This life is dead...

But... at least find out the opponent's moves...

Death is not terrible, what matters is whether death is worthwhile or not.

For a guy like Hunter, death just means starting over, doing it all over again.

So what I have to do is to make my death have enough value and make my death meaningful.

Find the flaws in the opponent's moves.

Then, use infinite repetitions to push the opponent to a dead end over and over again!

The hunter, who had already clearly realized the gap between the two sides in the previous contest, gritted his teeth at this moment and once again mobilized his whole body's strength.

The almost shattered bones started to move again at this moment.

"Ha ha……"

Taking deep breaths one after another, the panting hunter slowly stood up and looked around him.

Didn't see where that thing was.

Have you dived into the ground again?

The hunter stared at the ground around him, and gradually receded towards the back, towards the stone wall behind.

Then, realizing something, he immediately wanted to turn around and go back, but was caught by a white arm the moment he turned back.


The squirming figure walked upwards among the rocky walls.

The hunter was grabbed by the head like this, and he was brought into the sky while he was breathing.


The tearing sound of the sawing knife suddenly sounded, and the hunter fell to the ground in the next moment, fell hard on the ground and spat out blood.Beside him, there was a white arm that was slowly decomposing and dissipating, rolling to the ground.

this thing...


One arm after another grabbed the hunter from behind.

Very fast.

This thing can move instantly in the dirt and rocks.

Wait, he remembered.

Abigail once read in ancient books that one of the powers of the goddess of the earth, Viniyadh, is the ability to reach a planet in an instant, any place covered by a high density of solid matter.Although this ability is generally considered to be able to move instantly between lands, in essence, as long as the density is higher than that of water, and there is no solid whose composition distribution changes drastically, it can become the shuttle area of ​​the goddess of the earth. It is said that as long as the connected area The length is sufficient, and it is not impossible to transmit beyond the speed of light.

It is naturally impossible for this twisted filth to fully reproduce that level of power, but what if the other party can realize this kind of power in a small range?What if the opponent can realize this ability within a certain range?

If that's the case, that means... As long as I'm in the Lost Cave, no, as long as I'm standing on the ground, I can't beat this thing, it's impossible to beat this thing in any scene.Because its moving speed is infinite.

No, we must find a way to limit this!

The hunter struggled hard, trying to break free from the control of these arms.

But the power of the gap is so terrible that it cannot be made up at all, making this a futile effort.

Without hesitation, the hunter immediately summoned the messenger with his own spirit, allowing those little guys who can appear anywhere to deposit themselves with them, and handed over the modified cannon made by Andre to himself again, and used it to give this guy a second chance. .

Then, the hunter's pupils dilated slightly the next moment.

The messenger did respond to his call and appeared here.

The first one to come out was a messenger used to determine his location.Under normal circumstances, after the messenger appeared, he confirmed his position, and then the weapon he wanted would appear at the right place, and he would just hold it in his hand.

But this time, the moment the messenger just appeared, a white hand directly grabbed the little thing, crushing it and exploding it on the spot to turn it into nothingness.

hunter:? ? ?

This corrupt god and flesh monster, can it see the messenger, touch the messenger, and directly hurt them?

The rest, the messengers who had already responded in the spiritual world and were about to come, all ran away in the next moment, and then, in the panting voice, the hunter was suddenly thrown out , rolled to the ground, and when he stood up again, the rock formation above his head suddenly collapsed, directly pressing him underneath with a roar.


What can still be heard is the gasping voice sounding beside him, as if he was dying.

But the owner of that voice, that distorted monster, showed no signs of dying. On the contrary, it was himself, who was really dying this time.


The huge rock that suddenly collapsed directly crushed the hunter on the spot.

The feeling of trance passed in an instant, the echo was consumed, and the hunter woke up next to the lantern.

He hurriedly got up and was about to set off again, but before the hunter could make any further moves, a sound of wind suddenly sounded beside him, and the next moment, a huge force erupted instantly, and the hunter was caught in an instant. Pressed on the ground, his hands and feet were locked, and even his neck and head were stuck and he couldn't move.


The monster's eyes, which had already completed regeneration, were staring at him at this moment.

The hunter has a feeling, a strange feeling that is hard to describe.

The other party seemed to be curious.

This twisted and misshapen monster seemed curious.

This thing that was born in the wreckage of the gods and grew up by absorbing the flesh and blood of the gods, this thing, it has curiosity.

It is not lacking in the cruel side of being a monster, and it is also very strong.

And because it absorbed a certain degree of god's power residue, this thing not only inherited the power of the gods to a certain extent, but also developed a certain level of intelligence, and this intelligence made it more cruel at the same time. Curiosity, and a certain degree of thinking ability.

Then, this thing discovered that the hunter can resurrect and regenerate incomparably miraculously, and recover completely, this incredible and peculiar ability.


In the panting voice, those teeth slowly opened on that skinless cheek.

The next moment, this thing smashed the hunter's head with a slap.


Chapter 170 Two: Anchor Point


For hunters, death is extremely familiar.

So far, it is not clear how many times I have experienced death.

From the time he came to Fengrao Town to protect Abigail.

After entering Starry Sky Town, that burning night.

And after embarking on the journey of the god of hunting, the experience along the way.

How many times have you died so far?

Hunter really has no way to count clearly.

After all, when a so-called torment has been experienced too many times, people will actually become numb.

After the numbness passes, he no longer cares about how he died, and how many times he has died.

Therefore, it is normal to forget how many times you have died.


As for the way of death, it should be relatively rich, right?

Being bitten to death by monsters, torn to pieces, crushed to death by stones, beheaded and dismembered by swords, burned to death, killed by explosions and evaporated directly, hunters have experienced quite a lot, and among them Most of the death methods are very painful to be honest.

Generally speaking, enduring such pain is entirely possible for humans to lead to madness and the like.

But for hunters, well, I should get used to it, so it's better to use this kind of expression.

got used to it.

No matter how painful and tortured death.

As long as the end result is death.

Then, you can get used to it, and you will eventually get used to it.

For hunters, it has always been that way.




Death over and over again.


Repeated so many times that it ends up numb to death.

and also……

what is this……


Something extra came out.

After this death, something was added.

Hunter couldn't describe what it was.

Broken, disorganized.

Something that shouldn't be involved.

Twisted, crazy.

Shouldn't be here.

Shouldn't be in this place.

Stuff that shouldn't be here.


Appeared here.






Himself... broke apart...



[I have searched for every possibility]

【Sunrise is just a lie, reincarnation is still going on】

[Being captured and transformed into a puppet is a hopeless result]

[Becoming a newborn superior... No, that road is also not feasible, and what will be born in the end will only be the loss of all emotions and all past existence]

【I want to save everyone】

【But of all the possibilities I've searched for】

【There is no road to success】


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