Andre took a step forward, waving the hammer in his hand one after another, smashing one stone after another, smashing these boulders that could easily crush people and turn people into a puddle of meat paste on the spot amidst the roaring sound open.


At this moment, due to excessive force, the giant hammer broke its handle unbearably.

When Andre saw this, he roared, threw away the hammer in his hand, jumped up and punched a rock, smashed the boulder with his bare hands in an even more violent explosion, and then staggered and landed on the ground. On the ground, he covered his arms and shook twice.


How should I put it, although if there is no physical problem, a hunter with this level of attack effect can also be hit with a giant sword weapon, but Andre's behavior of smashing boulders with his bare hands still makes the hunter wonder what the hell is going on with this guy. Is not human this point.

Wait... Greatsword Weapon...

Suddenly, the hunter thought of something at this moment.


Another piece of gravel flew out and fell at this moment.

Whoosh whoosh—

Then, the monster that seemed to be enraged threw out a large amount of rubble at one time, which was enough to suffocate the hunters.

"This amount..."

Andre obviously did not expect this level of quantity, and frowned for a while, realizing that he might not be able to destroy them all.

At this moment, the sound of chanting the mantra sounded from behind, and a long tentacle suddenly stretched out, directly in front of the hunter and Andre, resisting a large number of falling gravel, only a few The defense through the tentacles continued to smash down on the hunter's head, but this amount of attacks was immediately overwhelmed.

Andre smashed it on the spot.

"Mr. Hunter, are you all right?"

Abigail appeared beside the hunter and carefully helped him up.

"It's step back a little..."

The hunter shook his head, his eyes swept over the moonlight sword in Abigail's hand, and then remembered the glowing sword in his hand.

Where did that sword go?

The hunter couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It seems that it was originally held in my own hands.

When he was facing the monster with Geman, he was handed back to him by the opponent, and he was reminded to put away his weapon...

Close your eyes and reach out.

The light spread out in the next moment, and in the hunter's hand, there was already a two-meter-long giant sword with gorgeous lines that was emitting light.

Complete Sword of the Forgotten Knight.

"Mr. Hunter, this ability..."

Abigail looked at this scene with some surprise. She just watched the hunter think for a moment, closed her eyes and stretched out her hand, and then suddenly a huge sword blade appeared in his hand, completely innocent. The omen is just in hand.

How did you achieve this ability?

Mr. Hunter, have you awakened a new power?

While thinking this way, Abigail saw that the giant sword in the hunter's hand disappeared again, as if it had been stored in some unknown place, and the expression on the hunter's face suddenly became ugly It looks like the expression of being cheated by some profiteer for a long time and still thinking it is worth it, and then one day finally finds out that he has been deceived.

However, starting from the facts, I was indeed deceived.

Be tricked by those seemingly small couriers to use the invisible echo to keep too many weapons, and then take them out when needed, and charge a fee every time.

As a result, this thing was unnecessary from the very beginning. Did I actually have this ability to collect items all along?

At this moment, the hunter seemed to be in a rather bad mood.

boom -

[Uh ah ah ah ah! ! ! 】

After a series of cracking sounds, the thing finally realized that the stones it threw had no effect at all, so it rushed towards the hunter.

"You all... back off... get out of here..."

And the hunter, who had vaguely known something, moved his body at this moment, and directly greeted the monster.

Showing the sword directly to the other party is useless. The previous actions of Disma have proved this point. Naturally, the hunter will not repeat the mistakes of others.

However, this thing must have some function, and at a certain stage, it can produce some special effect.

The hunter stared at the monster wielding a bone sword that was getting closer and closer, and vaguely, an idea emerged.


The weapons of both sides collided again.

The recovered hunter only took a step back this time before reacting quickly, swiping his long sword and striding forward quickly, brushing the kicked giant leg and passing the monster's side, a trace of frozen wounds appeared on the monster's body. The belly of the thing spread out, and then shattered together with a pile of flesh and blood.


The bone sword suddenly turned around and stabbed out, but was blocked by the hunter who just turned around and raised the sword. "

Then the tall monster rushed up directly, and the giant leg was kicked out again, but the hunter jumped up and stepped on it, and then was directly stepped on by the opponent, and suddenly went around behind the monster and grabbed it. with its hair on the thing's back.

The sound of angry howling rang out quickly, and the thing turned around suddenly, trying to catch the hunter on its back, but it failed to succeed after shaking it several times.

The long sword in the hunter's hand turned around, and then stabbed straight down, piercing through the huge tumor on the monster's back.


A large amount of pus spewed out with the hunter's movements in the next moment.

[Uh ah ah——]

The monster howled at this moment, and bone spurs suddenly appeared on its body, forcing the hunter to jump off.

But before leaving the monster's body, the Senran long sword froze again, and then shattered violently, tearing off a large part of the tumor on the thing's body.

[Uh ah ah ah——! ! ! 】

This time the howling sound was even more violent than before.

Land, quickly retreat, dodge.

The hunter looked towards the monster's face.

Looking at the half of the face with eyes tightly closed, as if in a deep sleep, it has always been normal and not covered by filth.

Then, the hunter saw the opponent's eyelids, saw the half of the earth goddess's eyelids, and trembled slightly.

So is that really the case?

The hunter had a clear understanding in his heart, and the long sword in his hand pointed forward again.

In other words, the next step is to become a surgeon.

Although the two professions of hunter and doctor don't seem to have much relationship, um,

And there is a kind of uncomfortable feeling once connected, it seems that there is a feeling of bad performance in the memory, but for now, let's give it a try.

The hunter's gaze slowly swept over the body of this huge monster.

Half of the head, on the back, on the torso, and on the hands too, um, especially that fat leg that hurts to kick.

The moment the monster rushed towards him, the hunter roughly determined what he was going to do next.

An inaccurate, slightly more likely to cut something, without anesthesia, will make the victim, ah no, a small operation that will make the patient suffer a little pain and pressure.

Considering that the subject of the operation is a monster without//human rights, well, there should be no problem.


In the next moment of collision, the hunter turned sideways to avoid the kick of that leg, and followed the long sword in his hand to cut down extremely swiftly.

Chapter 180: Cutting, Connecting


The roaring sound suddenly sounded again.

The hunter, who felt that he had heard this oscillating sound for too many times, and his eardrums became impatient, swung continuously at this moment to fend off the monster's attack, and swung the blade in his hand in an instant. , cut directly on the opponent's shoulder, cutting off a piece of rotten flesh and blood.

[Ah ah ah——]

In the howling sound, the hunter clearly saw that the eyelids on the half of the woman's face trembled slightly again.

Can't go wrong.

As long as it can continuously cut off the dirty flesh and blood.

The part left as a goddess has the possibility of being revived.

Although the specific results cannot be completely confirmed, but it is worth a try, and it may be able to end this battle that has lasted for too long sooner.


The sound of the wind tore through, accompanied by the rancid smell from the monster's body.

The hunter and the monster crossed again, and the blade swung out. This time, the hunter went around behind the thing, and gave it another slap in the face of the tattered tumor, cutting off more of it. parts.


The howling sound came from the half of the monster's cheek.

The hunter, on the other hand, felt more and more like he was facing a parasite.

The monster I faced took root in the body of the former god, corrupted it, distorted it, and transformed it into a part of itself, thus shaping my current appearance and this version of myself. Come in twisted and ugly poses.

This thing even usurped the power of the gods and obtained part of the power of the goddess of the earth.

However, it still doesn't seem to be able to completely erase the traces of the goddess itself, so that even after thousands of years have passed, hunters can still find the face of the goddess on this monster, and part of the characteristics of the goddess.

It's like a cancer parasitic on the body of a god, bit by bit absorbing the other's vitality to strengthen itself, bit by bit plundering things that belong to others to create a part of oneself.

Perhaps, the nature of filth has something to do with this?


Crash, tear, freeze, shatter.

With the help of the freezing ability of this great sword, every time the hunter slashes at the opponent, he can directly freeze a part of the monster's flesh and blood, and then make it shatter in an instant, thus cutting the monster more efficiently. part of something.

In every attack, the hunter pinpointed the corrupted and filthy parts of the opponent, and spared as much as possible those parts that looked more human.

At this moment, the hunter has vaguely felt that if he does not find a correct way, this battle may be delayed to an endless point. The source of this conjecture has absorbed the entire On the point of the black airflow of the Lost Cave.

After all, this thing is the Unholy Heart, the source of the evil power of the Blasted Forest and the Corrupted Fields.

It is the power of this thing that is constantly maintaining the corruption of this area.

Then, conversely, when the subject is threatened, will this thing be able to absorb the filthy power of the outside without limit, and then enter an endless and constantly changing form, constantly appearing in a new appearance and Explosive power?

This conjecture is a bit too frightening. Even if the hunter has the confidence to kill the enemy in front of him now, if this thing continues to absorb the filthy power from the outside, it will destroy the filthy power inside the entire Cursed Forest, and even the filthy power in the entire Corrupted Field. If they are completely concentrated, by that time, who has been resurrected too many times in a row, and whose state has fallen to an extremely bad state, can he really defeat the enemy in front of him?

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the method, the method that can really effectively end all this.

But now, from the hunter's point of view, the key to this method lies in the part where the goddess of the earth remains on the monster.


The heavy fat legs were kicked towards the hunter again.

This time the hunter was unable to dodge the swift and violent movement of the giant leg. Although he immediately crossed the sword to resist, the hunter was still kicked hard by the kick, and the whole person flew up in the air. mid-air.


Amidst the frenzied roar, the thing jumped up together, and the bone sword in its hand stabbed at the hunter in front.


Then, the metal long whip in the hunter's hand swept out first, wrapping around the fat giant leg in mid-air, the metal spikes bit the flesh tightly, and then the hunter suddenly exerted force and jumped directly towards the ferocious leg. The monster, the two figures collided fiercely in mid-air, the hunter directly grabbed the hair of the monster, and kicked half of the face of the monster fiercely with his knee, then he adjusted his figure in mid-air, He kicked away the opponent's arm holding the bone sword that was trying to cut at him, and then the long sword reappeared in his hand, and directly pierced down into the deformed fat leg of the monster.


The dirty, smelly blood immediately flew up.

And the hunter's long sword has already penetrated downwards, directly piercing through this giant leg.

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