It became more and more violent, so violent that it was unimaginable, as if there was an earthquake.

Sounds came from all directions, approaching continuously, shaking like thousands of troops.

Is this feeling...

"Abby, get down!"

The hunter shouted loudly to the girl not far away.

And the pitch-black color roared and surged out from all directions at the next moment, instantly surrounding this huge underground cavity.

Chapter 170: The Fourth Stage

The roaring sound suddenly erupted everywhere in the Lost Cave.

"what happened?"

Tardiff sat up with difficulty supporting his injuries, and then suddenly found that he could hear his own voice.

In the lost cave, isn't there no way for sound to be transmitted?

"Can I hear the sounds around me? The hunters are back, are they back with that sword?"

The eye was injured, and William, who had only received some treatment at the moment, raised his head with some difficulty and asked.

"No, the surrounding area is still dark, but the blockage of the sound suddenly disappeared, wait, if this is the case, then I will give it a try..."

Edra murmured, followed by a rummaging time in the darkness.

Then all of a sudden, with the sound of a crash, the flame burst into flames, casting warm light in front of everyone.

"Light, recovered?!"

Karnis, who was covering his injured eyes, was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Hunter Lord, and

Those who came to support, they have...successful..."

Baldwin, who was lying in the farthest corner, couldn't help muttering while looking at the scene in front of him.

Did it finally work out?

Is this battle of hunting gods really ushered in victory?

For some reason, a feeling of unreality began to spread around everyone.

It's hard to describe this feeling in words. Since I embarked on this journey, I have been fighting for this goal, and fighting with my life, but it has really come to the moment of realization, it has really arrived. At this moment, I felt like I didn't know what to say or do.

"'s not over yet..."

Tardiff spoke slowly at this moment.

"It's not over yet? But the light and sound have returned to normal, which means that the filthy power here has dissipated. Isn't this the end?"

Stickley looked at Tardiff in disbelief.

"Don't look at me, look above, look at these things, they are not disappearing, they are moving and converging."

Stretching out his hand, Tardiff pointed upwards, pointing to the torch in Edra's hand, above the light of the torch.

Is there something on it?

Stickley raised his head subconsciously, and the other hunters followed suit.

Then, they saw those things above the light.

"My... oh my god..."

Stickley murmured subconsciously.

At this moment, the hunters finally saw, and finally realized, the sound that was happening at this moment.

"It seems that the battle should be at the most critical time. Damn, if I lay down early, if I knew that I would touch fish for a while, I might have the strength to join in the fun here."

The bounty hunter sighed, lying helplessly on the ground, lying in the gravel pit, focusing his eyes on the things above the torch.

Just, don't worry about it.

Disma, you bastard, I'm still waiting to go back and ask you to buy me a drink.


The vibrating sound still continued.


The flowing voice is still going on.

Under the fearful or nervous gaze of these hunters, above the torch raised by Edra, the darkness is constantly surging.

Those who completely enveloped the entire Lost Cave, completely enveloped this entire area, blocked sound and light, and sealed this area with an indescribable strange force, making it difficult for anyone entering The hunters among them became completely blind and dumb, the strange dark things, all surged at this moment.

Only at this time did the hunters finally understand that the darkness that shrouded the Lost Cave was not darkness in the true sense, but an extremely special kind of filthy monster with vitality and vitality.

In fact, they have been walking around in this monster's body before, and they have been acting in each other's body.And the blockade of sound and light they felt was just the ability of this special filthy monster.

If you think about it this way, those hunters who died in the cave, those hunters who came here and died in the end.Their spirits were distorted, fused with each other and turned into monsters, and after their original bodies died in this dark cave, perhaps, the final fate of those corpses was to be swallowed by the darkness and completely turned into air currents by this darkness. Yes, the weird filthy monster that completely defied common sense was swallowed up.

It's just that it's pointless to think about it now.

These black air currents, these gases covering the entire Lost Cavern, seem to be being mobilized by some kind of force now, being continuously gathered, and converged towards a certain place one after another.

Needless to say, that must be the center of the battlefield, where the hunters and the final filthy heart will fight.I'm afraid that only the filthy heart, which is still unknown and has no idea how powerful it is, can have such a terrifying power and be able to mobilize all the black air that covers the Lost Cave.

So, what is it like in that battlefield now?

Tardiff didn't know the answer, so he could only pray silently, hoping that it would be his side who would win in the end.

And the seriously injured hunters on this side realized that something was wrong, and at the same time when they realized that the situation in the entire lost cave was changing, in the deep cave, Disma was leaning on the wall, holding the Torch, slowly walked forward.


That blood bottle can be so miraculous. To be honest, Disma is really unexpected.

Lowering his head, Disma looked at the big hole in his stomach that he stuffed with his torn coat, and now the stuffed pieces of clothes have been stained black. He couldn't help but shook his head and laughed twice, and then continued to move forward go.

The body that has almost completely lost the ability to move has temporarily regained its vitality at this moment, and it has regained a little vitality that can support him to walk the last part of the road.

It was difficult for Disma to describe the power brought by the blood in the blood bottle, at the moment when the blood flowed into his body.he feels his whole

People seem to be full of vitality, and even have the illusion that they have become extremely strong, and the lost vitality in the body has been quite well replenished, giving him the strength to continue standing up abruptly.

However, this feeling quickly woke up with the black blood that he spit out.

The filthy power has already begun to erode his body.

Disma looked at the completely black blood that he had spit out, and clearly realized this.

The wound on the stomach was not taken out after being pierced by the spike turned by the filthy power. Instead, the spike remained on it until the thing dissipated naturally after the death of the main monster, and then slowly dissipated. up.

During this process, the filthy power is equivalent to having completely unprotected long-term contact with the blood and internal organs of the whole body, and it is the long-term erosion of the top, deepest and darkest filthy power in the Lost Cave.At this moment, I am afraid that the internal organs of the whole body have been festered, and I will soon be in a state of facing death.But in fact, Desma feels that he is very lucky to be like this, because he has been subjected to the most serious type of pollution, so he has no way to become a filthy monster, and his body will die before the transformation is completed. It collapsed directly, without the slightest possibility of surviving.As for the combination of the spiritual body and the filthy power to regain the entity and become a monster, it will take many years to slowly change. At this point, Disma believes in the hunter, and believes that he will be able to do so before the situation develops to this point. , successfully solve the problem.

Even so, judging from previous experience, that filthy heart actually brought huge troubles to the hunter, and relying on his strength alone might not be possible to defeat him.

So fortunately, I can still play some role before I die.

Before his miserable life is over, he can still play his final role.


Once again, he spat out a big mouthful of black blood.

At this moment, there is no difference between the blood of Disma and the blood of those filthy monsters.

His skin gradually showed bulging marks, and black blood vessels could be seen expanding little by little under the skin.

The superficial flesh on the hands, feet and torso gradually showed signs of festering, and began to transform into an irreversible collapse.

Originally, this process should be quite fast. Originally, after being caught up by that monster and being severely injured again, Disma should not be able to move anymore, but would turn into a rotten mess on the spot within a few minutes. Black blood is right.

However, that strange blood bottle, from Geman who claimed to be another hunter, is mysterious, but the clothes style seems to be somewhat similar to the hunter's clothes, and it looks like that strange blood bottle from the same place. The blood bottle in the guy's hand.After the blood transfusion, after injecting the blood into his body, Disma indeed gained a new power, a strange and incomparable power that seemed to be able to contend with the deep pollution.

If it could be 10 minutes earlier, no, if it could be 5 minutes earlier.

As long as the internal organs of Disma are completely destroyed by the strange monster with white hands, and the filthy force further invades, as long as they can inject more than twice as many blood bottles before that, perhaps, he Can you really survive?

However, the reality is that the time of the injection was too late, and his body was completely occupied by the filthy power. At this time, the blood bottle injected with a small amount of blood can still relax a little bit, giving him a little remaining strength to continue his actions.If more blood bottles are injected, the blood will quickly break out in Disma's body to fight against the filthy forces occupying it, and if this kind of immune war is carried out in the already weakened Disma's body, it will be useless. Doubt, I don't know if the filth will die or not, but he will definitely die.

... At this time, I still have the mood to tell jokes in my heart, and Disma thinks that he has a good enough mentality.

But it doesn't matter.

The thing to do now is to get to the hunter as quickly as possible.

If there is still something that this remnant body can accomplish, then it must be completed as soon as possible.

Even if there is nothing to do, at least, to witness the end of this road.


While panting, he continued to move forward.


Then, Disma suddenly heard a shaking sound.

Spreading from all directions, there seemed to be an intense and vibrating sound that sounded at the same time from all places in the Lost Cave.


Including the place where I was standing, the voice resounded at the same time.

"This is how the same thing……"

A little surprised, Disma looked around, and then found that the lighting range of the torch seemed to be larger.

The light is returning to its proper intensity.

The dark power entrenched here is slowly fading away.

"Has he succeeded..."

In the murmured voice, Disma raised his head, and his pupils narrowed slightly at this moment.

No, it wasn't a success.

Disma saw above his head, at the top of the cave, those crazily flowing things moving towards a certain place.

The darkness of the past converges in two directions.

It's not that he has successfully completed the task and killed the filthy heart.

Rather, has it reached the most critical moment, the moment when the opponent's strength is fully revealed step by step?

"This... can't we leave a little more room for everyone? Even hunters have to fight for such a long time, and they have to fight for such a long time with foreign aid... to be able to enter such a critical stage... This Isn't that the same as directly saying that relying on the hunters themselves, relying on humans themselves, is there really no hope at all?"

Amid self-deprecating laughter, Disma continued to walk forward.

Slightly, hallucinations began to emerge again.

He seemed to be able to hear the sound of the carriage behind him again.

He heard the voice of the pair of mother and son who had been killed by him following behind him.

They have already reached such a dangerous place, but they still follow behind them persistently. The sins of the past are indeed impossible to get rid of no matter how they seem.No, it should be said that from the moment the idea of ​​"getting rid of" came up, there was really no possibility of getting rid of it.These things will really follow him for the rest of his life, until he dies.

After witnessing his own death, maybe these figures who followed him could also leave with satisfaction.

"Sorry, wait a little longer... I have to wait a while before I die..."

Therefore, Disma could only speak to his back like this.

"Before confirming that the hunter will not overturn, if I fell down now, to be honest, I am a little sorry for what others left me."

Continue to walk forward.

Continue to move forward with the sound of the carriage following.

Disma continued to walk forward in the darkness where the darkness was crazily surging, and the humming sound was constantly trembling, towards the direction where the hunter was, towards the direction where these dark things were, and continued to approach the past .

boom--! ! !

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