Then, the sound of wooden prosthetic limbs hitting the ground was heard.

"Oh, this is really, the damage is quite serious..."

An old voice suddenly sounded behind him.

A well-dressed old man with a top hat and a mighty-looking scythe appeared from behind Abigail, staring at the man Alhazrei De held the lantern in his hand.

"Old Mr. German, why would you..."

Abigail didn't understand why this man appeared here so quickly.

"Heh, plans always fail to keep up with the changes. As a hunter, naturally you have to change your plans reasonably based on the changes. In fact, it is better to meet the lantern first than to meet the hunter first."

Speaking in this way, Geman saluted very politely to Alhazred, who was a little vigilant in front of him, and then stretched out his hand.

"Then, if possible, this scholar, please give this thing to me. If you accidentally destroy this thing, there will be quite a problem. This lamp is now very important for hunters. , is no different from his life."

There seemed to be a touch of sharpness in the old man's words, with a strange aura completely different from ordinary people.

"Really? Is this thing so important? But who are you? In this kind of place, for a guy like you who came out of nowhere, to be honest, it's still a little difficult for me to trust you directly."

The mystic scholar shook his head, apparently unable to believe Geman in front of him.

"Old Mr. German, what do you need this lantern for?"

Abigail asked with some doubts. At this time, she also took a closer look at the lantern, and found that the lamp was indeed damaged very seriously, and it had reached the point where it needed to be repaired.

Mr. Hunter must have encountered a very dangerous battle, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

Did that unknown enemy realize that Mr. Hunter was resurrected by using a lantern, so he wanted to destroy the lantern directly?

Are there any monsters with this level of thinking ability and analytical ability?

The girl couldn't help but became even more worried about the hunter who had disappeared at the moment.

"Of course, hunting gods requires preparation and patience, sweetheart, like your hunter, you go up without preparation. Once there is a problem, it is the situation today, so I have to let me, an old guy, play. "

Geman, who said this, had a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

"The essence of this lantern is the source of the hunter's power. Through it, I can find a way to temporarily cancel the power of the god monster within a certain range. This is not an ability I know, but ah, because I have been working for a long time. I was a dog leg of a certain bastard for a period of time, and I can gradually understand these things, and now, I even have to take the initiative to use this kind of thing, hehe, what a sad hunter's fate."

"Okay, time is running out, I can only exist for a short time, so hurry up, don't hesitate any longer. That thing is strong, at least stronger than all the monsters I have hunted, and that thing is always there Possibly back, the time we can use the arrangement is very short."

At the end of the self-deprecating words, Geman's expression gradually became serious.

"Okay, I understand, then, Mr. Alhazred, please give me the lantern."

Abigail nodded slightly, and the expression on her face became serious at this moment.

The little girl took a step forward and extended her hand to the mystic scholar.

The scene fell into a few seconds of silence at this moment. Alhazred raised his head, looked at the stranger who made him feel slightly uncomfortable, and then looked at Abigail with a firm expression in front of him. Think of the terrifying power of that monster just now.Finally, the mystic scholar sighed, and handed the lantern to the girl in front of him.

"I hope you understand what you're doing, it's not child's play."

That's all Alhazred said in the end.

"Of course I understand, I understand very well. I have seen enough sacrifices and deaths to get to this point. In short, what should we do next, Mr. German, we don't have much time, so let's get straight to the point .”

Abigail turned to Geman and asked.

"We need a place that is spacious enough for me and the hunter to move and change in various positions, so that we can deal with that thing. At the same time, there must be more obstacles such as things that block the view and things that can hide Because we have to use this lantern as the central point of the means, and once this thing goes wrong, not only will the plan be over, but all of us will be over."

Geman spoke immediately.

"I'm afraid this kind of place can't be found just by looking for it?"

Andre, who had been listening for a while, frowned and said.

"No, we don't need to look for it, that sad prey has already prepared the battlefield for us."

Geman, who said so, directly picked up Abigail's waist, and ran towards the cave on one side with the girl as if carrying a small bag. The footsteps were fast in the voice, and Andre and Alhazred had to speed up to catch up behind them. I don't know how this bad old man can run so fast with a fake leg.

But soon, their attention was no longer on this matter.

Because German took them directly to an extremely huge underground open area.

The ground here is very dull red, it seems that it should be a brighter color, but because it has been extracted on a large scale, so now there is nothing left but this residual color.

But this is not the point. The point is that the ground in this area is full of broken pits, and it seems that it has experienced an extremely dangerous battle.Not only that, but Abigail also saw stone pillars pulled out of thin air one after another, standing crookedly or standing upright, which actually looked quite spectacular from a distance.

"Here, what's going on?"

Abigail doesn't quite understand why it's the way it is here.

"This question is not important, let's go, let's go down, I will trouble you, little girl, to find a place you think is suitable here, and then put this lantern on the ground. Remember, find a very hidden place, no

Place the lantern wherever you can see it. "

Geman said suddenly at this moment.

"Hey, is that all right?"

Abigail, who thought she was holding some very complicated ceremony, was a little confused at this moment, so she was stunned.

"Of course, the lantern itself is enough to do all of this. I have activated this function just now. But remember, once the field is expanded, this lamp must not be moved. If something goes wrong with this thing, the hunting will basically be destroyed. You can declare failure if you go up, and that thing won’t give us another chance, so, come on, I’ll go first.”

After a few general instructions, the old hunter turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey? Mr. German, where are you going?"

Abigail was stunned again, she always felt that there was something wrong with the person she summoned.

"Of course, it's hunting. It's just blood and death. I haven't felt this addiction for many years, hehehehe—"

In the end, he just ran away so quietly.

Abigail stared blankly at the direction the other party was going away, and realized that this strange hunter was indeed quite different from the Mr. Hunter she knew.

Well, maybe every hunter is a very distinctive type, right?

Of course, the most handsome, powerful and best must be her Mr. Hunter, there is no doubt about it!

Abigail, who spoke to herself with such certainty from the bottom of her heart, took a deep breath, then jumped down from the hole, and landed in this huge underground empty area.

Right here, find a place that is hidden enough to put down the lantern, and make sure that the surrounding terrain is favorable for Mr. Hunter, you can entangle that very powerful monster, and you have to make sure that the place where the lantern is placed will not was affected.

It is indeed a somewhat troublesome problem.

By the way, did the old hunter named German deliberately find an excuse to slip away because he knew it would be troublesome to find it?

So it was such a bad grown-up?Fortunately, I was still thinking that this old man, bearing the title of the number one hunter, might be a very, very powerful person who could help Mr. Hunter better.

Small, he complained about that Geman in his heart.

Abigail's body movements did not stop in the slightest because of such a trivial matter. On the contrary, she sped up a bit and ran directly into the ruins after the battle. She searched the surroundings closely, and finally stopped. Below a large pile of stone pillars and an area with some sinkholes.

That's right, here it is.

Trotting to the front of this area, Abigail raised his head to look at the huge stone pillars, and then looked down at the dilapidated collapsed pits around him.After thinking for a while, she found a fairly secluded place, put down the somewhat tattered lantern, and put it on the ground.


The moment the lantern touched the ground, a certain force began to spread instantly.

Abigail's eyes widened, and for a split second she felt an unnatural sense of peace.It's like returning to the hunter's dreamland, sitting in the boundless sea of ​​flowers, looking at the bright moon in the distance.

This peculiar sense is difficult to describe in words, it can only be felt.

So Abigail closed her eyes, and stood up slowly like this, feeling the strange power gradually emanating from the lantern.

The next moment, she opened her eyes, and found that in the ruins, one after another, small white flowers actually appeared, covering the surroundings, covering the dark red soil, as if they had absorbed the The power is average, and it spreads out to occupy a large area.

"That's really, really surprising."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Alhazred couldn't help shaking his head slightly and said.It can be seen that this mysterious scholar is very interested in what is happening in front of him, and even wants to pick a flower to study it.Of course, as a relatively old mystic scholar, Alhazred knows when it is okay to die and when it is absolutely impossible, and obviously, at this moment, they are doing it for the next A super troublesome enemy to come down to face is preparing for battle, so in this case Alhazred will not try any deadly actions.

"It seems to be able to feel a very peaceful power, which is really strange, almost like the power of a god."

Andre also said with some emotion at this time, he seemed to really feel some kind of power from these flowers, so he couldn't help showing such an expression.However, this expression was well restrained by Andre, and it was not exposed too much. Even so, Abigail, who was very careful, still noticed the change in the expression of the forging master.

I always feel that this Uncle Andre also has some little secrets about him.

Abigail remained silent, and continued to look around without saying anything.

The white, white flowers that exude a soft light like a lantern are still spreading farther away.

The faint fluorescence covers a wider area, and the dark red color in the soil gradually disappears.

At this moment, it became the nourishment of the flowers, making these pure white flowers develop more and more beautifully, and the faint light emitted became brighter and brighter.

In the end, the entire huge underground cavity was almost covered by these white flowers, and it was possible to accidentally step on one of these flowers after walking two steps.

Abigail closed her eyes for a moment, feeling something, something lurking within the flowers.It can't be described in words, but it can be conveyed deeply into the heart, and it seems to have a little tenderness, like stroking her forehead.

"Mr. Hunter's breath..."

The girl who was muttering to herself spoke with an affirmative voice at this moment.

The essence of these flowers, the root of these things, is found in Mr. Hunter.

Just like Mr. Hunter himself, with a gentle and kind aura, as if he wants to include others, regardless of his strengths and weaknesses, as long as he is not self-sufficient and hopelessly depraved, he will definitely be able to be included, can be included The general feeling of hugging.

Is this what Mr. Hunter used to look like?

Is this what Mr. Hunter has insisted on from the past until now, and is it still something that has not changed?

For some reason, I felt a little heavy.

Feeling that I have carried many things, forgotten many things, and continued to move forward in the end, and have never reached the moment where I can stop and rest, which makes people want to shed tears.

Mr. Hunter's past, what has he experienced?

Can he understand, experience, and feel the things that he has been carrying, and the things that he is still carrying until now?Can I take over these burdens on him, can I continue to move forward with him, and the two of us can continue to move forward together?

The answer may not yet be known.

However, at least what I want to do will not change because of this.

"Mr. Andre, and Mr. Alhazred, do me a favor by covering up the neighborhood a little."

Abigail, who opened her eyes, spoke with a firm expression at this moment.

"Mr. Hunter and Mr. German will certainly be back soon."

"That very dangerous monster will come here soon."

"At that time, this entire area will become a battlefield. We must cover it up to prevent it from being destroyed by the battle. Well, it's best to get some hints that monsters can't understand, but Mister Hunter and the others can understand at a glance. signs, so that they can avoid this area in advance to ensure that there will be no danger."

Abigail spoke very seriously, analyzed, and took the lead in action, carrying some small stones that were not very heavy, and placed them next to the lantern for shelter.

"Haha, I'm pretty good at hard work, so leave it to me."

Andre smiled and said, walked forward and began to move stones.

"As a scholar, I don't have the ability to do this kind of work. However, in terms of marking, um, maybe I can think of a way to create some smells here, which can be smelled by some people's senses, but the senses of monsters cannot be sensed, or It’s a bit troublesome to say that you don’t care about the smell even if you sense it, but it’s indeed a topic worth challenging. Well, let me think about what smell is more suitable.”

Alhazred began to help solve other problems.

Smell, what smell is a hunter who will quickly detect it, but a monster is very insensitive?

Well, if you think about it from this angle, it's a bit difficult...

Well, let’s think about it from another angle.

What smell is very accustomed to monsters, but it is difficult for hunters to get used to it?

If this thing...


Wait, what about this thing...

Sure enough.

That's right, that's it. Although I may be a little sorry for the Hunters and the others, this smell is indeed the most suitable.

Alhazred showed a determined expression at this moment.

As for what smell he was talking about, it was obviously not a good smell.

In fact, it doesn't take much thinking to understand that the smell that can make monsters very adaptable, but the hunters are unwilling to accept it, can only be stink.

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