To put it simply, the magic created by imitating the power of the true god in the body of a mortal is forbidden magic.

The so-called forbidden spell magic is to weaken the power, and the more perfect it is, the closer it is to the real power.

It is said that some magicians can even use forbidden magic that is no less powerful than the original copyright.

This is by no means a magic that you can learn if you want to learn it. Generally speaking, even if you get the skill book about forbidden spell magic, as long as you dare to use it and learn it, it will basically end with your brain burning to death.

There is a saying that if all the powers can be gathered into one, it will be comparable to the power of the Great Realm King.

Because the power of the true God is the rule of the world.

Although forbidden curse magic is only created by imitating powers, this imitation can be faked, and it also has the power to exercise powers.

In layman's terms, the better the imitation, the more perfect the power of power can be used.

Some people can only imitate one ten thousandth, so they can only use one ten thousandth of the power of power; some people can imitate one percent, then they can use one percent of the power of power. If a person can imitate [-]% perfectly, then he can use [-]% power.

This is forbidden magic.

There is a legend in this world that if someone can perfectly master all the forbidden spells in the world, then she will gain absolute power that can keep pace with the authority of the Great Realm King.

Use your own strength to be on par with the world and ascend to the position of a saint.

That is the end of the magic path.

Having said that, although the forbidden spell magic is so powerful, but still, not everyone is qualified to learn it.

Even if a magician can master a kind of forbidden magic in his whole life, it is very, very, very great, because it means that you have touched the power of the true god, which is a great achievement that even many gods can't reach, so let alone mastering all the forbidden magic in the world, it is simply a dream.

—I (month) may be able to dream this dream?

Really, is it possible to have this dream?

Exclusive skill: "Wanfa"

- Can master all the world's law.

——Automatically obtain the professional magic sage.

——Automatically acquire skills and tricks.

Skill: "Wanfa"

——Skills related to "Dharma" have omnidirectional x 1000% and magic power x 1000%.

Yes, my exclusive skill has a skill effect that allows me to master all methods in the world.

At least so far, I haven't encountered any magic that I can't learn.

No matter what kind of magic it is, I can learn it all at once.

Can forbidden spells be learned?

It should be okay, after all, the effect description of the exclusive skill will not lie.

And if the effect of "Wanfa", which can increase the skill effect by ten times, can also be applied to forbidden magic, doesn't that mean that I (Yue) may even use stronger forbidden magic than the original copyright?

To be honest, it's not like I haven't had this kind of dream before—but I really never had the chance to encounter forbidden magic!

Even in the Cradle Academy, forbidden spells are not taught in the first grade class!

So it was really just a distant dream.

But I never expected that my dream would come true today!

The chant text and the magic circle are all in front of you!

What kind of good man is this?

I couldn't help feeling good about the teacher who had invited me over, whom I hadn't met yet, and then——turned around and left.

"If you don't get rewarded for nothing, it's no good if the pie falls from the sky. It's better to go before you get the benefits."

There is no way, although I am indeed envious of this forbidden curse magic, but the other party directly gave me such a big benefit without showing his face or negotiating terms, can I not feel uneasy?

I am like this, if you show me the chariot first, finish negotiating the conditions, let me see what price I need to pay, and judge whether it is worth it, then I will naturally not refuse, because fair trade, Children and old people are not deceived.

But now that's the case...bye.

I grabbed the doorknob with my hand, and I was about to leave and go home.




I (Yue) stared blankly at the door that was working fine before, but now it can't be opened at all.

After watching for a while, and waiting for a while, still no one appeared or made a sound, then I just gave up and left and walked back to the stone tablet.

"You want me to learn, right? OK, no problem. Don't blame me for being unkind if you do this. I'll accept the benefits. I won't accept the benefits of whoring for nothing, but if you want me to do things, you can give me other benefits!"

I (Yue) muttered, read the stele carefully from beginning to end again, wrote down all the magic circle and chants, and then identified myself.

Sure enough, new skills appeared.

"Blowing of Hades (1%)"

——Break through the two worlds of Yin and Yang, summon the cold breath of the underworld, turn the selected land into the underworld, and pull all the lives in it into the underworld

——Determine the range of the cold breath blowing according to the amount of mana consumed

——Skill effects are related to skill proficiency, the higher the skill proficiency, the stronger the effect

——If the skill proficiency is 100%, all life in the place where the cold breath blows will sleep forever

Good guy, this is forbidden spell magic, it's not a waste of money.

No matter what purpose the other party has, the strength of this magic is real!

And just after learning it, I have [-]% proficiency, which is hundreds of times higher than what I heard, and it is probably related to my exclusive skills.

Indeed, as long as it is magic, my skill proficiency will improve very quickly, which is also very good.

——When I thought so.

"I actually learned it. And I learned it so fast."

The owner of the room finally appeared.

Chapter 53 Yue's Master

A white-haired man in a navy blue robe appeared behind me (Yue) at some point, and I turned to look at him.

He looks like a dog, but he is sneaky and not airy at all.

And not as handsome as me (Ye).

Of course, with this in mind, I (Yue) saluted politely: "Hello, teacher."

"Don't pretend, since you don't have respect in your heart, just call me by my name. Ke Lunya. Just call me like that."

"Hello, Kelunya, may I ask what you want from me?"

I'm not being rude either.

No way, I really don't have any good feelings for this kind of person who wants to force me to do things.

"The previous Forbidden Magic is a welcome gift for you. If you want to learn other Forbidden Magic that I have mastered, then you can become a teacher. Of course, you are free to choose. Now you can leave if you want to leave."

"Master, hello, what is your order for summoning Yuelai?"

"You girl..."

Master Kelunya, who looked pale in front of him, couldn't help laughing.

But I don't need to blush.

Apprenticeship test?You should have said it earlier.

If I said it earlier, wouldn't I have called Master respectfully?

Asking a teacher to learn forbidden spell magic is not at all shabby, after all, who would teach you if you don't?

You must know that forbidden curse magic was created by magicians with painstaking efforts, and has been passed down from generation to generation. If you don't come to be a teacher for one day and be a father for life, can you teach it?

I'm not bad, some people are willing to kneel down and call Father, okay?

Of course, if you are so lucky that you can unlock forbidden spells from the treasure chest, then you are very powerful, and I will call you daddy.

Such a darling of heaven, who was born with the stockings of the goddess of luck in his mouth, is worthy of being called a father.

"I saw the magic circle you were trying to draw just now. You have indeed learned it, but what is your skill proficiency now? My identification skills can't see through your ability value."

Of course, if you can see through it, I will go to the chairman to settle the score, what fake and shoddy skills were given.

"The current proficiency is 1%."

After hearing my words, Ke Lunya nodded slightly, but he was not surprised, but said lightly: "Then first increase to 100% before learning other magic. The higher the proficiency of forbidden spell magic, the closer it will be to the power. You still need to sing the super long text and cooperate with the magic circle to use "Hades Blow". After you have completely engraved the magic circle in your soul, thoroughly understood the relevant knowledge, and the skill proficiency reaches [-]%, you can freely use "Hades Blow" like a true god using power. Breathing" the forbidden spell. "

"The difference is that true gods use power based on instinct, while magicians use forbidden spells based on knowledge."

"And what both have in common is that there is no distinction between the two whether they are used instinctively or with knowledge. Both are using specific world rules, and both are tampering with specific world rules—or from a correct perspective, the power of forbidden spell magic and authority is exactly the same."

I couldn't help wondering: "Exactly the same?"

"That's right, it's the same. Forbidden spell magic is not so much about imitating power, but rather stealing the power of power by imitating power."

I thought about it for a while, and then thoughtfully said: "Fake ones for real ones? Let Quan Neng not recognize which one is his master?"


Master Kelunya smiled and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, round tables, seats, black tea, and parasols appeared on the side.


Master Ke Lunya sat aside, and I also sat down at the invitation of Master Ke Lunya.

After drinking the red tea, Master Kelunya continued: "The general truth is this. The true God is born because of the concept of power, not the concept of power is born because of the true God. The causal relationship between the two must be remembered."

"But won't this make the true god angry? Will the forbidden spell magic affect the power of the true god? No, in the end, it is just a fake after all, and it can't be compared with the real thing, right? Then the power of the true god and the power of the magician When forbidden curse magic is used at the same time, wouldn't the forbidden curse magic not be able to exert its power at all?"

"This involves another concept, that is "infinity of power". "


"Your argument is that power is a limited force, but have you ever thought that power is actually an infinite force?"

"... If this is the case, then it is considered to divide the power into two, one into three, or even one into ten, one into hundreds, and one into ten thousand, and its power is still unlimited. "

"That's right, that's it. The use of forbidden spell magic cannot affect the true god, because the concept of power is infinite. It has neither an upper limit on strength nor an upper limit on number. If you want to compete with the concept represented by power, you must have the same power to do it, and you must also have a power that has a concept of mutual restraint."

"Of course, power is indeed unlimited, but the power of power stolen through forbidden curse magic is limited, and even if the power of power is [-]% stolen, there is an upper limit for people who use forbidden curse magic, and they cannot truly use the power of power unlimitedly like a true god."

"After all, mortals are just mortals. Even if they are so powerful that they are stronger than many gods, there is no way to truly compare with gods."

If this is the case, then my "Wanfa" skill does not seem to be able to enhance the effect of forbidden magic.

After all, even if infinity is multiplied by ten times, it is still just infinity.

Oh no, the strength cannot be enhanced, but the range of action seems to be enhanced?

For example, when using "Blowing of Hades", the attack range is expanded ten times, isn't that also an enhancement?

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized a question: "Some exclusive skills and powers are almost comparable. Is there any connection between them?"

"do not know."

Master Kelunya's straightforward answer made me dumbfounded.

"There is a secret about the exclusive skill, which has not been understood after many years of research. It seems that it was born randomly under the special rules of Lilith's big world. It may also be related to a person's original essence, and it may be It’s just a simple protection of the world, and it’s more likely that it’s all possible. No one has been able to give an answer that everyone agrees with this question. If you’re interested in this, you can find the answer yourself. Ask others no answer."

I'm not that interested.

"In short, let's stop here today. You can go back and practice the proficiency of your skills. When the proficiency reaches 100%, come to me again."

Chapter 54 Mom?

Out of nowhere, I worshiped a master—by the way, I don’t even know who he is.

The name Kerenya is quite common.

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