After all, things like filthy monsters are festering at every turn, with insect eggs growing here and maggots growing there, or large areas of abscesses and the like. The smell can be said to be as long as it is a filthy monster. It must be smelly, and it is always a smell that challenges the hunter's physiological limit, or even challenges the physical limit, so that many hunters will suffer from odor insensitivity diseases in their later years.

Therefore, at this moment, what Alhazred needs to do is very clear.

He wants to cover this area with an unparalleled, preferably the kind of stench that hunters can't help but vomit after smelling it.

In this way, the filthy monster will definitely not mind this smell, and maybe even have a warm feeling of returning home.

But for hunters, the smell of this area is undoubtedly a hell-like experience. As long as they are a little bit concerned about their health, they will definitely not think about going to

Those who come here come and run, and in this way, they can also be reminded that the lantern is hidden inside, and this is a key node, so don't lean here when you have nothing to do.Well, that's about it, so let's make a decision.

Next, it's been a long time to practice your potion refining skills.Alhazred may not be professional enough to refine useful potions, but Alhazred is very experienced in refining potions that are extremely foul-smelling, highly poisonous, or other things that are just weird failures. .

You know, even a plague doctor who once worked with him, a very talented woman, once said to him very seriously, "If you really specialize in pharmacy, you will definitely become the second in the world." A powerful poisoner" or something like that.

Speaking of it, I was quite curious if I was the second, who would be the first.

"When you are done with it, remember to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise you may not be able to leave in a while."

Alhazred took out a protective mask from his pocket, turned his head and said seriously to Abigail and Andre who were still busy not far away.

Abigail: ?


I don't know what this guy wants to do by saying such a word without beginning or end.

However, this strange attitude, coupled with the behavior of wearing a mask, is it possible that this scholar is planning to poison here?

Abigail and Andre, who were puzzled, did not stop their movements, but sped up their progress a little bit, as if the mysterious scholar not far behind seemed to have some kind of Unknown things began to entwine, and if they stayed around for too long, they would be infected with misfortune.

As for, while Abigail was busy on this side, on the other side, in the darkness, the hunter was also continuing to follow her.


Accidentally, his head hit the rock.

Stretching out his hand, he touched the darkness in front of him, and after confirming the approximate height of the rock, the hunter lowered his head and continued to move forward.


Then again, it hit another, shorter rock wall.

It doesn't hurt too much, but I always feel stupid like this.

Thinking like this, the hunter rubbed his head, then raised his head subconsciously.


Well, it hurts a little this time.

Of course, although it was said that it had been bumped so many times, there was actually no sound coming out.

In the dark world, the only thing that exists is absolute silence.

The hunter could only rely on the direction of the sound he heard just now, slowly groping in the darkness bit by bit, and kept moving forward.

The situation of Disma is probably already very dangerous.

In fact, the possibility of being dead directly is quite high.

But if he just left without paying attention, if he didn't catch up, it would be impossible for the hunter to do it.

Even if he understood that Disma's original intention was to lure the monster away to buy time, it was still impossible for him to do so, or in other words, he would never support such an approach of using his life to gain something.Whether it is the sacrifice of the hunters or the sacrifice of the children in Xingkong Town, he is actually unwilling to accept it, but some things have already happened and cannot be changed, and some things are only relying on his own actions, he must admit The power I have now is indeed too insufficient. With only this level of self, there is no way to end all this by relying on my own strength alone.

It's like that thing just now, the monster that the filthy heart turned into.

If one wants to win in front of this thing, the hunter must admit that relying on one's own strength is absolutely impossible.

He had to seek some kind of help, something that could limit the opponent's outrageous teleportation ability, and limit the opponent's unlimited movement speed on the ground.To be honest, the hunter has seen too many filthy monsters whose power is far greater than his own, so he is not worried about this kind of problem.But when the speed reached such a desperate gap, he really felt that no matter what method he came up with, there was no possibility of defeating his opponent.

How to limit that thing?

Tsk, totally unexpected.

In short, the next step is to attract the monster's attention to himself first, to ensure that Disma can escape from danger. As for himself, even if he is killed, there is nothing to care about, since he can be resurrected anyway.This thing has been drawn away from such a long distance, and it is estimated that there is no way to confirm the location of his resurrection in the first place, and it is impossible to directly guard the resurrection point and smash himself to pieces like just now.

So the problem now is that he doesn't know where the other party is, and the distance between the two parties is more or less far away.After the voice came out just now, it has been quiet for too long.It's been so long that he bumped into the cave here, and he didn't know how to find each other.

Hope nothing happens.

The hunter can only try to convince himself in this way.

Speaking of which, the hunter saved Disma's life.

It was he who risked his life, uh, not risked his life, but died twice, was killed twice by the forgotten knight, and then he was completely rehabilitated.

The wounded lay down all night, and after finally recovering, he entered the church and found a bottle of Goddess blessing for Disma, who was dying at the time, a kind that can save you as long as you have breath. Yes, no matter what kind of critical illness can be cured immediately, it is a good thing from the age of the old gods.

Although it was later learned that Disma and the others searched for the goddess of blessing to save a child named Blanca, and the pain and depression of Disma after the hard-won goddess blessing was used up, it was more or less irritating. I think it's a little complicated.

It is indeed a pity that the child was not able to be saved until the end.

Obviously, he went deep into the city of Lusse on purpose for this purpose, and explored the entire abandoned city castle, just to find the medicine that could cure the girl's illness, but in the end, he worked hard and found nothing. After returning, the child Just disappeared, most likely already gone...

Tsk, why do I keep thinking about these sad things, now I don't have the leeway to feel sad.

Taking a deep breath, the hunter's expression became serious at this moment.

Continuing, groping towards the darker front.

Although it can't sense the surrounding situation at all, as long as it moves forward while supporting the stone wall on one side, basically there will be no major problems.

I still have a good memory of the direction where Disma's gunshots came from just now.As long as the caves themselves don't cause trouble and give him a detour to other places, the hunter still has the confidence to reach Disma's side smoothly.


Then, at this moment, a gunshot was suddenly heard.

The hunter's ears turned slightly to one side, and he speeded up after confirming the source of the sound.

The position of the other party has basically been confirmed.

If you walk from your own side, as long as there is no problem with the path, you can go around to his back and stop him in front of him, and let him continue to confront the monster head-on, so that Disma can find a chance to escape. "

Therefore, it must be done as soon as possible.

Thinking like this, the hunter once again increased his movement speed in the dark.


Well, although it is necessary to speed up, it is still necessary to be as careful as possible.

After continuing to advance for a certain distance, gradually, the hunter was able to notice a little light coming from ahead in the darkness.

He hurried forward, and as he ran, he began to hear Disma's hard panting, heard what the other party was saying, and then heard something that seemed to be blown away. sounded.

Oops, have you already been caught up by the opponent?

The screams rang out quickly, and the hunter finally arrived within the light range at this moment.

These lights, this is...

The hunter's pupils tightened slightly.

The position I arrived at was indeed behind Disma.

However, there is no way to connect with the area where the other party is located.

A section of stone wall blocks the front of the cave here, and there is only an extremely narrow gap that can barely fit a hand in, so that the hunter can see what is happening on the opposite side, see the one who is tormenting Disma, and will The cruel scene performed by the terrifying monster with its white hand inserted into the belly of Disma.

In this case, there is no way to rush to the other side.

However, if you want to save the opponent, this distance is completely enough.

The hunter drew out his pistol, pointed it at the thing opposite, and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


With one shot, a big hole was instantly opened on the monster's head.

Across a gap in the cave wall, the hunter slowly put down the gun in his hand, and made a provocative gesture towards the thing.

Slightly, this monster with terrifying power tilted its head, just staring at the hunter in front of it.

Then, it disappeared directly, and appeared in front of the hunter at the next moment, just like that, it just crossed the gap that is normally impossible to cross out of thin air, and its white arms stretched out one by one to catch the hunter. catch.

Didn't catch it, caught nothing.

In the few times of deflation just now, the hunter who has gradually summed up the opponent's teleportation law, at this moment successfully tested the distance between the opponent and himself after teleportation under normal circumstances, and just took a step back, that's it Dodge the monster's outstretched arm.

The meat saw stabbed fiercely at the next moment, and directly slashed on the cheek of the thing that hadn't fully healed the wound.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing exploded in an instant, tearing off half of this face directly.The heavy blow caused the monster to stagger a bit, followed the hunter a step forward, and even grabbed the chin of the skinless cheek, kicked the opponent hard, and exerted force with his arms, directly smashing the skinless face. The entire lower jaw was torn off.

The completely unexpected attack caused the monster to suffer severe injuries without reacting immediately.

The hunter did not hesitate to attack again, but it was obvious that the effect of an unexpected attack had reached its limit at this point.

Therefore, at the next moment of swinging, the monster's body disappeared immediately, allowing the hunter to chop in the empty space.

Immediately afterwards, this thing emerged directly from the ground, crashed into the hunter's body and smashed through the rock formation above, smashing through the height of more than ten meters in one breath with the roar, waving its white arms wildly, during the impact process The hunter's body was completely torn apart, and the hunter was directly torn into a pile of rotten meat on the spot.

Of course, the effect of the attack is only up to this point.

Because the hunter quickly dissipated after death, turning into nothing, the blood and minced meat disappeared as if they had never existed at all.

The monster stayed in the darkness for a while, waiting for the wounded part to heal slowly.

This blow had some impact on this thing. After all, the monsters in the first two stages that the hunter had smashed before were essentially one with the one in front of him, and the continuous heavy injuries and shape changes were not for the monster itself. Speaking is also a huge burden, which has caused the monster's anti-strike ability to be far inferior to the previous two stages, and the resistance of all aspects has also declined greatly.

Just like at this moment, although the self-healing has been completed again, the monster's own strength has begun to weaken to a certain extent. Unless the monster knows what running away is, and will take the initiative to run away when it feels that it cannot win, otherwise it will continue to fight. If it continues to be injured, the healing speed of this thing will inevitably slow down further, until it cannot heal at all, until it cannot maintain its existence after a large number of injuries, and finally dies.

Obviously, although this monster has intelligence that ordinary monsters don't have, it even has a certain degree of pleasure.But the desire to kill and fight as a monster's instinct has always firmly controlled the thinking of this filthy creature.Therefore, this thing will never have the idea of ​​running away, it will not think of hiding to absorb the dirty power around it, and it is absolutely impossible to go out to fight after slowly gaining enough strength.It will only fight with hunters and hunters until it kills its opponent or dies by itself.

In a sense, in fact, if the secret of the lantern is not discovered, it is entirely possible to drag this monster down with the hunter's ability, and use death after death to drag the opponent to a state of collapse. As long as the hunter is willing to pay The "cost" of excess death would do.

However, the power of the gods and the blessing brought by the remaining power allowed this twisted and terrifying monster to quickly discover the secret of the hunter, and then directly attack him at the source. This constituted a completely unsolvable bad situation. This problem If it is not resolved, the hunter will not have the slightest possibility of victory.

Just like now, this thing will start looking for the hunter's lantern again, preparing to completely eradicate this enemy that is gradually starting to pose a real threat to it.

As for the dying Disma over there, it didn't care. This kind of guy who already has a high concentration of filth and pollution, and his own vitality has been seriously lost, has no possibility of surviving, even There's just no way to bring fun to this twisted monster.

And, slightly, there seems to be some strange feeling that is not the same.

In the monster's chaotic thinking, at this moment, he felt a void.

A void where the power of the gods cannot produce any effect.

It's like arriving in a similar realm, entering a place that is essentially equivalent, so the mutual powers cancel each other out, resulting in an empty area where the abilities are completely unusable and cannot be analyzed.


With the simple thinking of a monster, it is impossible to understand such a phenomenon.

However, I can feel that the hunter is in that area now.

And it seems there are other humans out there.

Therefore, as a monster, the monster who is forever dominated by the violent and violent desire generated by the filthy force will continue to kill at this moment.

Without a sound, the thing disappeared from the spot.

And Disma was lying on the ground exhausted, unable to even make a sound, so he could only lie down like this and slowly welcome his own death.


Probably so, were it not for the crisp wooden footsteps of the prosthetic.

"Well, it seems that it is much more serious than expected, and it has reached the point where it is completely hopeless."

Geman helped his top hat, squatted down slowly in front of Disma, and stared blankly at the extremely weak man in front of him.

"Although my purpose is only to retrieve this weapon that may have some hidden effect, seeing this tragic situation reminds me of the past. Oh, this injury seems to have been there for a while , you are a tough guy, you are a good hunter, unfortunately it is too late."

Picking up the shimmering giant sword casually, Geman shook his head and said while looking at the huge and hideous wound on Disma's abdomen.

"However, if you just die like this, maybe it's still somewhat worthless, isn't it?"

"Then I will give you a choice, although it will only be extended for a while."

Reaching out, German grabbed Desma's hand.

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