whose voice is this?

Who is talking here?

Why is it so familiar?

It's like... something that happened to me...


Healing Church...


fishing village...

Where are these places?

Why do I feel familiar?

It's like I've been to these places before.

There is no way to remember.

Obviously feel like you should know.

But there is no way to remember.

What are those, exactly?

Why would I...


Where am I?

What am I doing?

My hunt...my mission...

what happened?

in the end--



Remember, this voice...


I must……

I must immediately...


【Ah... ah...】



The broken traces spread out bit by bit.

The white arm was gently placed in front of the lantern.

The distorted monster reached out and grabbed the lantern like this. It seemed that it only applied a little force lightly and slightly, and more cracks appeared on the dilapidated lantern. .

The hunter's body had disappeared.

The hunter did not come back to life.

The light of the lantern kept flickering, bright for a while, dim for a while.

But the hunter who was supposed to be resurrected never appeared again.


The muttering monster let out another panting sound.

And the cracks on the lantern became more and more obvious.

The light became increasingly dim.

And the darkness began to spread more and more clearly.


All the hunter can feel is darkness.

I am going deep into the darkness, and I am constantly sinking into the darkness.

keep away……

away from...

Getting away from that place... farther and farther...

He understood.

At this moment, the hunter finally realized.

The real function of that lantern is not resurrection.

The function of the lantern itself has never been resurrection.

The power of his resurrection that can be repeated infinitely does not rely on this lantern, but other more secret powers that he does not know.

But that doesn't mean the lantern's power isn't important.

On the contrary, the power of this lantern is the most important, the most important.

Because, the function of the lantern is to provide an anchor point.

The hunter finally understood.

The real function of that lantern was to anchor him in that world.

As long as the lantern still exists in that world.

The hunter can be resurrected in that world again and again.

And if the lantern is broken.

If that lantern just shatters.

Then the self who died under such circumstances will fall out of that world and return to the place where he started.

Going back to the world where I tried my best and finally broke free, no matter which way is dead, there is only despair.

At that time, the chance that I finally won, this chance to save everyone, will be... completely... ruined...

Those he wants to save...all will return to their original destiny...

All of this...will be a complete failure...

Do not……


It can't just be like this...




In a gasping voice.

The little white hands began to exert force again.

Its curiosity has been satisfied at this moment.

The hunter still has not been able to return to this world, has not been able to return.

And this little lantern, under the little white hand's grasping force bit by bit, the cracks are expanding and becoming more and more obvious.


At this moment, there seemed to be a smile on the bloody face that had lost its skin.


Then, gunshots rang out suddenly.


An eyeball on one side was suddenly blown open at this moment.

The deformed monster's body paused a little at this moment, then slowly turned around, looking at the source of the attack.

"Oh, it seems that it is quite timely."

Carrying the nameless greatsword that shimmered on his back, Disma put down the gun in his hand, and moved forward together with his fellow hunters, a ferocious smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 170 Three: Blood of the Hunter

This time, it seemed that he arrived just in time.

Disma looked at the dilapidated lantern held in the hands of that inexplicable monster, and to be honest, his heart skipped half a beat at that moment.

It’s too late to care whether that strange monster is dangerous or not. Now, if there is a problem with the hunter’s resurrection guarantee, it will really suffer. Disma shot it out directly. Pop one of the thing's eyes out.

No matter what kind of filthy monster it is, once there is a problem with the eye organ, it will have a very big reaction, so as long as it can make a move on this point, it can seize the opportunity as soon as possible and find the possibility of defeating the opponent.

"Bartley, Alhazred, cover me!"

Shouting to the companion beside him, Disma rushed directly towards the thing in the next moment.

"it is good!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Bartley raised the musket in his hand, aimed at the monster in front of him, and then pulled the trigger.

Then it flew out directly, flying tens of meters away, the whole person's head was blown open from the middle, and the brain and blood flowed all over the place, and he fell to the ground like this.


Disma, who was running in the front, was stunned at this moment.

The thing in front is gone.

Obviously, he just shot out with one shot, and it was only right that he hit the opponent.

As a result, just now when I was running forward, the other party disappeared?

What happened?

Disma stopped at this moment, a little dazed not knowing what happened.

"It disappeared all at once, is it the ability to be invisible?"

Alhazred, who was beside him, had just lit the skeleton candlestick in his hand and was about to cast a spell. Now that the enemy had disappeared, he was also stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

Didn't see the other party move at all.

In just the blink of an eye, I couldn't see where the other party went.

"Wait, Bartley has a problem!"

Because the therapist Iveco stood relatively back, he looked to the side for the first time and realized that there was already one less person in the team.

Disma and Alhazred turned their heads when they heard the voice, but they were kicked to the ground by Harir laughing next to them. Before the two of them got up, they were swept by a strong wind. , the upper body of Iveco, who was still talking just now, flew up, and was torn directly from the chest position into upper and lower halves.

"What is this?!"

I have seen all kinds of monsters in my life, but I have never seen such an outrageous monster with a hand that I don't understand how to move, and it directly killed two of them when it came up.

After the lantern not far away was finally free from all kinds of ravages, the light returned to normal, and the hunter also reappeared.

Raising his head, the hunter immediately saw the dazed Disma group and the female hunter who had been torn in two, and immediately understood that the team of hunters had distracted themselves. Let the monster divert its target, so that it can resurrect itself and return to this world.

Thank you is definitely very grateful, but——

"Let's go!"

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