You have to think of a way!

Looking back, Abigail looked at the huge flower bud behind her, and tried hard to think about the solution.

They can't delay this thing for too long, and attempts to lure this black thing away from the bud have proven to be infeasible, as long as the distance between the hunters and the bud is too large , this thing will shift its target to attack the flower bud.As for the method of using multiple people to fly a kite, it is even more impossible. The opponent's movement speed is much faster than the hunter. If the opponent would attack the hunter first at close range, the four of them would not be able to stop this speed at all. Extremely fast weirdness.

As for creating some kind of restrictive scene, such as digging a hole to temporarily bury the other party, unfortunately it is also unrealistic.This thing can transform itself from gaseous state, liquid state, and solid state, and it is extremely powerful, and can easily destroy and escape any restricted scene.

Even, this powerful force is still increasing little by little.

Abigail noticed that the surrounding dark rock structures were slowly turning back to normal gray rocks.This thing seems to be constantly extracting the filthy power around it, and it is constantly expanding the scope, and the filthy power is getting stronger and stronger.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before this thing is so strong that it is completely impossible for the hunters to resist, and it is so strong that it can break through their defenses in an instant.

What should I do……

The girl who took a deep breath was thinking hard at this moment, but she didn't know how to find a way.


In the oscillating voice, the battle situation ahead has changed once again.

Several gigantic tentacles in Al

Driven by Hazred, he blasted out forcefully, smashing the twisted thing to the ground.

The black thing shattered and quickly reassembled, tearing most of these tentacles apart.

This attack seemed to be fed back to the mystic scholar to a certain extent, causing the other party to spit out a mouthful of blood and half kneel on the ground, and his breath began to weaken instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Andre, who was trying to grab the black thing, was pierced through the abdomen by a black spike, staggered back and fell to the ground. Way to stand up.

Disma's speed was much slower than before. He seemed to have been seriously injured before coming here, so that he couldn't catch this thing when he was fighting alone, and he was easily beaten into the air. Go out, fall from Abigail's side and fall into the gravel behind.

But in the blink of an eye, the situation suddenly deteriorated and took a turn for the worse.

The black body directly arrived in front of Abigail at this moment.

Chapter 180: The Touch of Death

Breathing almost stopped for a moment.

Time also seemed to stand still at this moment.

Abigail's eyes widened. In the little girl's eyes, she could only see the sharp spikes piercing from the black body that were constantly enlarged in front of her eyes.

Defending with a sword... No, it's too late.

dodge?No, my own speed is not fast enough.

Counterattack directly?In such a short time, I couldn't even lift my sword.

What should I do?

Now, what to do?

The heartbeat seemed to become violent.

You can see the sharp black thorns approaching little by little.

must... move...

I must... act now...


The speed of the sound of the wind seems to have slowed down a little.

And Abigail had closed her eyes.


The blue-green light exploded violently. "

At this moment, the pitch-black body was forced back a few steps by the shock wave.

Abigail fell to the ground, then quickly rolled and got up, raising the moonlight sword in her hand.

It was too late to make any physical movements, so the girl just aroused the power contained in the blade in her hand, releasing a shock wave on the spot to knock the opponent into the air, but because the release was so intense and rapid that her own side was also affected. Then it was overturned to the ground.

However, no problem.

The point is not here.

I just realized it!


Abigail breathed heavily.

She can keep up with the opponent's speed, although it is only a split second, but she can keep up with the opponent's speed.

It seems that at the moment of life and death, some kind of improvement has been achieved?

Or, at that moment, I successfully untied some kind of restriction?

Girls don't have time to think about answers.

Because the pitch-black body had once again stormed up.

The black liquid turned into several tentacles around the body, attacking from all directions.

Abigail took a step forward at this moment, swung the blade in her hand violently, and a blue-green light swept out, abruptly cutting off all the airflow.

Successfully blocked it.

The girl's eyes widened, and she almost couldn't believe her actions.

But almost immediately, the black body rushed directly in front of Abigail, and the black spikes condensed from the arms and penetrated forward. This time, the girl had no time to make any dodge movements.


If this goes on... I will...

Helplessly, watching the sharp thorn approaching.


At the critical moment, it was interrupted by a bullet coming from behind.

Disma jumped out and kicked the thing directly in the face, sending it staggering backwards.

The firearm in his hand was reloaded in mid-air, and the shell casings fell on the ground with a crisp sound. At the moment of landing, Disma had already pressed the muzzle forward against the opponent's chest, loaded it, pulled the trigger, and burst into flames , the next moment this thing was hit hard and flew out, rolled on the ground for more than ten laps before standing up.


Andre stood up at this moment, grabbed the shoulders of the dark body that had just climbed up from behind, lifted it up high, and then smashed it to the ground, and then punched the opponent into the rubble pile Among them, a series of cracks spread on the ground.

The black thing was flowing, and it was about to stand up immediately, but was bound by more than a dozen small tentacles summoned by Alhazred who was standing up on the stone pillar not far away, and was fixed in place at once. bit.

And the next moment, Abigail raised the moonlight sword in his hand high, and huge energy gathered and flowed at this moment. Following the girl's shout, the blade fell, and the huge light followed closely. , swept all the way to completely cover the pitch-black body, and shot a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, everything within the range was completely torn apart, leaving only a long hollow trace spreading on the ground .

"Ha... ha...


The blow just now made the girl dizzy and felt that her body was almost completely hollowed out.

Did you kill that thing?

The thing that couldn't be killed, that seemed to regroup indefinitely.

Just as this idea appeared, Abigail saw the black figures gathering again.

"It's actually... completely useless..."

I can't imagine, what is this thing? Is the so-called god monster so unreasonable?

At this moment, my physical strength has completely bottomed out, and I can't even move my body.The blow just now was not something the girl could bear now, the price of forcing this attack was almost completely losing the ability to continue fighting.


Hey, I seem to have heard something?


Something broke, the sound of breaking.

click - click -

From the black body in front, there was a continuously breaking sound.

Abigail looked at the body.

It was pitch black, and the black substance on its body was constantly changing its shape, causing enormous pressure on the hunters present.

Now, on this thing, there seems to be... a crack.

A crack spreading from the torso that didn't look particularly obvious.It's like something like ceramics accidentally fell on the ground, and a crack appeared as a result, which seems to be innocuous.

However, in this crack, light can be seen.

Abigail blinked, confirming that what she was seeing was not hallucination.

Faint rays of light shone from the cracks that had opened in the twisted, dark thing.


From the flower buds behind, a similar sound came from the same place.

Although her body was completely stiff, and she couldn't even turn around, Abigail immediately realized that there might be some kind of change on Mr. Hunter's side, which was reflected in the outside world, reflected in this distorted darkness. on the thing.

"Mr. Hunter, he... has almost succeeded..."

Opening her mouth with difficulty, Abigail said seriously to the hunters beside her.

"That's really good news, does it mean we just have to hold on for a little while?"

Disma smiled and said at this moment.

"If the hunter is working hard, we can't relax here. We must restrict this thing so that it can't disturb the hunter again."

Andre, who had a hole in his stomach, tore off a piece of his trousers and tied up his stomach. He barely supported himself, and stood in front of the four of them with clenched fists.

Alhazred wiped the blood from his nose, and chanted a spell, which amplified the light of the skeleton candlestick a bit.

That thing rushed forward again without hesitation, and countless dark air currents gathered behind it, surging, howling and roaring, as if countless monsters were charging along with this thing.

The huge tentacles popped out violently, and collided with this thing first.

The torn black edge destroyed the tentacle, but then the second tentacle sprang out from the ground, bombarded the thing and smashed it to the top of the grotto, creating a deep hole, causing a large piece of broken Stones fell like rain.

The pitch-black body fell down, was buried by large pieces of rubble, and stood up again.

The black rays of light surged more fiercely, and Andre picked up a broken stone pillar and threw it towards the opponent, and was directly cut by those black rays of light. "

After a blink of an eye, the arm was regenerated, followed by the black spikes tearing apart the incoming tentacles again, and further impacting forward, and An An who raised a big stone as a shield and rushed forward. Andre slammed together.


The huge stone was crushed and exploded in the blink of an eye.

The tall body of the old casting master rushed forward from behind the gravel, punched the thing in the face, knocked it down to the ground, and then kicked the thing's face with another knee , kicked it over and rolled on the ground.


Disma quickly added a shot, blasting the thing's arm that was trying to raise it.

"Your way home is death!"

Andre, who was roaring like this, took another step forward and was about to punch him, but his whole body suddenly fell short.

The black sharp blade dissipated, and Andre's feet had been cut off directly.

Then, the thing stood up suddenly, and Andre's swung arm was cut off directly from the position of the upper arm, and the whole hand flew into the air.


The sound of crying has not been able to come out.

The black spike had pierced one side of Andre's chest, piercing his lung along with three ribs.


The abdomen was pierced again, pierced by three spikes, and the thigh was also pierced by a spike.

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