Then, amidst that flat voice, a syringe filled with blood was stuffed into Disma like this.


"Blood and carnage are always extraordinarily addictive, and so-called hunters are corrupted by little things like that."

"But don't worry, because the night of the hunt is over, and the new blood is too kind to twist your ego."

"It's just as a price, hehe, your current injury, even this thing, can only delay your death for a while at most, and let you die about 10 minutes later."

"So, have you made a choice? Do you just fall down now, or a few more minutes of pain."

"Well, if you're sure you've made a choice, don't delay too long."

Geman said so, leaving behind a torch that exuded a cold light, which seemed to be impossible to be swallowed by the darkness, then turned and left, and quickly disappeared into the distance with the giant sword.

And Disma, who fell on the ground, whose breathing became weaker and weaker, moved his head with difficulty, stared at the small bottle containing blood that seemed to exude a little strange aura, and could not help but care about it, gritted his teeth, and finally He hit him hard on his chest, the needle directly pierced the flesh and penetrated into the heart, and then injected the blood inside.

"Heh... Is it still the choice? Well, this one may be useful."

The old hunter, who was talking to himself, gradually approached the underground cavity not far away, which had become a fierce battlefield.

He can be quite sure that the hunter has now started a new round of confrontation with the god and flesh monster that has lost its power.

Then, after finishing these arrangements, there is still a little time left for activities, so let's indulge and indulge a little bit.

On the face of the old man, there seemed to be a bloodthirsty look that flashed away, and was quickly replaced by calmness.

In the darkness, only his faint voice was left talking to himself.

"Hunter German, join the hunt tonight."

Chapter 170 Six: Reason and Fight

At the same time Geman acted and handed over a full blood bottle to Disma, the hunter on the other side had already resurrected and awakened again.

The body was reconstructed and consciousness was awakened. Although the side effects began to occur due to the repeated resurrection, at this moment, the hunter had indeed awakened, and once again possessed a new vitality and vitality.

Then he rolled his eyes and passed out on the spot.

"Mr. Hunter!!!"

Abigail's wailing sounded from a distance.

The hunter, who couldn't describe this feeling, could only stretch out a finger forward with difficulty before losing consciousness.

It is really……

It is really……

It's really... so smelly...

The hunter, who was stunned by the incomparable stench, left such thoughts when the last moment came.

Well, in fact, I was dizzy for a while, and then hurriedly ran out of this area that was too stinky, and then supported the stone pillar on the side, while Abigail was worried. After taking deep breaths in his eyes, he managed to recover a little.

The smell discrimination ability of the nose seems to have temporarily failed.

The body still feels a little paralyzed.

It seems... a little bit of signs of poisoning...

No, it doesn't seem like, there are indeed signs of poisoning, but the degree is very slight, probably because I ran out in time, and the air concentration of this thing is not particularly high, and the toxicity is not particularly strong.

What was that smell just now? !

Originally, the hunter always thought that with his adaptability, it should be impossible to be afraid of any strange smells.

To be honest, it's not like I haven't been drilled in the sewer, and I haven't never been covered in garbage and feces. It seems to be quite serious, but the hunter has always felt that he has basically experienced all kinds of unpleasant smells. Yes, there shouldn't be a taste that I can't accept.

However, at that moment just now, the scent he smelled at that moment made the hunter realize that in this world, there are still too many things that he has never seen before.

In short, Abigail gave Alhazred a severe reprimand, and the mystic scholar finally realized it after seeing the hunter appearing, and realized that although his clever trick could prevent the filthy monster from finding the lantern , but for the hunter, the main combat force that must be revived near the lantern, it will cause great distress and torture, which may affect the success of the entire battle.

But generally speaking, it’s okay. After all, the hunter just couldn’t get used to it at the beginning. If it happens again... Considering that the number of resurrections today seems to have exceeded ten times, the hunter estimates that he will be in a bad state when he resurrects. I really can't get used to it.

Alhazred patted his head on this point, and began to think seriously about the solution.Andre moved some stones across the road, preparing to see if they could interfere with the monsters in the next battle.Abigail was still by her side, and she seemed a little worried about her condition.

In general, there is nothing to be concerned about, and the next thing is to wait for the time to start the battle.I hope there is nothing wrong with Disma. I was killed by that monster before I had time to confirm his situation, but now I don’t have the time to come back.

Go check it out.



Anyway... well... that is to say...


The hunter's eyes slowly moved over bit by bit, and fixed on the girl beside him.

Just now, I subconsciously ignored the girl who shouldn't be ignored.

Obviously, he shouldn't be here, because he was used to the way this girl ran around him, and as a result, he ignored it completely without noticing it, and finally realized something was wrong until now.


What this hunter cares about is that he hopes to protect the girl who is cared for.

This very stubborn girl always does not want to be protected, but wants to do her part to help the hunter.

This has made the hunter more and more aware of how lethal the so-called disobedient kid is.

"You...why are you here?"

The hunter was so angry that he could barely speak a long sentence fluently.

"I'm here to help Mister Hunter!"

The little girl answered solemnly.

Will you help me raise my blood pressure?Thank you, oh, it's very high now.


The hunter turned his head and looked at the forge master who he hoped could help him stop Abigail.

"I'm sorry, your girl is braver than you imagined. She took a sword and slashed at me as soon as she met her face, and ran away after the slash. I have no choice but to catch up with this girl and come down to this place with her." .”

Andre sighed, shook his head and obviously didn't know what to say.

Slash teammates with the moonlight sword? ? ?

In order not to listen to him, can she even do such a thing?

The hunter turned his head and looked at Abigail with wide eyes.

"I was very careful to control the intensity. Mr. Andre just fainted for a while."

Realizing that something was wrong, Abigail slightly staggered her gaze, and said in a soft voice.

This is really...

The hunter didn't know what to say now.

A completely unexpected action, no matter how I think about it, I never expected this girl to be so brave.

Why, do you have to do this?

This kind of place is simply not something children can enter.

This extremely dangerous place...

The hunter frowned deeply, showing a rather helpless expression at this moment.

And Abigail, who noticed Mr. Hunter's expression, clenched his fist slightly at this moment, took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"I'm not here to hold you back, Mister Hunter, I'm here to bring you strong support."

The girl spoke very seriously, and roughly told the hunter about her experience in the dream.

In other words, in order to help me get through this difficult time and get rid of this very difficult monster, those phantoms that exist in the dream, just tricked you to run to such a terrible place, and then you agreed so foolishly ?

The hunter's memory has not been fully recovered, so he only has a little familiarity with Geman and Maria mentioned by Abigail, but he can't remember who it is.

But when the two of them asked Abigail to come here, to be honest, the hunter's favor with these two people who may be related to his past has been greatly reduced. No matter what the reason is or what the reason is, Even if it involves the hunter's own life and death, let Abigail take the initiative to take the risk and enter a dangerous place like the Lost Cave.Such a thing is really unacceptable to hunters.

"It's... very dangerous..."

Sighing, the hunter finally could only speak to Abigail like this.

"Even so, I hope to be able to help Mister Hunter."

The little girl shook her head and just said so.

"You... may be in danger..."

The hunter covered his head, shook his head and said.

"Mr. Hunter is also very dangerous. This time, Mr. Hunter may not come back, isn't it? If Mr. Hunter does not come back, then even if I can guarantee safety, for me, that is..."

Abigail didn't finish her sentence this time, but the hunter already understood what she wanted to express.

If she really died here and could not return, for this little girl, she would not have the idea of ​​living alone.

how so……

The hunter fell into a deeper silence.

How can a person's life depend entirely on the existence of a certain person?

I am not a person who can shoulder the entire life of others like this.

Such a thought, Abigail, is this the child...

The hunter opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to speak, how to speak to the girl in front of him, and what to say.

Maybe, I should...


The sudden panting sound made all the hunter's thoughts converge in an instant at the next moment.

Turning around slowly, the hunter could already see that it was slowly stepping into the hollow area full of white flowers.

s things.

The thing that corrupted the gods and monsters that gave itself an oppressive force that was almost hopeless.

At this moment, this thing has just entered into the flower area, into this space that has been transformed into another area.Just as Geman predicted, monsters will not care about safety and advantages. They are dominated by the desire to kill, even if they have a little brain, they can't change their instincts as monsters. This is why humans must be able to defeat these terrifying monsters where the truth lies.

And now, it is time for the hunter to prove this truth with his own hands.

【Ah... ah...】

The sound of dying, which made everyone who heard it feel unspeakable discomfort, continued to resound.

One after another, the human hands, which are as white as a girl, but twisted and deformed, support the ground like this, serving as a support for this monster that swells like fat maggots and breeds a lot of filthy power under its flesh. .

The face that belonged to the goddess closed her eyes tightly, and the whole face was torn apart from the middle, revealing the second ugly skinless fleshy cheek growing from behind, revealing the face that was the proof of the flesh and blood monster.

This distorted thing is obviously very curious about the existence of the hunter, who can't be killed no matter how hard he tries, and is also very curious about this strange place that blocks the power of instant shuttle transmission in any land rock that it can use instinctively. Curious.However, more important than this animal-like instinctive curiosity is the most direct desire to kill, the desire to destroy all life that is not filthy, is the most fundamental action of this filthy creature where the guidelines lie.


The panting sound reached the hunter in an instant.

Even without the help of that power, the speed of action of this thing at this moment is still terrifyingly fast.


The sound of violent bursting wind violently blows the white flowers.

And the hunter waved the meat saw in his hand the next moment, spilling the dirty blood that remained on it like this.


On the body of the monster not far away, a long wound was slowly healing by itself.

Indeed, even without the help of power, this thing is still an extremely terrifying and difficult monster to deal with.

But unfortunately, as long as there is no cheating power, hunters will never be afraid of these so-called powerful monsters in terms of pure physical fitness and combat skills, and will never be more powerful than these seemingly invincible monsters. How weak is it.

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