For Xier, who was able to become the captain of a team in the Moon God Army, even if she went to the Golden Crow Empire and Sivana Empire, she must be a general, right?If she went to a slightly worse place, it would be more appropriate for one person to be under ten thousand people. Why should she stay in the Cradle Academy as a soldier whose name can't even be remembered?

The soldiers of the Moon God Army are also soldiers!

The soldier captain of the Moon God Army is still a soldier!

Think about it, Xier, the captain of the 12rd squadron of the 35th detachment, the 103th brigade of the [-]th regiment of the second army of the Luna Army, or Xier, the general of the Golden Crow Empire Pingbei, which one is more memorable?

Xi'er is just a small soldier in the Moon God Army!There are hundreds of squad leaders like her in the Luna Army, counting the personal guard squads directly under each department.

Among the entire Luna Army with tens of thousands of soldiers, Xi'er is really a completely inconspicuous one.

I'm curious, what kind of interests are there to make so many true god-level bosses willingly stay in the Moon God Army as humble soldiers.

"Master Yue, haven't you already said the answer?"


Xi'er sighed: "It's just a false god comparable to the real god in strength, but it's not the real god after all, isn't it?"

"...I probably know that there is a big difference between true gods and ordinary gods, but is this difference really big enough to make you want so much?"

"Master Yue, you also heard the introduction from Prime Minister Keston today. The sage Miya has hundreds of kinds of forbidden spells that are comparable to power. He has infinite magic power and is the strongest magician in the world. No matter how you rank her, she can be ranked among the top ten in the Lilith world, how great and powerful—but she is still not a true god."


"Among the major powers in the world, there are many, many gods serving in Cradle College, but none of the true gods serve any country, nor does any true god serve in Cradle College. On the contrary, there are many countries that believe in For example, the Golden Crow Empire believes in the God of the Sun, and the Sivana Empire believes in the Goddess of the Moon. The status of these two true gods is completely higher than that of the two most powerful empires in the world. Above the Lord—except for the president of the student union of Cradle College, the rulers of all countries in the world only need to salute the true god, and even the presidents of the previous student union, although they can order the true god, they will still respect the true god."

Xier smiled wryly and said:

"Master Yue, no matter how much I say now, you will not understand the gap between the gods and the true gods, because you are still too far away from the true gods. But when you have experienced a lot in the future and grow up, your strength will become stronger. When you get closer to the true god, you will naturally understand what the true god is, and why all the gods are eager to become the true god."

For example, the simplest one, True God, has no such thing as ability value.

After thinking about it, Xi'er still didn't say this sentence, because even if she said it, Master Yue would not understand what kind of concept it was.

Chapter 7 Acquisition of Immortal Art

"Xie'er, let's go out for a stroll."

"Okay, Mr. Yue."

Distraught by the Sendai Ruriza incident, I decided to go shopping.

But shopping is no problem, but the silence and chaos wherever I go makes me a little headache.

I can understand this because I (Moon) is so beautiful - so let's wear a mask.

"Xie'er, do you think if I wear a mask to cover my face or something, will I look a bit too smug?"

"No, Master Yue wears a mask for the sake of others."

"Well, you're right."

I (Yue) couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction with this flattery, and then walked towards the pavement with various masks on the side——by the way, is there something wrong with being flattered by a god?

It doesn't matter, who told me to be Xi'er's boss now, so I should be treated accordingly.

"Miss, please wait a moment!! Oh, it hurts, it hurts! Miss, I have no malicious intentions!"

A man suddenly jumped out and stood in front of me. Xi'er pressed his shoulder, and he cried out for pain with a painful expression on his face.

I signaled Seele to let him go.

"What's the matter with you?"

The man rubbed his shoulders, and then smiled flatteringly: "Miss, beautiful lady, do you think you are unparalleled in the world, the number one face in the world..."

"Stop." I (Yue) couldn't help interrupting him, and said with a frown, "I still have a pair of looks, and my boyfriend is no worse than me."

Who are you scolding?What is Unparalleled World?Is my (night) face worse than my (month)?Not bad at all, okay?So it should be the only one in the world!

And what does it mean to be number one in the world?Isn't it number one in the sky?

My appearance is number one no matter in the sky or in the world, okay?

Of course, although I thought so in my heart, I didn't say this sentence. It's too shameful to say that my appearance is the best in the world.

"Ah? Little, little miss, do you have a boyfriend?"

The man was stuttering, with a heartbroken expression on his face, and for some reason, Xier also covered his heart with a heartbroken expression on his face—it really is that people all over the world are plotting against me (Yue).

Well, it's not just the two of them, many people on the street who were paying attention to my words all showed heartbroken expressions.

In this regard, I (Yue) just curled the hair on the side with my right index finger, and said with a light smile: "Am I like the kind of woman who can't find a boyfriend?"

"Oh no no no, I didn't mean that, it was just...that..."

"Okay, just tell me directly what's the matter with stopping me."

I don't want to talk too much about this topic, anyway, as long as I can spread the fact that I am a woman with a boyfriend, so that the fairy emperor Jiang Ji who will definitely send someone to spy on me will know.

Shields are still useful.

"Well, then what, beautiful lady, are you particularly troubled by your appearance?"

It's a bit distressing, but it's a trouble of happiness. If you want to change faces with me, then I will definitely not.

But of course, the man didn't want to change faces with me, but took out a skill book that looks like a skill book.

"So, miss who is worried about being too beautiful, would you like to have this?"

I (month) took a look at it with my identification skills.

"Shading Clouds and Moon Skill Learning Book"

——After learning, you can get the skill to cover the clouds and the moon

"...Is this skill useful?"

"Blurring your own image and the recognition of others, for you, miss, it can make your face look ordinary to others."

Why should I make my face look ordinary?Is there something wrong with my brain?

I really want to ask this question, but after thinking about it carefully, this skill book is still very useful in many cases, and it can indeed avoid a lot of troubles, so I raised my hand to signal to Xier.

"how much is it?"

"Not much, [-] million cradles."

"Where are you stealing money?"

I couldn't help staring at him with wide eyes.

The man's face turned red, and for some reason he showed a distracted expression, and said in a low voice, "Well, you get what you pay for, I've already sold it very cheaply, but... well, 1000 million, as long as you give me 1000 million, miss, this skill book will be considered as a gift for you. 1000 million is enough for me to live in Zuixianlou for a few days."

"Ten million is also very expensive!"

"It's really not expensive, miss. If it were someone else, I wouldn't sell this cloud cover for any money!"

It doesn't look like what he said is a lie, and in fact, many skill books are indeed so expensive.

"Xi'er, pay."

"Yes, Master Yue."

Um?You ask me why Seele pays?

Nonsense, I am now on a mission on behalf of Cradle Academy, all expenses will of course be reimbursed with public funds!

The cap for reimbursement of public funds is 1000 billion, and I can spend it as I like, this is what the chairman said personally!

After she said that, I don't need to save her money, right?

I have to say, at this time, I finally understood how comfortable the life of the members of the student union is!Is reimbursement at public expenses so cool?

No, I have to work hard, the student union must enter!

Chapter 8 Immortals are also laws?

After taking the skill book, I studied it directly, and then appraised myself, and there was an extra skill in my ability value.

"Shading the Clouds and the Moon LV.1"

——The fairy method of concealing the secrets of heaven

——Continuous consumption of 1000 mana per second can affect others' perception of oneself to a certain extent, blurring one's own image in others' eyes

Um? ? ?Fairy? ? ?

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then I realized immediately, yes, this is a fairyland, so it's normal to use fairy magic, right?

What surprised me shouldn't be this, but... why did I learn the magic of immortality?

Shouldn't it be "You don't meet the learning requirements to learn this skill?"

Well, that's right, it's a very common thing that if you don't meet the learning requirements, you can't learn the corresponding skills even if you have a skill study book.

Although there won't be any prompts, but if you can't learn, you can't learn. No matter how you take the skill book, you can't learn. You need to take it to the appraisal master to see which conditions you lack, and then find a way to make up for it.

Of course, it is difficult to make up for the inborn deficiency, just like I (Ye) cannot learn magic.

Immortal arts also require a certain kind of qualification. If you lack this kind of qualification, you will not be able to learn it.

——That's not the point.

The real point is, I'm not ignorant now.

As far as I know, people who can use fairy magic must not be able to use magic, and people who can use magic must not be able to use fairy magic. The two cannot be compatible.

Because the two are not a power system at all, the magic power refined through the skill "Magic Power Refining" cannot use fairy magic at all, and the magic power condensed through the skill "Magic Power Condensation" cannot use magic at all.

"Mana Condensation LV.1"

——Magic power is converted into mana, which can be condensed in the body, and the upper limit of mana is "skill level × (INT+VIT)"

There is basically no difference in effect, but the conversion of a mana point into a mana point makes the power system go completely differently.

Immortals cannot be used for magic power, and magic power cannot be used for magic power.

It should be so.

Therefore, people who can use magic cannot learn fairy arts.


However, on my (Yue) ability value, on the skill introduction of "Covering the Clouds and the Moon", there is clearly the word "immortal method" written brightly, but it says to use it by consuming mana?

What is this scenario?

I was a little dazed for a moment, and then, after a moment, I took it for granted that I thought of my own exclusive skills.


- Can master all the world's law.

Am I...a little underestimating the word "everything"?

Not only magic is a "law", but fairy art... is also a "law"?

...But is there any use?

After the astonishment passed, I calmed down again in an instant.

Even if I can learn the immortal technique, what's the use?I don't understand the use at all.

Even if there is an additional power system, it does not mean that it can improve any strength. Although there are "supernatural powers" in the immortal law, which can be compared with "forbidden magic", is there any difference between learning forbidden magic?

Even if the principle is different, the final result is the same, it is just the ability to use power in a non-true god.

As for me (Yue), I (Yue) can learn from my master about forbidden spells and magic, but my supernatural powers... let's go to sleep.

Chapter 9 Miss, You Give Up

"You wait a minute!"

When the man who sold me to cover the clouds and the moon was about to leave, I (Yue) stopped him instantly.

"Um, is there anything else you can do, Miss?"

Nonsense, can I call you?

"Why doesn't it work?"

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