"Xiao Ye, do you know? Among the heavens and worlds, there are two worlds that are special and transcendent. One is called "God Realm" and the other is called "Nine Heavens". "

I couldn't help raising my eyebrows unexpectedly: "Are these two worlds stronger than the big world of Lilith?"

Mom also shook her head: "The specialness of these two worlds does not lie in strength, but in the fact that the Supreme God lives in the God Realm, and the Queen Mother of the West lives in the Nine Heavens."

At this moment, I was finally completely surprised: "Mom, what did you say? The Supreme God and the Queen Mother of the West? Aren't they the creation gods in fictional legends?"

"You are only a first-year student now, and you haven't learned that in history class, so you still think that their existence is just a legend. If it is a fiction, how can they be allowed to spread their god names widely?"

Mother raised her right index finger and said seriously:

"Xiao Ye, you have to listen well. Everything in the world begins with one and will end with one. No matter how many worlds there are, how many worldviews there are, and no matter why this endless world was born, everything in this world Everything originates from the initial [one]. One derived two, and then two derived three, and then three derived everything. The so-called [world] is formed in this way. If there is no [one], Then there will be nothing in this [world]. In other words, the concept of [world] will not be born at all——any concept will not be born.”

I understand, but I don't seem to understand anything. Mom, what are you trying to explain?

"Mom, do you want to say that the Supreme God and the Queen Mother of the West are the so-called [one]? Aren't they two?"

I asked this in a joking tone, but my mother clapped her hands instantly and said loudly:

"That's right! Xiao Ye! That's it! The Supreme God and the Queen Mother of the West are not [one], they are [two]."

For the first time, I didn't realize the meaning of my mother's words.

The second time, after I realized it, I slowly widened my eyes.

Mom nodded and continued: "One gave birth to two, that is, [Yin and Yang]. Among them, [Yin] is the Queen Mother of the West, and [Yang] is the Supreme God. The two yin and yang are born together, and then there is [Three], and there is [Vientiane and Myriad Things]. So Xiaoye, do you know why the God Realm and Nine Heavens are special?"


I nodded blankly.

Since I was a child, I heard that the Queen Mother of the West and the Supreme God are the creation gods, but I always thought that it was just a legend, just like the legend that the Lilith World was born after the fall of a certain god named Lilith. No one knows which legend is true and which legend is false.

Of course, after watching the "Cradle Academy" movie, I decided that the legend of Lilith was true, and the legend of the Supreme God and Queen Mother of the West was false—but I didn't expect that the two legends were actually true, but Among them, the concept of "world" has different meanings.

The legend of Lilith's evolving world refers to the "Lilith Great World", while the creation legend of the Supreme God and the Queen Mother of the West originally refers to the [world] that includes all the heavens and worlds.

So of course.

God Realm and Nine Heavens are special.

It's not because of how strong these two worlds are, but because the Supreme God lives in the God Realm, and the Queen Mother of the West lives in the Nine Heavens.

"Having said that, although the Supreme God and the Queen Mother of the West have supernatural status, they are not very powerful. In other words, maybe they were once very strong, but we have not experienced their great brilliance in their heyday. Therefore, although they are above the heavens and worlds with a transcendent status, the God Realm and the Nine Heavens are not directly ruled by them."

Having said that, my mother handed a piece of coolie fruit to my mouth again, and I opened my mouth to eat it.

Mother continued: "Leaving aside the realm of the gods, the Nine Heavens is ruled by the Heavenly Emperor appointed by the Queen Mother of the West—but the Heavenly Emperor died tens of millions of years ago, so the current Nine Heavens is in a state of leaderless dragons. Wars break out frequently. Sometimes mortal countries are used as pawns to fight against each other, and sometimes they directly break out into divine battles between heavenly soldiers and generals. Tens of millions of years have passed and there is no improvement. Presumably, as long as the position of the emperor of heaven is uncertain for a day Now, Jiutian can't be calm anymore - under such circumstances, the Emerald God stepped into "Jiutian" at the age of 11, and in just one year set off a monstrous storm among the "Jiutian" fairy gods. huge waves. "

Saying so, my mother showed a smirk.

"If it wasn't for Empress Nuwa who made the final move, then Jiutian's face would be completely humiliated—but at only [-] years old, the strongest god of Jiutian had to take action to defeat him. How could the name of the Emerald Immortal King not be so powerful?"

At this moment, I understand.

"Okay, I see what you mean, don't worry, Mom, I completely give up on making fun of myself."

Not admitting defeat is not enough, there is such an unattainable coercion in this world.

Acknowledging the existence of this kind of coercion is also a kind of growth, right?

"Xiaoye, you don't have to be disappointed. Isn't it good to hug your thighs? Isn't it delicious to eat soft rice? Isn't Lilith the second largest thigh in the world? Isn't she soft? The number one thigh will be replaced in a few years, but This second-ranked thigh is made of iron! Isn't she harder than the first?"

"What you said makes sense, Mom." I held my mother's hands in an instant, and was greatly moved: "As long as I marry Jade when I reach the age, I don't have to work hard in my life, right?"

Hearing this, my mother couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Xiao Ye, are you going to be a traitor?"

"No, it's Jade who wants to be a counter teacher, I just plan to give up resistance and follow her."

"How could she do this?!" Mom was instantly angry: "My Xiaoye is not yet an adult, how old is she that she wants to trick you? No, I'm going to find her."

"Mom, can you beat her?"

"What's the matter if you can't beat it? I'll reason with her."

"You'd better not go, after you go, you will come back to me to reason."

"how could be?"

Faced with such words, I just took out my student card and clicked on the photo I had taken for Jade, and showed it to my mother.

Mom blinked her eyes with joy: "Whose child is so cute?"

"My master."

"... Xiao Ye." My mother held my hand solemnly, and said solemnly, "Isn't Xiaoyue prettier than this child? You can't walk on the road to death?"

I had expected this, but I just said lightly: "The underage is me."

"Oh, yes, that's the thing, the Emerald God will be eighteen this year... That's not okay! This looks super class!"

"Weren't you very happy when Yue called you Mom?"

"Aren't you still young, Xiaoye? How old are you now? Taller than your mother! Besides, she looks a few years younger than you at that time! You... so what... can you go in... Xiaoye, you understand..."

"I don't understand."

As pure as I am, how could I understand what nonsense you are talking about.

So, my mother let go of my (Ye) hand in an instant, and ran directly to the door: "Xiaoyue! Come here quickly! Xiaoye needs your help! You must use your beauty to hold Xiaoye , we must not let Xiao Ye go on the road of decapitation!!"

"Peng!" With a sound, the door opened wide.

I (Yue), who was chatting with my mother, stared blankly at my mother who rushed straight into the door.

Mom threw herself on me (Yue) in an instant, and pretended to cry:

"Xiaoyue, you must help me!"

To this, I (monthly) just answer lightly:

"It's okay, Mom, I agree to let Jade be the child."


Want to tease me?Want to tease me?

Hmph, a joke.

Chapter 62 The Importance of Trust

"Did the two of you acquire any kind of heart-to-heart skills? Really, there is no such thing as a heart-to-heart connection, right? Xiaoyue, are you not jealous at all?"

When I (Yue) walked into the room and sat down with my mother who no longer pretended to cry, my mother couldn't help complaining to me (Yue).

Regarding this, I (Yue) just looked calm: "Compared to being jealous or something, I just feel troublesome."

"Is this called a lover?" Mom's eyes widened in shock, and then she turned to look at me (Ye): "Wouldn't you be jealous if Xiaoyue had close contact with other boys?"

"No, not at all."

This is the truth.

So you understand?

Me (Yue) and I (Yue), who don't even feel jealous of lovers and intimate contact with the opposite sex, are not suitable for being together at all!

Because it shows that there is no relationship between us!

If you have feelings, how can you not be jealous?If you like it, how can you not be jealous?How could love not be jealous?

That's the normal reaction for Lafayette, is it normal for me (month) and me (night)?


If you ask a hundred people, a hundred people will not say that this is normal, so this is enough to prove that we have no feelings, no likes, and no love!

We are now together because we were childhood sweethearts and couldn't tell what is like and what is in love, so we are together. In fact, we don't have the kind of relationship between lovers at all-so you understand, right?

Therefore, the breakup is reasonable.

A month later, I used this reason to explain to others that after a month of getting along, we finally recognized our true feelings and realized that we didn't love each other at all, so we broke up peacefully.

Is there a problem?

no problem.

"This is trust." Mother nodded and looked at me (Yue) and me (Ye) with a smile: "I really envy you who can trust each other so much, so I don't have to worry about your future."

"Indeed." Mom nodded in agreement: "I was a little worried at first, after all, Xiaoye and Xiaoyue are both excellent, there will definitely be no shortage of suitors around, and those who dare to pursue you must be excellent, People like you who seem to be very insecure pair together. If there is no such trust, it will definitely be a quarrel or even a fight! But now that you trust each other so much, I feel relieved gone."

"That's right, you should also remember in the future, you must trust each other, so that you can be happy after marriage."

"Yes, if you don't trust each other, it will definitely be difficult for you to even get married."

Me (month): "..."

Me (Ye): "..."

You are right.

But it doesn't matter, thank you for the ready-made reasons you gave me, the big deal is to change the battle plan and stage a few scenes of eating vinegar and Shura, it's not a big deal.

It just so happens that I'm going to film with Senior Chrissy's crew next, so I'll hone my acting skills during this time, so that you won't see any flaws.

"By the way, ma'am, what do you think of the teachers at Cradle Academy? Is there any help for you?"

I (Ye) asked my mother this sentence. I am actually quite curious about the welfare of the teachers.

If my mother is enrolled in the Cradle Academy as a student, then becoming a Cradle Ten Jade is definitely guaranteed, but as a teacher, I really don't know how many resources I have.

Even Cradle Academy has limited resources.

I know that students occupy the most resources, but other occupations are really hard to say.

However, even if the resources occupied by other occupations are pitifully small compared to students, this is Cradle College after all, which must be many times stronger than the Pacific Asia Continent.

"If you want to ask me, then of course I can only say yes."

Mother smiled regretfully.

"The biggest advantage of being a teacher at Cradle Academy is that I can read the books in the library of Cradle Academy with restrictions. Although there are no ready-made skills there, it is simply an ocean of theoretical knowledge. If it is not because of insufficient authority and points, I really want to sleep there directly."

"It will be fine after the school starts." Mom comforted her mother and said, "The teacher's resources are related to the overall grades of the class taught and the students who are formally accepted as apprentices. With your ability, it should be no problem to increase your authority and get points. .”


Credits I know, but what are the permissions?

Is teacher access to resources limited?

Ask if you can't figure it out.

"Sister Fei, what is the authority?"

Well, yes, that's what I (monthly) asked my mom.

Don't ask why it's like this, it's just to enliven the atmosphere - after all, what's the matter if two families get together and they talk about their own?

"Teachers have authority divisions. From the lowest I-level authority to the highest S-level authority, the resources that can be obtained by using points under different authorities are naturally different. Among them, the highest S-level authority The authority is equivalent to that of a student—but S-level teachers generally don’t care about the resources of the Cradle Academy.”

Mom explained:

"Teachers above D-level are all god-level existences. Although there are no natural gods among the teachers, S-level teachers basically have the power no less than true gods. For these S-level teachers, the resources of Cradle Academy are mostly useless, and there is only one resource that they need. That is the Babel Tower that only students of Cradle Academy can climb. S-level teachers will be allowed to climb once every ten years."

Tower of Babel.

It was a place where Cradle Academy students could climb if they wanted to, as long as they handed in [-] points as a ticket, but for other non-students, it was a holy place that could not be sought.

Tongtian Pagoda, as the name suggests, is to reach the sky every step of the way.

Each floor of the Tongtian Tower has a tower keeper, and if you pass the test of the tower keeper, you can climb to the next floor, and you can get a corresponding reward for each floor you clear.

Of course, for S-level teachers, these rewards must be secondary. What they want is to climb to the top of the Tongtian Tower.

Climb to the top of the Tongtian Tower and pass the test of the tower guard on the top of the tower, then you will be able to ascend to the position of the true god. This legend is the real reason why countless existences are flocking to the Tongtian Tower.

No, this is not just a legend, but a real person who used this to ascend to the position of the true god.

The example is here, who can not flock to it?

Indeed, perhaps, as my mother said, all S-level teachers have a certain level of power that is no less than that of a true god, but having power that is no less than that of a true god does not mean that you can be compared with a true god.


As the name suggests, it is the real god.

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