Laughter sounded, and Geman's figure suddenly became unreal in the next moment.

He rushed towards the twisted monster at a much faster speed than the hunter, his white arms grabbed towards him, but only caught an afterimage.

Immediately after Geman, whose speed was unbelievably fast, he swung his sickle, and chopped the thing away with another sound of tearing. The hunter followed closely behind, piercing the deformed monster's face forward with his cane. Following the hunter, he continued to accelerate without stopping, and directly pushed the thing with his cane and slammed into the stone pillar in front of him, causing the stone pillar itself to crack rapidly.


Before the outstretched arm could touch the hunter, the scythe stretched out from the side had already snatched the prey, dragging it up into the air and smashing it to the ground again.

As soon as the struggling monster got up, it was kicked out again by Geman. The meat saw that the hunter had just been accidentally knocked into the air was picked up by Geman with a scythe. It flew directly to the direction where the hunter was, and was firmly caught by him with his outstretched hand.

"Holding your weapon tightly is very important in hunting. After all, it is very difficult to defeat monsters with bare hands. Of course, if you hold your weapon too tightly, sometimes you may be in danger of death. This is how this world is, towards absolute paranoia, It will lead to failure, hehehe—”

In the hoarse laughter, it was as if he was recalling the moment when he taught someone.

The monster has risen again.

The two hunters took another step forward.

Blood was intertwined in an instant, and with the sound of explosions, a huge stone pillar slowly fell and hit the ground next to it, raising a lot of dust.

A distorted figure in the dust jumped into the air, and then fell down in embarrassment with a gunshot.

The hunter and Geman stepped out of the dust, and saw the meat knife and the sickle to meet them from left to right, and tore open a large number of wounds on the monster that had just got up.


In the panting sound that seemed to become a little more rapid, a giant hand held the hunter's meat saw, and then threw him flying.

Geman's figure passed by at this moment, and the arm holding the hunter's weapon was cut off directly, followed by the hunter in mid-air, and slashed heavily on the thing's body again, before any further damage was done. The reaction was followed by another shot, which caused a bloody slag to burst out of the thing's eyes.

Go forward again, swing again.

The weapon in Geman's hand deformed continuously, cutting off three or four arms in one breath with the sound of tearing.

The monster quickly realized that although the old hunter's physical strength was not as strong as the hunter's, it was somehow more flexible and dangerous.

At this moment, a big hand grabbed Geman's sickle suddenly, and then wanted to throw him away, but after the force of his arm was exhausted, Geman put down his weapon neatly, and then went forward to block the opponent with a shot. The body of the thing roared to push it back.And the hand holding the sickle was let go, as if he was actively returning it to Geman, he reached out to catch it, and then swung the knife again and slashed down the body that was cutting the thing, letting the blood and The filthy black//The air flow escapes.


Two hunters, one monster.

Without any gorgeous embellishments, it's just the fighting going on like this in this sea of ​​white flowers and in this huge forest of stone pillars.


The monster's movements gradually became sluggish.

The meat saw knife came from the side, and as soon as he made a move and turned around, the sickle followed and chopped up from the other side.

The hunter and German circled around this bloated monster, one on the left and the other on the right, one side was attacked and the other quickly attacked, just kept turning around this monster, let this thing For a while, I didn't know which side to deal with first.

The speed of wound healing becomes slower and slower at this moment.

The monster's own mobility also began to weaken continuously.

Obviously, this thing was getting to the end of its strength, and under the swift siege of the two hunters, it seemed that it couldn't hold on anymore and could no longer fight.This is really different from the terrifying posture of this thing at the beginning.


The power cannot be used, and it cannot give the monster the terrifying speed that is invincible.

But in its simple thinking, there is no way to think and understand the meaning of this matter, and it will not think about whether to try to use itself

The advantages.

This thing just retreated a certain distance according to instinct, just wanted to launch an attack again, and was chased by the hunter and German again, sticking to this monster like two pieces of brown candy that couldn't be shaken off. , Keep launching more and more fierce attacks.

【Ah... ah...】

The panting sound was getting more urgent.

The thing finally went ruthless again, waving its arms to repel the hunter and German.

Immediately afterwards, this thing climbed up the stone pillar on the side, and jumped up a few steps directly to the top of the underground cavity, to the area that was not covered by the area of ​​the lantern.


A heavy voice sounded at this moment.

One after another cracks began to spread on the top of the cave.

This thing seems to want to collapse the entire empty area and bury them all? !

The hunter pulled out his pistol and wanted to aim, but the cave was too high, and the opponent's distance was too far. At this distance, even if the hunter wanted to hit the opponent, it would be difficult to aim successfully, and the power of the bullet might not be able to defeat the opponent. Something is knocked down.

How to do?

While thinking like this, the hunter saw a blue-green shock wave flying out from a distance, directly bombarding the monster.

The light surged and burst out at this moment, like a full moon suddenly appearing in the sky.

The monster fell under the moonlight, and together with some stones it had successfully torn apart, it just fell to the ground like this, and smashed hard into the pure white sea of ​​flowers.

"Oh, this is what I want to tell you, hunter, don't underestimate that child, she is not a weak person who can only be protected by you behind her back, she can be connected to your dreams and your past, Ben has shown that she has a very human side."

In the calm words, the hunter turned his head and found Geman who was talking, his body was getting lighter little by little.

Probably noticing the doubt in the hunter's gaze, Geman lowered his head and frowned as he looked at himself. It seemed that he was slightly dissatisfied, but soon turned into a relieved expression.

"Well, it seems that my time is running out. After all, it's just a remnant in the dream, and I can't touch reality for too long?"

Holding the sickle in his hand, the old hunter laughed softly at this moment.

"So, Hunter, it's time to finally solve this thing, are you ready?"

Did not answer the other party's words.

The hunter just headed straight ahead, rushing towards the falling monster.


The panting voice had become extremely rapid at this moment.

The distorted monster climbed up from the rubble, and was chopped down by the oncoming hunter, before hitting the ground heavily.

The filthy breath erupted suddenly at this moment, and the monster that was getting closer and closer to destruction began to mobilize its full strength at this moment, releasing the filthy power bred inside its body on a large scale, trying to turn the entire area into a monster. The kingdom of darkness.

But the pure white flowers bloomed more and more beautifully at this moment, and the cold light became brighter and brighter, canceling out the dark filthy light, continuously illuminating this underground area, making the darkness Still can't really come here.

The sickle and the meat saw swung alternately, and Geman's increasingly illusory figure cut at the back of the thing first, creating a long wound at this moment.

The hunter followed up with a blow, and the meat saw went deeper into the wound made by the sickle, and continued to cut deeper.


In the increasingly distorted voice, the thing struggled, and was about to get up when it exerted its power, but Geman's sickle, who didn't know when it came to it, pierced through its head, and followed the blade quickly swept up and tore it. split, and cut more flesh and blood.

click - click -

At this moment, the hunter's meat saw had sliced ​​through the bloated monster's back, the huge maggot-like structure in half.

Geman's sickle cut in from the front, and the next moment it quickly tore forward, cutting through the swollen flesh of the thing from the other side.


In the end, the hunter's meat saw and German's sickle collided with each other like this.

And this corrupt god-flesh monster, the flesh and blood that stored countless filthy powers, was completely cut apart by the two of them, completely torn and burst,

【Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! 】

The gasping sound turned into an extremely shrill howl in the next moment.

And the unparalleled, pitch-black filthy power exploded directly in the next moment, covering most of the underground cavity in an instant.


Chapter 170 Eight: Breaking Form

The violent shock wave covered most of the underground cavity at this moment.

Although Abigail hid behind some collapsed stone pillars with Andre and Alhazred in advance, but at this moment, amidst the violent roar, their positions were directly controlled. When it was overturned, a large amount of rubble was swept by the shock wave and spread crazily faster than bullets, and the three of them were about to be blown up by the strong wind on the spot and lifted into the sky



At this moment, Alhazred raised the skull candlestick in his hand and shouted loudly.

An ominous flame burned from the candlestick, and a terrifying phantom descended in the next moment. The tentacles one after another protected the mystic scholar and his two companions, and at this moment they firmly resisted. The black airflow from the explosion.

The hunter was undoubtedly killed by the overly violent explosion on the spot, while Geman was laughing loudly because he had reached the 5-minute battle time limit, and his whole body turned into an illusory light and disappeared. up.

After the raging storm, on the shattered ground, those pure white flowers were basically completely overturned and torn to shreds at this moment.Obviously, although the area where these flowers are located can resist and offset the filthy power to a certain extent, and even the power of the gods can be restricted, but when the filthy power reaches a level that is too terrifying in magnitude, even these The field formed by flowers will also be forcibly broken through.

Although, on the other hand, if it wasn't for this field that forcibly canceled out most of the power of the explosion, if the explosion just now developed with real power, probably not just this underground area, but The entire Lost Cavern, the entire Garden of the Old Gods, and even the Cursed Forest outside will all be swept into this explosion and completely destroyed into empty ruins.

As for whether the corrupt wilderness outside will suffer, it can only be said that fortunately there is still the outermost sealing fog.

But at least now, the filthy power that erupted here, the filthy heart that has been stored and bred for countless years, has completely dissipated like this.In fact, every time the hunters failed to challenge the Lost Cave, they would often cause a large-scale riot of monsters, because when the living died in the Lost Cave, the monster as the filthy heart would respond , and released the filthy power that he had bred for many years at once.

The release of this kind of pure filthy power is not in the real form, but some kind of invisible connection of the filth itself, there is no way for the sealing fog itself to stop it, otherwise the filthy heart will not be able to stop it. It may become the root of the filth of the entire corrupt field, and become the source of power to maintain those filthy monsters.

And after such a release occurs, all the filthy monsters killed by the hunters in the entire corrupt field, no matter how strong or weak, will be resurrected immediately, and most of the monsters will fall into the limit due to excessive power. The crazy bloodthirsty, and because of this, went crazy and stormed the town where the living gathered.At this time, the three gods of the starry sky will temporarily weaken the defense of the border barriers as punishment for the hunters trying to attack the gods, so every time this kind of thing happens, it will cause extremely tragic and large-scale casualties.

However, this kind of thing, this time, is obviously coming to an end.

After all, the power stored in this filthy heart, the things bred, have now been completely destroyed.


It was different from the strange gasping for near-death before.


The real, desperate panting sound of a monster that is on the verge of death.

At this moment, in the center of the explosion, among the scattered shattered impact craters, the monster that was showing off its power before has become horrible now, its whole body is tattered, bloody and bloody.

The huge bloat on the back has completely exploded and disappeared, leaving only a little rotten flesh.

Most of those white arms have been shattered, leaving only two or three that can continue to move.

As for that face, it has been bombed out of shape now, and it is difficult to see the basic appearance anymore.


Unprecedented weakness.

From turning into a monster, from turning into a filthy heart, there has never been a moment of weakness.


The howling of the monster continued.

Slowly, little by little, his tattered body wriggled among the rubble and ruins.

The tenacious vitality of a monster prompted this thing to continue to move and struggle.Although this thing can hardly be called a normal creature, even though it doesn't even know the reason why it is struggling, the monster itself is still struggling and slowly climbing towards the edge of the impact crater. crawling.



Howling, crawling bit by bit.

Using his remaining broken arm, he continued to crawl upwards.

Then, he heard footsteps stopping in front of him.

The one belonging to the hunter, standing outside the impact crater at this moment, aimed the muzzle of the gun at the figure of the monster in front of him.


The short-barreled shotgun packs an astonishing punch at extremely close range.

The already dilapidated monster was sent flying by a single shot, rolled down and rolled back into the pit below.

The hunter stepped forward slowly, heaved a sigh of exhaustion, and walked slowly step by step towards the monster that fell in the pothole.

Physical fatigue, lack of blood, let the hunter

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