She was the first person to recover from the scene, but she would rather not recover from the shock just now.

The right hand couldn't help touching her veil, the burning shame in her heart made Ren Huaying almost want to hide her face and run away.

The reason why Ren Huaying used this veil to cover her face was because she used to cause turmoil because of her face wherever she went. She realized that her beauty was really a trouble, so she covered up her face.

However, at this moment, she just wanted to tear off the veil and turn around to run away.


Looking at the girl in front of her who didn't hide her face, the flames of shame burned Ren Huaying's body and mind, and even made her tremble uncontrollably, and she just wanted to turn her back and run away.

She felt as if countless people were looking at her, laughing at herself, and mocking herself. The Dao Heart, which had been learned to be as calm as water for thousands of years, seemed to explode in embarrassment at this moment.

The right hand trembled and lowered, resisting the desire to run away, Ren Huaying kept chanting the meditation formula in her heart, lowered her head, not daring to look at the other person's face, and then stepped forward to meet the other person.

"Master Moon..."

This honorific title unexpectedly came from the heart.

Before today, Ren Huaying would never have dared to imagine that in this world, there could be someone who, just because of the reason of "too beautiful", could make gods and gods feel awed from the bottom of their hearts.

Murong Goddess School dominates the flower list every year, but the girl named Yue was deprived of the top spot after only one month of enrollment. Is this really just because of aesthetic fatigue?

Is it true that Goddess Murong can regain the top spot with just one more vote?

For those who have this kind of thinking, I am afraid that there are only two people in the whole world, oh no, there is only one person.


Walking out of the airport and sitting on the luxurious frame, I (Yue) looked at the Tianmen Sect Master, Xuannv Sect Master, the head of the Four Great Immortals, Ren Huaying who was sitting on the side.

I don't know much about Yang Guo's "rituals", so from the welcome ceremony, I can't judge whether Yang Guo's welcome is grand or not, and whether it is respect for me. However, since Ren Huaying came here in person, it should be It's respect.

At this time, the people driving the Tianma convoy were not Yang Guo's people, but the 103rd squad of the Luna Army who was protecting me. As the captain, Xi'er even drove this carriage herself.

There were only me (Yue) and Ren Huaying in the car.

I (Yue) sat at the main seat, and Ren Huaying sat sideways on my left.

The convoy headed for the cradle house.

The so-called cradle house is the residence that each country prepares for the envoys of the Cradle College at any time. The Cradle College may not have envoys to come, and they may not necessarily live there, but every country must plan such a cradle house. Basically, it is a hard and fast rule.

"It's the first time Mr. Yue has come to Yang Country, right? You can take a look at the street scene of Yang Country through the car window. It must be very different from Cradle Academy."

Needless to say, Ren Huaying, I was also curious and did not take my eyes away from the car window.

After leaving the airport and gradually approaching the embassy, ​​the scenery of the street also began to change dramatically. The high-rise buildings disappeared from sight little by little, replaced by quaint attic courtyards, and most of the pedestrians on the street wore strange clothes that can be regarded as strange clothes in my eyes.

Of course, I have seen such exotic costumes on TV.

And this type of equipment is sometimes found in treasure chests.

——Is it troublesome to put on and take off?

Thinking of this in my heart, I (Yue) didn't know how to ask it out.

Instead asked another thing.

"Where is that place?"

I pointed to a passing building and asked curiously.

It was a tower, not high, with bright colors, and there were quite a lot of people coming in and out.

In this place, the existence of this tower is a bit too conspicuous, it is like a grassland mixed with an ice field, and it is incompatible with other buildings.

Ren Huaying glanced at it, and then said lightly, "That's where the magic weapon refined by Yang Yangzi will be auctioned, the Divine Treasure Tower."

"This tower itself is a magic weapon, and its owner is His Majesty the Immortal Emperor of Yang Kingdom."

"The Divine Treasure Tower has the magical effect of accumulating magic weapons, strengthening magic weapons, and raising the level of magic weapons. Your Majesty uses this effect to erect this tower here and fully open it."

"Even as a store that collects and sells treasures, it also allows others to deposit the magic treasures here after paying for them, so that the magic treasures can be stored in the Divine Treasure Pagoda. It can be said to be an important source of finance for His Majesty's internal treasury."

"Although the magic weapon refined by Yang Yangzi is not willing to sell directly to our country of Yang this time, he still agrees to auction it here. In the end, 5% of the auction proceeds will be used as a commission to go to His Majesty's internal treasury. That magic weapon is now also stored in the Divine Treasure Pagoda."

"Can I still increase the level?"

"With the strength of that magic weapon, it will take at least tens of millions of years of cultivation to improve it through the Shenbao Pagoda, so the main reason is that it is safe to put here."

I couldn't help thinking: "It seems that Yang Yangzi still trusts Yang Guo."

"That's natural." Ren Huaying nodded slightly, and said calmly: "But no matter how much you trust, brothers still have to settle accounts clearly. This magic weapon is born for the first time, and no one can judge what kind of one to sell. The price is considered appropriate. Your Majesty is afraid of paying too much, and Yang Yangzi is also afraid of getting less. Because of this, with His Majesty's permission, Yang Yangzi will want to make a public auction-in fact, our country of Yang has also done a good job. Be prepared, no matter how much you pay, you will leave this magic weapon in Yang Guo."

"I see."

Responding like this in my mouth, I felt a little awkward in my heart.

Something seems wrong.


After staying in the Cradle House for one night, I got into the carriage again early the next morning and headed to the palace.

The convoy entered the palace directly and stopped under the grand staircase of the grand hall.

When you come to a country as an envoy, you naturally have to meet the king first.

If it wasn't me (Yue), but Cradle Ten Jade, the secretary of the student union, the vice president of the student union, the high-level student union of the Cradle College, then it must be Emperor Yang, the Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji, who went to the airport to greet the Cradle College in person .

But I (Yue) obviously don't have the kind of status that can keep pace with the lord of a country or even slightly higher than half a head, so although I am honorable as the envoy of Cradle College, I still have to maintain the etiquette of being a subordinate.

Fortunately, to me this is not a big deal.

As the daughter of a duke, it's not like I haven't seen a king before. The etiquette that should be taught to noble children is more important than strength. Therefore, I am not afraid of losing etiquette and making people look down on me. I will also embarrass the Cradle Academy and lower the evaluation of the Cradle Academy. It cannot but be said that the student council chooses the noble children first and basically ignores the common people. It cannot but be said that it has a major relationship with this.

Hearing the summons, I walked up the steps step by step and walked into the hall full of immortal energy - although I don't know what immortal energy is, but the white air fluttering on the ground seems to be best described by this word of.

This special effect is really impressive.

Walking into the main hall, the hall seems a bit too quiet,

I can't even feel the sound of breathing, I didn't look around, but I can feel that many eyes are gathered on me, but, the strange thing is, I can't perceive it from the eyes that are gathered on me. to any emotion.

Whether it's contempt, scrutiny, hostility, or respect, in short, although I can feel countless eyes gathering on me, I just can't feel any emotion.

I don't understand, but I don't care.

Walking to the center of the hall, I (Yue) raised my skirt and saluted to the woman on the throne.

"The Cradle Academy of the Moon Dynasty sends its greetings to the Immortal Emperor, and wishes the Immortal Emperor eternal."

Today, of course I (Yue) wore a formal dress, a dark purple off-the-shoulder dress that is elegant yet noble.

When I looked in the mirror, I (monthly) gave myself an evaluation as usual: perfect.pretty.The most beautiful woman in the world is none other than me.

I don't care if it's a fart or not, anyway, I haven't seen anyone who is more beautiful than me (Yue) in terms of pure appearance.

——Although looking in the mirror every day is a bit aesthetically exhausting.

How wonderful it would be if it were not me but my wife!That would definitely be boring.

Oh, of course, now I'm actually not tired of watching myself being.

But having said that, since entering the Cradle Academy, it has been a while since I have dressed so formally.Are a little bit out of habit.

Thinking about this kind of thing in my heart, I gradually felt a little strange.

It has been a while since I asked the ceremony, but Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji didn't make a sound. She... is she humiliating me on purpose?Want to give me a blow?

Are you sick?I'm the one you invited to help you?Aren't you afraid that I'll leave in a fit of anger?

You are rude first, even if I go back to the Cradle Academy, the president will hold me accountable, okay? I am the one who is right!

——Just when dissatisfaction was already rising in my heart, Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji finally spoke with a crisp voice.

"I'm sorry, Messenger, you are so beautiful, Gu was stunned for a moment, and I hope you don't take offense at your rudeness."

At this moment, I feel instantly better.

Look, what level of speaking is this, no wonder people can develop Yang Guo into one of the six great countries, because they can speak.

I thought she was old and confused, but it turned out that she was an old fox.

Others tried their best to be courteous to the envoy, but they would not make the envoy feel bad about it. After all, although people would be dissatisfied if they were not up to the courtesy, but they would only be taken for granted if they were done.

But look at the Immortal Emperor, he directly came to a textbook-style diplomacy.

A faux pas would certainly make the emissary angry - but I was faux pas because you are so beautiful, so can you please not blame me?If you want to blame, you should also blame yourself, who made you so beautiful!

I have to say that she succeeded, and my affection for her increased instantly.

Well, no one in this world would hate being praised, and I'm just a layman after all.

"Give the envoy a seat. Go to the glass seat of Xiantai. The envoy, please take a seat."

While saying these words, Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji stood up from the throne, walked down the steps step by step, took my hand, and led me up the steps.

At this time, the originally silent hall also caused an uproar with the words and actions of Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji, and finally became lively.

I finally looked at Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji from the side and rear.

While holding my hand and leading me, she was also looking sideways at me, the golden bead curtain was shaking slightly, and her light red lips were looming in it.

Facing my bold peeping, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, she didn't seem to be angry, but rather pleased.

Covered by rows of bead curtains, I couldn't fully see the face of Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji, but I could still glimpse her peerless beauty.

Definitely a beauty.

While thinking this in his heart, above the steps, two fairies in colorful clothes had already carried a jade seat to the high platform with their joint efforts, and then placed the jade seat on the left side of the throne where the immortal emperor Jiang Ji was sitting before.

Again, I don't understand Yang Guo's "rituals" very well, so I don't know what this seat represents in Yang Guozhong, why the ministers seem to be very surprised.

However, even if you don't understand it, you just need to do it at this time.

Since the Immortal Emperor let me sit, then I can never go wrong when I sit.

——Of course I didn't know at this time. When I later learned what the Xiantai Liulizuo represented in Yang Guozhong, how much I wanted to go back to the past and strangle myself at this time.

Chapter 3

After being dragged by Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji to sit on the glass seat of Xiantai, I (Yue) suddenly felt something was wrong.

This seat seems to be unusual. I felt that the moment I sat on it, there seemed to be some wonderful connection with this jade seat.

Then, I looked down and couldn't help appraising the so-called "Sendai Liulizuo".

"Sendai Liuliza"

——Insufficient identification level, please upgrade the skill level before identification

Good guy, this is the first time I (Yue) have encountered such an item that I can't even identify a piece of information. Even if it wasn't because I knew the name of this Jade Seat before, I might not even be able to identify the name!

However, although nothing has been identified, it is enough to show that the Jade Seat is powerful, and it may even be a divine weapon, right?

"Does the envoy like this Sendai Liulizuo?"

Jiang Ji has already sat back on her throne, and I am sitting obliquely on her left side, facing her sideways.

After hearing such a question, I smiled and replied: "I like it, it's the first time I've seen such a luxurious jade throne, thank you for your gift."

Can I answer anything other than saying I like the occasion?What a person with no EQ or IQ can answer a sentence of dislike?

At least I won't.

"As long as you like it. The messenger's name is Yue, isn't it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"May Gu call you Yue'er?"

"It's Yue's pleasure."

"Yue'er can also be called Gu's baby name in the future. When I was young, my parents called Gu Bao'er."


I (Yue) twitched the corner of my mouth, why is something wrong when I say this?

After thinking about it hesitantly, I (Yue) seemed to be able to evade a sentence like this: "How dare Yue offend."

Jiang Ji didn't force her, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Yue'er is still 13 years old, right? According to the laws stipulated by the Cradle Academy, at least she must, let's talk about it later."


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