The hunter's hoarse voice growled and shouted at this moment.

"Your Excellency Hunter, do you know what's going on?"

Holding the skeleton candlestick, Alhazred was obviously at a loss for this weird monster who didn't know how to kill two hunters in an instant. Seeing the hunter suddenly appearing at this moment, he asked subconsciously.

"leave here!"

Taking a step forward, the hunter didn't have time to see how his lantern was broken, so he hurriedly ran towards the hunters.

"Go! Leave!"

"It's... dangerous!"

"You guys! Go away!"

While shouting, the hunter rushed over with all his might.

Hunters can't be brought face to face with that thing.

That god-flesh monster.

That thing is not an enemy that hunters can face at all.

Even the hunter himself can't find a chance to make a comeback in front of this kind of enemy, these hunters who are ordinary people, it is even more impossible for them to deal with that thing


They have to get out of here.

These hunters must not be left in this place.


The hunter's pupils suddenly dilated.

He had already seen that thing at that moment, and it suddenly appeared above the heads of the hunters.


A tentacle slammed out at this moment, hitting the thing against the wall, creating a depression.

Alhazred exclaimed, it seemed that the tentacles acted on their own, rather than his own will.

Then the skeleton candlestick in his hand shook, and the mystic who didn't know what he had heard turned pale. Looking at the fat monster that looked like a bug that slowly crawled down from the wall, he was shocked for a while. I can't even move.

"This a god..."

In the murmuring sound, the hunter had already swooped over and directly bumped into that thing, rolling to the ground together with this extremely terrifying monster.

The pure white arms stretched out, and the hunter was directly emptied from the chest to the stomach in an instant, and all the internal organs were spilled out, and a few naughty hands penetrated from his back, gently stroking All he had left was a skinned back.

In the sound of tearing, the hunter was directly torn apart in two, and his hands were tightly grasped, unable to move at all.

So the next moment the hunter directly hit the head of this thing with his head, and hit the two faces hard together.This blow seemed to be a bit unexpected to this thing, and it made the white hands that were holding his arm relax a little bit, so he followed the hunter and shot this thing directly, using the weapon from Disma The short-barreled shotgun gave this thing a hard shot, and with a heavy crack, it flew out and hit the wall.

Although possessing extremely terrifying powers, is his own weight actually very light?

Before dying, the hunter who summed up this information turned his head to look at the hunter not far away.

They are no longer where they used to be.

ran away?

It would be fine if he ran away.

After all, for such a dangerous mission, as long as he comes alone——

Consciousness faded away again.

The rebirth is about to begin again.

Realizing this, the monster tilted its head slightly, and looked at the dimly lit lantern not far away.

"The hunter... just died like this?"

Following Disma, he had already run to Alhazred near the lantern, and couldn't react to the scene just now.

"No, as long as this lamp is on, the hunter can be resurrected."

Disma ran to the lantern while talking, grabbed the lantern and continued running towards the other side of the cave.

"With this lantern, the hunter can be resurrected? Does he have this ability?!"

Looking at the lantern held by Desma, which left many traces of kneading, and looked very dilapidated as if it would be extinguished at any time, Alhazred felt that the bizarre things he experienced today might be a bit too much. too much.

"That's right, that's right, so as long as there is no problem with the lantern, theoretically no monster can threaten the hunter. That's why he can become the hope to change everyone's fate and challenge the gods."

Although from the current point of view, the opponent may really be too fierce, this is not the strength of a world view at all, thinking about the power and speed of that thing killing the hunter in an instant, Disma feels scalp numb now.

"Well, there are a lot of strange powers in this world, but since he can be resurrected with a lantern, why hasn't he been resurrected now?"

The mystic scholar looked at the lantern in Disma's hand. Although the scene was not suitable, he wanted to touch it to be honest.

"Where am I—fuck!"

Disma's words had just opened, and then turned into a curse.

That bloated monster appeared from right in front of him at some point, and that weird face was silently staring at him, at the broken lantern in his hand.

This monster, it can understand what this lantern means.

Just looking at each other at this moment, Disma realized this.

The reason why hunters are beaten into such a miserable state, lose so badly, and make them retreat desperately is because this thing is not just a filthy monster that can only kill, but has a certain Thinking ability.

Moreover, on the basis of having this ability, the speed and strength of this thing have completely exceeded the limit of normal filthy monsters. Even among those powerful filthy monsters, it is difficult to find this level of combat power.

Is that it?

Unholy Heart, corrupted Earth Goddess.

Although this thing doesn't look particularly strange and terrifying, is its strength outrageous to this extent?

So, what should I do?

Disma has no intention of giving up now.

The opponent is probably a monster with a certain degree of "curiosity", so they are very curious about the hunters who suddenly appear to join the battle. This is the only reason why this thing didn't come over immediately and tear them alive.

However, the curiosity of this thing is based on the premise of being a filthy monster, so in the end, it must still take the people of its own

He was willing to give up only when he was torn alive.

And the hunter's lantern is now seriously damaged, I don't know how long it will take him to recover, so...

After a very short thought, it was Desma who handed the hunter's lantern to Alhazred beside him.


Then, before the other party's question came out, Disma took a step back, cut the rope of the giant sword tied to his body together, and at this moment, the giant sword that was engraved with complex lines and exuding soft light He raised it high.

"Winiad, goddess of the earth, take a look at this sword, is it something you are familiar with?"

Disma said so, raised the giant sword in his hand, and ran away in another direction like this.

Chapter 170 Four: The Dying Person

With the emergence of light, the hunter reappeared in this cave dizzily.

He stood up a little bit exhausted, turned around, and saw Alhazred holding a skeleton candlestick in his hand.


Looking around, I only saw this fellow hunter.

The hunter remembered that it should have been the two of them just now.

"He ran in the other direction, to get attention."

The mystic scholar said directly without concealment.


The hunter asked directly, and then Alhazred pointed in a direction, and the hunter quickly chased after him.

Disma, he is simply dying.

The hunter, who quickened his pace and walked through the darkness, frowned tightly.

That monster was a formidable enemy that even he couldn't face.

With the fighting power of a hunter, what exactly does he want to do?

I have to find him quickly!

Before that monster finds him!

The hunter's pace became more and more rapid at this moment.

And Alhazred in the rear watched the hunter run away in a daze at this moment, and he couldn't help sighing after a while.

Obviously there are still a lot of problems on my side, but this guy just slipped away without explaining the situation, which made him very embarrassed and embarrassed here.

Now I don't even know what the incredibly fast monster they are dealing with is!

The mystic scholar who felt as if he had been abandoned, thought about how he was when he took the initiative to participate in this desperate operation just now, and then looked at the bodies of the two companions who fell on the ground not far away. The expression on the phone became a little complicated for a while.

But this interesting lantern is in my own hand. It looks quite damaged, but it seems to be normal to the touch.

"Can this thing be repaired? Forget it, take this thing and hide it first, so as not to cause problems when you get it."

Alhazred, who was muttering to himself, disappeared into the cave with the lantern.

Not far away, the hunter who was also running had stopped now.

Can't see anything.

Can't hear anything.

At this moment, the hunter stepped into darkness, darkness in the absolute sense.

This is the area in the Lost Cave under the influence of excessive filthy power. The sound here cannot be transmitted, and the eyes can hardly see any light. Get out of trouble, and further develop, and become more completely covered the senses, so that the hunter can't feel anything in it, and can only grope forward in the dark with memory.


There should be a voice from Disma's side.

The hunter moved forward while thinking.

Disma held the sword, the greatsword from the Forgotten Knight.

The blade has light, and the sound that appears in the light area can be transmitted to the dark area.

So as long as I pay attention to the sound and the spread of that sound, I have a chance to catch up with the other party.

The hunter who calmed down walked slowly forward.

Then, in the absolute darkness and silence, the hunter suddenly heard a gunshot, a very clear gunshot from a distance.

Is it there?

The hunter quickly stepped forward, advancing in the darkness.

As for Disma at this moment, his pace has gradually slowed down.

"Ha ha……"

It's enough to kill.

Why did these injuries on my body start to hurt again?

Slowly, the more I walked, the more I couldn't move anymore.

Dragging the glowing long sword, Disma moved forward step by step in the cave.


There seemed to be a sound from the waist.

click - click -

It became increasingly apparent that there was no way to ignore the sound.

Disma lowered his head, lifted his clothes a little, and then saw the source of the sound.

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