whereabouts.

The roar sounded again.

The third stone pillar pierced through the ground and hit the hunter who was about to hit the ground, knocking him to a higher place again.


One after another, huge stone pillars continue to rise.

The hunter was hit hard by these stone pillars over and over again, covered in blood, and fell heavily to the ground.


In the sound of sighing, the monster appeared again.

The hunter struggled to stand up, wanting to fight with the opponent, but his head was grabbed by a white arm, and the whole person was pressed heavily to the ground.


The violently spread spider web-like cracks stretched for a distance of more than ten meters, and the hunter's whole body was embedded in the ground and rocks by this blow.


The pain spread, but the hunter became more conscious.

Stretching out his hand, ignoring the fact that one finger was broken, the hunter reached out and grabbed the skinless, bloody face of the thing, and dunked his hands into the other's eyeballs fiercely. burst open.

The other party had obviously never seen an opponent like a hunter who had been beaten to death and was still desperately fighting back. Caught off guard, the panting sound directly turned into a high-pitched howl, and followed the hunter. It was thrown far away like a piece of rag, hit a rock pillar not far away, smashed through it directly, and smashed through five or six stone pillars one after another in the loud sound of bursting and collapsing. It flew far away on the ground, and after hitting the ground, it flew up again, then hit the ground and rolled out for tens of meters, and finally flew directly from one end of this huge space to the other, and fell on the rocky wall at the edge of the space Down.


Indescribably severe pain.

Hunter didn't know whether he should be thankful that his physical fitness has become stronger, or should he feel that good physical fitness has its disadvantages.

If the other party used a crisp killing method, such as smashing his head with a slap, the hunter must have been revived at full strength at this moment. After all, he picked up so many invisible echoes to deal with this matter.However, the opponent uses a blunt attack method more often, and the hunter will also be injured by such an attack, but because the feedback effect is usually fractures and internal bleeding, at this time, with his strong physical fitness, he can actually force Hold on for a while longer before you die.

Can't least not yet...

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