"In the kingdom of Yang, there is a culture of cultivating immortals that was introduced into the world of Lilith from the Nine Heavens. Therefore, the profession of "cultivating immortals" is very common. At the same time, there are also many unique cultures of immortals and immortals in the mountains, that is, giving up school and directly worshiping Enter a certain fairy mountain or fairy gate to practice immortality - because the Yang Guo school only teaches a basic foundation for cultivating immortals. "

"Although you can also learn fairy arts in school, after all, schools don't only learn fairy arts. Immortal arts are just one of the courses in the school. Advanced schools are just wasting time, so Xianmen and Xianshan are very popular in Yang Guo—after all, immortals generally have a long lifespan."

I managed to understand it: "It's similar to those Jianghu sects of the Golden Crow Empire, right?"

"Yes, it is similar to those Jianghu sects in the Golden Crow Empire, except that in the Golden Crow Empire, it is prevalent to worship in various sects and sects to concentrate on martial arts since childhood, while in Yang Guo, it is prevalent to worship in various sects and sects to concentrate on cultivating immortals since childhood."

So, Senior Sister, what exactly do you want to say?

"Our master, Jade God, is the daughter of the former head of Lingshan Mountain in a certain fairy mountain in Yangguo. At the same time, she is also the current head of Lingshan Mountain. She succeeded the head of the mountain when she was six years old. Senior sister, I was in that At that time, relying on the advantage of money, I joined the Lingshan sect and became the master's direct disciple."

"Relying on money advantage?"

Faced with my doubts, Senior Sister sighed: "No way, the way of cultivating immortals depends on aptitude. Your senior sister, I have too poor aptitude and I am not suitable for cultivating immortals. Therefore, I worshiped many immortal sects and failed to enter, but I just wanted to cultivate immortals, so I worshiped one after another. When I arrived at Lingshan, I was in despair. At that time, Lingshan was not famous because of my master. I mentioned that if Lingshan is willing to accept me, I can donate to Lingshan to repair the mountain gate."


"When I was young, I thought that everything could be done with money, because as long as I spent money, there was nothing I couldn't buy. Yes? It's just that I didn't spend enough money. But one day, my father told me that my seriousness Knowing is wrong."

Senior Sister said with a sigh of relief:

"For people who cultivate immortals and ask questions, money is just dung. They only want to live forever and become immortals. No matter how rich they are, they can't shake their firm heart. It is precisely because of these words that I have a strong feeling for the immortals. With longing, I vowed to ascend to the immortal way and become a cultivator who can also regard money as dung and no longer think that as long as you have money, you can get everything. And what happened in Lingshan that day gave me a deep understanding Now, those words that my father said are all nonsense. I shouldn't have believed his bluffing at the beginning. What treats money as dung, even if you donate a little money, the whole mountain unanimously agrees to let me get started. And directly worshiped under the head of the sect."

"...How much did you donate?"

"One trillion cradles."

"Do you use an omen to test someone's Dao Xin and your morality?"

Too much damage.

A trillion is a trillion.

Can this be blamed for not being firm in Daoism?Even if a person faces [-] billion, he can't be firm!

"Senior Sister, don't you really want a little boy? Don't you think I'm suitable?"

"It's a pity. I'm a good disciple who respects my master. How can I compete with my master for a man?"

Countless wealth has gone away from me like this.

"Speaking of which, Junior Brother, do you know where Master and Qingmeng have gone?"

"Qingmeng doesn't know, as for Jade, she is fighting with Emperor Shentian."

"God God?"

Senior Sister Chanxi opened her mouth in surprise.

"Which god is this? Why haven't I heard of it? Can you fight Master?"

"Sister, don't you know?"

I couldn't help but be very moved. Sure enough, it wasn't that I was too ignorant, but that senior sister Murong was too well-informed!

So, I talked to Senior Sister Chanxi about what happened just now.

Of course, what shouldn't be said was naturally left unsaid.

As for what not to say... think for yourself.

Chapter 52 The Shock of the Moon

After chatting with Senior Sister Chanxi for a while, and eating dinner by the way, Fei Cui finally came back.

He came back with a happy face.

"Did Emerald win?"

"Of course!"

Emerald smiled showing off.

"There are no more than ten people who can win against Jade. Although that stealing cat has some strength, it is not enough to beat Jade."

I really want to know who is among the less than ten people, but forget it, knowing too much is not good for my psychology.

"However, when we come to the world of Lilith, that god-emperor may usher in rapid progress."

At this time, Ji Chanxi, who was still eating, bit her chopsticks and said, "I'm afraid she has just come to Lilith, and she hasn't adapted to Lilith's rules. After all, according to my junior brother, she is only LV.0. When she comes to Lilith, first, the title of "Three Saints of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds" will appear in her ability value, and then her exclusive skills should also appear, and her profession should also be born accordingly. I am afraid that I will not know what my current ability is like. "

Hearing what Senior Sister Chan Xi said, I nodded in agreement. Indeed, it takes a while to get used to the difference in worldview.

And Fei Cui pulled her face down in an instant, took out a master posture that I had never seen before, and said accusingly:

"Chanxi, why are you back? Didn't the teacher tell you to catch a green leaf snowworm?"

"It's too troublesome to catch it by myself, so I just bought one. It's only 100 billion points, so there's really no need to make a special trip."

Hearing this, Fei Cui didn't know why she looked angry: "Evil capitalist."

Then, she sat down beside me sullenly.

"Brother, what happened to you and her? You clearly made an appointment to come here today, why did you get kidnapped halfway?"

"She was wandering in the street wearing a piece of cloth. I thought she was a middle school girl, so I took her to buy some clothes and shoes and sent her home. Who would have thought that she would be the third child!"

After listening to my explanation, Fei Cui immediately nodded her head knowingly: "So that's how it is. She is talking nonsense about getting married."

This is probably the case. I (Ye) had a long day here, and the curtain has come to an end, and nothing worth noting has happened in Fei Cui's house. The only thing worth noting is that I stayed overnight in the Purple Orchid Garden today. up.

Jade said that it was too late today, and she would teach me skills when I get up early tomorrow.

The last time I didn't stay overnight was because there was a cute girlfriend waiting for me at home, but today I came out of my girlfriend's house, so I can naturally stay overnight.

Well, I have played enough today, I can sleep soundly.

So, there was no dream all night, until the next morning—for the time being, let's not worry about the next morning.

During the constant accidents on my (night) side, the same story happened on my (month) side.

My (month) story can roughly be described as follows from morning to night.

Woke up in the morning after being disturbed by Melty, went to Master Yue’s fan support group at noon to change their names, and was a little uncomfortable when he walked through the back door at night, and felt that his integrity had been completely lost.

Dejected, sighing silently, lying on the bed in a nightgown and regretting extremely.

Then, there was a knock on the door, and I (Lue) got up and went to open the door.

An unknown person stood outside the door.

She is a girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

"I was entrusted by someone, please go to his house as a guest."

I (Yue) couldn't help blinking, what should I say in the face of such a straightforward invitation?

In the end, I could only say this: "Sorry, please go back and tell me that I already have a boyfriend."

"Please don't get me wrong, the other party doesn't mean what you think."

The blond girl explained patiently.

"It's a school teacher who wants to talk to you about something. He is a teacher in the highest-level school district. He doesn't teach the first grade, and he can't enter the dormitory area according to the regulations. That's why he asked me to come and invite you."

"The teacher in the highest school district?" I had to be surprised "Why does the teacher in the highest level want to talk to me about something?"

"I don't know about that. But the other party is a very powerful famous teacher. He once served as the president of the student union of the Cradle Academy, and was also the head of the Cradle Ten Jade in the past. It should be good for you to be favored by that teacher. Yes, so Yue Xuemei, you'd better go there."

I thought about it and made a decision.

"Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes."

Since it was a teacher's invitation, and he was such a big shot, I couldn't refuse, so let's go and see what's going on.

Soon, I changed into my school uniform and followed the blond girl senior out of the dormitory area to a certain building in the residential area.

"It's here, then I'll take my leave, and the school girl will go in on her own."

Standing in front of a certain door on the fifth floor, after the blonde girl left, I (Yue) hesitated a little, but still knocked on the door.


The sound of the door lock seemed to be opened, but there was no sound from inside, and no one opened the door.

It feels a bit weird, but after thinking about it, anyway, if you have any problems, just shake people through me (Ye) directly. I am with Jade now, so there is no need to worry at all.

So, after waiting for a while and making sure that no one opened the door, I tried to open the door.

——then just stayed for a while.

Looking at the empty and sunny grassland scenery in the room, I was in a daze for a long while.

"What's the situation? Did I open the wrong door?"

Stepping into it, closing the door carefully, I looked back.

The door is still there, but there are no walls around the door, but a door frame standing in the flat grassland.

I tried to open the door, and the building was outside.

Still able to go out, no problem.

So, this is the room?

Is this house so well designed?I'm so tempted to buy one.

But then again, where is the person who called me here?There is no one in this huge grassland at all?

There is a strange stone tablet.

I walked forward 20 meters with my back to the door, looking at the stone tablet that was a head taller than me.

Text written on it.

"Blowing of Hades"

Winter's Wrath, Cold Season's Disaster, Ice Goddess, Heaven's Punishment...

Forgive me for being offended by my humble body, I would like to hold the ice sword and punish the gods. There will be no distinction between spring, summer, autumn and winter, and there will be no reincarnation in the four seasons...

There is no separation between life and death, and there is no separation between humans and ghosts...

Neither love nor hate, Minghan sighs...

Looking at the words on the stone tablet, and reading them bit by bit, I gradually started to widen my eyes.

This is……

This is……

Changwen chant magic?

No, not right.

Super long text chanting magic?

Absolutely not.

This is……

ban!curse!magic!Law! ?

That's right!It's forbidden magic!

It turned out to be forbidden curse magic! !

Definitely forbidden magic! !

I (Yue) really never thought that one day I would be able to see the forbidden magic with my own eyes!

And it's not the effect of the show on TV, but the whole chant and magic circle are in front of you.

The chant text is in the upper half, and the magic circle is in the lower half.

Chanting chant in the mouth, and at the same time drawing out the magic circle with magic power, so that magic can be used.

This is how most magic is used.

In other words, the chant and the magic circle are in front of you, so you can learn the forbidden magic of "Blowing of Hades" through this.

Of course, forbidden curse magic is not easy to learn, most people are afraid that just looking at this magic circle seriously will burn their brains to death-burned to death in the physical sense.

Existence itself is a taboo for mortals. Although all forbidden magic is created by mortals imitating the power of the true god, most mortals cannot bear the power of forbidden magic.

Explain, what is forbidden spell magic?

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