I kicked my upper leg a few times, and then Gul'dan put down his hand with an embarrassing expression, and looked up at Senior Murong.

"Hi, Goddess Murong, I didn't expect to see you here. I'm so lucky. I must have been kissed by the goddess of luck today. I've run out of luck in my life. Goddess Murong, I'm your fan. Can you give me Sign it?"

"Me too, me too, please ask Goddess Murong to sign her name?"

"And me, oops, Ye, you are so rude, you almost bumped into Goddess Murong just now."

After this series of words, I reacted for a long, long, long time.


The first day of enrollment in February

"Student, do you... need help?"

After helping me (Yue) move and salute, I (Yue) hastily returned to the girls’ dormitory area with teleportation magic. The main reason for this rush was that when I left the dormitory just now, I saw a girl covering her eyes with a white cloth Standing downstairs in the dormitory without moving.

How should I put it, this is the Cradle Academy, and it is the dormitory area of ​​the Cradle Academy. Being able to appear here means that the other party is a student of the Cradle Academy, and there should be no need to meddle in other people's business.

And the other party didn't seem to be planning to ask for help—I stepped harder when I passed the girl.

It was under this consideration that I (month) first got busy with my (night) side.

But I was still a little worried, so after I quickly used the teleportation magic to finish the job, I quickly rushed back with the teleportation magic.

Sure enough, she was still standing downstairs in the dormitory without moving.

So I went up to talk to her and patted her on the shoulder from behind at the same time.

The girl in palace costume turned her head slightly and looked at me——of course, she was blindfolded, so she wasn't looking at me, but she was facing me.

But I do have a feeling as if I'm being "watched".

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the curvature was so beautiful that it even made me feel unbelievable: "It's not that I need any help, but I just feel a little nostalgic, so I'm just reminiscing about my life."

"Missing? Are you a senior student? I am Yue, the first grader. Please give me your advice."

"I'm also in the first grade, so I'm not your senior."

I (month) can't help but have black lines all over my head, you are also in the first grade, what are you talking about nostalgia?Didn't you just enter school today like me?

"Didn't you take your luggage?"

"I received the luggage in a certain exclusive space."

"Storage magic?"

"That's it."

"Oh, then I won't bother you to miss your life, just take a step first."

"I don't miss it anymore, so let's go upstairs with you. It just so happens that we are still neighbors living on the first floor."

"How do you know that I came down from the tenth floor?" I couldn't help but look at her in surprise.

"Didn't you come down from the tenth floor when you just went out? I also live on the tenth floor." She smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth: "You must have some perception skills, otherwise how can you be blindfolded in this pair of eyes?" How about moving freely while standing?"

"That's true."

"My name is Xue Luochen, you can just call me Luochen."

"Did the goddess fall into the mortal world? Good name."

"Whether it is a goddess is not certain, it may also be a witch, a dragon girl, a phoenix girl, a tree girl, a warrior girl, an angel girl, a fairy girl, and a mainland girl."

"Is it possible that it is my daughter?"

"Hehe, it's not completely impossible. Maybe she will be reincarnated into your belly in the future."

"Please don't, I don't plan to have children in the future at all."

While chatting and laughing, we had already arrived upstairs. Sure enough, Xue Luochen really lived on the tenth floor, and he lived next door to me.

I live on the far left, and counting to the right are Xue Luochen, Lafayette, and... I don't know their classmates for the time being.

After saying goodbye to Xue Luochen, I returned to my room.

However, after a while, after I (night) was invited by Gul'dan to go to the barbecue restaurant, I (month) also raised my mind.

We're all neighbors, so it's really nice to get together.

With that in mind, I walked out, knocked on the doors of the other three dormitories, and put forward my proposal.

It was at this time that I learned the name of the last neighbor.

A girl with peachy twintails, Melty.

There are four of us at the table, there are two princesses, one is the daughter of a duke, and the other is from a commoner background, but no one looks down on Lafayette——Xue Luochen and Melti have pretty good personalities, and they don't have the squeamishness of a princess at all. and domineering.

This is very good, otherwise I will have a headache, after all, I am on Lafayette's side.

"Yue is the heir to the Duke's family?" Melty asked curiously, "What's your surname?"

In the great world of Lilith, commoners do not have surnames, but nobles must have surnames.

If nobles are abolished, they will be deprived of their surnames, and if commoners are promoted to nobles, they will be given surnames by the king.

Of course, some people who were originally nobles but lost their surnames only because they became commoners will generally remember their surnames from generation to generation. When they become nobles again one day, they will ask the king to restore their family names before being given their surnames. Last name - as in our family.

No one remembers where our ancestors came from and why they arrived in the Pacific Asia continent, but the clansmen still remember their surnames. When the Dorge Kingdom was founded 800 years ago, our ancestors restored the "Li" last name.

Surnames are very important to nobles, so when nobles report their names, they will also deliberately report their surnames. This is the source of Melty's problem-I didn't report my surname before, but said that I am the daughter of a duke.

But this is not a problem. I didn't report it before, so I just make it up now.

"My father's surname is Li."

"Li? Li Jiaxiao?"

"Who is that?"

"The leader of the nine generals of the Golden Crow Empire, don't you know?"

I do know about the Golden Crow Empire, one of the six largest countries in the world, one of the protagonists of the two sides in the Cradle Game that shook the world, and Princess Alice's defeated opponent.

As for the Nine Gods General... who would pay attention to that kind of thing?

"Then it looks like Yue is not a descendant of the Li family."

"Don't associate our family with such big figures from the Golden Crow Empire, you will feel ashamed."

I stopped Melti's guess, but at this time, Lafayette suddenly said: "Yue, don't you call Ye over?"

For a moment, I (Yue) became alert, and then said calmly: "Lafayette, do you know how to contact Ye? If you know, you can contact him. I don't know how to contact him."

"Oh, I don't know either, I thought you knew Yue."

"How would I know? I haven't seen him for almost a year. This time we came to Cradle Academy together, and Ye came alone. It may not be easy to contact him. After all, the first-grade school district has more than 1 students."


Lafayette seemed to be sighing regretfully.

——I (Yue) sneered in my heart.

Want to set me up?What a joke, if you can get into it with these two strokes, then I will write the word moon upside down from now on.

"I just smelled the smell of night on your body. I thought Yue and you had just met Ye in secret. Now it seems that I have misunderstood."

Lafayette looked at me (Yue) with blank eyes, and said with an emotionless smile at the corner of her mouth:

"By the way, Yue, I saw you leaving the dormitory at the window before, what did you do?"

……………You are awesome, I will remember to write the name upside down in the future.

Chapter 69 Are you crazy?

My (night) side is finally happy, but my (month) side is not feeling well.

Of course, if it's just such a little discomfort, it's not a big deal, I (month) can solve it by myself in the room.

But at this time, I (month) actually received a notice from the student union, asking me (month) to go to the office of the president of the student union.

Now it's really uncomfortable.

Naturally, the notice from the student union cannot be ignored, but I (Yue) is going to see the president in this situation—what kind of shame and punishment game is this? !

Although he sighed heavily, I (Yue) came to the student council president's office in desperation.

"Hello, President, what are your orders this time?"

"Sister Yue seems very upset. Could it be that I accidentally disturbed the good things between you and Junior Ye?"

The chairman said with a smile.

"It's still broad daylight, so how about a little bit of restraint?"




of course not.

Absolutely not.

And since there is no, then of course I can be justified.

"Then it seems that I misunderstood Xuemei Yue, and I apologize to you."

The chairman apologized lightly and then changed the subject.

"I called you here this time to officially inform you that after inspection, you have successfully obtained the place to be selected for the student union, but if you really want to be selected for the student union, you still need to prove your ability."

"Prove ability? What ability?"

"Certainly the political ability to deal with things."

While saying this, the chairman handed me a document.

I stepped forward to take it and looked at it.

The president continued to say while I was reading the document: "The members of the student union are usually busy with things. Let's not talk about the internal affairs of the school, let's talk about the disputes among countries in the world."

"Countries are usually self-governing. Under normal circumstances, the leaders of various countries are naturally unwilling to hand over the affairs of their own country to the student union and ask the student union to deal with it. After all, it is equivalent to handing over the power that originally belonged to them. "

"However, the world is huge and there are many countries. Every day, the student union receives documents requesting help from many countries. Let's take the Asia-Pacific continent where you are from, Xuemei Yue, as an example. A few years ago, there were major disputes among the countries in the Asia-Pacific continent. Several countries submitted the documents of the alliance agreement to the student union, hoping that the student union can act as a notary."

"Faced with this kind of request, the student union naturally needs to send someone to deal with it. At that time, a member of the student union flew to the Pacific Asia continent to act as a notary of the alliance contract, carefully review the contract, and ensure that there are no traps in the alliance contract for all parties. , in case one party is deceived and signed an unfair contract, and the notary must always pay attention to the development of the Asia-Pacific continent after the contract is signed, to see if anyone dares to violate the contract—similar to this The student union receives a lot of incidents every day, and the members of the student union are also dealing with various similar national events every day."

The chairman shrugged helplessly.

"A country may not have a major event that needs to alarm the student union for 1000 years, but how many days is 1000 years? Less than 40 days. And how many countries are there in this world? ——Only a continent where people live normally It is far more than 40 billion, let alone any country."

"For the student union of our Cradle College, we receive a lot of small things from all continents and countries every day. Yes, for the members of the student union, that is a small matter. The student union has to deal with it every day Thousands of little things.—But those thousands of "little things" every day, are they really "little things"? "

"Sister Yue, you are from the Pacific Asia continent. After experiencing the incident a few years ago, do you think it is a 'small matter'?"

I can probably understand the meaning of the chairman.

After entering the student union of Cradle Academy, regardless of the status of each student, their vision and mentality will inevitably be infinitely raised.

Just imagine, a little noble who was originally just the son of a country's viscount, but after entering the student union, has to deal with a major event that may affect the entire country or even the entire continent every day. Won't be frightened?

At the beginning, he definitely would, but if he has to deal with this level of affairs every day, will he gradually treat this kind of national event as a trivial matter?

It certainly will.

This can even be said to be an inevitability of the human heart and human nature.

It is difficult for a person who earns one billion a day to regard the news that someone lost 10 yuan as a major event, but the person who lost money has all the [-] yuan in his family, which is for him Could it be a big deal?It might even make him jump straight off the building.

Similarly, it is difficult for an adult to regard his child losing ten yuan as a big deal, but for this child, is it a big deal to lose all his pocket money for a day?This may even make him cry out of aggrieved directly.

The same is true for the members of the student union. The members of the student union who deal with major national and continental events every day, even if they are trembling at the beginning, gradually they will naturally mentally classify matters of this level as trivial matters. bingo.

You can’t blame them, after all, the vision is here, the level is here, the status is here, and the experience of dealing with the country’s mainland-level incidents every day is here. You want to count on them to always regard themselves as nobles in a mere country. For the children of the royal family to do things with trepidation, it is simply a dream.

So it's just a natural thing to do.

——But because it is natural for student council members to gradually regard incidents that can affect the country and even the mainland as trivial matters, it is necessary to focus on assessing the ability of student council members to handle political incidents.

You can mentally see events at the national continental level as "little things", but that's not really just "little things", is it?

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