The black body waved its arms, and Andre's whole body flew into the air amidst the splashing blood, flew far away for a distance of several tens of meters, hit a half-collapsed stone pillar, and then fell to the ground, being crushed The white sea of ​​flowers obscured her disappearance.

"This thing..."

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, Alhazred raised the candlestick in his hand and was about to cast another spell, but the black body swung his arm violently, and a sharp black whirling blade flew out.

It was too late to make any reaction, and even the tentacles that instinctively called were penetrated.

In the next moment, the mystic was cut in half, his whole body was split in two from his abdomen, he fell to the ground, and the skeleton candlestick was also extinguished.


From just seeing a little hope to a moment of despair, it turned so quickly.

Abigail's eyes widened, unable to believe the scene before her.


More cracks have already opened up on this twisted thing. "

You can see more and more light spots emanating from this black body, as if purifying this existence itself from the inside, from the root, gradually erasing the existence of this thing, gradually destroying this existence the existence of something.

Obviously, this step has been reached, and it has reached the moment when it is close to the end.

Why, it's here...

The black body has quickly approached.

At this moment, the surging black//air current looks more and more like torn faces of monsters.

The body... still can't move...

Breathing with his mouth wide open, feeling the severe pain all over his body, he tried hard to move, but he couldn't move no matter what.

Then, Abigail saw Disma standing in front of her.

"Wait a minute...Uncle Disma..."

Want to call the other party and let the other party hide. "

But even such a voice became weak, and there was no way to really shout out.

And Disma himself just took a deep breath and smiled as he watched the dark thing approaching him.

"Ha, is there no way out? Then come!"


The daggers staggered and flew out.


The bullet roared, fragmented, reformed.

The black airflow condensed into a huge blade, pierced through the entire body of Disma, lifted it high, and threw it flying.

Blood spattered on the girl's cheek.

And the pitch-black thing had already arrived in front of her, stabbing out the twisted black arm.


The huge black spikes easily pierced through the girl's chest with just one blow, and the lungs, heart, spine and ribs were all completely shattered and pierced through.

In the blood splatter, Abigail was strung on the black spikes like this, and was lifted in mid-air by this profane dark thing.

Chapter 180: The Witch


Saw... burning flames...

Under the dark night.

Holding a burning flame in your hand.


what is that……

Consciousness seems to be getting more and more blurred...

[Who is the witch? 】

He heard the voice of someone asking himself.

[Who is the witch? 】

They took the torch, surrounded themselves, and asked questions about it.

【Satan has crept among us, the witch is spreading his plague】

[Under the leading of the Lord, we have fought back, now, children, tell us justly]

【Tell us, who is the witch? 】

A frenzied face, a frenzied voice.

Reason has disappeared at this moment, fear, sickness, madness, the original reason is no longer important, the only thing left now is just this evil act done in the name of God, which is actually just human .

Find the witch and hang the witch.

Such words came out of people's mouths.

Come on, boy, come on.

Come and tell us.

Tell us, who is the witch.

Tell us, who should be hanged.

Tell us who it is that should be judged.

Slightly trembling fingers stretched out.

The rope tightened little by little.

The first person was hanged, the second was hanged, and more and more people were hanged.

Suspicion is growing, more and more people are being charged, and things are getting out of hand.

Perhaps, this is the so-called madness?

Another was hanged, and a man who refused to stand for interrogation was stoned to death.

No one felt any sympathy or pity for their deaths, because in everyone's eyes, it was not someone's father, not a neighbor, not someone's child, but

It is an unforgivable evil.

Therefore, everyone will laugh.

Therefore, everyone will cheer.

In the cheering and happy voices, people were all happy that the demons were expelled.

But that's obviously not a demon, is it?

There is no such thing as a witch.

There is no such thing as a demon.

There is no such thing as Satan.

From the very beginning, I knew the truth of all this.

All the ugliness, the cruelty and blasphemy that have developed so far have nothing to do with God from the beginning to the end, but are just the viciousness of man.

And she also one of the fuse of this tragedy...

Because of cowardice.

Because of fear.

because of fear.

Just because of such a simple reason, he stretched out his hand so irresponsibly.


No... can't go on like this...

Witches don't exist...

None of this should have happened...

I have to tell the truth, I have to tell everyone the truth.

Then, another witch was discovered.

A child who initially identified a witch has denied his claims and the orgy trial.

A rope, just hanging down like this.

Obviously it shouldn't be like this.

However, if this is the punishment I need to face, then...

If... it's just me being punished...

Another rope hangs down like this.


[Hang her! 】

【Hang them! 】

God, the Lord of whom I believe.

All of this shouldn't have happened, right?

Why until now, you are still silent?

Why have you never responded after such a tragedy?

In order to keep silent until after everyone has gone crazy?

If you are really the god I believe in...

If you are not a god worthy of my belief...

If all this...



The rope lowered slowly.

The little girl hung in the air and swayed slightly.

People were cheering and laughing.

They firmly believe that they have once again defeated the devil, the witch, and Satan.





Everyone is so determined.

They all believe in everything they do.

Another witch has been brought down.

Next, look for more witches.

There is no longer any reason to stop, everything must continue.

Keep cheering.

keep singing.

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