However, if I (month) is relatively weak, then they will naturally become stronger correspondingly, and they will start to ignore me (month) little by little, because they will think that I (month) is no matter what. Don't dare to do it, no matter who you dare to provoke.

If we take the emperor as an example, it is a strong emperor, even if he is a foolish emperor, he can still be a king in the court, and his ministers have to die, because the identity of the emperor is his greatest backer and greatest power.

A weak emperor with a strong personality, he may be overthrown from the throne, but he will definitely not be emptied, because everyone under him will be afraid of him.

Why are you afraid?

Not for anything else, just because he is the emperor and the lord of a country. He has the willful qualification to kill whoever he wants, but others dare not kill him.

But if this faint king later becomes cowardly and starts to be afraid of things, this one doesn't dare to move, and that one doesn't dare to provoke, then the people below him will gradually lose respect for him, he will lose his majesty and power little by little, he will become nothing, and gradually he will be completely emptied.

The same is true now.

I (Yue) am really nothing, but I (Yue) is now the envoy representing the Cradle Academy, so naturally there is no reason for me to worry about this, worry about that, or fear them, but they should be afraid of me.

——Although I have figured this out in my heart, nervousness is still inevitable!

If it is those seniors who have joined the student union for a long time, they should not be nervous, because they are used to dealing with such "small things".

But even if it is a big event, the seniors who are used to dealing with such things will definitely not be nervous.

However, as far as I am concerned, as long as I think that I will face so many big bosses next, it is really hard for me not to be nervous—huh?strangeness?Why don't I look nervous at all?

Thinking about it, I don't feel normal.

I think I (Yue) should be nervous. After all, I (Yue) will face so many super bosses. For me (Yue), this is the first time I will meet so many big shots. How could I (Yue) not be nervous?

Yeah, how could I not be nervous?

So why am I not nervous now?

I thought about it carefully, and the childish face of Emerald appeared in my mind, and then the childish face of Emperor Shentian appeared in my mind. Then, I (Ye) leaned against the head of the bed, lowered my head, and silently looked at Senior Murong, who buried her gnat's head between my (Ye) legs... Even if I went to the six major countries, the rulers of all countries would surprise and welcome the goddess Murong as a guest.

Oh, it's strange to be nervous.

I (Yue) couldn’t help sighing heavily, life is like this, after seeing a lot of things in the world, I don’t think it’s a big deal for the so-called big boss—they shouldn’t all have such virtues, right?

"Master Yue, we are almost here."

At this time, a reminder sound suddenly sounded from the side, and I (Yue) turned my head to look, and a black-haired girl in white light armor came into view.

This is god.

In other words, they are the divine soldiers of the Moon God Army.

Cradle Academy has three great armies, all soldiers are composed of gods.

Most of the Star God Army are just gods, and all of the Moon God Army have at least as much fighting power as a true god. As for the last Sun God Army, although it is the smallest in number, any one of them alone is enough to compete with the nine gods of the Golden Crow Empire. Super bosses who will compete against each other.

——Having said that, there is no distinction between the three great armies, and their overall strength is about the same.

In short, this time I went to Yang Guo as an envoy, and the academy allowed me to mobilize a Luna Army squad as a guard.

The Luna Army uses squads as combat units, each squad has a full size of 103, and the black-haired girl god in front of me is a full squad, the captain of the [-]rd squad, Xier.

In other words, I now have a full thirty gods as guards who are all enough to fight a true god in terms of combat power.

Well, this is the card of Cradle Academy.

Now, I feel more confident.

I turned my head and looked at the huge city on the ground that was getting closer and closer from the window.

For a moment, for some reason, I suddenly had a strange feeling that I was being involved in a certain vortex.

Is this... an illusion?


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Extra Story [-] The Moon That Is Made by Myself

For the current situation, I (month) is somewhat incredible.

"I like you, please date me!"

On the first day of formal school, I (month) was confessed to by a boy in the same class on the rooftop.

At the end of today's lunch break, I (Yue) saw a letter on the desk, which said that I wanted to talk to me (Yue) on the rooftop, and also praised me (Yue) in the letter for my beauty, kindness, and gentleness... I (Yue) praised me so well, of course I was embarrassed to refuse.

To declare in advance, I really didn't think much about it at the time, but I just thought that someone might ask me (month) for help with important matters.

This kind of thing was very common in the Kingdom of Dolge. When many people encountered unsolvable problems, they would contact me (Yue) through various methods, and I (Yue) would also contact me when I was free. Help out, after all, doing good deeds can make you feel better.

——This is the first time someone asked me (Yue) to come out not to ask for help, but to confess to me (Yue).

How fresh, this scene was only seen in TV dramas and cartoons before!

It is natural to be unbelievable, after all, no one has really confessed to me (Yue) before-of course, this is normal for my age.

Now at the Cradle Academy, after one year older, it seems that many things have really changed directly.

Very good, this is a good start——that's what I thought, as I didn't foresee how much trouble would be in the future.

"What's your name?"

"I, I, I, I, I"

The boy who bowed his head and stretched out his hand to me seemed a little excited after hearing my question.

"My name is Bailey Lint, and I am the first prince of Boya Kingdom. Classmate Yue, are you willing to accept my confession?"

"No, I want to tell you that even if it's your name, I just found out. Do you think I will agree to your confession?"

I chose to refuse directly after thinking about it. After all, the other party confessed to me (Yue) directly.

If it made him sad, then I can only apologize - but I don't think it should be sad.

After all, I just met today, he has no feelings for me, he is just greedy for my appearance and my body.

Facing this kind of man who wants to date just by seeing a face, it is considered polite for me (Yue) not to slap him.

And after all, I'm really not interested in boys, girls who are delicious are my food!

"Sorry, I can't accept your wishes, but if you don't mind, we can be friends."

"This, that's it... Actually, I also think it's impossible to confess successfully..."

Bailey first showed a disappointed expression, then restrained his expression, and smiled pretendingly.

"Then let's start with friends."

I cooperated with him and smiled: "Well, okay."

the next day.

"Student Yue, please date me."

What's happening here?

At the same time, at the same place, a different person stood in front of me smiling.

"Sorry, I can't accept your wishes, but if you don't mind, we can be friends."

Day three.

"I like you! Please date me!"

At the same time, at the same place, a different person stood in front of me with the corners of my eyes twitching.

The corners of my mouth twitched, I forced myself to smile, and said the same thing again: "Sorry, I can't accept your wishes, but if you don't mind, we can be friends."

Fourth day.

"Master Yue, can I associate with you?"

At the same time, at the same place, a person with a different gender stood in front of me with a blank face.

Looking at the excited and expectant girl in front of me, I said blankly: "Sorry, I can't accept your wishes, but if you don't mind, we can be friends."

"Yeah! It worked! It really is true!"

The girl jumped up excitedly, but I didn't understand why.

Day [-].

On this day, things changed dramatically, and the number of people who confessed to me changed from one to five.

I refused one by one.

Those who were rejected were not disappointed, but all left excitedly.

Day [-].

On this day, things changed drastically again, and seven people confessed to me together.

That's right, they were together, they lined up, male and female, as if they had been rehearsed, and they confessed to me together, without missing a single word.

"Master Yue! Please date me!"

"I'm very sorry, I can't accept your wishes, but if you don't mind, we can be friends."

On this day, my answer finally changed, from "you" to you.

Then, for seven days, eight days, nine days, and ten days, my answers were all based on "you" as a unit and refused to confess.

No. On the 11th day, I finally couldn't help complaining to the three of Lafayette and the others: "What's the matter? Can you still form a team with a confession? And I obviously refused to confess to me. What are they excited about? Are they really confessing to me instead of making fun of me?"

"Don't you know Yue?" Melty was surprised.

I am surprised.

"What should I know? What do you know?"

"Now our teaching building has already spread the word—you can directly become friends with Mr. Yue as long as you confess to Mr. Yue.——I heard that the news is still spreading to other teaching buildings."

I (Yue) couldn't help but widen my eyes: "I'm obviously refusing them to become my lover!!"

Melty raised his eyebrows: "The key is that no one thinks that they can be your lover now. Being your friend in name already makes everyone very satisfied. And after becoming friends, won't there be more opportunities to pursue them?"

"...What is this called! Do I have to live a life of being confessed to every day from now on?"

"This is also self-inflicted. Who asked you to say that we can be friends."

"Isn't this a normal rejection? It's always done like this in TV dramas!"

"You also said that it is a TV series. How can your situation be the same as a TV series? A group of people like you who can make the king of a country willing to sell the country with a smile like you are dogs. I would like to, let alone be friends."

Hehe, would you like to be a dog?

Good, I see.

No. 12 days.

"Master Yue! Please date me!"

Facing such a smooth confession again, I felt ruthless in my heart.

Faced with such a situation, I (Yue) can only take some harsh medicine. Although I have always followed the principle of being kind to others, I am even more afraid of trouble! !

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