Finally, I tidied up the big bag that my mother asked me (Ye) to bring, and I (Ye) couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When I got into the horse convoy, it was my mother who threw the package into the car with a smile on my face. When I got off the car, it was the soldiers sent by the Star God Army who threw the package out of the car. As for me—I tried to hug me at the school gate. Hug, no hug.

Then I turned on the magic enhancement with all my strength, and hugged... The magic power was consumed rapidly, and it was not enough at all.

In the end, I (the night) had no choice but to shake me (the moon) over.

I (Yue) came here to help me (Yue) carry the ceremony in a secret way, but fortunately, no one noticed—or fortunately, I (Yue) had already learned the space teleportation magic from the dean, otherwise I would be in big trouble.

After all, the dignified noble lady is helping a commoner carry a salute or something... Thinking about the scene, it feels wonderful.

And it's too image-destroying.

Well, ruin my (month) image.

Don't ask me why I care so much about my (Yue) image, are there any duchesses in this world who don't care about their image?Have it? !


Then you pretend I didn't say it.

It's definitely not me (Month) anyway.

In short, after reluctantly throwing the salute into the dormitory, I (Yue) hurriedly slipped away, leaving me (Ye) busy in the dormitory alone.

That ruthless woman, like this kind of woman, is not suitable to be a lover. If she doesn't even help her own favor, who else can she help?If you marry her, all the housework will be done by the man in the future!Who can want this?Another me, I wish you a lifetime of finding a man, no thanks!

After making fun of myself, I arranged the contents of the package one by one.

The clothes were put into the closet, the dishes and chopsticks were put into the kitchen, the sheets were laid out neatly, the quilts were neatly stacked, and there was a pile of medicines that Sasha brought me...all of them were taken away by me (Yue).

I really don't know what the use of Salsa asking me (Ye) to carry is a bunch of potions that are useless to me (Ye).

As a gift?

Well, it does seem to work.

Then give it to me (month).

Anyway, I firmly refuse to be a guinea pig.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, I (Ye) suddenly heard a knock on the door, and I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, no one should come to me at this time, right?

Most likely, Lafayette doesn't know the address of my dormitory yet.

It's useless to think too much, I went to open the door.

When I opened the door, a blond boy who was about the same age as me appeared in front of me.

He looked at me (Ye) and seemed a little dazed for some reason, obviously he knocked on the door to call me, but now it's too rude to say nothing?

No way, I can only take the initiative to speak:

"You are……?"

"Huh? Uh, oh, hello, I'm Gul'dan, you're...Ye, right? I remember you, I watched your trial video before, but the feeling in reality is completely different from the video , there is nothing like this in the video..."

After hearing my question, the blond boy recovered from his stupefaction, seemed a little at a loss, said a bunch of words in a row, and then froze, as if he didn't know how to continue the topic look.

Seeing this, I opened my mouth to help him change the subject: "Student Gul'dan, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, so what, I live next door to you, and we will all live on the same floor in the future, so I thought that we should have a good get-together before the orientation party and get to know each other, what do you think, Classmate Ye?"

"It's pretty good, I just feel bored too. But what about the orientation party? Does Cradle Academy even have an orientation party?"

"Classmate Ye, don't you know?" Gul'dan's eyes widened in surprise: "The welcome party is a big event for Cradle College, and there are many programs for the seniors and sisters of each senior year. But there is still the performance of Goddess Murong."

"Goddess Murong?"

My questioning tone seemed to make Gul'dan's eyes widen in disbelief, what Goddess Murong?The world is so big, I don't know if she is so strange?It's just the goddess Murong, not the emerald god.

"Ye, classmate Ye, even if you say that you don't know who the current student union president of Cradle College is, don't say you don't know who the goddess Murong is, otherwise it will make people laugh--this is the existence of the goddess Murong!"

Gul'dan kindly reminded me, but I still don't understand what he is talking about.

But in short, I was greeted by him and walked out of the dormitory door, and then knocked on the doors of the other two dormitories on the same floor.

The one on the left of my dormitory is a black-haired boy named Adam, and the one on the right of Gul'dan's dormitory is a tall... boy named Durant?

Cough cough, it should be a teenager, yes, after self-introduction, he is also a first-year student, and the first-year students of Cradle Academy are all 13 years old like me.

"Let me ask you, do you know any beauties in Cradle Academy?"

Adam asked the three of us in the barbecue shop with a mysterious tone.

At this, I shook my head, besides me (Yue) and Lafayette, I really don't know any beauties.

Durant scratched his head and said, "Goddess Murong?"

"Do you still need to say this?" Adam suddenly showed a dull expression.

I asked rhetorically, "Don't you know there are any beauties in Cradle Academy?"

"If I knew, would I still ask you?" Adam said confidently.

Then what did you mean by the expression and tone of your face that seemed to want to gossip for us?

"I do know something."

After introducing each other, Gul'dan, the most well-informed prince of a great country among us, spoke with a smile at this time.

"To talk about the beauties of Cradle Academy, we must first mention Goddess Murong. Goddess Murong is the world's number one performer. No matter what instrument she plays, she is superb. Fans all over the world are as countless as stars. Its masterpieces are…”

It seems that it is because I know that I don't know much about Goddess Murong, so Gul'dan introduced Goddess Murong in detail, and I finally understood how famous she is.

Then, after talking about the information that seemed to be known to everyone except me, Gul'dan started talking about other people.

"After Goddess Murong finished speaking, I would naturally also talk about the current President of the Cradle College Student Union, Gu Mingyue, she is also a great beauty! To tell you the truth, I have plans to attack her!"

"Then, there is no need to say more about Princess Alice. That long gray hair and those beautiful gray pupils make people look drunk. To tell you the truth, I also have plans to attack her. of."

"Then, there is the Goddess Shikoti. She is a genuine reincarnation of a goddess. If you marry her, you will have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life. I plan to give it a try."

"Then, there are Meng Zhang and Jin"

"You also want to take a look at the strategy, right?" I couldn't help but interrupted Gul'dan, and looked at him with a disdainful expression: "Want to be a scumbag? Student Gul'dan, do you have that ability?" ?”

"Hehe, classmate Ye, don't underestimate me. When it comes to attacking girls, I consider myself second. Who would dare to admit that I am number one?"

"Yo, I accept this provocation, so why don't our four brothers have a stronger attacking power than anyone else?" Adam stood up in an instant, waved his hands confidently and said, "I'll let you take a look, How charming is Lord Adam, who has been popular in the church since he was a child, and has made countless children look forward to worshiping him!"

"How courageous, if you don't compare, you're not a man." Gul'dan replied straight away.

In this regard, I (Ye) of course smiled confidently: "Is this still worth comparing? The first place is already mine, so you can fight for the second place."

Durant showed a embarrassed expression: "This, or I will abstain."

The three of us looked at him together.

"Well, you abstain."

Agree with his application for waiver.

Then, the three of us discussed it.

"Tell me, how do you compare?"

"It's not easy. Gul'dan, the first girl who enters the barbecue shop, will strike up a conversation first, the second night will strike up a conversation, and the third one will be struck up by me. Whoever can get the contact information of the student card will win. .”

"Why did I go to strike up a conversation first? You should go first, the competition was proposed by you, and you should go first if you want to go."

"I'm giving you a chance. If I go first and see my strategy strength, you will definitely feel ashamed and dare not go up."

"It's okay, I'm a thick-skinned person, and I won't feel ashamed, so you go first."

"You first."

"You first."

"You first."

"You first."

The two dog classmates who started to shrink back when the end came, after pushing each other a few words, they all focused their eyes on me in an instant.

"Ye! You go first!"


At the moment when I was full of question marks, there was a sound of the door of the barbecue restaurant being pushed open.

Then, Gul'dan and Adam grabbed one of my shoulders in an incomparable tacit understanding, and threw me towards the door with a swipe. Of course, I, who just broke three digits in ability value, couldn't compete with these two. He was a pervert, and he was directly cheated before he even realized it. He fell to the door, blocked in front of the girl who just opened the door, and even bumped into it.


Fortunately, the senior sister who entered the door reacted very quickly. She raised her hands in an instant to block me, but she didn't bump into me.

And at this time...


"how come!?"


There seemed to be such indistinct voices coming from the three bad friends behind, and I couldn't hear what they were saying in astonishment.

"Uh, junior, what's going on with you?"

I couldn't help being a little bit taken aback by the overly pleasant voice, as if a cool breeze was blowing through my heart, making me extremely comfortable.

When I looked up, it was the first time in my life that I felt amazing.

The girl with black hair and black pupils in front of her is like a goddess suddenly descending in front of her eyes.

After being amazed, I was a little embarrassed, those two bastards, just wait for me.

No matter what, just strike up a conversation and try it.

Thinking about it carefully, I have never approached a girl since I was a child, it is quite new.

After making such a decision, I smiled and said to the black-haired senior sister who seemed to be in a daze after I raised my head: "I almost fell accidentally just now, thank you senior sister for helping me."

"...Oh, it's okay, it's easy to do."

The senior sister's dazed eyes moved slightly, closed her eyes, and said with a smile.

"Dare to ask senior sister's name?"

"Ah?" Hearing my question, the senior sister in front of me seemed a little bit surprised for some reason, and then she seemed to find it very interesting and said with a smile: "My name is Murong Feng, what's your name, junior?" ?”

"Murong Feng? What a good name! My name is Ye, senior sister Murong."

"Really? Murong Feng is really a good name?" Senior Murong asked with a smile of interest.

"Of course it's a good name."

"Where is it?"

"This is the same surname as Goddess Murong, isn't it good?" I raised my eyebrows and said with a smile, "Sister Murong, do you know Goddess Murong?"

"Yes, I know." Senior sister Murong smiled and nodded.

"Then senior sister must be a fan of Goddess Murong, right? I am also a fan of Goddess Murong, we are so destined."

"Are you also a fan of Goddess Murong? That's a predestined relationship. That being said, my name is really good, and I have the same surname as Goddess Murong. It would be even better if I could have the same name."

"You can't force too much, you have to know how to be content. Being able to have the same surname as the goddess Murong who has countless fans is already a great blessing. If you have the same name, you might not be able to bear this kind of blessing!"

My (night) strike-up went very smoothly, thanks to the information that Gul'dan gave before, and as a fan of Goddess Murong, I quickly got in touch with Senior Murong.

"Sister, let's stop blocking the door. Are you here alone?"

"Yes, I came here by myself. I want to eat a bowl of wontons. The wontons in this store are delicious."

"Then why don't you sit at the same table with us? I'll pay for the wontons, and I'll take it as a thank you to Senior Sister Murong for her help just now."


Senior Sister Murong smiled and nodded, and then I took her back to the seat——I couldn't help but glared at Gul'dan and Adam, these two bastards, fortunately, I reacted quickly.

"Why are you covering your face and bowing your head? Let me introduce you to a friend. This is the senior I just met, Murong Feng. How is it? She is a super beauty, right?"

For some reason, Gul'dan and the three of them covered their faces and didn't even look up at me (Ye) and senior sister Murong.

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