I felt her words were weird, but at this moment I really couldn't figure out what inexplicable things she was talking about.

Is the emperor's speech so profound and difficult to understand?

"Yue'er will be here for this auction, so I don't have to worry about it. My dear friends, you can each report the envoys from various countries in the city who need attention, and what they need to pay attention to."

"Your Majesty, please report carefully."


Among the courtiers, a blond man who looked to be in his thirties stood up and bowed his head in salute.

Before coming to Yang State, I (monthly) asked the Intelligence Bureau to send the information of all the ministers of Yang State together with the photos, and I took a rough look at all of them, so I recognized the identity of this man.

Prime Minister Yang Guo, Keston Lin Li.

This name seems a bit out of place in the Yang Kingdom, just like my (Yue) father’s name is out of place in the Dolge Kingdom. This is of course, because Keston was not originally from the Yang Kingdom, but was born in the Shivana Empire. He was dug here by the Immortal Emperor.

Yang Guo waited for the position of prime minister, and finally moved Keston, and when Keston resigned from the Sivana Empire and came to Yang Guo, the Immortal Emperor appointed him as the prime minister as promised, which can be said to be a one-man With more than [-] people, if it wasn't for Ren Huaying's status as Emperor Yang Guotai, she would not be able to suppress Lin Jiachen.

Yang Guo's current court has always belonged to the power of three pillars, the prime minister Keston's line, the Tianmen gate director Hua Ying's line, and the general Song Xingjun's line.

Song Xingjun was originally not from the Yang Kingdom, but from the Golden Crow Empire. Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji can be said to have dug out the corners of the two most powerful empires in the world.

When I was thinking about the information, Keston half-turned and pointed back after getting permission.

In the void, a virtual screen opened, and a photo of a person appeared on it.

It was a girl with silver hair and red eyes, no, she should be considered a loli, with a very immature face and slender limbs.

"Among the envoys from various countries, the most noteworthy one is naturally the head of the Nine Sages of the Sivana Empire, Mia Lily Lorraine Mintel."

Uh, this one doesn't need to be introduced, who can't understand her, a famous celebrity who can make cocoons in her ears?

"Although this is a great person who does not need too much introduction, in order to prevent your majesty from making mistakes, it should be introduced emphatically."


………………? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?


Wait for me first, don't be in a hurry to introduce, first explain to me what this title is all about?

I reacted and reacted, and it took several beats before I realized that the voice of Your Majesty did not seem to be referring to Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji, but me (Yue)? ! !

Because he is facing me (month) to visit and talk.

Although my (month) seat is very close to Jiang Ji, my (month) seat is oblique. If Keston was paying homage to Jiang Ji, he should be facing his body, but that is not the case. He just turned his body sideways to pay respects to the right.

It is impossible for the prime minister of a country to make such a mistake, which is enough to show that he is worshiping me (Yue) and calling me (Yue) Your Majesty.

"Sage Mia is the strongest magician in my world of Lilith. She has mastered hundreds of forbidden spells and possesses infinite magic power. When it comes to the ranking of the strong in the big world, no matter how you rank her, she will definitely be among the top ten..."

Keston introduced the detailed information of Miya Sage little by little, but I became more and more restless.

At this time, I obviously couldn't interrupt Keston, and I couldn't open my mouth to ask if there is any special meaning to this Xiantai Liulizuo, and what does it mean that Keston called me Your Majesty... After all, what if it is self-indulgent?

I did notice something was wrong, and I was basically sure that something was wrong with the current situation—but what if?

What if I'm just being self-indulgent?

They are not begging me, they really just accidentally made a wrong obeisance?

In fact, there is no special meaning in Sendai Liulizuo, just to show respect to the messenger of Cradle Academy?

People didn't call me Your Majesty, but they called me Immortal Emperor?

What if, what if, what if.

There are so many what-ifs that I can't even ask. After all, if there is a real possibility... I can't even imagine what kind of picture it will be.

what to do?what to do?What should I do?

Please end the topic quickly, retreat quickly, and then let me ask Xi'er what this Xiantai glass seat is! ! !

Chapter 4 God God Wants to canvass votes

When my (month) side is restless, my (night) side is also restless.

Yesterday (night) I spent the night directly in Senior Murong's dormitory, and I didn't fall asleep until early morning.

Originally, today should be a comfortable and natural wake up. Yesterday was such a comfortable night. How can I be worthy of senior sister Murong if I don't sleep until noon today?

However, at seven o'clock in the morning, I (night) woke up.

Woke up by a knock on the door.

I thought it was Lafayette, I (Ye) tremblingly went to open the door after my bravery had completely disappeared after yesterday, while senior sister Murong was still fast asleep—even if the door knocked again, it would not be able to wake up a person who pretended to be asleep.

The boldness of yesterday has disappeared, and now Senior Murong is not a prostitute, but a pure lady.

To save her face, I (Ye) didn't force Senior Sister Murong to get up and open the door, but chose to face the storm outside the door by myself.

——But unexpectedly, the person who knocked on the door was not Lafayette.

After opening the door, I (Ye) didn't see anyone at all, I only saw it when I looked down. Lord Shentian looked up at me with a calm expression——looking up at me with no clothes on my upper body and only a pair of shorts on my lower body.

Don't blame me for only wearing this, it's because my clothes have been torn by senior sister Murong and I can't wear them anymore.I can't wear senior sister Murong's clothes, can I?

Of course, what to wear is not very important, what is important is why did God suddenly appear here?

No, wait, now is this a good opportunity?

"Lord Shentiandi, please come in quickly. Are you here to see Senior Murong? Sorry, she was too tired yesterday, and she is still sleeping on the bed, so she can't scream no matter what."

Emperor Shentian's expression remained unchanged, he nodded flatly, and walked into the room from the position I (Ye) got out of the way.

My (Ye) expression remained the same, and I sighed and said: "I accidentally made a mistake yesterday, and I don't know how to explain it to my girlfriend, but there is no way to do it, who made me so attractive."

"Indeed, my husband should get used to this kind of thing as soon as possible. With my husband's charm, this kind of thing will definitely be indispensable in the future."

Hearing such words, I (Ye) couldn't help but stare at Shentiandi's back in a daze from behind, sister, are you sure you're insane?

Swallowing and spitting, I (Ye) spoke again, with a tone of self-blame: "Actually, I'm also to blame. My concentration is really bad, and I can't stand the temptation at all."

"Your husband doesn't need to be so self-blaming. Women who can make your husband unable to control you are very good. For these outstanding women, you can put them in your arms. They are worthy of your husband, and your husband is also worthy of all the good things in this world."

"………………you win."

After I said such words, Emperor Shentian looked back at me and smiled sweetly.

"I'm serious, sir."

"Well, I believe it."

I believe in you.

"Lord Shentiandi, you are not a student of Cradle College. If you enter the student dormitory area without authorization like this, you will really be caught by the law enforcement team."

"That's why I want to enroll in Cradle Academy, so that I won't be arrested when I go to my husband's dormitory."

"??? Lord Shentiandi, aren't you already 20 years old? Although it looks far from the school age, in fact, you have already passed the age!"

"The president of the student union said that there is an exception. As long as I get more than [-]% of the votes in the student vote, I can make an exception and enter the Cradle Academy."

"...Why are you telling me this kind of thing?"

"Husband, I want to ask you to help me."

Can I say no?

For the first time in my life, I was so resistant to others asking for my help.

After all, although I have always pursued the principle of being kind to others and helping others, helping others is also a matter of division, right?

I really don't want to help with things like this that will only bring me countless troubles! !

"Then what, how can I help with this kind of thing?"

"But the president of the student union said that only my husband can help me."

Did I provoke you? Gu Mingyue?Why do you hate me so much that you want to cheat me so much?

"Even if the president says so, there is really nothing I can do? Even if I am popular in the Cradle Academy and can help win some votes, it is still a drop in the bucket in front of the entire student body of the Cradle Academy!"


At this time, Emperor Shentian suddenly took a step forward, raised his hands and gently pressed my waist and abdomen, and pressed his whole body against my body, raised his head slightly, and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Don't want to help my concubine?"

puff! ! ! ! ! !

I turned my head away for a moment and covered my nose.

"I'll help, you can be normal for me."

You gave me this test early in the morning?If I could stand this test, would I have spent the night here yesterday?

"My husband is so nice."

Emperor Shentian's tears disappeared, his face was joyful, and he rubbed his cheek against me tenderly.

I was expressionless and said nothing.

This girl really can't treat her as a child, she is completely different from Jade, don't look at Jade's hate to marry, but Jade's purity is no different from that of a child, but look at God Emperor, this is a pure old dirty girl!

I ignored her, turned around and walked to the sofa aside.

"Although I want to help you, I really don't know what to do. I have no experience?"

While talking, I sat on the sofa and pulled the blanket on the side to cover my legs, trying to cover up my embarrassment with the sitting posture and the blanket.

But Shentiandi seemed to like my embarrassment and sat sideways on my lap, put his hands up on my neck, and said with a smile: "Husband, I have a question, I just came to this world, and I don't understand it well-for example, if I manipulate the hearts and souls of the students in this school and let them vote for me, is it feasible?"

"Of course not."

Thanks to Shentiandi, who was originally not from this world, if someone from this world said such a thing, I would have to look at him like a fool, and reply that you are really smart, you think you are the only one who is smart in the whole world, right?

Well, this is the same concept that some half-understood children asked incomprehensibly when they heard that the student council president of Cradle Academy could hold the power of the king of the world in the first year of junior high school, "If this is the case, why doesn't the student council president repeat the grade?"

If the rules of the Cradle Academy can leave you with such an obvious loophole, how can this political system be maintained for tens of millions of years?Dreaming?

Did the Dragon Emperor Ji Mengli fail to think of these things when she formulated the rules system of the Cradle Academy?Dreaming?What about treating people as fools?

"The rules of Cradle Academy absolutely prohibit the use of informal means to solicit votes. People who do such things will be severely punished according to the rules. As for the extent of informal means and how severe the punishment is - there have been A negative teaching material has been directed into a TV series, which is often broadcast on TV repeatedly, and it can be said to be an eternal classic in TV series."

There used to be a student named Hua Jidao in Cradle College, which happened not many decades after Cradle College formally established the rules. After Cradle College formally established the rules, the third student council president abdicated, and the fourth student council president began to run for election. There were 13 candidates in total. The [-] people canvassed for themselves among the students of Cradle College in various ways, and Hua Jidao was one of them.

There is no problem in canvassing votes. Any candidate will definitely canvass for himself. However, Hua Jidao is very smart. He thinks that since the president of the student union can hold the power of the king of the world, he will be able to do anything after becoming the king of the world. can you do it?That being the case, why not use this to lure other students?

This clever student who wanted to be elected as the president of the student union, but hadn't read all the rules of the Cradle Academy from beginning to end, suddenly became excited, and began to have secret talks with various students and sign contracts.

As long as you vote for me, after I become the president of the student union and get the authority of the king of the realm, I will use the authority of the king of the realm to enhance your strength.

As long as you vote for me, after I become the president of the student union and gain the authority of the king of the realm, I can create a high-level dungeon rich in resources for your father's territory.

As long as you vote for me, then wait for me...

Needless to say, he really succeeded. After the voting began, he himself won more than [-]% of the votes, and was successfully elected as the president of the student union of Cradle Academy—what about the dream?

The voting has just ended and the results came out. The voting rules of Cradle Academy directly declare that "there was cheating in this voting, and the voting results are invalid. Those who cheat will be punished according to the rules. They will be expelled from Cradle Academy, their grades will be reset to zero, and all skills will be deprived, and they will be executed immediately."

Since then, Huajidao has been famous forever, and has become a negative teaching material that generations of people will remember in their hearts.

It's just that this level is considered cheating, and he has been punished so severely, what if he directly controls the students' hearts and souls to vote?

I wonder if you have heard of the punishment of being a pig in 99 reincarnations?

never heard of that?

Well, I've never heard of it either - but I know that punishment is real in the rules of Cradle Academy.

It's just that after having a bright negative teaching material, no one will be a fool who doesn't even read the rules of Cradle Academy carefully.

In short, the rules of the Cradle Academy are very perfect. It is so perfect that the system of the Cradle Academy has been running for more than 6000 million years without any irreversible mistakes. There are no loopholes for people to find.

Of course, it is not completely without mistakes. Situations similar to the Holy Son of God are not uncommon in the history of Cradle College. In the history of 6000 million years, there is no shortage of real lunatic presidents.

The craziest of them was Trinrod, and he even directly destroyed the entire Lilith World.

Yes, it literally destroyed the entire Lilith World.

Except for the Cradle Academy, the entire world was completely destroyed by the authority of the king of the world.

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