
"Hmm, what? Look around? I've already used my skills, but they're still looking at me."

That's right, I have already used my skills at this time, but my surrounding sight has not decreased much at all.

It's not that there is no decrease at all, but it seems that there is no difference from staring at it without looking away to now looking back constantly, right?

The man apparently finally noticed this, and then, he showed a melancholy expression, sighed and said, "Miss, let me tell you a story."

"what story?"

"Once upon a time, there was a man who was the most beautiful man in the world. He was so glamorous and handsome that he attracted countless women. Everywhere he went, he was chased by countless people and made him extremely bored—Miss, you can understand this What kind of feeling?"

"... I can probably understand."

This story is so immersive, isn’t he talking about me (Ye)?

"And it was under such annoyance that he finally made up his mind to completely solve his troubles."

"What determination? What method?" I couldn't help asking with anticipation, wondering if I could learn from it.


I'm going, this is a ruthless person, much more ruthless than me, even if I feel troubled, I can't make up my mind!After all, I am very satisfied with my face!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking pitifully: "What happened? Is he really disfigured?"

"It's really disfigured."


"But the troubles he wanted to solve have not been completely solved, and there are still not a few people who are madly infatuated with him."

"This is true love!" I couldn't help widening my eyes: "Otherwise he'll just let it go, the person who loves him so much even if his face is disfigured must be true love!"

"Fuck true love."


The man pointed to his own face expressionlessly: "Miss, what do you think of my appearance? Is it considered handsome?"

"...It's quite handsome."

I'm telling the truth, although he can't compare with me (Ye), but this man is indeed so handsome, no less than Gul'dan.

"But miss, do you know? The most beautiful man in the world, after his disfigurement, is ten times more handsome than me."

"?????What do you want to clarify?"

"What I want to explain is, Miss, you should give up. With your good looks, temperament, figure, and charm, no matter how ordinary you perceive it, that's it. Your natural destiny, your natural face, you can't change—" —At least it’s much better than before, isn’t it? So you can be content, miss.”

For a while, I (month) didn't know whether I was praised or damaged.

"Your story is very nice. What's your name?"

"Zhu Baichuan."

"My name is Moon."

Zhu Baichuan raised his eyebrows: "Miss doesn't seem to come from a commoner, so you don't want to tell your family name?"

"That's not the case... My father's surname is Li, and he is the Duke of a country far away."

"She is actually the daughter of a duke, no wonder she has such a noble air." Zhu Baichuan said with a smile: "Speaking of Li, the Li family of the Golden Crow Empire is well-known, and Li Jiaxiao, the head of the nine generals of the Golden Crow Empire, is even more impressive, miss But from the Li family?"

"It's just a small and remote country, but it doesn't dare to have a relationship with such a big man."

That's it, I chatted with Zhu Baichuan, and then followed the topic and paid to invite him to be my tour guide.

Well, to travel in unfamiliar places, you still need a tour guide!

What?This is not tourism?

Heh, naive, don't you know that the members of the student union go on a business trip, which is a trip with public funds?

I am blending in with the masses ahead of time!

Chapter 10

"This is really delicious."

Just returned a lost crying little girl to her mother and I (monthly) got a thank you gift from the little girl, a treat called candied haws that I had never seen before.

"So sweet. So sour. So delicious."

"Compared to that kind of snacks, I'm actually more curious, Miss Yue, have you been living this kind of life before?"


Zhu Baichuan's weird tone made me (Yue) look at him with some doubts.

Zhu Baichuan just sighed: "Miss Yue must have had a hard life."

"You understand me."

I (Yue) nodded approvingly, thinking about what is happening over my (Ye) side now, I just want to sigh.

"I have to say that although today is the first time we met, we hit it off pretty quickly. You are an interesting person."

I tested Zhu Baichuan a lot with my words before, but I didn't find anything out, but during the conversation, I found that he is a pretty good person.

Then I'm not interested in who he is and what purpose he is, I just think it's just a friend.

However, even though I was no longer interested in inquiring about it, Zhu Baichuan took the initiative to expose it: "Does Miss Yue really have a partner?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly: "Of course."

"Miss Yue's partner must be very good, but I don't know how it compares to His Majesty the Immortal Emperor?"

Good guy, that woman Jiang Ji... I don't even know how to comment.

"Before comparing, shouldn't it be clear that His Majesty the Immortal Emperor is a woman?"

Although it's true that I like women, Your Majesty the Immortal Emperor please forgive me for being insensitive.

Basically, you can tell how much trouble it is just by looking at it, okay?

Look at it now, if it's not going well, someone will give me a skill that can cover up my appearance. Is this treating me as her forbidden scorpion?

This kind of woman must be kept at a respectful distance, otherwise—wait for me.

I suddenly realized something was wrong.

How did Jiang Ji know that I could learn the magic of immortality?

Even if I know the effect of my exclusive skills, but before today, even I myself didn't know that I could learn fairy arts.

And even if it is a bold guess based on my exclusive skills, it is even possible that Jiang Ji's move is to test whether I can learn the immortal technique, so as to completely confirm the effect of my exclusive skills, but the crux of the problem is, How did Jiang Ji know my exclusive skills?

Indeed, the effect of my (month) exclusive skill is not a secret in Cradle Academy. Even so, if Jiang Ji hadn’t been following me and collecting my information before meeting today, it’s impossible for Jiang Ji to find out my exclusive skill so quickly, right?

Does she still dare to arrange spies in the Cradle Academy?

Ha ha.

Two words to her.

So... Paleo!bright!moon!

Speaking of which, if we think back to Gu Mingyue's introduction to the national conditions of the Immortal Kingdom and Jiang Ji, Ren Huaying, and Xuannvzong from the beginning to the end, it is not difficult to find the contradictions in it.

Immortal Emperor Jiang Ji once used the Cradle Academy to push the Xuannv Sect into a desperate situation. At that time, the Nine Heavens Xuannv stepped forward and saved the Xuannv Sect—why didn't Jiang Ji use the power of the Cradle Academy to kill the Xuannv Sect at that time?

Simply because the Nine Heavens Xuannv came forward, can the Xuannv Sect who has a major grievance with Jiang Ji and a major threat to Jiang Ji be preserved?

That is of course impossible.

The real answer, Gu Mingyue also said, Xuannvzong signed a series of unequal treaties with Jiang Ji, completely surrendered to Jiang Ji, and obeyed Jiang Ji's orders, only in this way can the continuation of Xuannvzong be preserved.

——In that case, why is Jiang Ji worried about Ren Huaying?

That's right, why is she worried about Ren Huaying?

With the contract in place, she shouldn't have worried about Ren Huaying at all.

So... why did she use this excuse to request the Cradle Academy to send an envoy?

No, no, why did the president send me (Yue) over with this excuse?

I stood in place for a moment, closed my eyes and sorted out the incident from beginning to end, and a guess emerged in my mind.

What if it wasn't that Jiang Ji wanted to ask Cradle Academy to send envoys to suppress the scene, but Gu Mingyue ordered Jiang Ji to report to Cradle Academy for this reason, and then transferred me (Yue) in a reasonable way?

This kind of speculation seems a bit pretentious, after all, I don't seem to have the qualifications to be worthy of such calculations by the president, right?Am I here to do something that adults expect me to do?If it's something that even the chairman can't do, what's the point of me coming?

——Thinking about the previous trip to the Demon World, I really can't comfort myself with such words.

"What's wrong with you, Miss Yue?"

Zhu Baichuan's question brought me (Yue) back to my senses, opened my eyes, and ate the last piece of candied haws in one bite, and then I said with a smile:

"Being separated from my lover for a day, I miss it unbearably, so I am considering whether to fly back to the Cradle Academy immediately to express the pain of lovesickness with him."

No matter what purpose you have, I won't serve you anymore.

Chapter 11 Great Beings Possessing the Possibility to Counter the King of the Realm

"Master Yue, are you really planning to just go back to Cradle Academy?"

After parting from Zhu Baichuan, I (Yue) walked back to the Cradle House, ready to pack my luggage and go home, while Xi'er followed behind and asked.

To this, I resolutely replied: "I have an ominous premonition, Gu Mingyue, that vixen is definitely trying to trick me again, if I don't go back now, I will definitely regret it."

"But..." Xi'er looked embarrassed: "Master Yue, President Gu gave me instructions before leaving. President Gu said that if Master Yue suddenly wants to return to Cradle Academy before the matter is over , then I will help her bring you a word."

"I don't want to listen, can I?"

I looked at Xi'er blankly, and Xi'er looked at me pleadingly.

I can't help gritting my teeth: "Say."

"Sister Yue Xue, you will definitely regret it even more when you come back now. Why don't you think about it, if you didn't go to the Demon Realm, what kind of regrettable result would you end up with? Then don't you imagine if you come back now If so, will it develop into a regrettable result? Of course, I will definitely not regret it, because I am very immoral, so I will not be kidnapped by morality."

"So you kidnapped me with morality?!"

At this moment, my lungs were about to explode.

"Don't worry, sister Yue, senior sister likes you so much, how could she really cheat you? Senior sister assures you, if you accidentally die - then the whole world of Lilith, including senior sister, will be buried with you."

"This kind of sickly speech is creepy, so please don't say it, okay?!"

After saying that, I instantly became serious.

If I accidentally die, the entire Lilith world, including Gu Mingyue, will be buried with me--of course I can't really think that this is some kind of coquettish speech.

This is Gu Mingyue reminding me.

——If what Gu Mingyue wants me to do fails in the end, then the final consequence may be the destruction of the entire Lilith world.

I can't understand what kind of event may lead to the consequences of the destruction of the world, and what can I (month) solve for this level of event?If you don't do it yourself, I can't understand. Don't tell me, isn't it [-] million times stronger than me (Yue) to send Jade?

Or isn't any cradle ten jade better than me?

What can I do as a freshman?

Don't you want me to seduce the big boss behind the scenes who wants to destroy the world to make him give up his plan to destroy the world?

Hehe, if you really plan like this, then you just wait for the world to be destroyed.

How could a beautiful girl like me, who is as clean as I am, accept the beauty trap?I would rather the world be destroyed than sell my body, okay? ——Unless the big boss behind the scenes is a beautiful girl like me, I can still consider it.

"Is that all Gu Mingyue said? Didn't she elaborate on what she wants me to do?"

"No, what President Gu means is that Mr. Yue just needs to help Yang Guo press the stage at the beginning of the auction according to the schedule."

"Did you really say anything else?"

"Nothing was said."

"So after the auction is over, I can also return to Cradle Academy according to the schedule?"


I didn't show any joy, but directly turned around and walked towards the venue of the auction - the Divine Treasure Tower.

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