So, this is what the chairman means.

If you want to join the student union, you must prove your ability.

You can regard the things that the student union deals with every day as "little things", but you must have the political ability to handle these "little things" perfectly - if you can't prove that you have this ability, then you will naturally not be able to join the student union.

In this regard, after understanding and reading the document, I (Yue) nodded in understanding.

"Understood, I will take care of this matter."

I am still a little interested in joining the student union.

——After all, the salary is quite a lot!

After coming out of the chairman's office, I (Yue) carefully read the document that I had only briefly read before, and recalled the words of the chairman.

In an instant, the influence of me (night) on me (month) disappeared. After all, after concentrating on this matter, it can't be said that the spirit affects the body.

I (night) will continue to have sex with senior sister Murong during the day, and I (month) will deal with this matter seriously.

It has to be said that it is not a lie that the student union deals with thousands of national-level incidents every day. This document is related to a major national-level incident.

The country where this incident took place is named "Yang Guo".

——What is this familiar name?

Oh, I don't have amnesia, of course I remember what happened.

Yang Guo, also known as Xian Guo, is the country where Emerald was born.

What I know can be said to be superficial, but the chairman also explained the situation of Yang Guo before, so I learned more about Yang Guo.

This is what I know from Senior Sister Chanxi that Yang Guo’s cultivating culture is prevalent. There are all kinds of immortal sects and mountains in Yang Guo.

Speaking of which, there is one more interesting thing.

Among the great immortal sects in the Yang Kingdom, the strongest immortal sect is known as the Xuannv Sect.

A long, long time ago, Nine Heavens Xuannv came to Lilith World from Nine Heavens to spread immortality to the world, and established Xuannv Sect little by little. Later, with Xuannv Sect as the core, Nine Heavens Xuannv established Yang Kingdom, which led to the emergence of a country in Lilith Great World that focuses on cultivating immortals.

Afterwards, Nine Heavens Xuannv left Lilith Great World and returned to Nine Heavens. Before leaving, Nine Heavens Xuannv appointed a disciple she brought with her when she came to Lilith Great World to become the suzerain of Xuannv Sect and Yang Guoguo.

This disciple was named Ren Huaying.

But less than a year later, the successor suzerain and head of the country Huaying Fairy began to feel that cultivators should not be mixed with the secular world, so she gave the position of the king to others, and returned to the Xuannv Sect to devote herself to cultivating immortals , and at the same time intend to control Yang Guo with this detached position.

It saves worry and trouble, the immortal should be so detached from the mundane world.

The position of the emperor who does chores is handed over to others, and I just need to control the emperor.

It's easy isn't it?

It's just an ant, I can crush him to death with just one finger, can't I?

If you are obedient, you can continue to be your emperor. If you are not obedient, then change to another emperor——do you really think you are the Lilith Great Realm King?

Those who know understand that you have substituted the common sense from Jiutian into the world of Lilith, but those who don't know think you are demented.

You don't even understand the worldview, you're still a fart fairy!Detached from the mundane world!

Jiang Ji, the third emperor of Yang State, reported to the Cradle Academy in the second year of her tenure. The Xuannvzong, a domestic power, took advantage of its strength and went against the grain.

At that time, a member of the Cradle College Student Union saw Emperor Yang's letter while processing documents, and then picked up the landline microphone on the table with a calm face and called the Cradle College Taxation Bureau.

"There is a Yang country in the Cradle Continent, please check, has this Yang country paid taxes to the academy on time?"

"Yes, since the founding of the country, Yang Guo has been paying taxes on time for a hundred years, and there has been no tax evasion."

"Well, thank you."

The member of the student union nodded his thanks, hung up the phone, and then called the Cradle College Intelligence Bureau.

"There is Yang Country in the Cradle Continent. What is the current state of the country? Has the current emperor ever committed any act that harmed the country and the people?"

"Yang Guo? Oh, I just know this, so I don't need to look into it. Yang Guo can be regarded as a peaceful country, but it seems that the whole people are eager to cultivate immortals and don't like to go to school. The compulsory education in the country is not well implemented, but it is not a big problem. It is similar to the situation in the Golden Crow Empire."

"Then, do you know the Xuannv sect? Did the Xuannv sect really force Yang Guo to enshrine it by force? Is Yang Guo himself really incapable of suppressing the Xuannv sect?"

"Xuannvzong? Well, Yang Guo is indeed enshrining Xuannvzong, but there should be no problem. After all, Xuannvzong and Yang Guo are in a relationship of both prosperity and loss. The suzerain of Xuannvzong is the emperor of Yang Guo—it is equivalent to the religious state. The head of the country rules the country as the pope of the religion, which is very common."

"But that's not what Emperor Yang wrote in his letter."

"Is that so? Wait a minute, let me check....Oh, so it turns out, Yang Guo has changed emperors. Let me see, the Xuannv Sect has completely severed ties with Yang Guo. If this is the case, the Xuannv Sect is just a folk force. However, although it is a folk force, Yang Guo still worships the Xuannv Sect... It seems that there is indeed a problem."

"Are you sure it's an offering?"

"That's right, it's the enshrinement. The Xuannv Sect directly took [-]% of Yang Guo's taxes this year-hey, have the guts, our Cradle Academy only collects [-]%."

"I see, thank you."

The member of the student union nodded slightly in thanks, then hung up the phone, and made several calls to other places to inquire one by one, confirming the specific situation bit by bit.

Afterwards, he thought about it, then took out a form and filled it out with a flat face.

After a while, the application for mobilizing a Luna Army squad to go to Yang Country to help Emperor Yang put down the chaos was handed in to the Office of the President of the Student Union.

The next day, the document approved by the president of the student union was sent back to the member of the student union. After receiving the order, the Moon God Army quickly dispatched a small team to the Yang Kingdom to assist the Emperor Jiang Ji of the Yang Kingdom to put down the rebellion of the Xuannv Sect.

Xuannvzong:? ? ?

Ren Huaying:? ? ? ? ?

Nine Heavens Profound Girl:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Jiutian Xuannv returned to Jiutian and rested for less than two years when she heard that the Xuannv sect was going to be destroyed with a dazed expression.

Hurrying back to Lilith World to deal with it, she reprimanded Ren Huaying after figuring out the situation, and then took the initiative to negotiate with Jiang Ji.

As the founder and first emperor of the Yang Kingdom, Nine Heavens Xuannv's appearance naturally allowed the Xuannvzong to survive, but the outdated emperor was only an outdated emperor. The Xuannvzong had completely lost its original detached status since then, and signed a series of unequal treaties with Yang Guo, completely becoming a subsidiary force of the Yang State court.

It is said that Jiutian Xuannv was not annoyed at Jiang Ji, who could be said to have betrayed Xuannvzong backhandedly after the upper emperor. Ji bluntly refused.

Later, with the development of time, Yang Guo gradually ceased to be the dominant family of the Xuannv Sect, and the immortal sects and mountains rose one after another, and various powerful immortal arts emerged. Jiang Ji combined the nine strongest immortal sects and The Xuannv Sect was also incorporated into the imperial court system, and with the addition of the Xuannv Sect, a group of disciples were transferred from each of the ten major immortal sects to form a new department - Tianmen.

The duty of Tianmen is to manage all kinds of Immortal Sect forces in the territory of Yang Kingdom. To some extent, it can be said that it is extremely powerful. At the same time, Tianmen can also be said to have replaced the duties that originally belonged to Xuannvzong. Xuannvzong has since become an idle department.

And later on, there were not only the top ten immortal sects in Tianmen, but also immortals from various small sects and sects could also pass the exam to join Tianmen.

The Xuannv Sect, which was originally closely related to the Yang Guo court, was gradually eliminated from the court. It no longer serves as a state organ like before, but must pass the exam before entering Tianmen to work like other sects.

Tianmen has generous benefits and great power, and its status is above all the immortal gates, but all this depends on the power of the imperial court. If the imperial court is weak, then the people in Tianmen will no longer be superior to the major immortal gates.

Under such circumstances, no matter which immortal sect the people of Tianmen come from, they will gradually focus on the interests of the court and the interests of Tianmen, instead of focusing on the interests of the immortal gate to which they belong. It has gradually evolved into a situation where the major immortal sects need to find attachments in the Tianmen to fight for their own interests and avoid being bullied by other immortal sects.

That's it, Jiang Ji completely controlled the power of the Immortal Sect in her own hands, making Yang Guo a veritable Immortal Kingdom, and she herself was called the Immortal Emperor because of this, truly ruling the immortals and gods.

Yang Guo developed and grew little by little under Jiang Ji's governance, and even eventually became one of the largest and most powerful countries in the world.

——This Jiang Ji's methods are no less than Lotte's.

After listening to the chairman's words, I just couldn't help but have this idea.

Even without the intervention of Cradle Academy, the Xuannv Sect would definitely not be able to beat her.

But having said that, did you actually ask me to use events that happened in such a world-class power as the membership assessment right from the start?

The specific incident is like this, in the Yang Kingdom, there is a fairy named Yang Yangzi, who is especially good at refining fairy magic weapons-that is, weapons and props.

Not long ago, the magic weapon that he painstakingly refined for 12 years finally appeared in the world.

When the magic weapon appeared in the world, it shook the entire Yang Kingdom, and then the entire Cradle Continent.

Because it is a treasure that is of great benefit to the country, no matter it is in the hands of any country, it can directly become a national treasure.

Under such circumstances, countries are naturally shaking.

Then, I don't know why, maybe Jiang Ji's price didn't seem to suit Yang Yangzi's wishes, or maybe Yang Yangzi just wanted to sell as many treasures as possible. In short, he directly announced in the newspaper that he would auction off the treasures at the auction, and the highest price would win.

Good guy, when all nations came to court, Yang Guo became angry instantly.

Envoys from various countries poured into Yang State one after another and gathered in the imperial capital. For a while, the number of strong men gathered in the imperial capital of Yang State even surpassed that of Yang State itself.

For example, the Nine Gods came to the Golden Crow Empire, the Nine Sages came to the Shivana Empire, the Elven King came to the Elven Empire, the Golden King came to the Sumerian Kingdom, and the Sword God came to the Holy Tree Dynasty. A national teacher came to the United States Kingdom, an archbishop came to the Yilin Jiaoguo, and a dragon rider came to the Bender Amy Kingdom...

No matter how clever Jiang Ji's methods are, she began to feel a little unsure when facing this situation.

Tens of thousands of nuclear weapons gathered in one city, and the countries to which these nuclear weapons belonged were more or less in conflict with each other. No one knew when one of them would detonate without holding back, and then cause a chain explosion, which would wipe out Yang Guo's ashes.

And even if these countries are restrained, it is also difficult to guarantee that there will be some conspirators who want to use this to secretly instigate and attack Yang Guo, such as countries with hostile relations with Yang Guo, such as certain people in the country, such as... Xuannv Sect Master, Ren Huaying.

Ever since she did something stupid to hand Yang Guo over to someone else, Ren Huaying had a complete understanding and devoted herself to studying the art of scheming.

As the saying goes, when a person grows old and becomes a monster, no matter how stupid she was, when a person spends tens of millions of years studying a field, she will become a god in this field.

After three days of farewell, people should look at each other with admiration, and Ren Jiahuaying is no longer Wuxia Amon.

It can be said that Jiang Ji was aware of Ren Huaying's threat, so Jiang Ji re-established a Tianmen to replace the original duties of Xuannvzong, and wanted to use Tianmen to restrain and suppress Xuannvzong.

However, there are policies and countermeasures. Ren Huaying directly took the initiative to bring Xuannvzong into Tianmen, and she deservedly became the head of Tianmen with her prestige. Although Ren Huaying and Xuannvzong were indeed being attacked by Jiang Ji constantly, they still took the lead in Tianmen, resolutely, even if I am not your opponent, I just want to divide Tianmen with you.

However, Jiang Ji really has nothing to do with Xuannvzong.

It would be fine if Xuannvzong and Jiang Ji were right, and Jiang Ji could kill you with a backhand, but that's not the case. Ren Huaying led Xuannvzong to strictly abide by the contract that had been made, and obeyed Jiang Ji's orders.

I will do whatever you tell me to do, and if you send me to the battlefield, I will also take Xuannvzong with me—but there must be a reward when I come back from the battlefield, right?

You can't do meritorious deeds without rewards and also want to punish you, right?

Anyway, I am still Emperor Yang Guoxian now, right?

Anyway, you were the one who took the initiative to take the throne and you took the throne, right?

I don't want to be a rebellious minister to fight against you, but I want to be a powerful minister among loyal ministers. Is there anything wrong with that?

——It’s okay if you’re really loyal.

But could Jiang Ji not know that Ren Huaying hated her so much?

However, Ren Huaying is still the strongest immortal in the Yang Kingdom. Even if the status of the Xuannv sect declines, the camel is still bigger than the horse. The strength and power will continue to develop and become stronger with the passage of time, just like other immortal sects. It is still the strongest fairy sect in Yang Guo. In this case, how can Jiang Ji not feel a headache?

Because of this, even if Jiang Ji is not afraid of those envoys from various countries, she is also worried that Ren Huaying will do things secretly.

In the final analysis, envoys from all over the world have their sense of propriety, but Ren Huaying... Jiang Ji really doesn't know if she has her sense of propriety.

After thousands of years of practice, Ren Huaying has become the god of power and strategy, and Jiang Ji can't even tell what she is thinking behind that smiling face.

Because of this, just in case, Jiang Ji reported directly to the student union of Cradle College, hoping that the student union of Cradle College could send envoys to Yang Guo to suppress the scene——Master President, are you right?

Did a membership assessment give me (month) such a big reward?

Where is Yang Guona?

One of the six largest countries in the world.

What's the situation now?

All the major powers in the world have sent domestic powerhouses to gather in the capital of Yang Guo. Although there will be no true gods here, each of them has a fighting power that is no less than that of a true god.

Among them, the Nine Gods, the Nine Sages, the Elf King, the Golden King, etc., are all famous people in the world who can even count the true gods, and you can make me a first-year freshman who has not officially joined the Cradle College Student Union 13 The scenes where young girls go to town with these super bosses? !

Are you crazy or am I crazy or are we both crazy together? !


I (night) can't help but focus on senior sister Murong more and more with my (month) troubles, and use senior sister Murong to relax.

As for me (Yue), I have already boarded the plane to Yang Guo.

Although I (monthly) want to take the Tianma carriage that I took when I came to Cradle Academy, after all, it will be faster, but now I am an envoy of the Cradle Academy Student Union to Yang State, and I need to give Yang State some time to prepare, so it is best to take a punctual plane and land at the airport of Yang State’s imperial capital on time.

Fortunately, even by plane, it is quite fast. It only takes 36 minutes to arrive at Yang Guohuang from Cradle College. Counting the waiting time in the waiting room, one hour is just right.

At this time, the student union had already notified Yang Guo that one hour should be enough for Yang Guo to prepare for the reception.

And during this period of time, I can just think about how to act after arriving in Yang Guo.

First of all, it should be noted that Emperor Yang Jiang Ji asked the Cradle College Student Union to send an envoy to suppress the scene. The important thing is not who is the envoy, and the Cradle College really sent someone there.

As long as it is the emissary of Cradle Academy, it will naturally be able to suppress the scene, because standing behind the emissary is Cradle Academy.

In other words, I (Yue) don’t need to be afraid of anything, and I don’t need to worry about anything, because even if a conflict breaks out between the envoys of various countries, or even turns into a battle, at least no one will dare to do anything to me (Yue) , that is an act of death.

So on the contrary, I (Yue) should show a high-ranking attitude and dare to control everything, so that those powerful people from all over the world will take me (Yue) seriously and dare not act rashly——I will never let They regard me (Yue) as a cowardly child who doesn't dare to take care of things, doesn't need to pay too much attention, and can be fooled at will.

It's very simple.

I (month) is backed by Cradle College, and I have the qualifications to act forcefully, so as long as I (month) show a strong attitude towards those envoys from various countries, they will naturally become weaker accordingly, because those countries will never dare to fight with Cradle The college is against it.

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