It was the bone spur that got stuck on his waist and penetrated his abdomen.

This thing is showing more and more cracks, and debris can be seen flying in all directions.

Are you reaching your limit?

Because the main monster is dead.

So this bone spur, which is a derivative, will gradually disappear?

by that time……

probably again

Can't walk anymore?


Something sounded around him.

Disma turned his head and saw the torn face enlarged in front of him.

I have no idea when it came here.

Subconsciously, the gun in his hand pulled the trigger forward.


After the intense gunshots, the gun was thrown out, followed by Disma and hit the rocky wall behind.


The severe pain made the man who was already on the verge of his limit tremble all over his body.

He slowly got up, holding the luminous giant sword, and slowly stood up again, and found that the thing was at the edge of the light, watching him all the time.

Disma can feel malice from the opponent's sight, as if a predator was playing with its prey.

The opponent can easily kill him.

But this thing deliberately didn't do this, and even the attack just now was just a slight push.

This thing seems to be able to see that his life is not long.

Is it waiting on purpose?

Want to watch me continue to run away.

I want to see me lingering but unwilling to die.

Do you want to kill me after you have tasted enough of my despair?

Well, if that's the kind of boring stuff you want.

The corner of Disma's mouth slowly evoked a smile.

He turned around and started running.

Slowly, stumbling and running.

The pain at the wound is becoming more and more intense.

In the crackling sound, the big hole in his stomach that was pierced by bone spurs gradually began to feel a little bit of coldness, and he could feel the wind blowing in.


The voice was still ringing around him.


The voice followed behind him all the time.

That voice was like a nightmare, a judge, chasing after himself, the soul who had committed sins and was waiting for judgment.

His footsteps became more and more sluggish, while the voice behind him became clearer and closer.

Disma didn't know how long he could continue running like this, how long he could last.

But there is no doubt that the hunter needs more time to delay, so if possible, the time I bought here must be as long as possible, and I must try my best to run to a longer distance and hold this thing longer. It takes a long time.


Gradually, the bony spikes that pierced his stomach and sealed the wound on his stomach finally dissipated.

It's ironic, it's because of this thing that he fell into the brink of death, and he fell into such a situation.However, it was precisely because of this thing that he was able to persist in living for a while longer, but now that the spike was gone, and the thing that killed him was gone, he would die faster on the contrary.

But that's okay too.

My own life is gone, at least I did something before I died, so that's fine.

"Huh... Come on, come chase me, come continue to pay attention to me."

In the murmur, Disma held the huge wound on his stomach, the intestines that had flowed out of the wound, and the black dirty blood that couldn't be covered, and continued to move towards the bigger wound. Run in the direction ahead.

"Ah... uh..."

My physical condition started to get so bad that I really couldn't hold it anymore.


The panting sound continued to follow, and one could sense that the other party was really interested in him, who was about to die and was still running desperately.

So next, hold on for a while.

at least, at least...

Disma didn't run any further.

In front of him, in front of this rocky passage, he saw a stone wall.

There are still some gaps, and you can see the stone wall of the opponent's passage, but it is definitely not a stone wall that his size can drill through.

This is a dead end.

Like his life, it was a dead end.

"Ah, this is really..."

Disma finally lost his strength and sat down on the ground, leaning against the stone wall, covering the big hole in his stomach, holding the glowing giant sword in one hand, and fell to the ground like this.

Little by little, blood gathered under his body, and flowed out from the huge wound on his stomach, all over the floor.

And that thing hidden at the edge of the light crawled over slowly, step by step, with its seemingly weak but able to easily tear apart the hunter's white arm, and slowly moved towards it. Followed Disma and crawled over here.

With a little effort, he raised the giant sword and pointed the blade at the opponent.

"Come on, don't you... want this very much?"

The physical strength that could be maintained just now, as the body fell down, seemed to have no strength immediately.

Disma even felt that he almost lost the strength to lift the sword.


The thing did stop.

In the sound of panting like dying, the other party's gaze seemed to glance at the glowing blade, as if

It's like being very interested in this thing.

But immediately after, at the next moment, with a slight wave of that white hand, the blade in Disma's hand flew out and fell to the ground beside him.

Then, that hand directly dug into the big hole in Disma's waist, very seriously, digging in his internal organs.


In fact, because of the pain for too long, I can't scream anymore.

Disma just stared wide-eyed, his fingers trembling, trying to find out the dagger, and give this thing another hard blow.

Jingle Bell--

He clearly wanted to do this, but in fact, he had no strength at all.

Jingle Bell--

I can only feel the movement of this terrifying thing, and clearly realize that this is my end.

As a result, is he nothing more than that?

Jingle Bell--


The next moment, a bullet flew past suddenly, opening a big hole in the monster's head.

The hunter stood behind Disma at some point. In the cave behind the crack, the pistol he raised was still smoking from the muzzle.

Chapter 170 Five: The First Hunter


Abigail, who was breathing heavily, gradually slowed down.

Just now, I heard several gunshots around me. Is there any fighting happening around here?

Is Mr. Hunter around here?

The panting girl walked slowly forward. She had a premonition that she should be close to her destination.

Just, I hope it's not too late.

"Are you okay, do you need a break?"

Andre, who was carrying the hammer, looked at the girl and asked at this moment.

"No, no, we have to hurry up."

Shaking her head, Abigail barely let her breath go, and then took another step.

She walked forward and walked through several corners of the cave.

Then, in front of her line of sight, Abigail saw the faint light that belonged to the hunter's lantern.

"Mr. Hunter!"

Immediately, Abigail felt that her exhausted body regained strength and ran forward in big strides, towards the direction of the light.

Then, at the end of the light, she saw—

Mr. Alhazred with a lantern in one hand and a candle in the other!


"You girl, why do you have such a disappointed expression when you see me, and why are you shining? What kind of strange ability do you have?"

Seeing with his own eyes the expression on the girl's face that quickly changed from surprise to disappointment on the girl running in front of him, the mystic scholar couldn't help but twitched, feeling that children nowadays really don't know what it means to respect an old man compared to before. What does it mean to love the young and respect the elders?

"Mr. Alhazred, do you know where Mr. Hunter is?"

Abigail, with a restrained expression, just stared at the mystic scholar and asked.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know, the situation is a bit complicated."

Alhazred shook his head. To be honest, he is still a little confused.

A team of five hunters who were still able to move at the end ran over to support the hunters, but two were killed when they came up, and one went to nowhere. He was guarding the hunter's lantern here. Disma has a lot of backbone He took the initiative to lure the terrifying-looking monster to run away, but after the hunter was resurrected, he knew about it and chased after him.

In the end, he was the only one left here who was still alive, and the one who didn't know what to do could only stand where he was.

"Mr. Hunter isn't here..."

Abigail became a little worried, she had to find Mr. Hunter now, if she couldn't find it...

Jingle Bell--


Jingle Bell--

The surprised girl took out the small summoning bell.

He obviously didn't ring the bell yet, but did he ring it first?

The girl with doubts written all over her face just watched the bell make a crisp sound, and then disappeared without a trace in front of her.

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