"Can this be called a painting? To me, it simply tarnishes the word painting."

"Let me take a look. It shows the knowledge of farming in detail? Plowing? Fertilizing? The timing of watering is also particular? And pest control?"

"Huh? What's the use of painting such things? What's the use of farming well. Our fertile Britannia has never been short of food."

"They seem to be popularizing literacy education for the common people? And what is that "qualification examination"? "

"It's puzzling. What's the point of trying so hard to teach civilians to read and write?"

"After wasting the time of farming, how can they pay the local nobles food, textiles, and armor? We all know that those vulgar commoners don't know any etiquette at all, and they don't know how to sing elegant poems."

"Uh, sorry, the son of the dragon on the opposite side seems to have completely banned the aristocratic system. Now the whole country only listens to him, and maybe there is the demon concubine to assist him."


"What did you say?!"

"What a stupid act! What does he think of inheritance! Is this trying to restore slavery?!"

"With all due respect, how will we support and produce knights?! We all know that only aristocratic families that inherit glory and have excellent bloodlines can allow future generations to have a good martial arts training environment!"

"Nobility is the cornerstone of a country! We are taught to be graceful and calm, and we abide by the spirit of chivalry. The reason why we are born to lead the common people is because we have this ability! The common people can't do these complicated things at all!

"It is said that the so-called "officials" cannot be hereditary, so can they have any loyalty to the king? "

"How can the law of the ancestors be changed? Do you expect the common people to support a country? Let them hand over the food but say no, we all know how cunning the common people are!"

"I don't think there is any need for us to attack those young dragon sons! These ridiculous and perverse decrees will make them fall apart—"


Looking at the noisy newcomers at the round table in front of them, discussing enthusiastically there, it seems that the kingdom on the opposite side is about to collapse in an instant.

The one-armed Agguivin sat at the corner of the round table, sighing sadly and silently.

He is full of talent in government affairs, and he can be said to be the logistics of the entire round table, responsible for the finances of King Arthur's current rule of the Celtic Kingdom.

And among the entire knights of the round table, only he can barely see what kind of horror is revealed in the gaps between the lines in these news.

"Alvin Pendragon"

His bitter voice sounded.

"I finally understand now, why he pulled out the sword of choosing the king that day

"—I thought that his military power was already the best in the world, but I didn't expect that his qualifications for governing the country would be even more unparalleled.

"In the face of such a terrifying opponent

"I, I can't see even a shred of hope that we can win"

Such a bitter and sad sigh attracted everyone's attention.

However, none of the round table could understand what Agguiwen said.

Rather than saying "I don't understand".

Rather, they felt resentful.

Good guy, our honorable King Arthur is sitting in front of you, yet you are bragging about his aptitude to be king?

Grow other people's aspirations and destroy one's own prestige?

"Aggewen, I know you don't sleep well, but don't be so nervous here."

Lancelot picked up the so-called information contemptuously and glanced at it.

No, what's so scary about this?

Isn't it just farming?ha?Do you still need to teach farming?

And what exam?official?

unclear meaning.

How can a country lack nobles?Lancelot himself is a royal family of France, and his blood is extremely noble.

Aggie Wen's words made him feel very uncomfortable.

In fact, looking at the entire round table, the lake that can make the heart proud

She is the only one who is impressed by the knight.

The first time we met in Orkney, Lancelot was overwhelmed by the extraordinary light of the blonde girl, and after being defeated by her holy sword, he couldn't help admiring this peerless king .

It was absolutely impossible for him to believe that there would be someone more regal in this world than the king he served.

"To be honest I don't see any of these things at all, what's the point, can farming and literacy make a country stronger?


Lancelot sneered disdainfully, and his voice suddenly rose.

"—Then what do you need knights for?! Everyone should just farm the land!"

Everyone couldn't help but nodded secretly.

What Lancelot said was actually the voice of the Knights of the Round Table.

Everyone standing here is basically of noble origin. Who can feel comfortable hearing that the nobles on the other side of the sea have been banned suddenly?

On the other side of the sea is the enemy.

How can we agree with what the enemy is doing.

"You don't understand at all, Lancelot. You are clearly the monarch of France, but you don't understand the horror behind these incidents. It is a fully functioning country."

"I don't understand? Hehe, Aggie, you understand best! You always understand everything! But you understand so well, why do you look like a decadent dog now?"

Lancelot was very upset when he saw Agguiwen.

Rather, the entire round table hated this gloomy figure.

He often warns everyone not to pursue enjoyment, but to conserve energy, observe restraint, and avoid excessive extravagance.

What's the matter, I've already become a knight of the round table, and I can't enjoy it?

There is no such thing as thrift in Knight Medeley.

On the contrary, all of you here have been educated since childhood to earn honors, to stand out from others, and to spread the glory and fame of your own family.

Who likes to be preached.

If you have a broken hand and still put your face here to point out the country, you are almost done.

Lancelot's words were not polite at all.

"Holding your gloomy face every day, Agguvin, it's like someone owes you money! You know so well, so where did your hand go? You won't lose it on the road, right?

A sarcastic smile slowly appeared on his face.

"I know that the son of the dragon cut off your arm, and you are afraid of him, but just because you are afraid does not mean that we will be afraid! Ageguiwen, if I were a disabled waste like you, I would have left in a hurry Out of the round table!"

"Lancelot, you—!"

The six members of the old round table all looked at Lancelot with ugly expressions.

Fearless, the Knight of the Lake met their gaze with a sneer.

He is now the second strongest in the round table under the king, and his swordsmanship is superb.

Even if the six bereaved dogs that lost their right arms were stacked together, they would not be able to cross his lake of indestructibility.

Lancelot has the confidence and strength to challenge the old round table generation.

In addition to Wang, the new round table members also vaguely regarded him as the leader.

In this confrontation, there was an indifferent third party—a blond young man who was even more taciturn than Agguivin.

Kai sat in the corner jokingly, looking at the people in front of him, their swords were on edge.

He never speaks, and never engages in any combat.

He doesn't even admit that he is a member of the Knights of the Round Table, because the title makes him sick.

The only reason he is still sitting here is that he wants to accompany his sister as a family member.


You are really, really tired.

"Give it all to me, silence."

Floating voice.

But it suddenly extinguished the strong smell of gunpowder in the round table.

The scene fell silent in an instant, and it became audible.

Not for the other.

Just because the one who spoke was King Arthur.

Sitting at the most important seat of the round table.

Artoria lowered her dark green eyes.

She stared blankly at the information that fell like snowflakes on the round table.

She knew better than Agguiwen.

After experiencing Su Shu's personal teaching, she understands the meaning behind these matters best.

That is - higher efficiency, the roaring state machine, the happiness and peace of mind that the people desire, and the "productivity" of great progress.

Thousands of miles away, but it seems to be close at hand.

She understood Su Shu's intentions, and she had a tacit understanding with him.

The fact that such information can be transmitted without defense at all speaks for itself.

That was that person—teaching her hand in hand, how to govern can make people's lives better and make a country stronger and richer.

"We have to learn."

Artoria said softly.

The voice was extremely soft, but the round table looked at her in astonishment.

"The Kingdom of Anza, what kind of decree they will push forward,"

The blond girl's voice gradually became firmer.

"We have to adapt to local conditions and follow suit!"

"No, no! Absolutely no! My king!"

A knight advised with a somewhat horrified expression,

"The previous decree is okay, we have no objections! But if you want

Ban the nobles of this country, although the dukes of the counties all support you as king and are willing to follow your leadership, but this is too "

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and worked hard to organize his words.

"—Let's put it this way, they are nothing more than a group of Anza bandits occupying the magpie's nest! It has only been a few decades since they smuggled into the holy Britannia, and there is no inheritance glory to speak of! Banned is also banned.

"As for our side, although it is true that our vitality has been severely injured after that battle, most of the knights in Orkney are descendants of nobles from various Celtic families! Even if everyone at the round table is willing to believe in you and support you You! But"

He smiled wryly and didn't continue talking.

Everyone looked at Arturia.

You want to ban the nobles, so what are we?


Tristan closed his eyes and played the faint sound of the piano. He knew exactly how much resistance such an approach would face.

"You, you have to understand people's hearts"

"Do you understand people's hearts?"

Arturia smiled.

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