But after thinking about it, although the facts are like this, you can't really just say that, put your expectations and trust on Senior Murong, that will become the pressure on Senior Murong when composing music.

Although I am not worried that Senior Murong will be unable to bear the pressure, there is no need to add pressure to Senior Murong.

Therefore, I put it another way: "No matter what the composition is, I like it as long as it is played by senior sister Murong. What is important is not the score, but the performer. The score is like a recipe, and the performer is like a chef. Even if it is the same score, different performers will present different levels of movement. Senior sister Murong is undoubtedly the strongest performer in the world."

Well, in terms of playing, there is no need to worry about putting any pressure on senior sister Murong. After all, if you don't even have this confidence, what kind of performer are you?

In other words, what a performer needs most is the ability to withstand stress.

"It's not the strongest. After all, it's hard to distinguish between strong and weak in music. Everyone has their own hobbies."

Senior Murong is still modest.

"However, if I consider myself number two, no one dares to claim number one."

Well, this is not modesty, she has already started to raise her head arrogantly, looking down at me (Ye) from the corner of her eyes.

In this regard, can I get used to her?

Of course not.

"No, I dare to be number one."

"Oh? Junior is so confident, do you want to challenge me to be number one in the world?" Sister Murong looked at me sideways, with a disdainful smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Don't you think you are second?"

"I consider myself second to be humble, but if others dare to claim number one, they are deliberately provoking me, aren't they?"

"Arrogant woman, it seems that today I want to let you have a clear understanding of what it means to be the real number one, the real strongest, and the apex of a real performer."

"Come and have a try, senior sister will wait and see."

Facing Senior Murong's provocative smile, I raised my hands and scratched her chest.

"Come on, come to the bedroom with me, and I'll let you see my playing ability."

Senior Murong's beautiful eyes widened in an instant: "Are you trying to hit me?"

"Senior Murong, haven't you heard it? The best musical instrument in the world is a woman's body, and Senior Murong's body is undoubtedly the best of the best! Believe me, Senior Murong, in my hands, You will definitely perform perfectly and play the most moving music."

Although I can't see my face now, I can assure you that I am definitely intimidating Senior Murong with a lustful face.

And the lonely man and widow are in the same room, facing my obscenity, senior sister Murong naturally can only give in - she let me instantly know what a real woman is.

"Okay, that's what you said, if you can't do it, then you have to learn how to bark like a dog."

Senior sister Murong went straight to the bedroom, opened the door with a snap, and then made an invitation gesture to me.

"Come on, junior, let senior sister experience your performance ability, let senior sister experience how you "play" the most beautiful movement on senior sister's body. "

Chapter 65

I stared at Senior Murong with wide eyes, and Senior Murong looked at me provocatively.

Hey, senior sister Murong, is this your fault?

I'm just making a naughty joke, do you answer the question like this?

How can there be such a chat?Don't you know that this is the rhythm of talking to death directly?

How do you let me pick it up like this?How should I answer the call?

I was still thinking about this kind of thing, but senior sister Murong hooked her fingers at me as if she wanted to talk to death, and even unbuttoned the two buttons of her jacket. She smiled provocatively and seductively: "Come on, junior, don't make the instrument wait. This is not the behavior of an excellent performer."

I looked at the white light that bloomed from the collar of senior sister Murong and the deep valley, and couldn't help swallowing.

Well, how should I put it, in the current situation, if I go along with the flow and really get into it, is it the fault of senior sister Murong herself?

It must be, after all, she already belongs to me who is sexing me, right?

It's obviously a lure, right?

So, now that I'm really on the internet, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, right?

——The only problem is that I can't beat Senior Sister Murong.

After a moment of calm down, I reconsidered.

If I really couldn't help it, and senior sister Murong directly held me down with her backhand, what should I do if she teased my lust?

no way!Societal death is imminent!

So vicious.

I couldn't help but look at senior sister Murong in amazement.

Is this the heart of the most poisonous woman?

I was just joking with you, but you want me to die socially? !

There is no such thing as a human being, right?There's no such thing as a senior, right?

what to do?I now how to do?

At this moment, I was in a dilemma, and senior sister Murong was still pointing her finger at me.

"Come on, come on, junior, are you so useless?"

The top buttons have all been unbuttoned, and I can see Senior Murong's bra and that cute belly button, too!Pass!point!up!

Do you really think there is nothing I can do?

I looked at senior sister Murong viciously, you forced me to do this.

"Wow, woof, woof. Alright, it's over, let's get down to business."

After the barking of the dog ended, I just turned around and walked towards the piano on the side, with a displeased expression on my face.

Of course I'm upset, I haven't learned how to bark when I grow up, I didn't expect that the boat capsized in the gutter today.

You just wait for me, Senior Sister Murong, if you don't ask for this matter today, I will take your surname from now on.

At this time, senior sister Murong made a slightly surprised voice for some reason: "Uh...isn't there enough time?"

"What do you say? When is there not enough time?"

"No, it's okay. I mean, junior, you must not be physically weak, right? Facing a beautiful woman like me, Kuan X won't even be hard when you untie it?"

"How do you know I'm not hard?"

"Are you hard?"

"I am not hard, do you want to come over and touch it with your own hands?"

"Okay, let me touch it with my own hands. It's best if there is no problem. If there is any problem, the senior sister will take you to the best doctor for treatment."

Senior Murong, she actually came over to touch it.

This female hooligan!

At this moment, I really want her to touch me, and you dare to make such a joke with me, you really don't see me as a man!

I gritted my teeth - I still slapped her hand away with a "snap".

She can really be a gangster with her hands, but I can't really let her touch and be a gangster together!

Meow, I have discovered a truth, those who dare not be hooligans will be bullied by those who dare to be hooligans!

If I gritted my teeth and straightened my lower body to let her touch me, what would I lose?She did it by herself, so she can't blame me, right?

This female hooligan just bullies me for being an honest person.

"Sure enough, junior, you seem to be really sick." Senior Murong looked at me with pity on her face: "Compared to senior's performance, now junior's health is more important. Come, junior, go to the hospital with senior, no matter how much it costs, senior will definitely cure your illness."

"You can't get through this, right?" I gritted my teeth and looked at her: "Are you still doing business? If you continue like this, I really want you to see if I'm sick. I don't care when the time comes. I'm not responsible for what happened, I'll tell you!"

"Okay, that's the end of the joke."

Senior Murong shrugged her shoulders, and then buttoned up her jacket one by one.

However, her expression also seemed a bit puzzled, as if she was still muttering something, "Isn't it useful at all? Didn't it say that it would take effect in 3 minutes? I shouldn't be cheated, right?"

What a mess.

At this moment, Senior Sister Murong stroked her skirt, her face changed instantly, and she sat down on the piano bench with an elegant and classical manner, smiling slightly.

"Brother, what my sister is going to perform at the opening ceremony is the piano performance, and I will play it for you now. You have to listen carefully and give some good suggestions."

"I don't think I can give you any advice, but it's okay to be a spectator."

Finally getting to the point, I was greatly relieved.

And senior sister Murong smiled mysteriously:

"Student, you must listen carefully and carefully."

Chapter 66 For me (month), you give up resistance, me (night)!

I am drunk.


No, to put it another way, listening to Senior Murong's piano solo, I felt as if I was drunk.

The sound of the beating heart resounded violently in my ears, this is... the feeling of heartbeat.

That's right, it's the feeling of heartbeat.

The feeling conveyed by the sound of the piano to the heart is this kind of heart-beating feeling like first love.

Although I have never had the feeling of first love, but I am sure this feeling must be first love.

Yes, I understand.

I understand the feelings written by senior sister Murong's performance.

Of course, understanding is not surprising.

Senior sister Murong's performance is the most understandable to everyone.

It doesn't matter whether you know music or not, you must be able to understand sister Murong's performance. This is a very normal thing.

Rather, senior sister Murong is by no means the only performer with such skills.

But it's more than that.

As the performance gradually entered into a better state, and as the heart-beating voice flooded my body with a numb feeling, I seemed to have started a love experience that I had never had before.

It was this experience that made me drunk.

Or rather, it was the feeling contained in this experience that made me drunk.

What kind of feeling does it feel to feel satisfied when you see him?

When I talk to him, I will secretly jump for joy, I really want to be able to talk forever, the topic seems to never end, no matter what I say to him, I like it so much, what kind of feeling is this?

Deliberately pretending to accidentally make physical contact with him, my heart seemed to jump out of my chest, I really hoped that he would find out that I did it on purpose, I really hoped that he could perceive my feelings, but I was shy and didn't want him to find out that I was doing it on purpose Yes, I don't want him to notice my feelings, what kind of feeling is this?

When I heard that he had a girlfriend, I felt uncomfortable, I didn't want to talk to him, I just wanted to avoid him, but in the end I couldn't help but face him, smiling and talking in front of him, what kind of feeling is this?

The moment he bit his lip, the feelings in his heart finally exploded completely. He didn't want to bear it anymore, let alone could bear it any longer. His determination was completely firm, and he didn't plan to take any consequences into account. This...it's all your fault, isn't it?

On this day, those feelings that I have never felt before, are all experienced on this day.

Accompanied by senior sister Murong's piano sound, I can feel everything.

However, it wasn't just a strange feeling that I had never experienced before. Gradually, as the sound of the piano progressed, a familiar feeling flooded my body and mind.

I was in the same room with him, my body was slightly soft and hot, and my heart was itchy, I wanted to get close to him, I wanted to touch and kiss each other with him, my heart was itchy, and my body became hotter...

I was (night) drunk.

I admit, I was really drunk.

This familiar feeling reminds me of the feeling when I read those novels that my father kept in secret.

How did I do it at that time?

——I can’t do it now, no matter what I do!

I opened my eyes in an instant, took a step forward, grasped senior sister Murong's plain hand, and stopped the increasingly fiery sound of the piano.

There is no doubt that something will happen if you play it any longer!

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