This is the part the hunter tore from the god monster.

This is the most diabolical and profane part of that horrific final nightmare thing.

The hunter has completely resonated with the other half of the gods and monsters, and plunged into the dream world, trying to fundamentally destroy the foundation of the filthy existence.

He had no way of taking into account the external situation. Obviously, he did not expect that these torn flesh and blood parts would not dissipate, but would be able to gather again into a unified body by virtue of his own ultra-high concentration of filthy power. entity.

Of course, this thing will not allow the hunter to win the battle.

It is necessary to block this thing.

The four people present had already grasped their weapons.

"Come on, cousin."

Disma grinned with sweat dripping from his forehead.



Footsteps trembled.


The darkness trembled with it.

In just a split second, the thing started to move again.


The sound of wind burst behind the black body.


When Abigail shouted, Disma had already moved first.

The sharp dagger stabbed out suddenly, passing through the body of the thing coming up, cutting a long and narrow wound.

Squeezing the strength of his whole body, with this swift blow, Disma forcefully pushed the thing down on the ground, stabbed the dagger in his hand deeply, and burst out a series of lightning strikes on the body of the thing. .

Slightly - slightly -

A distorted sound suddenly sounded, and the black spikes suddenly popped out in the direction of Disma, piercing several blood holes in his body, one of which passed through the lungs directly penetrated from his body. Showing through the back.

But Disma, who seemed to feel no physical pain at all, took another step forward, pulled the thing with a dagger, stood up and pulled it up, and then the muzzle of the gun in his hand was pressed against the torso of the dark thing, with a sound The explosive sound directly knocked it into the air, and then landed hard on the ground.

"It's now--"

The chanting of the mystic scholar followed, and a huge tentacle emerged from the ground, binding the body in place.


Andre swung the sledgehammer and followed it up with a blow, directly smashed the thing out, and hit a collapsed stone pillar not far away, with such force that the stone pillar rolled and rolled several meters away.

Dust has just risen from the ground.



But in the blink of an eye, Disma had already fired a shot, and the black figure had once again rushed in front of several people.The attack suffered just now didn't seem to have any effect on this thing at all, almost at the moment of falling down, it was convenient to get up again and meet it again.


The tentacles swung out and circled, and then were cut off by the black blade.

Spikes emerged from the black body, pointing forward, toward the huge flower buds, but the spikes were interrupted by a bullet, followed by

Seeing Disma's body directly blocked the front, the dagger in his hand turned around and stabbed directly.


A sharp black blade condensed from the dark body, collided with the dagger in Disma's hand, and a metal spark exploded.

And Andre had already swooped up from the side, bumped directly into this thing and rolled in the sea of ​​flowers, and hit the opponent with a sudden punch, directly denting a large part of its torso.

boom--! ! !

The airflow oscillated in the next moment.

Andre was sent flying, and his whole body flew in mid-air, and then he was caught by a tentacle and landed firmly on the ground.

Abigail raised the moonlight sword to launch an attack, but she couldn't see the movement of that thing at all. In the blink of an eye, the opponent appeared directly in front of Alhazred, but was followed by Diss The horse was shot in the back from the rear, staggered and half-kneeled on the ground, was then stabbed by the sacrificial dagger swung by the mystic scholar, and was then sent flying by a tentacle.

"Tsk, there is no response to the sacrifice? Doesn't the filthy condensate of the old god level still make you appetite?"

As if he didn't get some kind of feedback from the stabbing just now, Alhazred's expression became ugly.

This is the existence of the contract with oneself, and this is the first time to refuse this devouring sacrifice, what's the situation?This filth is not to that guy's liking?Does this secret existence that dares to eat anything without rejecting comers still have such strange taste requirements?

[Idiot, if you want to know, don't you understand after taking a bite yourself? 】

At this moment, there seemed to be faint voices in the ears.

Alhazred felt the evil will linked to him, the hidden existence that has been watching here. The other party... seemed to feel quite troubled by that dark thing, and was even a little reluctant to lend his power to him.

Since it comes directly from the corrupted old god, must even this hidden existence be avoided?

Tsk, it should have been good news, I finally found something that can restrain this guy.However, this is the last thing the current situation needs. What he needs now is to use all his strength to solve this troublesome thing!

The black twisted thing has acted once again.

Disma took a deep breath, and once again met the opponent.

This man seemed to have just taken some kind of stimulating drug, forcibly improved his physical fitness, and he just blocked the thing that wanted to approach the huge flower bud on the hunter's side. At this moment, the dagger in his hand turned, and All kinds of spikes and sharp blades from the opponent's body collided with each other.

Andre had already got up quickly, and the hammer in his hand was thrown out violently, hitting the dark thing and sending it flying.

In the middle of the air, the hammer was broken directly.

The pitch-black thing that fell on the ground sprinted forward, colliding with Disma and Andre who were coming straight up.

The fight at the end of the scene also entered the final stage at this moment.

Chapter 180 Seven: Take a turn for the worse



Crushing sound.

The sound of blood dripping.

Intertwined, constantly ringing voices.

Take a step, sprint forward.

The black air flow swept across in an instant, turning into countless spikes.

Pierce the skin.

The blood red color flowed out.

The dagger waved and flew up and down.

Black flowing things are cut.

Then came the crackling of gunfire, and the tearing rumble of surging black matter.

And the footsteps have approached at the same time, accompanied by the sound of the waving wind.


He swung his fist, and once again, knocked the pitch-black thing into the air.

Andre moved his wrist, wiped the blood from a wound on his shoulder, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Although I already knew a little bit before, but to be honest, your strength is really outrageous."

Disma on the side said with some emotion.

"It can be regarded as a personal talent. Since I was born, my strength has always been much greater than that of ordinary people. If my family hadn't insisted that I become a blacksmith and a blacksmith, maybe I would have become a boxer or something." Bar?"

Smiling, Andre said with a little emotion.

The black things have condensed again, and the thing that barely has a human shape seems to be unable to be completely destroyed. No matter how it attacks, it can quickly recover and regenerate, and the strength and speed displayed will continue to increase, as if it does not exist at all. The limit is average.

On the surging body, you can see the black matter that is constantly changing in gas, liquid and solid forms. These weird things can be easily turned into blades, transformed into whips, or directly turned into spikes and ejected towards the surroundings. .In just a few minutes of fighting, Andre and Desma in the front had already been injured in many places, and Alhazred in the rear was also protruded into the face by this thing several times. Few suffered minor injuries.


In the sound of breathing, Disma's body trembled slightly.

After finally recovering some of his body, it seemed that he was approaching the limit again.

His vision became blurred little by little, and it seemed that he could no longer see the dark body in front of him clearly.


Can't fall down here yet.

Biting his lips, he forced his attention to concentrate again.

After the next blink of an eye, Disma saw the black thing arriving in front of himself and Andre in an instant.


"Be careful--"

Amidst the roar, fists and blades swung out, colliding with the pitch-black body.

In the sound of singing, the tentacles suddenly popped out from behind, bombarded the body, and flew it away with great force.

But almost immediately, those black things spread out, countless sharp thorns shredded the tentacles summoned by Alhazred, followed by this thing and arrived in front of Disma again, the blades staggered , collided, followed by a black mist-condensed whip that directly whipped Disma out.

Andre's heavy fist then smashed the thing to the ground, causing cracks to appear on the ground.

It's just that before the forging master with strong physical fitness can pursue him again, the black thing has already stood up abruptly, and a sharp blade with one arm turned black pierced Andre's shoulder forward, and then pulled The opponent's whole body was lifted up.


The pain didn't stop Andre's movements. He clenched his fists tightly. Relying on the advantage of his height and wingspan, the old caster who was lifted up in mid-air by his shoulders punched the black figure on the face. The opponent rolled on the ground and fell several times, and then was sent flying far away by the tentacles summoned by Alhazred.


Amidst the oscillating sound, it was the pitch-black thing hitting the stone pillar, which dissipated and turned into an illusory black mist.

"Mr. Disma? Mr. Andre?!"

At the end, Abigail, who could only watch on the sidelines because she couldn't keep up with the fighting speed of the few people, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's okay, I'm fine! Don't come here!"

Gritting his teeth, Andre covered the wound on his shoulder, waved his hand to Abigail behind and said.

Disma struggled to get up from the ground, reached out and pressed the wound on the side of his abdomen, and stood up with a pale face.

Farther away, the black figure had gathered again.The attack just now didn't seem to have any effect on this thing at all, and there was no change in shape or weakening of this thing at all.

Can't be hurt by physical means?No, no, the tentacles summoned by Mr. Alhazred have supernatural properties. This thing should not be the main body, so it cannot be completely eliminated.Not only that, because this thing can directly replenish the filthy power from the surrounding environment, the filthy residue in the entire Lost Cave is the source of this thing's power, so there is no need to worry about the possibility of being consumed.

Abigail's fingers clenched a little, and she couldn't help but turn her head and look at the huge flower bud behind her.

Mr. Hunter, are you purifying the dirty core now?

You have to find a way to keep it here.

You have to figure out a way.

Think of a way!

Obviously, he has acquired a certain amount of strength, and he is no longer a child who is completely powerless against any situation, but why...

Clenching the moonlight sword in her hand, Abigail turned her head to look forward, and looked at Disma, Andre, and the black figure who were intertwined again.

Want to go up and help with something.

However, there is no way to even catch up with the actions of both sides.

If you attack rashly in this situation, it is impossible to hit the black figure, but the people on your side are likely to be injured by mistake.

What should I do?

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