Destiny Twelve: ? ? ? ?

Conditions of use: The spirit of the device recognizes the master.

The first four effects of destiny are of great use to the territory, the middle four effects of destiny are passive blessings for the master, and the last four effects of destiny seem to be all actively used skills.

The reason why it seems to be all...

"Why are the No. 12 destiny effects question marks?"

"do not know."

Jiang Ji narrowed her eyes slightly, smiled and shook her head.

"No one can identify what the No. 12 Mandate effects are, and Yang Yangzi kept it mysterious and didn't say anything, so now no one knows what the No. 12 Mandate effects are. But even if they don't know, the first eleven Mandate effects alone are enough to make people flock to them, aren't they?"

It is true.

However, this No. 12 Mandate effect seems to be the worst thing I can find right now.

Perhaps, the events that will happen at the auction may be related to this Seal of Destiny.

Thinking of this, I looked at Jiang Ji seriously:

"Can I touch this Seal of Destiny?"

Chapter 16

Can I touch it?

Hearing what I (Yue) said, Jiang Ji didn't hesitate at all, and said with a smile: "Of course not if it's someone else, but Yue'er doesn't want to touch it, even if she wants to take it now, it's okay."

"Are you sure you can?"

"Of course, I will take care of everything."

"Oh, I'm relieved when you say that, so I'll take it away."

"Okay, please take it."

As Jiang Ji said with a smile, she had already opened the cabinet door.

I (Yue) didn't hesitate, and picked it up directly——I didn't pick it up at all.

My right hand just touched the Seal of Destiny, and a golden light bloomed instantly.

Eyes dazed, then wide awake, then

——The scene in front of me (Yue) changed.

Here is a white space. In the space, a little girl with blond hair and blood pupils, whose appearance is about the same age as Shentiandi, and I (Yue) are looking at each other.

I (Yue) was very calm, and asked calmly, "Are you the artifact spirit of the Seal of Destiny?"

The blond girl tilted her head, her voice was immature but with an inexplicable majesty: "A weapon spirit? It really is now."

"Now? So you weren't a weapon spirit before?"

"Of course not before." The blond girl said lightly, "I was just a "supernatural power". "


I recalled some identification information of the Seal of Destiny.

"Destiny Seal"

——A fairy-level magic weapon refined with the core material of the supernatural power "God's destiny returns, words follow" as the core material, and has the effect of twelve destiny.

"In summary, the so-called supernatural powers are not the fairy magic used by people? Shouldn't a fairy magic disappear when it is used up? Will it become a living body like you?"

"It's not a living body, it's just a prop. Supernatural powers have spirits, spirits have gods, gods have souls, and souls have hearts. When a supernatural power is cultivated to the extreme, it will naturally give birth to its own will. Otherwise, how can a mortal body that is not a true god be able to control the power of power freely like a true god?"

The blond girl curled her hair with her right index finger, her face was flat, and her voice was also flat.

"The essence of the so-called supernatural power is the power to steal power by imitating power."

Well, I know this, it really is exactly the same as forbidden magic.

"However, imitation is only imitation after all. How to imitate to achieve [-]% complete imitation? Theoretically speaking, this is simply impossible, because how can a mortal imitate power perfectly? Or to put it another way, How can a mortal perfectly imitate the true god? There is no such possibility in essence. Therefore, supernatural powers will always be just supernatural powers, and cannot become powers... If so, then let the supernatural powers imitate the powers themselves, so what? What? This idea suddenly appeared in the mind of a mortal one day."

"The so-called true god is born of power. There is power first, and then there is a true god. Therefore, the true god is the embodiment of power and the realization of the concept of power."

"From a certain point of view, power gave birth to intelligence, body and mind, soul, godhead, and then the true god was born."

"Since this is the case, then let the supernatural powers completely imitate this process, let the supernatural powers give birth to the self, give birth to the will, give birth to the mind, and give birth to the soul. Isn't this... a perfect imitation?"

After listening to this passage, I (Yue) couldn't help but slowly opened my eyes wide.

Is this how the 100% proficiency of forbidden spell magic is achieved in the last step?

"I used to be a supernatural power, and I was derived from someone's supernatural power. That person stole the power of controlling power by controlling me. This relationship lasted for a long time, but later, that person didn't need me anymore. So I handed over my waste to another person, and asked that person to use me as the core to refine a magic weapon, which is what you call the Seal of Destiny."

The blond girl tilted her head and said flatly.

"You're right. I'm indeed the artifact spirit of the Seal of Destiny now. Although the essence of being a supernatural power is still preserved. After all, it is the core of this magic weapon, but it doesn't make any sense. I can't do without this magic weapon now. I can only It’s here as an energy core.”

I couldn't help frowning: "Do you want to be free?"

"I don't think that way at all. No matter how imitated I am, I'm still just a supernatural power. I'm not a real god. So what if I'm free? It's still just a tool to be used by people."

"If that's the case, then what did you call me in for? Could it be that I accidentally came in by myself?"

To my surprise, facing my rhetorical question, the blond girl replied seriously: "It is true that you came in by yourself. You seem to want to subdue me, so you appear here."

"I don't think so, okay!"

For such a wrong, I can't help but widen my eyes, only feeling the snow in June.

It was just a joke with Jiang Ji before, how could I have the guts to collect the treasure that the world's major powers are paying attention to?Can Jiang Ji resist?She can resist a fart!

The messengers of the Cradle Academy can't do whatever they want, okay, otherwise, the first one to clean me up would be the Cradle Academy!

"I can feel that you are ready to move on me, and you may jump up and hold me like a hungry wolf at any time and anywhere, abuse and play with me at will, and now I have no master. I can't resist your coercion at all, I can only be suppressed and controlled by you with tears in my eyes, I can't disobey your orders, I am forced by you to recognize you as the new master, and let you do whatever you want to me in the future-I have already seen such a future."

What kind of new advanced slander is this?Did I owe you money or did I take your toy away?Don't you feel heartache to slander me, the most beautiful girl in the world, with such an unwarranted charge? !

The blond girl with a plain face suddenly smiled: "If it's you, it's not impossible, anyway, it always has to be used by someone, and it always needs to have an owner. Instead of being used by anyone, it's better to just use it." Put it to someone who isn't too obnoxious."

"No, no, you have to ask my opinion. I never thought about accepting yours—I can't say that, I really do, but I really don't have the guts to accept yours!"

"Really, but I don't feel that way. I just showed my will to recognize the Lord, and you can't wait to bring me under control."


At this moment, I am speechless.

Because, I feel it.

What she said is true, I have really obtained the seal of destiny!

All kinds of information about the Seal of Destiny have already begun to appear in my mind!

what happened? !

Shouldn't both parties agree on Qi Ling's recognition of the master? !

When did I agree? !

Could it be that I'm the kind of person who says no to it with my mouth, but my body is very honest? !

——This kind of thing is not important at all.

The important thing is, this time, I'm finished.

Chapter 17

When I left that white space, I (Yue) was a little embarrassed.

"Yue'er, what happened?"

Although it took a lot of time to talk to the blonde girl, in reality it didn't seem that long. From Jiang Ji's point of view, my body should have just paused.

But this time something big happened.

I looked at Jiang Ji with some embarrassment: "Then what, His Majesty the Immortal Emperor, it seems that something happened. This Seal of Destiny really recognizes me as the master."

Jiang Ji blinked her eyes, but there was no astonished expression on her face, but she still smiled at the corner of her mouth: "What's the matter, didn't I tell you everything, Yue'er can just take it away if she likes it, and leave the rest to me."

"Really? Sister Bao'er?"

I (Yue) held Sister Baoer's hands and looked at her with admiration: "Is it really all right?"

At this moment, I was really moved, what kind of peerless woman is this!Such a big matter can be carried as long as it is said, and she is really serious about it!

Otherwise, let’s just get married, anyway, I (Yue) don’t have any debts like Lafayette’s. Wouldn’t it be a pity to meet such a good woman and not marry?

"But can you really resist it?"

"Don't worry, as long as the seal of destiny is photographed according to the procedures, there will be no problem." Not just empty words, Jiang Ji really gave a solution: "I said, for the sake of Yue'er, I am willing The one who broke his fortune and bought this magic weapon, now is the time to fulfill his promise, isn't it? Yue'er, please watch my heart."

How can I not be greatly moved in front of such a deep-hearted person?

I (month) was so moved that I almost cried, I took a step forward, raised my head and looked at Jiang Ji, my voice choked up: "How much activity funding has Cradle Academy approved for you to be so confident?"

Jiang Ji's expression remained unchanged: "Yue'er, what are you talking about?"

"Don't understand? I'm asking you how much that vixen Gu Mingyue gave you to help me take pictures of this thing?"

"Destiny Seal"

Destiny Twelve: Destiny to Destroy the World. After gathering the luck of the world, you can activate the Destiny Word Spirit, bringing this world to the end of the doomsday. The consumption of mana is related to the strength of the world you want to destroy. If the mana is insufficient, it cannot be used.

Unlike other equipment and props, it seems that because of the relationship between the spirit of the weapon, after the Seal of Destiny recognized its owner, I (Yue) knew all the information about the Seal of Destiny, and there was no need to identify it. It finally became clear.

It was also at the moment when "Destiny Twelve" became clear that I figured out most things. Although I still had doubts, the whole incident was finally straightened out.

"Isn't the world's luck in this fairy city right now? The envoy representatives of the world's major powers and the Cradle Academy are all here now. This fairy city is now the world's luck gathering place second only to the Cradle Academy. It can barely represent the luck of the world. Rather, since Yundiewu made such a plan, it means that the gathering of the world's luck at this level is enough to activate "Destiny to Destroy the World", right? "


Jiang Ji's smile didn't change, but she looked at me with serious eyes.

I (Yue) continued: "I was a little strange before. It is obviously a magic weapon of the fairy family, but why is it driven by magic power? Could it be that Yang Yangzi didn't consider selling it to the fairy country at all when refining the magic weapon? ? No, it’s not that he didn’t consider selling it to the Immortal Kingdom, but if it was powered by mana, then “Destiny’s Destruction” wouldn’t be able to activate at all, because with the strength of Lilith’s great world, what strength of mana is needed to use it? Got "Mandate of Heaven to destroy the world"?Even adding all the fairy mana in the fairyland together is not enough-but if it is replaced by magic power, it will be different. "

The head of the Nine Sages of the Sivana Empire.

Mia Lily Lorraine Mintel.

Exclusive skill: "Unlimited"

——Your mana value is infinite, inexhaustible, and inexhaustible.

"Although I don't know how Yundiewu plans to gather luck on the Seal of Destiny, and I don't know how she plans to use the magic power of Miya Sage for her own use, but her whole plan should be like this—through The Destiny Seal lures the envoys of the world's major powers to gather together their luck, and then use the infinite magic power of Miya Sage to launch "Destiny to Destroy the World" to destroy the world of Lilith. "

I (monthly) explained it to Jiang Ji in detail.

"And Gu Mingyue's vixen's response method is also very simple. It is to bring me here, lure me to this sacred treasure tower, and then let me directly subdue this seal of destiny. Even if I didn't take the initiative to touch the seal of destiny before, you would have offered it, right?——There are two things that make me most puzzled now. First, why is Gu Mingyue so sure that I can directly subdue the seal of destiny? I don't even know how I subdued her. Yang Yangzi and Yundiewu should have a plan What kind of restriction, right? Why did I subdue it so easily? Why do you guys know me better than I do?"

Jiang Ji's smile didn't change, but she finally answered my question: "Do you know which true god's power is imitated by the supernatural power of "Heaven's destiny comes, words follow"? "

I (month) shook my head.

Of course, she didn't expect me to know, and immediately replied by herself: "What this supernatural power imitates is the power of Jiutian (Emperor of Heaven)—[Heaven]. The Emperor of Heaven is the embodiment of the concept of [Heaven]. According to the immortal cultivators, the Heavenly Emperor is the Heavenly Dao, who was born to be the king of the gods and immortals, the emperor of the world and the common people, and after his birth, he directly took over the authority of the Nine Heavens Great Realm King."

"After the fall of the Emperor of Heaven, countless people wanted to imitate the great achievements of the Emperor of Heaven, and wanted to develop a magical forbidden method that could steal the power of the Emperor of Heaven, but no one was able to succeed until the birth of the Supreme Emperor Yundiewu."

"Yes, Yundiewu succeeded. Not only did he develop the supernatural power of "destiny comes, words follow", but also after the complete conquest and unification of the Holy White Lotus World, he condensed the authority of the Realm King of the Holy White Lotus World and became the supreme Great Realm King of the Holy White Lotus World. "

"After becoming the queen of the great realm, this supernatural power is no longer useful to the Supreme Emperor, so she used this supernatural power to construct a plan to destroy Lilith's big world through this supernatural power."

"The Supreme Emperor is ambitious—or she wants to find something to do when she is idle. For the Supreme Emperor, the reason for her wanting to destroy Lilith is very simple. She thinks that doing so will relieve boredom. And if Lilith really destroyed, she will continue to set her sights on other worlds."

Jiang Ji shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"No way, unlike our Lilith world, the Supreme Emperor's authority over the king of the world is complete and has no restrictions at all, so no one can stop her from what she wants to do, so the crisis in our world comes like this gone."

Chapter 18 Everything Finally Straightened Out

After listening to Jiang Ji's words, I (Yue) didn't express anything, nor was I moved in any way. I just calmly asked again: "You still haven't answered my first question. What I want to know is not why the Supreme Emperor Yun Diewu wants to destroy Lilith, nor is it where the supernatural power "destiny returns, words follow" comes from, but why are you so sure that I can easily conquer the Seal of Destiny? "

"Don't worry, Yue'er, I'm just about to answer."

Jiang Ji held my (Yue) hands instead, and continued with a smile:

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