Forget it, no matter who it is, since it is willing to teach me forbidden curse magic, then I will be grateful.

Not to mention, he seems to have a lot of forbidden magic.

Well, sure, this must be a big guy.

I walked downstairs contentedly, and I planned to go home and sleep, after all, I was still feeling a little uncomfortable.

However, just when I (Yue) just walked downstairs, I (Yue) heard a voice that surprised me.

"Is it over so soon? Well, it is indeed his style."

I (Yue) couldn’t help turning my head with my eyes wide open, and a pink-haired woman sitting on a bench came into view. That pair of familiar big breasts and that familiar childlike face made me (Yue) couldn’t help but exclaimed: "Mom?! Why are you here?!"

After exclaiming, I immediately reacted and screamed inwardly.

Sure enough, my mother narrowed her eyes when she smiled, and said with a happy face: "I haven't heard Xiaoyue call her mother like that for several years. It seems that she has always called her in her heart, but she didn't call out because of the influence. That’s right. But you don’t have to worry about that kind of problem in the future, just call Xiaoyue whatever you want, isn’t Xiaoyue officially dating Xiaoye now?”

This is a surprise attack!I want to sue you for cheating!

You appeared in front of me (Yue) so suddenly, of course I couldn't react in astonishment!If you have the ability, go to me first (Ye)! !

To regain my composure, I (Yue) asked blankly, "Sister Fei, how did you end up in Cradle Academy?"

"Let's call her mom. Although I don't like being called old, I'm still very happy to be called mom by a beautiful girl like Yue. After all, it just shows how good my Xiaoye is."

After my mother said this, she shrugged and answered my question with a smile.

"The days without Xiao Ye are really boring in the Pacific Asia continent, so I resigned from the Adventurer's Guild, and now I just applied for a job as a teacher at Cradle Academy."

For a moment, I seemed to have figured out something: "So, Master Kelunya was asked by you, Sister Fei?"

"Don't get me wrong, although I did find him, even without me, he would find you sooner or later. He can't sit idly by and ignore you."

"Master Kelunya is...?"

"It's my senior."

Fei smiled and said:

"Although we were not in the same class, we used to be the chief and second seat of the Cradle Ten Jade together, and we were colleagues in the student union. When he was the president of the student union, I was the secretary of the student union. When he was the chief of the Cradle Ten Jade, I was the second seat of the Cradle Ten Jade. After he graduated, I succeeded him when I was in the fifth grade and became the new president of the Student Council and the chief of the Cradle Ten Jade. Don't look at me, I was also a real man in Cradle College, the goddess of the school! You too Don't look at Ke Lunya's abstinent appearance, he was still one of my suitors back then."

Mom smiled triumphantly.

"Unfortunately, back then, I already had my own heart, and I was waiting for my real man, so I sent him a good person card directly. After I graduated, I traveled all over the world to find my real man."

My (Yue) eyes lit up: "Sister Nafei, have you found your true destiny?"

"Of course I found it."

"who is it?"

I have to say that my attention was really diverted all at once. As for the real son in my mother's mouth-my (Ye) dad who I (Ye) didn't even say I had ever heard my mother say it. I'm really curious!

Once upon a time, I (Ye) was so sensible when I was a child, and I was so sensible at such an early age. Although I knew how weird it was that I didn't have a father, I (Ye) never asked because I was worried that it would touch my mother's pain.

Like what other single-parent families ask, where is the father?don't i have a dad?Why do I not have a father? ——I honestly didn’t even ask a single question.

I didn't ask, and my mother really didn't say it.

So I still don't know who my (night) father is.

I don't know the name without pictures.

As a result, looking at it today, Mom doesn't seem to care about mentioning Dad?

Or after so many years, mother has come out?

Needless to say, now is the best chance for me (month) to ask who my (night) father is.

You want to say that I (Ye) don't want to know who my father is... Actually, I really didn't care too much about who my father was.

Cough cough, after all, I am so old, I have been here for so many years, and I (Yue) have both parents, and they all love me very much. I really don’t have any desire for father’s love. In this situation It's too much for you to expect me to expect from a person who doesn't even know his name.

But, after all, he is still a father. If I can know about it, then I still hope to know about it.

Even if I'm dead, I should at least let me visit the grave, right?

Therefore, I (month) looked at my mother expectantly, putting on a gossip look, hoping to get something out of my mother's mouth.

And mother she is smiling.

"My true destiny..."

There was a nostalgic and complicated expression on her face, she smiled, then raised her right hand, and raised her index finger in front of her lips.

"This, it's a secret that can't be told! Especially, it can't be told to you, Xiaoyue."

If you don't want to say it, don't say it. Why involve me (month)?

What else can I do if I (month) tell?

I'm a little annoyed.

But my mother smiled deeper when she saw my angry appearance: "Sure enough, Xiaoyue and Xiaoye are really alike, and they look exactly the same when they are quarreling."

I (Yue) don't care about her anymore, the surprise of seeing my mother again is gone at this moment, I plan to go back to the dormitory by myself.

Mom got up and followed.

That's why I (Yue) asked, "Sister Fei, where do you live now? I'll talk to Ye tomorrow and ask him to find you."

"For the building in front, you can ask Xiao Ye to go to the ninth floor, and then look at the house number."

I (month) glanced at the place my mother pointed out and wrote it down.

Of course, I (Ye) can only come to meet mother and child, so I must come tomorrow.

As for today, just sleep well.

"By the way, your mother is here too, and she lives next door to me. You can come with Xiao Ye tomorrow."

"...Ah? What did you say?"

Chapter 55

"I want to enroll."

"It won't work."

"I want to enroll."

"It won't work."

"I want to enroll."


Faced with Shentiandi, who had changed clothes so that she almost didn't recognize her, Gu Mingyue rejected her admission application time and time again, but the other party's persistence left her deeply speechless.

Gu Mingyue looked at the other party up and down again.

It was still snowy hair and snowy pupils, but the previous piece of white cloth had been replaced by a bright red dress, and the original pair of naked snowy feet also wore a pair of red shoes.

The snow white is so holy, but the bright red is so dazzling.

For some people with perverted interests, seeing this girl will definitely make them lose their way, right?

I don't have any special interests, and I kind of want to tie her up and raise her at home.

Gu Mingyue thought so in her heart, but her face remained calm: "I don't care why you suddenly want to enroll, I just want to tell you that you are over the age, according to the rules of Cradle Academy, you It is no longer possible to enroll.”

"Before you also said that non-students are not allowed to enter the girls' dormitory area, but in the end someone took me there."

"That's two different things."

Emperor Shentian's indifferent words only received an equally indifferent response from Gu Mingyue.

She said so calmly: "It is the school rule of Cradle College that non-students cannot enter the student dormitory area, and it is not completely unaccommodating, but it is the rule of Cradle College that you cannot enter Cradle College if you are over the age, even if it is the president of the student union. Authority cannot change the rule."

Gu Mingyue shrugged and smiled slightly.

"If this kind of rule can be changed, then I will first change the rule that the power of the king of the realm cannot be applied to the students of the Cradle Academy, and then change the rule that the students of the Cradle Academy cannot repeat a grade-of course, if these rules can If you change it, then the current President of the Cradle College Student Union will definitely not be me."

"...Is it really unaccommodating?"

Emperor Shentian looked at Gu Mingyue calmly.

She didn't think about coercion by force, the girl in front of her was not something she could defeat.

And she really wanted to find someone who could defeat her, but she never thought about finding the girl in front of her from the beginning.

This is not a conceptual existence.

Rather, standing face to face like this, you can understand that the existence in front of you is even different from the Emerald God and even Nvxi, and even the idea of ​​fighting with him is an extremely stupid thing.

Even if there is a real fight, I am afraid that there will be no concept of "fighting" at all.

Is this the authority of Lilith Great Realm King?

Indeed, this is a force that the current self cannot contend with at all.

However, even so, Emperor Shentian still didn't want to give up.


Lost to the Emerald God.

So unwilling to lose.

According to the nature of wolves, since they have confirmed their defeat and their inability to compete with their opponents for prey, they should give up.

Although Shentiandi had never been defeated before today, it was not that she could not accept failure after growing up like a wolf, and it was not that she could not accept losing her prey after failure.

No way, who made himself too weak.

Can't blame anyone, and can't blame the Emerald God.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too weak.

Accept the reality, and then re-sharpen the claws and teeth to make yourself stronger, so strong that you can regain the prey, this is what the Emperor Shentian should have done.

— but no.

Don't know why, it just doesn't work.

Only this time, absolutely not.

Shentiandi just gave up because he didn't want to, just gave up his prey just because he didn't want to.

No, that's not prey.

That is……

So, is this the decisive difference between the person you like and the prey you want to eat?

Emperor Shentian understood, so she became more determined to stay in the Cradle Academy.

Lovers, you can't just use force to grab them, right?

Sharpening minions can be done along the way, and in the future, he will definitely avenge the Emerald God, but as long as he stays in the Cradle Academy, he can use a woman's method to snatch her husband, right?

However, the crux of the problem now is that the rules of the Cradle Academy do not allow her to enter the Cradle Academy.

As for this, Gu Mingyue, who had been refusing before, frowned slightly at this moment.


She was not in a hurry to speak, but took a sip of the tea in the cup without haste, and after a moment of silence as if she was thinking about something, she suddenly smiled and said:

"Actually, it's not that there is no possibility of accommodation."

Shen Tiandi opened his eyes slightly.

Gu Mingyue smiled and said: "It is true that even the authority of the Great Realm King cannot change the rules of Cradle Academy, but the rules of Cradle Academy are not completely impossible to break."

"How to make an exception?"

"If you want to make an exception to the rules of the Cradle Academy, you must pass the same rules of the Cradle Academy—that is, the student vote. The rules of the Cradle Academy have various restrictions on the power of the King of the Great Realm, but these restrictions can also be passed. Students vote to make changes. As long as more than [-]% of the votes are in favor, they can make an exception to the rules of the Cradle Academy. At the same time, even the rules of the Cradle Academy are not completely impossible to change If the rules that the president of the student union wants to change can be voted by all the students of the Cradle Academy, then the power of the King of the Great Realm will be fully exerted to change the rules of the Cradle Academy.”

Gu Mingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Emperor Shentian, and said lightly:

"If you want to enroll, you generally need to change the rules of the Cradle Academy. However, if you are the only one who enrolls, you only need to make an exception to the rules once. In other words, you need to get more than [-]% of the student votes of the Cradle Academy, and then you can enroll as a transfer student."

"More than [-]% of the votes? Is it difficult?"

"Yes, this is not an easy task. You are one of the three holy sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms. For the students of Cradle College, other students are often in a competitive relationship. If there is one of you, then It is equivalent to having one more opponent that they can't compete with anyway, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in their ranking and a decrease in rewards. In this case, I am afraid that few people will agree to let you enter the school. But..."

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