"Your Majesty, is it possible that it really is "All Laws"?And doesn't this "mastery" mean that you can learn all the dharmas in the world? "

"Since Gu Mingyue regards her as a trump card, it is naturally impossible to just learn it."

"In this case, let's kill her first when the plan is started."

Even if the woman with blond hair and golden eyes heard such words, she would not take it seriously.

"It's just a first-year freshman from Cradle Academy. Since Gu Mingyue is so arrogant, no one can protect her when the war starts."

"Yeah, when the war starts, no one can protect her - Gu Mingyue must understand this. So, why is she not worried?"

Yundiewu smiled.

"Even with my authority, there is no way to directly know the information about the students of Cradle Academy, but there must be something wrong this month."

"What's the problem? Isn't it just a 13-year-old girl with a slightly special exclusive skill?"

"I don't know what's the problem, this is the key. We lack information now, and this information is the key to why Gu Mingyue is so confident. So, mobilize all the secrets to investigate the information related to Yue. Don’t omit any information, let me go through it all, and some information that you think is irrelevant may be the key.”

"...Although His Majesty the Supreme Emperor said so, but this kind of information is completely funny, right?"

In Cradle Academy, a certain male teacher twitched his eyes when he looked at a piece of information he had collected.

The information in his hands was information about a certain club in the Cradle Academy.

——"Rose Garden"

Original name - "Master Yue Fan Support Group"

An inexplicable club formed spontaneously by a group of people because they were obsessed with Yue in the first grade. The whole group aims to become Yue's dog, and it is a gathering place for licking dogs.

Among them, the head of the club is Baihu Jinbing, one of the ten jades in the cradle, and there is also Suzaku Lin Guang who is as famous as Jinbing—he thinks that if this information is reported, it will be a joke at all.

Although there are ten jades in the cradle, this is not important information. After all, in this kind of plan involving two worlds, what use can a ten jades in the cradle do?

To say that the only thing worth noting in this information seems to be Lin Guang's title "Suzaku", which is simply a taboo for the Suzaku Empire.

But this is the world of Lilith, and the taboo of the Holy White Lotus World does not apply here. If anyone in other worlds has the title or name of "Suzaku", then the Suzaku Empire is simply sick, so this It's not any information worth reporting.

Rather, reporting this kind of information will only make His Majesty the Supreme Emperor feel uncomfortable, and it is purely to make His Majesty the Supreme Emperor feel uncomfortable.

"However, since His Majesty has ordered it, we can only follow it."

Although he didn't think it was necessary, he still decided to report everything to His Majesty the Supreme Emperor.

So,——after extracting and burning all the information related to "Rose Garden" from the file, he sent out the other information without reservation.

In the student union president's office, Gu Mingyue took a sip of tea, then sighed again.

"That girl Yun Caiyi is really causing trouble for me. Next, I have to deal with that old fox. Originally, I planned to just hang up and ignore everything."

After sighing, what should be done is still to be done, Gu Mingyue called the president's assistant to come in and give instructions.

"Call Jin Bing and Mengzhang. I have a task to give to "Rose Garden" and "Rose Garden". When they come, tell the club members to prepare. This task requires them to leave Cradle Academy..."

The Holy White Lotus World, the Suzaku Empire.

After flipping through the documents, Yundiewu couldn't help laughing: "Sure enough, it's something hidden. I used to say that I was playing with me as a proxy, but now I put my own words aside in a blink of an eye and started doing it myself. This kind of shameless energy is commendable. Rilun, get ready. I will go to the Lilith world tomorrow. I want to go to the Cradle Academy to see in person."

Saying so, she smiled even wider.

"Although the little fox should be ready, her authority cannot affect the students of the Cradle Academy. If this is the case, there will always be something left, isn't it?"

This chess game between Saint White Lotus Great World Great King VS Lilith Great World Great King did not finally kick off until this moment.

And this game of two kings, under the circumstances that Yue couldn't understand and didn't know, it was her as the center and the core that launched the most intense confrontation.

Chapter 14 She is so good at picking me up (month)!

After hearing my (Yue) question, the girl waiter raised her eyebrows in surprise: "I see, please come with me, miss."

It's so easy?

I couldn't help feeling very puzzled, but I still followed her steps.

The maiden waiter led Seele and me to the steps, and we followed her up the stairs.

The second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor, until the seventh floor.

"The auction is held on the sixth floor, and the most precious treasures are all kept on the seventh floor. This is the room where the magic treasures refined by Immortal Yang Yangzi are kept. Miss, you can check it yourself."

The maid waiter opened the door of a certain room, and moved aside.

I (Yue) took a look inside first. On a display stand, above the red cloth surrounded by glass, there is a milky white... seal?

It is a square shape, about ten centimeters in length and width, and about ten centimeters in height. Above the base of the seal is a carving of a beast that I don't know.

The head is like a sheep, the body is like a deer, the tail is like a dragon, the hooves are like a wolf, and there are two horns on the head.

"Are you so relieved? Are you not afraid that someone will rob you directly?"

"Miss, this divine treasure tower is not an ordinary building, but a magic weapon of His Majesty the Immortal Emperor!"

The girl waiter reminded with a smile, and also warned:

"No matter what happens here, it is all in the eyes of His Majesty the Immortal Emperor. What's more, even if this is not the Divine Treasure Tower, few people dare to commit crimes in public and become wanted criminals in the future, right? After all, since the organization of the Adventurer's Guild, there are no jobless people now, and no one can't survive to live by breaking the law. Wouldn't it be better to be an adventurer if you have the courage to be a wanted criminal for robbery and crime?"

"Of course, it's not that they haven't gone on the road of crime. There is no shortage of people in all levels of prisons in Xiancheng, and the courts often hold court sessions. After all, the interests are touching, and there are always some people who are looking for excitement with a chance - they are all staying in prison now."

"Deducing secrets is a basic ability for our Yang Guo police. Although there are always some people who try to challenge whether their ability to cover up secrets is comparable to that of the national police, it is a pity that no one has been able to challenge successfully—after all, there are so many Wouldn't it be better for a person with this ability to directly join the imperial court?"

"As for the envoys from other countries, they would not dare to do such a thing. This is the Cradle Continent, not some remote continent where the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Under the eyes of the Cradle Academy, no country dares to do such a thing."

Well, you guys are awesome.

I (Yue) stopped talking, walked into the room, and came to the display stand. After I first identified it, it turned out to be a bunch of question marks, and the name was not even displayed—well, I really don’t know the name of this prop yet.

However, there is a white card on the display stand, which has an identification introduction. I picked it up and looked at it carefully.

"Destiny Seal"

——My life is God

——Supernatural powers have spirits, spirits have gods, gods have souls, souls have hearts

——A fairy-level magic weapon refined with the core material of the supernatural power "God's Mandate Comes, Words Follow" and possesses the effect of Twelve Destiny's Mandate

Destiny [-]: The newborns born in the territory to which they belong will receive the destiny bonus and have higher innate aptitude. The higher the authority in the territory, the higher the destiny bonus of their offspring.

Mandate of Destiny 100: All subjects in the territory to which they belong get a bonus to their individual abilities, and the bonus range is related to popular support, up to +[-]%.

Mandate of Destiny 1: Those who join the army in their territory will gain more experience points and their LV upper limit will increase. For every 1 military registrations, the LV. upper limit of all soldiers will be +1, and one military registration quota will be added for every [-] population.

Destiny 10: Immortal status can be granted to subjects in the territory to which they belong, and those who obtain immortal status will live forever, and the number of immortal status will be increased by one for every [-] population

When I first saw Destiny Four, my (Yue) hands trembled, I almost threw the card away, and then I turned my head to look at the girl waiter: "Is the identification result real?"

Although I know that this is definitely impossible to be fake, after all, envoys from other countries are not as low-level as I am, but I still feel unbelievable.

The above four Mandate effects alone are enough to drive all countries crazy, and there are eight more Mandate effects below! ?

"Of course it's true."

It was not the girl waiter who answered my words, but a woman in clean yellow cedar who came into my sight.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty," the girl waiter looked excited for a moment, and her voice stuttered: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

"Let's take a look. You go down first, leave this place to Gulai, this lady is a distinguished guest from our country, and Gulai will receive her personally."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Jiang Ji smiled and waved to the young waiter, who stepped back respectfully.

"Is the Immortal Emperor so idle?"

I (Yue) looked at Jiang Ji, but couldn't help but sarcastically, the shock and excitement caused by the effect of the Seal of Destiny disappeared all at once.

Now just thinking about what happened before makes me feel angry.

But Jiang Ji didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Didn't I say everything before, Yue'er just calls me Bao'er."

"Okay, Bao'er, what are you doing here? Are you so free?"

This time I was not polite.

Do you think I dare not?joke.

Even Gu Mingyue, I dare to call her a vixen behind my back, why wouldn't I dare to call you a mere Immortal Emperor Baoer in person?

——I yelled, I yelled, and you were not polite, but Jiang Ji smiled even more happily.

"What does Yue'er think of this Seal of Destiny? If Yue'er likes it, I will give it to Yue'er when I take a picture of this Seal of Destiny, and Yue'er will be in charge of this seal."

"Are you sure you can take a picture?"

"If it's for Yue'er, it's like spending all the wealth of a country, cutting off the city and selling the land, and I will naturally take it."

"Foolish gentleman."

"I am willing to be a foolish king for Yue'er. Others who want to be a foolish king for Yue'er have not yet had the opportunity."

Good guy, my (Yue) heart is pounding when I say such love words, this woman is so good at it!

Regardless of whether this is true or not, listening to it makes people happy.

But I (Yue) still said sarcastically: "You don't have this chance. The effect of this Seal of Mandate is so terrifying, and other countries will definitely do everything they can to get it."

"That's not right, Yue'er."

Jiang Ji shook her finger and said with a smile.

"Although this Seal of Destiny is powerful and can be regarded as a national treasure, it is not unique. The six major countries in the world all have weapons that are no less powerful than this seal."

Chapter 15 Can I Touch It?

"For the six great nations, the Seal of Destiny is actually just the icing on the cake. Of course, the icing on the cake doesn't mean that they don't want it. After all, it is directly related to the strength of the country. If they can get the Seal of Destiny, the national power will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced— —And the Seal of Destiny still has an effect, which is very important."

Jiang Ji shrugged, knocked on the display stand, and said with a smile.

"You should know that the contestants of the Cradle Game will only calculate the talent ability value after five trials at most. It is only counted as five times, and no matter how the conflicts between the various countries on the Cradle Continent develop, they will only be resolved with the Cradle Game in the end. It’s better to manage the National Cradle Team well—and the first destiny effect of the Destiny Seal is the effect that can increase the most basic talent value, which is equivalent to increasing the strength of the future national team in disguise.”

"Well, the future. It will undoubtedly take a lot of time to wait for the next generation to grow up to the point where they can join the national team. And I'm not sure if they can really be better than the current national team."

"After all, the Cradle Game doesn't just look at the strength of talent and ability, the important thing is the combination of skills-but it's worth looking forward to."

"In addition, it is always a good thing for a country to become stronger, so if you can get it, you must get it. This must be the common thinking of all countries. Except for the six major countries, other countries are more sure that they want to get it even if they go bankrupt. Therefore, it is not easy to take a picture of the Seal of Destiny. But as long as the other six countries do not fight like me, then other countries will not be able to compete with me who want to smile even if they go bankrupt."

Jiang Ji smiled and explained her firm determination that as long as I (Yue) wanted it, she would definitely get it for me.

To this, I was moved and replied: "Do you think I believe you?"

Don't think that I'm easy to be deceived because of my ignorance. I'm not the kind of woman who can be easily picked up by a few nice words, okay?

I ignored her, and I continued to look at the card introduction in my hand.

Destiny Five: After recognizing the master, the master's destiny will be added to the body, and the secrets of heaven will be blocked.

Destiny Six: After recognizing the master, the master's destiny will be added to the body, and the natural ability value +100%.

Destiny Seven: After recognizing the master, the master's destiny will be added, and the upper limit of LV. +24 every 1 hours.

Destiny Eight: After recognizing the master, the master will be given the destiny, and a skill point will be obtained every 24 hours.

My (month) hands couldn't help but trembled again.

To be honest, I really want this stuff.

The previous four Mandate of Heaven effects are all valid for the so-called territories, which are of course very important to the country, but they don’t mean much to me, so the shock is the shock, and I don’t have much desire for it... Although There is a plan to establish a country in the New World, but this is just a plan. It is meaningless to think about whether it can be done now. It can only be a matter of taking one step at a time.

However, these four destiny are really huge benefits for individuals! !

It is almost comparable to the few exclusive skills of Jade, how can this not make people want it?

It's a pity, I can't do anything if I want it, this is not something I can hope for... I can't really sell my looks and act like a baby and beg sister Jiang Ji to help me get it, right?

Sorry, I'm still very thin-skinned.

Sighing with regret in my heart, I continued to look down.

Destiny Nine: The purpose is to follow the law, and the effect is directly related to the consumption of mana.

Mandate of Destiny [-]: Make the soul return, you can consume magic power to summon the fallen heroic soul believed by the people in the territory to continue fighting for the lord.

Destiny Eleven: Destiny is mine, once a month, after taking the initiative to activate Destiny, the lucky value can be greatly increased in a short period of time.

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