At this moment, I felt unprecedented fatigue.

Too many resurrections in a short period of time, the invisible echoes that had been saved by those flowers with great difficulty before have all been consumed, so the price once again fell on him, causing the hunter's body to fall into an extremely bad state at this moment. in the state.

This feeling is really terrible in every sense.

The hunter even suspected that if something happened to him again and he was killed again, the revived self might not even have the most basic combat power, and it might take a long time to rest and recover before he could stand up.

The stronger one's own strength, the greater the restriction of resurrection.

But the enemies I face, if I have to face enemies of this level in the future, with my current strength, I need continuous resurrection for support, and if I have to rely on the help of external forces to win, I am afraid that the situation in the future It will become more and more difficult and troublesome.

Not only that, but his own lantern has been seriously damaged now.

Although the hunter didn't have a strong sense of time during the resurrection process, he was still in the middle of a violent explosion when he just died. Now that he is alive, the explosion around him has obviously ended for a while, and even the dust has fallen. It can be clearly seen that this time his resurrection was delayed by at least one or two minutes.

When the lantern was damaged, the speed of his own resurrection also began to slow down.

If the lantern suffers further damage and irreversible blows in the future, when he dies and needs the power of resurrection, will he...

A trace of worry emerged from the bottom of my heart, but was quickly suppressed by the hunter.

To be the strongest among all people, at least one needs to have some confidence in oneself.

Anyway, at least for now, victory has arrived.

Afterwards, no matter what the problem is, you must wait until the problem here is completely over, until you really confirm that you have killed the filthy heart and settled the matter here.


Being tired, the hunter let out a little breath.

Continuing to step forward, being vigilant, he slowly approached the monster that was already on the verge of death.

No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of a comeback for this thing. The hunter can clearly feel that the vitality of the opponent has been weakened to the extreme, and it is basically impossible to recover.

However, because of this, it is necessary to be more vigilant about this thing.

Hunters know very well that the last moment of this kind of hunting is actually the most dangerous moment.

Because it is difficult for anyone to predict what the monster will do when it is on the verge of death.


Take another step forward.


Watching vigilantly not far away, the thing lying on the ground, struggling and wriggling.

The hunter took another step closer to the opponent.

Among the surrounding gravel, flowers gradually bloomed again.

These pure white flowers that exude a soft shimmer bloom again at this moment, releasing a cold light.

Under such a ray of light, the hunter gradually began to feel that his almost exhausted and exhausted body seemed to gradually regain some strength at this moment, and it was no longer that exhausted feeling. up.

Is your body being replenished?

The hunter couldn't help but looked around, looking at these blooming flowers.

Compared with just now, these flowers are obviously much less and smaller now.

It seems that because of the excessive damage and the consumption of the power that could have been used to absorb it in advance, these flowers can no longer cover a large enough area, and they can only be in a small area. Maintain the original domain and continue to block the power of the gods held by this monster.

The hunter vaguely had a strange feeling, he felt that these flowers were like a part of himself, like a part of his body, coming from his own body.Just like his blood vessels, his internal organs, his skin, and his nerves, they were originally part of himself.

It is precisely because of this that I can gain strength from the fields created by these flowers.

Perhaps, this is also some secret about his past?

Hunter must admit that he is a little curious about what he has experienced and done in the past.

But for now, let's focus on the situation in front of us first.


The hunter's footsteps have become quite close to the opponent.

The flesh and blood monster that was still struggling and wriggling just now stopped suddenly at this moment, and just lay quietly on the ground, lying motionless.

It was as if he was playing dead, and fell into a complete silence, and he could even see the edge of the thing's body, which was slowly decomposing and peeling off, as if all the filthy monsters were being killed At that time, the phenomenon began to gradually dissipate.

I have to say that the acting is really like that.

For hunters who did not receive any response and knew very well that this thing was not dead,

This kind of acting skills didn't move him in any way, he just stared at this thing with a blank expression, and took another step towards the front.


Click! ! !

The moment the footsteps landed, the distorted monster jumped up, and those deformed and distorted arms that were no longer white all at the same time grabbed the hunter.

But what greeted this thing was not a panicked hunter, but a serrated blade that jumped out at him.

The hunter, who had been prepared for a long time, slashed out with one blow, and fell the thing to the ground amidst the crackling and tearing sound of the meat saw. The body of the thing was torn open, and a large piece of flesh and blood was cut off.


Howling, screaming voices sounded.

Not from the torn female head, but from the head of the ugly filthy monster in the middle.

Painful, because the body has suffered injuries that are difficult to heal, because the body is suffering from more and more serious injuries, because its own life is constantly weakening and dying, so it makes an extremely painful roaring sound.

Click! ! !

The saw knife has been swung out again, cutting more flesh and blood from this thing's body.

The hunter strode forward at the next moment, brandishing his blade to attack again.

But this distorted monster showed extremely tenacious strength when it was on the verge of death. Those deformed female arms withered and rotted one after another, leaving only one, and the only arm immediately began to collide and enlarge continuously. , became larger and slender, and directly extended to a length of three or four meters.

Immediately afterwards, this arm directly grabbed the hunter's body at an unexpected speed, flying him up and hitting the side of the gravel pothole, causing the ground to sink a little.

The hunter raised the saw knife and was about to chop at this arm, but the opponent immediately let go of his hand, so that the hunter's blow could only cut in the empty space.


In the howling wind, the giant hand slammed down after letting go.

The hunter lying on the ground rolled and dodged in a hurry, and was punched out of a more sunken pit following the position he had just stood on.

Without the slightest hesitation, the hunter slashed out at this moment, leaving a bloodstain on the arm immediately.


The howling sound came from the body that could only lie on its back and had lost the ability to move.It seemed that this last arm, which could be used to attack, gathered all its remaining strength, and therefore caused the thing more pain after being hit.

The huge arm waved, trying to hit the hunter not far away, but it failed again.

The saw knife cut out again, and in the splash of dirty blood, a finger of that arm was cut off by the hunter.


The wailing sound continued, and the arms were flailing wildly, but there was no way to hit the hunter. Instead, the opponent seized the opportunity and cut a lot of wounds.

Obviously, it is extremely unwise to compete with hunters in speed and reflexes when speed is no longer an absolute advantage and cannot be unexpected.The hunter is experienced in how to avoid the attacks of those powerful monsters, and there is no possibility of overturning.


So at the next moment, the thing suddenly extended another section, grabbed a stone pillar that rolled down next to the pit, grabbed the thing in his hand, and swept it up at the hunter, killing him on the spot. It flew out, flew out of the entire pit, and hit the gravel pit outside.

Well, this inability to overturn the car is based on the fact that there are no unexpected attacks, and the trick of grabbing the stone pillar with the arm just now is more or less unexpected for the hunter.

Stand up and pat the place that was attacked just now.

The power of this blow is not particularly strong. Although the hunter will feel pain, there is no way to hurt him.

Therefore, he quickly jumped back into the pit, and approached the huge arm that was still waving the stone pillar and seemed to have fallen into madness again.

At this moment, the cane emerged from his hand, accompanied by a violent metal friction sound, a long whip appeared in the hunter's hand, and flew out with his violent swing, Wrapped on the waving arm in mid-air.

Then, the hunter was driven up into the air by the strength of his arm. At this time, the cane was replaced with a meat saw knife again. Following the impact of the hunter's flying and falling, the sharp blade slashed fiercely. On this huge but slender arm.

【Ahhhhhhhhh—! ! ! 】

The sound of bone shattering sounded instantly, and the howling of the monster became extremely loud and beautiful at this moment.

Amidst the roar, the hunter directly stepped on this arm and fell to the ground, pressing the giant hand hard into the rubble of the ruins. The meat saw cut deeper and deeper, and the crackling sound of flesh With the sound of bones being torn apart, this arm was sawed off by the hunter so abruptly



The black dirty blood gushed out directly in the next moment, and sprinkled on the already pitch-black cracked ground.

At this time, the hunter, who was barely relieved, noticed that the dark red ground in this hollow area had now turned into the same pitch-black color as the area outside the Lost Cave.Then, he also saw those pure white flowers grow on the arm of the monster he had just cut off, near the areas where the black blood was splashed.

These flowers seem to have the ability to absorb filthy power and further strengthen their own existence, which makes the hunter somewhat surprised.

And looking back, the monster that even broke its last arm was still wailing at this moment, twisting and struggling in the gravel, and seemed to want to do more with all its strength. What.

So the hunter, who didn't intend to give the opponent a chance, rushed forward, and the meat saw fell directly on the torso of this thing in the next moment.


The sound of tearing was heard, and the hunter cut the thing in half with one blow, tore it into two pieces, and then slashed heavily on the head of the thing, using all his strength to directly chop the thing's head. His head was smashed into a pulp.

The wailing voice changed back to a panting voice at this moment, and then gradually quieted down.

The hunter finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, stepped back a little distance, looked at the flesh and blood monster that had calmed down in front of him, and let out a long breath.

Such a tiring, almost delirious fight.

At this point, it is almost time to usher in the end.

Is it time to end?

Hunter sincerely expected things to develop like this.

However, he waited on the spot for half a minute, but he still didn't wait for any echo to pour into his body.

Isn't this thing completely dead?

The hunter, who hadn't expected the situation to develop to this point, retreated a distance, looked at the mutilated corpse lying on the ground in front of him, and gradually became vigilant.

"Mr. Hunter, is it over?"

Abigail's voice sounded from far behind. She moved a little away from the hiding area and didn't dare to get too close, but she got closer to the hunter and asked loudly in the direction of the hunter.

"Don't come here... the danger is not over yet!"

The hunter yelled at the girl not far away, and then turned his attention back to the incomplete flesh and blood in front of him.

Not dead yet.

After being broken three times in a row, this thing still hasn't died yet.

At this moment, after feeling the powerful vitality of this god monster, the hunter had no choice but to feel sincere admiration and a headache for it.

Anyway, since the thing isn't dead yet, the battle isn't over yet.

What changes will happen to this thing in the future? To be honest, hunters are not interested in watching it at all. Therefore, at this moment, after confirming that this thing has not completely died, and there is a possibility of coming back to make trouble again , the hunter waved the meat saw without hesitation, and then planned to charge up again.

Then, I had to stop.


Some kind of vibration was felt.

The hunter raised his head and looked around.

I felt a strong vibration coming from all directions.

In the darkness, it seemed that something was vibrating violently and approaching the area where the underground cavity was crazily.

Constantly vibrating, something in the dark.

hum- hum-

boom - boom -

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