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Chapter 56 Give the round table a little natural shock (3K)

"Where there is a word, it must be done. You clearly and clearly fulfilled every promise you made with your blood."

"The suppression is not violent enough, then continue the suppression."

"Cleaning is not thorough enough, then continue cleaning."

"You have personally demonstrated the basic qualities that a Paradox player should have, and you have spread love and peace to the entire Anza Kingdom."

"Everyone understands the value of loyalty. Vortigern's army has gradually become forbidden under your command. They are loyal and loyal. Wherever the regent points out, they will fight all the way."

"But that's not enough"

"--Far from enough."

"What you really want to do is blunt their minions and domesticate these wolves into obedient domestic dogs; reverse their thinking and turn bandits into beneficial builders of society."

"You have to completely change the ideology of the militarism that is going abroad, and subtly transform their habits and culture, so that the Anza people will turn their aggressive nature and enthusiasm into active production and construction. go."

"If the grain production is increased, the fertility of the land is stabilized, coupled with a systematic storage structure and logistics, it will

It can significantly increase the island's chances to survive the decline of the Age of Gods. "

"What about the hostility of the world."

"You who want to live in peace, will never let go of any possible chance of life."

"It seems that after hearing about your purges, Artoria tacitly did not continue to organize a counterattack, but called on the Celtics to rest and recuperate first, to recover from the wounds suffered in the previous period of war."

"The Anza kingdoms in the south and the Celtic kingdoms in the north now face each other, each occupying half of Britain's territory, and there seems to be a delicate balance between them."

"This island, which has been fighting endlessly for decades, seems to have finally ushered in a long-lost period of peace."

""You've done a good job, Alvin has far exceeded my father's expectations, you just do your best to stabilize the situation, as my father is devouring the light of the star anchor."

Morgan pressed his palm on the old man's sitting body, established a connection with the witch's powerful inspiration, and repeated Vortigern's words just like that.

The original content was intermittent and obscure.

These were the complete sentences Morgan had spent a long time trying to put together.

""This process takes three to five days for a father, but it may take three to five years in reality."

"Three to five years?"

Su Shu looked up at the sleeping father, and pondered for a moment.

"Honey, the speed of time in the Sea of ​​Stars is different from our reality?"


The witch let go of her hand, panting slightly.

Su Shu pinched her hand and kissed her lips. Through the transfer of body fluids, he transitioned the magic power that was consumed violently for her.

Because it was someone like Vortigerm who was resisted by Xing Neihai who communicated, even she, who was a great magician, seemed to be struggling.

"The ordinary Fairy Sen is fine.

"However, Vortigern went to the innermost region near the star anchor.

"Because it is a god-made armor with fixed laws, the laws there will be much stronger than reality, so the flow rate of time is completely different.

"A day near the anchor of the star is about equal to a year in reality."

"Three to five years?"

Didn't feel tricky about the timing.

Su Shu's expression was a little half-smile.

He raised his eyes and looked to the far north.

"I was a little scared and pushed the opposite base flat.

"Should we let the water go for a while?"

Players in Paradise have a flexible moral bottom line, that's right.

But, war criminals?

As long as I haven't lost, then I'm not a war criminal!

Su Shu, who is an old natural disaster, is best at things——

In addition to the big cleaning, there is also "farming"

Artoria, watch carefully and study hard.

This one, this one is the Teaching Bureau!

He wanted to bring a little natural disaster shock to the entire round table.

"Having mastered absolute force, since this month, you have wiped out the entire Ansa Kingdom. Countless rebels have had their homes ransacked, beheaded, hung up, and their heads rained down."

"The entrenched nobles of Anza finally succumbed to your majesty and trembled."

"You don't have a good temper like Vortigern."

"Your father doesn't care about the life and death of the Anza people at all. Rather, he doesn't care about anything other than the continuation of Britain. But you won't let go of these good cotton picking tools."

"Feeling that the time is ripe enough, you decisively began to implement a new national policy."

"First of all, the industry that needs to be reformed the most - agriculture."

"Cultivation skills in today's era are simply horribly rough—Britain, favored by the gods, can be called the worst farming technology in the world."

"The efficiency of land use is extremely low, good fields are abandoned, all kinds of fertile land are full of weeds, and people don't know how to slash and burn, and adapt measures to local conditions. People are basically relying on heaven to reward them for food."

"Thanks to the remnants of the Age of Gods, no matter how crude the farming methods are, the ground can still grow edible harvests-although this does not affect that some people will still starve to death."

"Planting is too simple, which also makes the British people hardly have any enthusiasm for the exploration of farming, because they can grow and germinate on this island by sowing seeds and watering them casually."

"And this is exactly why this land is coveted by people."

"What a waste of money."

"Called all the subjects, you spread all kinds of carefully selected crop varieties, and personally went to the field to supervise, demonstrating a lot of knowledge about spring planting, grain storage, and improvement of farming techniques."

"You don't know how to make paper, but that doesn't stop you from breaking, stirring, flattening, and drying the bark fibers with the purest violence. You fumbled and produced rough paper, which cost more than cloth Much cheaper and more portable."

"You summoned painters and asked them to draw on paper an atlas to promote farming knowledge, although the number is scarce,

It was also printed and circulated in volumes as much as possible. "

"You put the matter of feeding the people, a field that noble knights have never looked down upon, as the most important basic national policy, and use this as an indicator to delineate the salaries and performances of officials of all ranks in each county .”

"You opened the gates of the town, absorbed the displaced Celtic refugees, activated the material reserves of Londinium, regulated the prices of cotton and grain, and gave priority to feeding and clothing every resident."

"You selected some basic, barely literate people in the gathering place with the town as the unit, hired them with food and coins, and opened a simple school for teaching characters."

"If you go to the capital city of Londinium and pass the exam you set up, you will be able to get an official position provided by the kingdom. From then on, at least the family will have no worries about food and clothing."

"at last--"

"Standing beside the throne, you declared to the world that all the land was taken over by the state, and all noble status in the kingdom was completely banned. If the land is returned, priority can be given to replacing the official status of the counties."

"Those who resist in the corner will be ransacked and executed."

"In this literacy-poor country, you may not be able to promote a programmatic document that people can circulate, and you can't explain to people the backward, feudal, and exploitative nature of the aristocracy."

"But the people can understand and experience it personally, and their lives are getting better."

"What is resistance?"

"No one can rebel against the hearts of the people."

"In this world, there will always be ordinary people who want to eat well, dress warmly, and sleep peacefully. There are more, and they account for the majority."

"They don't have any grand and lofty ideals, nor do they have obsessive pursuit and longing for prosperity and wealth. They just want to have a peaceful life - a stable family, a small happiness, that's enough."

"Even the robbers who come across the sea are mostly ordinary people. If they were not forced to die, who would go to that swaying ferry, like catkins blowing in the wind, drifting to a foreign country to lick blood. "


"Your force is stronger than the stacking of these trash."

"Your government decrees are more loved and welcomed by the people than the exorbitant taxes and exploitation of these blood-sucking insects."

"You are not afraid of any assassination, poisoning, or even slander of reputation, because there is no one more evil than you on this island."

"When a man curses at the abyss, will the abyss answer him?"

"He'll just swallow him up, sink him down."

"Even your lifespan is longer than these precious things."

"The nobles of Anza found it bitter that you almost broke all the foundations of their existence."

"As the ultimate creature, you don't need to rest."

"If you are not squeezed by the witch, you will be full of energy all day long."

"Your vision of a thousand years ahead completely crushes the entire era, and the judgment of the king's sword is extremely faithful and correct—looking at the past and even the next 2000 years, you are the perfect monarch for Britannia."

"So let's celebrate—!"

"The supreme, evil and violent demon king was born on this island called Britannia!"

"The uncrowned tyrant, Alvin Pendragon."

"The whole country is shrouded in the shadow of your terrifying majesty. On this day, the nobles of Anza finally recalled the beauty that was once dominated by the humble king Vortigern."

"Vortigern! Come back and bite—"

"They have never been so eager for the return of the humble king. It is a pity that Vortigern can't hear it. He will only laugh at their ugliness, pat your head, and say that you have done a good job."

"That small wave of resistance was crushed under your feet in an instant, like a grasshopper."

"In just one year, you have completed the initial transformation of the entire country."

"The term "nobility" has been completely swept away into the dustbin of history in the Anza Kingdom you ruled."

"The state apparatus called centralized power has been operating in a more efficient and systematic way, faithfully implementing the sole will of you, the regent, who is supreme."

"The natural disaster named Alvin Pendragon swept across the earth like a torrent, swallowing everything that was rotten and decadent."

"Your various decrees and national policies, the news fluttered like snowflakes to the northern end of the island."

"The Celtic Kingdom, which is watching the movements of the Anza people with vigilance, seems to have set off a violent earthquake."


Chapter 57 I’m Tired of Hearing Words That Don’t Understand People’s Hearts (5K)

In the magnificent castle in Orkney County, the original King Lott has abdicated to the virtuous, and now it belongs to King Arthur's exclusive palace.

The side of the chalk that was cast by the elves

On the flawless round table.

A circle of knights clad in luxurious armor are discussing in full swing.

It was a brand new round table formed by Artoria from among the Celts, selecting capable people and strangers.

As the last flashback before the decline of the Age of Gods, almost all the Celts today are warriors of the Age of Gods who can stand alone.

This is also the reason why the Anza people have been unable to advance the front line.

Even if they have the upper hand, one opponent can beat ten of them.

Facing the intelligence that came from the enemy, the knights only felt inexplicable.

"This is their farming atlas. Our scouting knights stole it from the villages on the border. It is said that every village has been given a copy by the so-called "farming promoters". If you don't understand it, you can directly Ask for content. "

"Where do they get so many canvases? Uh, the material texture of this canvas is a bit too rough, right? It seems to be torn if you tear it lightly."

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