The sound of cracking has already sounded in the distance.

Boom-! ! !

In the extremely intense sound of the explosion, the hunter saw all the entrances and exits in this underground cavity, and all the places with cracks, at this moment, a large amount of black mist began to emerge, sweeping towards his position like a storm past.

What are these things? !

The hunter, who had been focusing all his attention on the wreckage of the monster here, was startled by the frantic black//air currents at this moment.

Those white flowers bloomed brighter and whiter at this moment.It seems that a considerable part of the black mist has been absorbed by the power, causing more and more flowers to appear in this huge underground hollow area, and allowing the field that was almost impossible to expand to be constructed again, once again. The entire open area is occupied.

However, not all the black//airflow was sucked away by these flowers, the hunter saw that at least [-]% of the airflow was still sweeping, gathering at the top of this huge hole, slowly condensing with.

Then, the hunter, who realized the target of these air currents, turned his eyes and was about to pounce on the corpse of the monster lying on the ground next to him.

And almost at the same time, those black air currents crashed down directly, hitting the shock wave hole where the hunter was in like a tornado, and hitting the mutilated monster corpse.

The violently released force set off a wave of air, blowing away the hunter who wanted to attack the corpse again.

And in the increasingly turbulent black//airflow, slowly, a tall figure stood up at this moment, stood up from the darkness, and completely melted those black//airflows that were not plundered by the flowers for oneself.


The hunter felt a little annoyed at this moment.

Originally, he thought that the monster's corpse would change, so the hunter was always on guard against the monster's corpse itself, without noticing the changes in the surrounding environment.Therefore, at the moment when those black air currents came out, the hunter was unprepared, and in the end, he watched these things come up and gather with the corpse of the monster, and once again gave the thing that was finally knocked down Life force again.

Tsk, I knew that I should go up and continue to make up the knife immediately after killing it.

But the problem is that at that time, I was not sure if this thing would explode and get up. Without knowing what would happen later, with the hunter personality, he would definitely choose to watch from the sidelines.It can only be said that there are all kinds of tricks in the stage change of the filthy monster. It seems that we should bring a few more Molotov cocktails in the future. After defeating a powerful monster, just throw a bottle on it and burn it.

But these thoughts can only be kept in the bottom of my heart now, the hunter has once again focused on the figure in front of him.


It wasn't the dying gasp like before.

It was a somewhat distorted voice that seemed a little confused.

A confused voice, as if he had forgotten why he was here and why he was still fighting.

The black air flow slowly faded away, and among the white flowers, the figure slowly walked out step by step, revealing its true appearance.

The hunter frowned slightly.

Compared with the previous three forms, the thing in front of me has a certain change.

The limbs of the hands and feet are still deformed, but they have returned to the five fingers similar to humans, and the overall length of the arms has also recovered. It is no longer the limb length that is so long that it is impossible for humans to have.

The body covered by distorted flesh and blood was covered with lumps, but compared with the densely packed appearance in the previous third stage, it was much less, and it also vaguely restored some female-like body proportions.

The legs are thick and thin, and the slender leg already looks like a human being, and part of the skin is even slightly white, as if it really changed back to the appearance of a human body, while the swollen one On the legs, many irregular lumps of flesh could be seen, as well as a few deformed flesh that looked like a baby's face, distributed on the thighs and calves.

Feeling some kind of abnormality from the change of the opponent's appearance, the hunter looked at the opponent's head, but saw the mixed golden and black long hair falling down. The half face on the left side of this monster is exactly the face of the goddess. , with eyes closed tightly, quietly, as if asleep.The other half of the face looked like an ugly monster with exposed fangs. Abscesses and swelling spread across this half of the face, and there was even a huge lump on its back.

【Ah... ah...】

Black air flow slowly seeped out from the monster's mouth.

At this moment, the fingers of both hands were gradually covered by sharp claws, and the twisted pupils belonging to the monster looked in the direction of the hunter.

Are you here?

He took a step forward, and before the hunter could make any movement, this thing came up to him in an instant.


The sharp claws collided with the meat saw, and slashed across the metal blade, leaving behind harsh sounds and flashes of sparks.

Sensing the speed and strength of the opponent, the hunter quickly retreated without hesitation. The saw knife in his hand was replaced by a cane, and at the next moment he thrust out, directly piercing the other claw swung by the opponent, following the movement of the cane The other side was pushed by the hunter and smashed directly on the head of this thing, and then the hunter stepped forward and directly hit the thing sideways.Under the force of the collision, the monster took a step back, and the hunter grabbed the cane and took three steps back before barely holding on.

[Uh ah ah——]

The originally confused voice turned into an angry howl at this moment. The monster roared loudly, and the sound turned into a sonic boom in its mouth, forcing the hunter to quickly dodge sideways, and the position he was standing just now was directly It exploded, as if being crushed by an invisible hand.

The footsteps swept across the ground quickly, mobilizing the little power left, the hunter quickly approached in front of this thing, swung the meat saw knife, and then collided with a blade made of bones .The monster didn't know when a bone spur grew out of its palm, and it swung it like a sword blade and slashed at the hunter. As soon as he picked it, the hunter who was trying to defend flew up and fell to the ground not far away.

Fighting skills...

From the monster's movement just now, the hunter felt a little bit of a less obvious, somewhat stiff sword skill.

The goddess of the earth, Winiyadh, knows how to fight in close quarters.

Abigail had seen this in some ancient books.

In fact, the goddess of the earth not only knows martial arts, but also is extremely proficient.As a god, this goddess possesses all kinds of skills, and she is an all-rounder who keeps improving and learning various new fields among human beings.The wisdom and talent of the gods, in this learning process, gave the goddess of the earth a height far beyond that of ordinary humans, allowing her to easily reach the limits of fields that ordinary people cannot reach in a lifetime.

Although compared with the real, almost omnipotent Father God, and the God of War who specializes in battle, the goddess of the earth is much lower in this aspect.However, if only compared with her subordinates, those goddess knights who have already stood at the subversive level of human beings, the goddess of the earth can basically easily defeat almost every one of them in the sword skill competition without using divine power to fight fairly. one person.

Well, except for two, one seems to have disrespectful thoughts towards her, so relying on her own ability, she abruptly reached the point where she can be evenly matched with the gods in terms of fighting skills.The other one, uh... the other one beat the goddess into doubts in the skill battle, and even accidentally used divine power to incapacitate the opponent in a fit of anger because the loss was too tragic. The field bombarded a barren land of rocky hills.

These old-time jokes have to be said to occasionally look funny, if not compared with the bleak reality of the present.

Of course, the hunter wasn't thinking about these things, he just couldn't help guessing from the actions of this god monster, as his successive battles weakened the power of filth little by little, as some remnants of the goddess herself, began to gradually Can you show it?

I don't know the specific situation, I'm afraid I have to try it to know.

The frowning hunter stood up from the ground, and continued to meet the monster made of flesh and blood from the corrupted god in front of him.


The bone sword collided with the blade, and the hunter took out the Grendel sword at this moment, and quickly blocked the monster's bone sword with the cold blade.

At this moment, the weapons of the two sides collided for several rounds one after another. The hunter swung the weapon to block the opponent's attack, leaving a wound on the opponent's shoulder with the long sword, but immediately afterward, a wound was cut on his own shoulder Come on, no no no take a step back.

[Uh ah——]

Amidst the furious sound, the monster had already chased it up, the bone sword in its hand shrank, and the lump on its back sprayed a large amount of liquid forward, corroding a large pit where the hunter stopped and stood.

At this moment, the bones creaked and turned into bone spurs and pierced out.

The hunter turned the blade of the sword in a circle to block a few bone spurs, but one of them pierced through and stabbed him on the shoulder, leaving a bloodstain immediately.

The strength and speed of the body have indeed dropped a lot compared to before.

Some can't contain the exhaustion.

The hunter is very clear that this battle has dragged on for too long. The power of this thing itself is too strong. It has been eliminated and destroyed three times in a row, and it is only now that it finally forces the opponent to mobilize the power that exists in the entire Lost Cave. It's just pushing the opponent to the last step.

Step forward, step forward, stagger.

The sword blade and the bone sword collided again, and the opponent started to use a decent sword move, and crossed and collided with the long sword wielded by the hunter several times in succession. There was no way to gain an advantage between each other, so they fought several times in a row. minute.


In a sound that seemed to be a bit annoyed, this thing smashed down the bone sword again, with a body that was more than two meters high and slightly taller than the bug-like monster just now, it rushed forward, and the swollen The leg of flesh and blood was lifted up, and kicked towards him at an extremely terrifying speed.

This kick was obviously unexpected. Although the unprepared hunter raised his sword to resist, he was still kicked and flew out. He flew more than ten meters away and hit a collapsed stone pillar. Under the impact of force, the stone pillar was even rolled twice by the hunter, leaving an extremely clear human-shaped depression on it.


The body of the monster fell from the air, and stepped on the hunter with a heavy foot.


In the crackling sound, the stone pillar was broken from the middle, and the hunter had already rolled to the side, stood up and slashed up with a sword, but was blocked by the opponent with a bone sword, and then kicked again with that huge leg come up.


The sound of the wind exploded beside the hunter, and the hunter, who had realized in advance that this thing would have legs, dodged sideways, almost passing by the giant leg, and followed the blade of the sword down, the hunter took advantage of the situation and wanted to chop the creature with a sword. One leg, but immediately chose to avoid the edge because of the bombardment from the monster's hand.

Fighting skills are becoming more and more apparent.

The hunter stepped back again, intersecting with the bone sword wielded by the monster.

The thick giant legs swiped violently, the speed was so fast that the hunter almost didn't react to the blow and took him away.

Once again, several swords were swept out, and the blade stabbed and swung one after another, launching a series of attacks at a speed that the hunter could not imagine.

The collision from the weapon quickly became extremely sharp and piercing, and the hunter had already retreated several steps in the midst of the monster's frenzied onslaught, and finally directly bumped into a huge stone above.


The next moment, the opponent lifted that thick giant leg and kicked it directly on the stone with a single blow, kicking the stone that the hunter hit on his back into the air on the spot, drawing an arc high in the air, Then it hit a stone pillar and broke it, and the two rolled together into the pile of rubble, creating a cloud of smoke and dust.

The hunter was already rolling to dodge at this time, but the thing followed closely behind with a sliding step. It got short, and with a sweep of its legs, the hunter fell to the ground, and then it stabbed down with a sword. The side face of the dodging hunter pierced the ground, leaving a trail of blood.

Before the counterattack could be performed, the huge leg fell down, forcing the hunter to roll continuously. When he stood up, the thing pulled out the bone sword stuck in the ground and slammed it towards him. In an instant, a large amount of dust was raised.

The hunter continued to retreat, and then swung forward at the moment when the thing rushed up. The meat saw and the bone sword collided together, making a crisp sound, and then the hunter pulled his hand violently, sawing the blade of the meat knife Then it deformed and bounced out, the sharp sawtooth crossed the blade and hit the monster's head directly, and then tore off half of the opponent's head when the hunter pulled it back.


The giant leg raised up instantly and struck. This time the hunter failed to dodge in order to seize the opportunity to attack. As a result, he was kicked directly in the stomach. The whole person flew high, and the distance between the two sides was short when it landed. It has exceeded 30 meters.

At this moment, the whole body was trembling because of the blow. The hunter lay on the ground and panted for a while, but he couldn't stand up.Not far away, the monster that had been hit on the head let out an extremely shrill cry, and kept reaching out to touch the wound on its head. On the half of the monster's distorted face

At this moment, an expression that seemed to be in great pain appeared.

Then, this monster who seemed to be smarter than before did not immediately rush up to fight the hunter again, but threw away those particularly large stones beside the broken rocks and the cracked stone pillars. , picked them up one by one, and flung them towards the hunter.

Tsk... I can't move my body...

The hunter who tried hard to get up, but failed to succeed immediately, looked at the enlarged stone in front of his eyes, and realized that he might have to be resurrected again.


The next moment there was an extremely violent tremor.

The huge stone disintegrated directly at this moment, and was smashed abruptly by a huge force.

The source of this power was Andre who stood in front of the hunter, carrying a hammer.At that moment just now, the man rushed forward suddenly, and smashed the boulder that was thrown over with a hammer, smashing it to pieces on the spot.

"Your Excellency Hunter, can you recover?"

Andre, who flexed his wrist, looked back at the hunter and asked.

"'s are so strong?"

The hunter barely got up from the ground, the expression on his face was obviously a little shocked, he had never thought that there would be such a force that could blow up a huge stone on the spot with one blow.Speaking of which, this kind of power is completely beyond what humans can have, right?When I was still in Xingkong Town, I felt that this forging master was not normal, and it was the same when I was fighting with the appealer. I punched the opponent to the side. How many times the size of a stone, and even a large stone thrown from tens of meters away, can be smashed on the spot. What is this person's body made of?

The hunter's heart was full of doubts at this moment.

"If this is the case, it's natural. My strength has always been great."

For the hunter's question, Andre answered very "honestly".


It is obviously not the truth, this level of strength can never be explained by just saying "natural".

However, this guy has been doing things seriously for the entire hunter team. He has also been a forging master in Xingkong Town for many years. Although he may have some little secrets of his own, at least he is still a trustworthy person. Hunter is still willing to express his understanding.


The sound of howling was still ringing from afar.


Several boulders in succession were picked up one by one by the monster and thrown towards the hunter.


With a loud shout, Andre swung the hammer again, smashing a flying boulder into pieces, followed the hammer in his hand for forging iron, and then spun it around again, and hit another boulder that was about to fall, smashing it to pieces as well. It was smashed to pieces.

Two consecutive swings brought out two thunderous tremors.

The gravel fell to the ground with a clatter. The two-meter-tall, muscular Andre stood in front of the hunter, holding a hammer like a door god.

"It doesn't seem to be much different from blacksmithing."

He was even in the mood to go back and play a joke on the hunter.

"Be careful……"

The hunter can only say this, close his eyes and sit up slowly, making sure that he can recover as much physical and energy as possible during this moment of respite, so that he can continue to fight when that thing comes again .

[Uh ah ah! ! ! 】

Whoosh - whoosh - whoosh -

More stones were thrown over by the monster at this moment.

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