Don't want to!

I (night) made a deal with Shentiandi, she will protect me (month) for a few days, and I (night) will help her canvassing votes at school, this is a fair deal, no one cheats.

If you want to ask me why I believe so much that Shentiandi can protect me (Yue) in front of such a terrifying enemy, then I can only answer you, for the three holy sons, I am now a member of the unlimited upper limit for them evaluate.

The Emerald God is so strong that I can only stare blankly, but what about the Son of God and Emperor Shentian?

Indeed, they are not rivals of Jade—but they are at least as famous as Jade!

This is one person attaining the Tao, chickens and dogs ascending to heaven, and one person's evaluation raises everyone's evaluation.

I used to think that the Sanshengzi might not be a big deal in terms of the whole world. After all, no matter how strong they are, they are only the strongest three of the younger generation.


—but now I'd be an idiot if I believed that again.


As I gradually understand the higher world, my cognition is constantly being updated.

Up to now, I really don't think the Son of God is weak anymore, he really just met Fei Cui too unfortunately, otherwise, no one in the Cradle Academy would be able to cure him!

The three holy sons all have the power comparable to gods, and the gods here are not talking about [gods], but [true gods]!

That's right, outsiders don't understand, but after being in Cradle Academy for so long, it's time to understand that in the concept of Cradle Academy, only true gods are gods.

After arriving at Cradle Academy, I gradually figured this out.

But now, what I understand better is that the strength of the Three Holy Sons is not just as simple as that of a true god, but that they are genuine even if they are discussed in the whole world, they are still among the top powerhouses in the world.

Why can this judgment be made?

Nonsense, of course, rely on the judgment made by Jade.

Again, the improvement of a person's evaluation not only affects the person himself, but also affects the evaluation of everyone related to him-especially the person's opponent.

To evaluate a person's strength, you have to look at who his opponent is.

If you take the Son of God alone, you have no idea how strong he is, but if you put the Emerald God together with him, don't you immediately know how strong the Son of God is?

Yes, Son of God has never beaten the Emerald God—but he has!

Even though he was injured even a single hair of the Emerald God, he was defeated after a fierce battle, not crushed and instantly killed.

The same is true for Emperor Shentian. Even if she lost, she did not fall into a disadvantage in a short period of time in the battle with the Jade God, which made the Jade God completely serious!

Whether it is the Son of the Holy God or the Emperor of Heaven, their confrontation with the Emerald God can be truly evaluated as the word "battle".

The Emerald God has never underestimated them.

It can be seen from this that even though there is indeed a gap in strength between them and the Emerald God, their ability to be named as the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms along with the Emerald God is not a vain name and has no basis.

Conservatively speaking, they do have strength close to that of the Emerald God.

And what level of strength is the Emerald God?

Well, there is no need to explain this.

Therefore, it is not without reason that I believe that the strength of the Emperor Shentian can protect me.

——But the crux of the problem now is that Emperor Shentian did she agree, but I don't know if she really came to protect me (Yue), or did she really come to harm me (Yue)?

The probability is fifty-five.

But I have to bear the sins I have done, and I can only choose to continue to believe in God and Heaven.

After all, as the third holy son of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, he should still keep his promises. After all, people need face.

When I was thinking so wildly, I finally saw the figure of Emperor Shentian strolling out of the airport passage.

She was wearing the bright red dress that I (Ye) bought for her, and she was stepping on a pair of small, bright red princess shoes, with a careless and leisurely expression on her expression, but also a touch of majesty.

This majesty like the king of a country does not appear abrupt and weird on the little girl, but inexplicably complements each other and attracts attention.

At the airport, everyone couldn't help but fix their eyes on her, and now she is more eye-catching than me (Yue).

Well, after all, I used the fairy method of "covering the clouds and covering the moon".

I have to say that apart from the relatively high mana consumption, this thing is really useful.

At this time, Emperor Shentian also seemed to see me (Yue) and fixed his eyes on me (Yue).

She paused slightly, then walked straight towards me (Yue).

Emperor Shentian probably didn't know what I (Yue) looked like, but she recognized me (Yue) directly, without my waving, she came to me (Yue) and greeted me:

"Does my husband still have this kind of interest? But as long as my husband likes it, I'm not unacceptable."


At this moment, to be honest, I was really full of question marks, and I couldn't help asking cautiously: "What do you mean by that?"

"Isn't it your husband?" Emperor Shentian tilted his head, then raised his hand to touch his heart with a confused face: "This feeling of involuntary heartbeat should only be felt when facing your husband?"

I reacted a little bit, just now, did Emperor Shentian regard me (the moon) as me (the night)?

Did she see it right away?My dark history is going to be exposed?Am I going to face the end of social death?

——But after reacting a bit, I couldn't help but have black lines all over my head.

"Are you just meeting a scumbag who loves another?"

Now I know why Emperor Shentian fell in love with me (Ye) at first sight. It turns out that she is a pure scumbag girl. As long as she looks good, she can be both male and female, right?

"A scumbag?"

Shentiandi looked at me (Yue) carefully for a while, then I let her look at it without moving.

After watching for a while, Emperor Shentian smiled.

"Maybe. You are my husband's girlfriend, Sister Yue, right? I am also my husband's girlfriend, just call me sister."

"Why didn't I know that Ye was dating you? The self-proclaimed girlfriend doesn't count."

"My husband told me to protect my sister. What kind of danger is there for my sister? If you know who the enemy is, why not strike first?"

She completely ignored me.

I (Yue) couldn't help sighing, and for the sake of my life, I could only temporarily accept this title: "It's better not to strike first, because you can't beat the opponent."


Emperor Shentian obviously didn't think so.

To this, I just say one thing:

"The other party is the same Great Realm King as President Gu Mingyue."

This time, Emperor Shentian raised his eyebrows slightly.

The look is still calm, but there is no sign of shrinking back.

However, she still nodded: "In this case, I am indeed not an opponent now."

He firmly believes in his own strength, and he is never afraid of the strength of the enemy, but he is not blindly conceited——for this point, I will give praise.

"If the opponent is the same existence as Gu Mingyue, then my sister should be killed with a single thought, and it's useless for me to come."

I explained: "President Gu will protect me."

"In other words, the other party will send other people to kill sister."

"It must be so."

The two Great Realm Kings are equivalent to canceling each other's authority, and then they each use the chess pieces in their hands to play against each other. This is the current situation.

Emperor Shentian nodded: "If that's the case, then I'll stay by my sister's side and wait."

"Before then, let me take you to buy some clothes."

Emperor Shentian tilted his head in doubt: "Buy clothes?"

"A person cannot have only one piece of clothing, there must be several sets that can be changed and washed."

I looked at Shentiandi's outfit for several days and didn't change it. It was still the clothes I (Ye) bought for her. I couldn't help but say, "Even if you like this one, you should buy another one." Same style as a change.”

The last time I bought clothes for Shentiandi was an accident. At that time, I didn't know that she really didn't even have any clothes, so I only bought one for her, but it was obviously not acceptable.

Shentiandi just came to Lilith, and she doesn't have any money, so it's really hard for her to buy it by herself, so I (Yue) can only come.

What?Why didn't I (night) come?

Ha ha.

Other than that I don't even bother to explain.

In short, no matter what, I still need to get some sets of clothes for Shen Tiandi so that she can learn to change clothes every day. How can I just wear one suit every day?

"Don't worry, you don't need to spend money. This is the reward for hiring you to protect me. After the matter is over, I will also give you the entrustment money."

It's like posting a mission in the Adventurer's Guild and Shentiandi accepted it, but Shentiandi was not registered in the Adventurer's Guild, and I didn't post the mission in the Adventurer's Guild, but directly entrusted the full amount to Shentiandi Jin, it's really good that the Adventurer's Guild didn't charge a fee at all - just kidding, if Shentiandi is registered with the Adventurer's Guild, then I definitely can't afford to hire her.

With the strength of Emperor Shentian, even in the Cradle Continent, he must be an S-level adventurer. How can ordinary people afford it? The classification of adventurers varies with continents and countries, even if they are of the same level on the surface. Adventurers, adventurers of the same level in different countries or continents may not have the same strength. For example, if an S-level adventurer from the Pacific Asia continent re-registers with an adventurer's guild in another continent, it may only be a D-level adventurer.

Mother (Lan Mier) was an S-level adventurer in the Taiya Continent, but the Taiya Continent directly unified the division of adventurer levels, and it did not differ from country to country. The Asia-Pacific continent is very rich in gold—in other words, it is meaningless in other continents, and the local adventurer guild needs to re-evaluate your level.

In Shentiandi's case, no matter which continent she registered with in the adventurer's guild, she must be an S-rank adventurer.

The difference is that if she is registered in the Adventurer's Guild of the Pacific Asia Continent, then I (Yue) can afford to hire her, because no matter how much stronger Shentiandi is than other S-level adventurers, she is still only an S-level Adventurers are equal to other S-level adventurers in terms of status, and the commission is naturally the same-so for the same reason, if she is registered in the Cradle Continent, then with my little family property, she must not be able to hire her. up.

--It does not matter.

In fact, it was not a question of money. I wanted to entrust money to Shentiandi simply because she should still need a pocket money before she had no source of funds, that's all.

And Emperor Shentian... Of course, it is impossible for her to accept the entrustment to protect me (Yue) for money.

In any case, even though I said it was a fair deal, I made a note of it.

PS: Information can be made public.

"The student with the weakest average ability value at the highest level of Cradle Academy"



<Individual ability value>

STR: 2,758,216,860

AGI: 2,758,216,860

VIT: 11,179,880,412

INT: 11,179,880,412

<Talent ability value>

STR: 15360

AGI: 15360

VIT: 50688

INT: 50688

<Potential ability value>

STR: 1,222,232,220

AGI: 1,222,232,220

VIT: 6,111,131,100

INT: 6,111,131,100

Tip: Cradle Academy has only one hundred top-level students. They are the best group of students who stand out in the same grade. More than half of them have gone through the tenth trial and evolved into gods, and the remaining half are only half a step away from the position of gods. They are just not ready to pass the final trial, but they will basically ascend to the gods before graduation.

More than 80% of the cultivation skills of the most advanced students are self-created skills that are most suitable for themselves, and the rest are not self-created and are extremely powerful, and the LV. "Witch" is LV.85.

In addition, the collocation system of the various active and passive skills of the most advanced students is very complete, basically there are no obvious weaknesses.

Finally, it is worth noting that when a person's individual ability value AGI reaches the value of 1,498,962,290, he will reach the realm of the speed of light at the highest speed of movement—not special movement skills such as space movement, distance shortening, super speed power, incarnation of light, etc., but genuine pure movement speed.

By the way, with Ye's current ability value, with the addition of exclusive skills, his strength can be equivalent to that of a striker class among second-year students of Cradle Academy, and with Yue's ability value, with the addition of exclusive skills, his strength is roughly equivalent to that of a guard class among third-year students of Cradle Academy.

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