Chapter 25 Senior Sister Chrissy's Boudoir

"Student, why did you bring Senior Sister Murong along?"

The one who raised her eyebrows and asked this sentence was naturally Senior Sister Chris.

I (night) thought about it after finishing the morning exercise with Senior Sister Murong, I am so beautiful-handsome, unrestrained and suave, a peerless and beautiful boy, going to the women's dormitory alone is really a very special thing Dangerous thing, it's hard to guarantee that Chris-senpai won't eat me in one bite.

What will happen to my innocence then?

This is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, I (Ye) told senior sister Murong to come with me, so my sense of security immediately came.

Senior sister Murong agreed.

Of course, I am not afraid that senior sister Murong will have symptoms of physical inconvenience after two days and two nights of intense activities—she will not be inconvenient even if I am inconvenient.

So, I (night) and Murong-senpai came to Chriss-senpai's dormitory together, and then there is the scene of Chrissy's surprised face.

Well, you are right to be surprised, if you are not surprised then I should be surprised.

When faced with senior sister Chris's question, I chose to tell the truth: "I just got in touch with senior sister Murong when I left Cradle Academy on the moonrise mission, and I really don't want to separate for the time being, please understand one time."

"...Well, I understand."

Chris nodded with a smile, and looked at senior sister Murong with deep meaning in her eyes.

"Come in quickly, the projection cabin is ready, and the director has to wait anxiously. Sister Murong, I won't entertain you. There are only two projection cabins, and there is no way for you to log in to have a look together, so you can just watch TV, read novels, play games or something."

With those words, Chris-senpai has already led me to the living room.

In the living room, there are two machines similar to game cabins—in fact, the principle is similar, and they are both used to log in to the virtual world.

It is said that a long time ago, the filming of film and television was carried out in reality, but with the advancement of virtual projection technology, it was gradually transferred to the virtual world.

After all, many big scenes are easy to realize in the virtual world, no matter how much they are destroyed, they will not affect the reality, but in reality—then it can only rely on acting and adding special effects in post-production.

Another example is the scene of murder. In the virtual world, it is real killing. Anyway, killing will not affect reality, but in reality, it can only rely on acting.

There are many advantages.

Of course, there are also disadvantages.

That's where the cost issue skyrocketed.

Modeling according to the script in the virtual machine obviously costs a lot of money-if you want to save money, you can choose to rent a ready-made one and modify it.

However, in this case, series works can be said to be very popular. After filming a movie or TV series, you can directly come to the second and third ones, so that you can save a lot of money.

——Having said that, there are very few such models that directly model a continent.

I'm afraid no one will know whether this drama can earn back its capital.

Thinking of this, I was already lying in the projection cabin.

"Are you logged into Theresia's crew?"


Select "Yes".

After my eyes went dark, the scene in front of me changed instantly, and I came to a certain square.

The square was crowded with people. Apart from the various staff members, they were actors. There were not many leading actors, mainly group performances.

When it comes to group performances, there is one more thing involved.

That is, when virtual reality technology and artificial intelligence technology have developed to the point where a real world can be created in the virtual world, Cradle College has directly issued a law that the whole world must abide by, that is, artificial intelligence technology must not be used in in the field of virtual reality.

Whether it's games or movies, it's not allowed.

The issues considered here are complex, but one of the most intuitive issues is that it is forbidden to create and play with "human beings".

Even virtual humans, if endowed with the most advanced artificial intelligence, are no different from real humans.

If all the NPCs in a virtual game have the most advanced artificial intelligence, then this virtual game world is actually a real world. Then when the game is shut down, the game has no value, and the game company chooses to abandon it and use this virtual device to redesign a game, what will happen?

Not so good, it is equivalent to the destruction of the world, and all "human beings" in it will die.

Needless to say other considerations, this consideration alone makes artificial intelligence technology a very restricted science and technology in the world of Lilith.

It's not even just artificial intelligence. After banning artificial intelligence for a few years, Cradle Academy directly banned human modeling because of some indescribable events that happened at that time.

Terrans, dwarves, villains, giants, goblins, orcs... All human beings are prohibited from modeling in the virtual machine.

Because of this, the budget for all group performances has always been a big expense in the crew.

Especially in a large production crew that needs tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of ensemble performers, the rent of the projection cabin alone is enough to make people feel heartbroken, not to mention that these ensemble performers themselves have to pay for their salaries. problem.

But this is also a necessary expense.

When I (night) was thinking about these things, Senior Sister Chrissy had already dragged me onto a high platform, where the director, main staff of the crew, and leading actors were all here.

Although Chrissy-senpai is the leading heroine, or even the only protagonist, the protagonist and the leading role are not the same concept.

The protagonist is the core character who guides the development of the plot in the play, while the leading actor is the main actor with many scenes and many plots.

Chrissy-senpai is the leading actor, and someone like me (Ye) is one of the leading actors.

In addition, although Kim Miho is a supporting role with only one episode, she also stands on the high stage as one of the important role actors.

Therefore, on the high stage, I (Ye) saw this little girl who will play my younger sister who will die in just one episode.

That's right, it doesn't count as humiliating my sister's identity.

What you see in the virtual machine is obviously more enjoyable than what you see in the video.

I couldn't help but want to change my role to the eldest prince again.

"What we are going to shoot next is the plot of the first episode. Originally, we should start shooting from the war scenes. We will finish filming the plot requiring tens of millions of group performances as quickly as possible, and then withdraw the projection cabin little by little as needed. Reduce the number of extras—but now we're only shooting one episode at a time."

Guo Jia-senpai looked at me (Ye), Chris-senpai, and Kim Miho calmly, and just said to the three of us.

"You should have memorized the script of the first act, and start shooting after the preparations are complete."

The so-called preparation actually means that the "setting team" of the crew uses the virtual device to set the images of the three actors who are about to perform the first act in the play.

The physical appearance will not change, but on this basis, what kind of clothes we should wear in the play, what kind of hairstyle we have, how to make up on the face, and even our ability value in the play, These need to be set one by one by the setting team according to the director's needs.

For example, I was set to wear a middle school uniform, with a small scar on the right side of my face, and my ability value was set to be the character I played in the play, the younger brother of the heroine Teresia" Leah" should have the ability value in the first episode.

In the play, Senior Sister Chrissy is set to be a female clerk in a clothing store at the beginning of the play, so she wears a particularly beautiful summer dress, and her ability value is also set in detail, because according to Senior Guo Jia’s script, the first At the beginning of the plot of an episode, the heroine Theresa's ability value is used as the first act.

Teresia has a very special exclusive skill, which is the key to Teresia's ability to become an empress to unify the continent in the future - it can also be said that this is the main cool point of this drama, so the first It is necessary to show this exclusive skill in the first episode, in order to make the audience look forward to the next plot after Teresia is completely blackened in the aggrieved plot of the first episode.

Of course, the character I played, Leah's ability value also needs to be exposed when applying to join the Knights. This is also the first cool plot of this drama.

Then, Theresa and Leah's younger sister, Lily played by Kim Miho - there is no detailed ability value set at all.

After all, one episode is enough, the plot is very simple, and there is no fighting scene, so there is no need to set the ability value in detail.

In short, the first scene is just Leah and Lily celebrating the birthday of Teresia who just came home and laughing warmly as a family. Therefore, only the three of us need to prepare, so only 10 minutes later, the first The filming officially started.

First, there is a scene of a platinum-haired woman walking up the stairs holding a blank piece of paper. The platinum-haired woman looks down at the white paper while walking, with complicated eyes.

Guo Jia adjusted the angle of view of the camera and focused the camera on the name "Theresia" on the white paper.

Then pull the lens down slowly little by little.

With the camera zooming, people can know that this blank piece of paper is the result of the ability value appraisal, and the owner of the ability value, Teresia, is undoubtedly the platinum-haired woman who is walking along the road to her home.

Looking at her ability value, why does she have complicated eyes?

Accompanied by this curiosity, the camera finally settled on the column of "exclusive skills", and then zoomed in instantly to show the content in detail.

〈Exclusive skill〉

"Absolute Kingship"

——When the target's INT is lower than itself, after making eye contact with the target, the target can absolutely obey the order

——You can identify the loyalty of others to yourself. For each person whose loyalty to you exceeds 70, your potential ability value INT+1000

- This skill cannot be identified

Chapter 26

"Director, wait! I have a question!"

When director Guo Jia controlled the camera to broadcast the words "this skill cannot be identified", I (Ye) couldn't help it for a moment, and raised my right hand regardless of the one that was being filmed.

Director Guo Jia immediately became angry: "Is there anything we can't wait for this segment to finish?!"

"No, director, I'm really confused. This skill can't be identified, so how did it get identified?!"

He is angry and I still can't stand it!

Did Senior Sister Chris take out more than 5000 billion yuan to invest in a director like you? !Is it okay to have the biggest bug in the whole show right after the start of the game? !

No wonder Senior Sister Chrissy's complex expression didn't look like she acted it out. Seeing that her unidentifiable skill was actually identified, how could she not have a complicated expression!

"How do you know that this skill cannot be identified?"

"Isn't it written on the appraisal result?"

"Since it says that it cannot be identified, why do you ask? As long as you know that it cannot be identified, is it all right?"

I couldn't help but widen my eyes: "But this unidentifiable skill has been identified!"

"How do you know it was identified?"

"Isn't the appraisal result right here?"

"Is the exclusive skill written on the appraisal result?"

"Isn't it written?"

"Do you think it's written?"

At this moment, I was stupefied by him: "The black and white... isn't it written?"

"But I don't think it's written."

"...Then is it written or not?"

"Let the audience debate whether it was written or not. What are you arguing with me here? Are you an audience? You are an actor! Just film for me, and you don't care if there are any bugs in the play! This is a TV series, not reality. Do you understand the rationale for bugs to develop the plot and make the plot smoother? Don't understand? If you don't understand, then you are the director!"

Director Guo Jia shouted angrily, and then ignored me.

"This part is over again."

Senior sister Chris walked up to me at this time, patted my shoulder, and said earnestly: "Student, listen to senior sister, don't question the director in the crew, because we don't know how to film a movie without a director— —He is a professional, and most people make fun of people who challenge their majors with their interests, so you don’t even have an interest in being a director, so you want to use your own ideas to challenge other people’s majors?"

My brain is confused, this... There is a bug in this opening, I found out, remind me, is it still my fault?

Senior sister Chris sighed: "Brother Ye, think about it, if you don't write it like this, how can the audience in front of the TV know what Theresia's exclusive skills are? Theresia's exclusive skills cannot be identified in the character settings. Under the circumstances, this bug appeared, it appeared unreasonably, but it served the plot, as long as no one can identify Teresia's exclusive skills in the future, then the audience will not care about this small bug, and will only complain about it, which is acceptable—so do you understand, junior?"

I understand.

I got it.

At this moment, I completely realized.

Is this the legendary interlacing like a mountain?

Sure enough, life is alive, and learning is endless!

Chapter 27 Kim Miho

Looking at the exclusive skills on the white paper, Teresia sighed softly.

"Today I felt very happy to have the exclusive skill awakened, but it turned out to be an exclusive skill that is not even useful for ordinary people like me... Forget it, I didn't plan to have any big achievements. I will be content to take care of Leah and Lily growing up safely."

Saying so, she used a simple fire magic to burn the white paper, and then smiled wryly again.

"And this skill is really hard to use. Although it can make you rich if you use it well, it's too much."

Peaceful personality, three views are very upright, aloof from the world, do not take evil paths.

Even if he awakens this exclusive skill, he doesn't intend to use it to do something that deviates from the right path.

The 36 seconds of the first act can be regarded as directly setting up the character of Teresia as the heroine.

I (Ye) watched this scene thoughtfully, and finally felt a little bit of understanding.

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