You guys take confession to me as a joke and play with my pure feelings, then don't blame me for doing this tricky thing.

This time, I (Yue) didn't say the words of rejection in the past, but said with a cold face and a flat voice: "It's impossible to communicate, but if you are willing to be my dog, I can give you a chance. Go , Tell everyone, don’t come to confess to me anymore, if you want to be my dog, just work hard consciously, let me see your performance, if anyone can satisfy me, I will allow him to be my dog.”

The crowd suddenly raised their heads in astonishment, and looked at me with astonishment on their faces.

That's right, I want this expression.

Seeing such an expression, I knew that this strong medicine was the right one.

Look at their stunned expressions, look at their excited eyes, look at their excited faces, look at their ecstatic smiles—huh?

"Yes! Master Yue!"

Everyone immediately dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

"This... what's the situation?"

I'm a bit confused.

However, if that kind of talk has been released, it should be fine, right?

When I got back to the dormitory and got together with the three of Lafayette, I talked about it.

Xue Luochen didn't say a word, but smiled with great interest.

Melty had a strange expression, and also said nothing.

As for Lafayette, he said to me (Yue) with a serious face: "The students of Cradle College are all excellent, but there is no Yue among them that you can look up to? If there is a suitable one, why don't you agree to come down to date with Yue?" Look, I haven’t reached the age of marriage anyway, so it’s always right to play more, right? Don’t nobles think like this? Political marriages are inevitable in the future, so now is the age to enjoy love!”

"You're talking about other nobles. Our family pays attention to consistency."

Don't think I don't know what you're thinking.

In fact, I also want to let you rest assured, I want you to know that I (Yue) will never compete with you for me (Ye) - but it is absolutely impossible to use this method to reassure you.

I (month) is not the kind of casual woman.

Find a suitable one to play with?

Ha ha.

Only two words for you.

"Yue, this method of yours will only cause you to burn yourself in the end!"

At this time, Melty suddenly spoke, and she said meaningfully:

"Compared to this method, you might as well just find a boy to pretend to be your boyfriend to prevent suitors from continuing to confess to you. Now, those boys who want to pursue you will continue to pursue you, there is no problem at all Solve it, and those... people who never expected to become your lover at all, you simply gave them a channel to run wildly towards the unknown road!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

I really didn't understand what Melty was talking about, but her words and the expressions of the confessors when they left made me unable to help but have a bad premonition—could I really do something wrong?

"I don't think you need to worry too much. Although Yue will find it troublesome, it is actually a good thing for Yue."

Xue Luochen said with a faint smile.

"With Yue's character, there will be a time when they will be useful one day—in this world, what a person can do is limited after all."

"It is people like Yue who need companions the most and should have companions the most."

Can you stop talking about these riddle-man speeches like you all understand but only me can't understand? !okay? !okay? ! !

——On this day, the Riddler's speech that I failed to understand finally became my retribution in the future.


The flowers are gorgeous and beautiful, but they are far less beautiful than the girl admiring the flowers.

A slender hand gently fiddled with the light purple petals.

Perfect, slender, slender, refined.

Just this one hand seems to gather all the beauty in this world, making the beautiful petals eclipsed, ashamed and self-closing.

However, what is more beautiful and better than this hand is the owner of this slender hand.

She is a goddess favored by heaven.

It seems that this is the only way to describe it.

At first glance, she is smiling sweetly, looking bright, with the slight movement of her eyelashes, endless charm is contained in it, and in just an instant, she can completely capture the hearts and souls of the world.

At the second glance, she was covered with red clothes, and the vermilion bird was turned around. When the vermilion cloak moved slightly with the wind, the supreme majesty was already rushing towards her face, which was enough to make everyone bow their heads.

Look at it with a third eye - negation.

No one will dare to take a third look again.

Her beauty is daunting.

Her supreme majesty is equally daunting.

He was so afraid that no matter who it was, he would not dare to raise his head and look at her even once.

Just like at this moment, a black-haired girl walked behind her with her head down, knelt down and bowed her forehead, not daring to look up during the whole process.

"Your Majesty, President Gu of Lilith Great World has sent back a message."

She casually picked off a piece of the light purple petal with her fingers, put it in her lips, and said with a smile: "Say. Don't miss a single word, and don't change it."

"...President Gu said... old woman, who are you fooling by making such a mess after giving you so many hands? If you have the guts, keep extending your hand. If you don't cut me off With your last name."

The black-haired girl said tremblingly.

But she was not angry, she was still smiling: "Is it Yun Mingyue? This name is also quite good."

Hearing this, the black-haired girl's body couldn't help trembling violently: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, President Gu said, if Your Majesty said the three words "Yun Mingyue", then tell His Majesty what she said. "

She couldn't help raising her eyebrows, but she smiled more happily: "Say."

"The name Gu Diewu is also very nice. Do you want to think about it? I don't mind having a daughter who is hundreds of thousands of times older than me..." The black-haired girl's voice became softer and weaker.

"Hehehehehe, it's interesting, it's so interesting, I didn't expect that when my plan was officially launched, I would happen to meet such an interesting president of the Cradle."

She couldn't help smiling happily.

"Is this luck? Is it bad luck? Or is it just pure fate? 12 years, it happened to be completed at this time, even if it was a few years in the morning or a few years in the evening, my plan should be foolproof, but it happened at this time-fate tricked people? Is it because I am too lonely to play chess by myself, so I specially arranged an opponent for me?"

"Gu... President Gu said..."

The eyes of the black-haired girl were already full of fear at this moment.

"Y-It's also possible that the Supreme God and the Queen Mother of the West simply don't like you. Also, don't think too highly of yourself, want to play chess with me? Who are you? I arranged for a proxy to fight over here. You can win her first and then talk about playing chess with me."

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh"

She smiled, really happy never before.

In this garden full of flowers, there is a girl who is smiling happily.

Her smile is even more beautiful than that flower.

Chapter 1 Ren Huaying

"The emissary of the Cradle College Student Union is named Yue, who of you know her?"

At the Yang Guochao meeting, news of the envoy's arrival was urgently received. Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji urgently arranged a welcoming ceremony, and then sent Hua Ying, the director of Tianmenmen, to the airport to meet the envoy in person.

Of course, just an envoy is not enough to be greeted by the emperor of one of the six major countries in person—if it is the Cradle Ten Jade or the high-level student union, it will be fine.

However, being greeted by the head of the Tianmen Gate in person is enough to show that Yang Guo attaches great importance to it.

After all, Ren Huaying used to be the emperor of the Yang Kingdom, and is still a powerful figure in the Yang Kingdom. Not only is he famous in terms of strength as the head of the four immortal kings of the Yang Kingdom, but he is also the same as the prime minister and the general in terms of power. Keeping pace with each other, there is nothing wrong with Yang Guo's No. [-] person.

However, Ren Huaying had never heard of the name Yue. Instead, she felt that Cradle Academy didn't pay much attention to Yang Guo?

Not to mention the ten jades in the cradle, at least there should be a high-level student union to live up to expectations, right?

Ren Huaying was wrapped in white fairy clothes, and a white veil hung down from the crown on her head, half covering her entire beauty.

The veil is very thin, and you can see her cheek skin faintly, but you can't see her face clearly, but it makes people itchy and want to see it.

Behind her, rows of ministers and soldiers were waiting respectfully.

Hearing Ren Huaying's question, everyone shook their heads and said that they didn't know the name Yue.

However, a young courtier in the last row hesitated and said, "The month should be the month of the first grader, I have seen the video of her cradle exam, and her test was also broadcast in the cradle game competition before." The team's game scene in the qualifiers of the Cradle School Free Play Contest. Her team defeated the elf team led by Princess Alice, and she herself chanted magic with a long text in that Cradle game. The Cradle was eliminated, including the defending champion Four Saints."

"Oh? Just first graders?"


"I can't understand it..."

Ren Huaying murmured, but the others did not answer.

What is happening in Yang Guo is not a trivial matter, but a major event that may cause a world-class war if it is not handled well. The famous and powerful people from all over the world gather here, and a first-year student from Cradle College can shake live them?

You must know that among those strong men from all over the world, there are no lack of Cradle Academy graduates who have attended Cradle Academy and even won the Cradle Ten Jade Throne.

Even though they have graduated now, they haven't worked in Cradle College yet, and have nothing to do with Cradle College, but their experience is there. If it is not for the current Cradle Ten Jade or the high-level student union, how can they suppress their aura?

Or no matter how you put it, there should be a senior student who is sure that he will stay at Cradle College to work after graduation. The senior student has experienced a lot and will not be afraid of those world's top powerhouses. If he is sure that he will stay at Cradle College after graduation to work, even if he completely offends these major powers in the world, he will not be afraid of being retaliated by some small-minded people after graduation.

However, a freshman...

Ren Huaying couldn't understand what that President Gu was thinking.

Raising her head, she narrowed her eyes slightly behind the white gauze as she looked at the plane slowly landing above.

Maybe I think too much?

In fact, she didn't have any special thoughts, but this incident really didn't attract her attention?

Chapter 2 The Moon in the Eyes of Others

"Dah, dah, dah, dah"




When the sound of light footsteps got closer and closer, and when everyone waiting outside the airport saw the approaching figure, Yang Guo, who was still whispering, fell silent a little bit.

Don't get me wrong, it's not out of courtesy.

Those faces with demented expressions and trembling slightly parted lips, of course, couldn't be out of politeness that made the scene quiet.

This silence comes from...



Gradually, looking at the figure that was getting closer and closer, looking at that dreamy and beautiful face, everyone felt

Yes, all of them.

Voice, expression, eyes, breath, body.

Everyone, all seemed to be completely frozen.

The soul has been taken from the eyes, the brain has been completely invaded, the heart has been occupied without a single gap, and the mind has been completely emptied and bleached.

It was a face that was still a little immature.

However, it was clearly a still immature face that had not really blossomed. At this moment, all the people on the scene seemed to have fallen into an illusory dream, and then saw the perfect girl who came out of the dream and should have only existed in fantasy.

No, not right.

That is absolutely wrong.

That, is a girl who can't even fantasize.

Ren Huaying's hands were trembling slightly.

How many years did she live?How many people have you met?How many things have you been through?

She was like this, but she was shocked by the "beauty" of a person.

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