No matter how strong a mortal is, he is only a mortal after all, and the gap between him and a god cannot be judged by common sense.

For example, the entrance examination of Cradle Academy, the act of directly testing all 13-year-old boys and girls in the entire Lilith world is something that only a true god can do, and it is absolutely impossible to change to an S-level teacher, even if it is Emerald, it may not be possible. This is the gap.

Therefore, I agree with what my mother said.

Just like this, my mother and I chatted with my mother for a while, and took the opportunity to ask my mother some things. We had dinner together again at noon, and then... I (night) received a message from Senior Sister Chris.

"Come on, junior, Phyllis, come and meet the director."

Are you in such a hurry?

It was only confirmed yesterday, and you are going for an interview today?Are you afraid that I will run away?Or are you afraid that I don't meet the director's standards and you have to hurry up and find another one?

Hmph, no matter what the reason is, you underestimate me, so let me show you the strength of a professional knight!

So, I (night) said goodbye to my mother and mother, and came to Phyllis—that is, a coffee shop.

I took a quick glance at the door, and I saw Senior Chrissy waving to me and the black-haired senior sitting opposite Senior Senior Chrissy.

The senior's appearance seems to be less than 20 years old, and he looks quite elegant. He should be the director who fooled Senior Chrissy.

Thinking of this, I had already walked over, wanting to say hello to the other party - before I could speak, Senior Wen Ya stood up excitedly, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Okay! It's you! Chris is right, now the ratings are guaranteed!"

"...Are you sure just by looking at your face? You don't need to look at my acting skills?"

"What acting skills do you need with this face?"

"Is this what the director should say?"

Now I feel that senior sister Chrissy has really been fooled and limped. Is it sure that a director of this level can shoot a good show?

With such a director at the booth, Senior Sister Chrissy is going to lose her husband's money!

"Student, you have to know that acting skills can be trained, but the face is born! And your face can't even be corrected by plastic surgery, it's just born to eat this bowl of rice!"

I immediately changed my previous judgment.

That's right, this director is capable, and he can directly grasp the essence and see through the market at a glance.

You are right!My face was born to eat this bowl of rice!Putting it on the TV is a guarantee of ratings!At that time, it is completely predictable that thousands of girls will be fascinated and let them watch the TV waiting for my appearance. I am going to be famous!

"Just ask, it should be easy to ask Deringer Liliana and the others for an autograph after becoming famous, right?"

"Definitely no problem."

I was even happier when I got such a big pie.

"Besides, after seeing you, junior, I immediately decided that I want to add drama to you, junior."

I was even more satisfied: "What play?"

"Sex scene."

"......there's no escape, right?"

Chapter 63 Chris' Operation

Wen Ya's senior's name is Guo Jia.

Of course, the name is not important, the important thing is that he seems to have decided to give me (night) an extra bed scene.

"Student, think about it, how good is your physical condition? As long as you do a little bit of drama on the bed, keeping it will attract countless men and women... If a woman dreams about it, you only need to go to the same bed in one episode, and the ratings will definitely explode! If the ratings explode, we will have money. If we have money, we will be able to complete the TV series with the highest quality in the future. As long as the quality of the TV series is good enough, your reputation will increase. As long as the reputation is high, don’t say it’s the signature of Delinger Liliana, which star? You can ask for your signature."

Senior Guo Jia persuaded me bitterly.

"It's not even just a signature. As long as you have money, as long as you have sufficient funds, you can invite Liliana directly to the crew and let her play a sex scene with you. Don't you look forward to it?"


"Looking forward, what are you still resisting?"

"I'm afraid that Lafayette will kill me after the TV series airs."

"Lafayette? Your girlfriend? What's the matter, the sex scene is just a play after all, it can't be real!"

"When you say that, I don't even have any expectations. And even if it's not true, as long as there are pictures of sleeping with other women on TV, my life is also in danger."

"Student, you are only worried about Lafayette and not worried that Yue will be jealous? Isn't your current girlfriend Yue?"

"Standing on two boats? My junior is amazing."

I ignored senior sister Chrissy's interruption and senior Guo Jia's thumbs-up admiration: "Anyway, if you want me to join the group, sex scenes are absolutely not allowed."

I (Yue) can have sex scenes, after all, it’s just acting, it’s impossible to really have any intimate contact with the opposite sex, but I (Ye) absolutely can’t, even if it’s acting, I (Ye) will still have it Life is in danger!

Do you think this is an exaggeration?

Ha ha.

Two sneers for you, no thanks.

"Well, since you insist so much."

Senior Guo Jia had a look of pity.

"But since my junior has never filmed before, let's start the film earlier, so that I can have more time to hone my acting skills."

"Has the role of sister been determined?"

"It's confirmed. Kim Miho."

"Kim Miho?"

This name is a bit unfamiliar to me.

But Chrissy-senpai showed a clear expression, glanced at me, and then said: "Kim Miho is not an actress, but a photo model. She was born in the Golden Crow Empire, and she debuted as a photo model since she was seven years old. It is quite famous on Cradle Continent."

Saying so, Chrissy-senpai took out her student card, tapped it, and handed it to me.

"This is Kim Miho's latest photo-video work."

I took a look, and there was a black-haired black-eyed little loli in a swimsuit posing in various poses.

The first thought, is this the swimsuit that a little loli should wear?The person who uses this kind of little lolita to model this kind of swimsuit has no problem in his mind, right?

Second thought, where can I sell this swimsuit?Buy one for me (month) to wear and show it to me (night), or don’t wear it but just hold it with your hands and watch this video for dinner and dinner.

third thought,

"Or should I play the role of the eldest prince? I think I am more suitable to be the eldest prince."


Senior sister Chris took back her student card in an instant, with a look of contempt on her face.

"It's because there are so many perverts like you, junior, that's why there are so many photo models of Kim Miho's age."

Besides Kim Miho, is there anything else?

I feel like I've opened the door to a new world.

"Are you really not considering me playing the role of the eldest prince?"

"Sorry, junior, you are really not suitable for the role of the eldest prince, because the eldest prince is a fat man."

Senior sister Chris waved her hand and said lightly.

"Jin Miho is 11 years old now, so she is suitable for the role of younger sister. Actually, although I want to ask Yue Xuemei to take over this role, Yue Xuemei is not suitable, because Yue Xuemei is a bit tall, and she is not a loli at all. Body shape—but appearance can make up for everything, and the character setting can’t be changed.”

I (Yue) is 1.6 meters tall, and I have a good figure. I think I am as perfect as my face. Although my bones and limbs are still as slender as a 13-year-old girl, they are indeed out of the range of loli.

In comparison, although I only watched the video, I can probably tell that Kim Miho's height should be about 1.4 meters, and her body is also a complete loli figure, which is indeed more in line with the role of sister that Chrissy said.

Of course, this is not important, the important thing is...

"Since the role can be changed, why not change the role of the eldest prince?"

"How to change this? The eldest prince is over 40 years old? What about the dozens of younger brothers and sisters below? Doesn't this change mean that the entire script has been changed?"

Well, then there is no other way, I can only regret to give up this great opportunity to get in close contact with the angelic sister Kim Miho.

What?Chris-senpai said it was just acting after all?There is no drama of real close contact?

This... I'm joking, can't you hear it?

What are you kidding?How could I be a lolicon?Even if it's really a lolicon, I wouldn't dare to put this kind of drama on TV!Still the same sentence, if Lafayette sees me, will I die?

This is more than a sex scene, okay? !

"I've already contacted Jin Meisui, and she does have the intention of entering the film and television industry, so she can sign a contract tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow can officially start the operation... Brother Ye, where is your dormitory address? I'll go home Afterwards, I will send you the projection cabin of "Emperor Yuanfeng", and you will lie down in the projection cabin on time at seven o'clock the day after tomorrow, and I will instruct you how to operate it."

"Don't be so troublesome."

After hearing Senior Guo Jia's words, before I opened my mouth, senior sister Chrissy said without changing her face:

"There are two projection cabins in my dormitory, all of which I bought, so I just ask Ye Xue to come to my dormitory to log in when it is turned on. Now that the funds are short, save a little if you can."

"Why did you buy two projection cabins?"

Guo Jia looked at senior sister Chris strangely, then waved her hand and said:

"This is the best way. Although renting a projection cabin costs only 1000 a day, even group performers need the projection cabin to log in to the virtual device. Adding it all together, the budget is only second to that of Continental Modeling. You can save this money. It would be great if you could save the money to buy an extra projection cabin, more than [-] million."

Chapter 64 Playing the Movement on Senior Murong's Body

That's how the matter was decided. At seven o'clock the day after tomorrow, I will go to Senior Chrissy's dormitory on time.

Although I suggested that Senior Sister Chrissy might as well send the projection cabin directly to my dormitory, so that I don't have to run back and forth-but she didn't hear it at all.

Is it necessary to guard against thieves like this?I have a huge sum of more than 1000 million in my hand, can I be greedy for your projection cabin of more than 100 million?guilty!Got it? !

After running out of money, even people become so stingy and despise you.

After separating from senior sister Chris, I (night) walked back to my mother's rented house. I had already planned to live in my mother's place tonight, after all, I haven't seen my mother for a long time.

However, on the way, I got another message from senior sister Murong.

"Student, come to Senior Sister's dormitory."

Seeing such a message, I raised my eyebrows and replied with a "?".

I have to go back to my mother.Don't bother me with anything, okay?

"Senior sister will play a new score at the opening ceremony in a few days, come and listen to it for senior sister."

I'll go, if you say this, then I will definitely not go back!

"Hold on."

Immediately turned around and headed towards Senior Murong's dormitory, I (night) ran wildly away.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Senior Murong!"

The door opened, and senior sister Murong raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "You came very quickly."

"Of course, the subordinates have always carried out Sister Murong's orders 100%."

"Very good, it deserves a reward."

Senior sister Murong nodded and raised her right hand.

I raised my hands respectfully.

Then, a chocolate fell into my hand.

"This is made by my senior sister, please thank you soon."

"Thank you Lord Ron."

Pa, I ate it in one bite, and then I couldn't wait to enter the house.

"Hurry up, senior sister, I can't wait to listen to senior sister's masterpiece."

"It's not a masterpiece."

I just ignored senior sister Murong's modest words.

What is a masterpiece that cannot be discussed?Have you ever made a small work?

If so, can you still be the goddess Murong?It must be a fake.

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