Chris-senpai put her hand on the doorknob and gently opened the door.

"Cut! This scene is over. Ye, Jin Miho, you two, get ready and try it out first."

Director Guo Jia looked stern, as if he was still angry about what happened before.

Well, I admit my mistake, even an investor like Senior Sister Chrissy wouldn’t do such a thing to challenge the director’s authority on the set, let alone I interrupted it from the sidelines while filming was in progress, he didn’t Cursing people directly can be regarded as a rare kind of gentleness among directors.

Rather, under normal circumstances, this would be thrown out of the crew directly-although I wish it was all I wanted.

After a while, though, I felt like I had misunderstood.

Director Guo Jiada is not angry with me, but purely his virtue when filming.

Well, this character is like a famous director.

And not only in character, but also in ability.

Neither I (Ye) nor Kim Miho are professional actors. Although sometimes I think I have outstanding acting skills, "acting" and "acting" are two different concepts.

The "acting skills" in reality are purely as long as you act well and pretend to be good, but the "acting skills" in the play need to be shown for the audience to see clearly.

A person who can act quietly and with a mask in reality does not mean that he can play a role well in front of the camera. The skills in this can only be taught by the director Guo Jia.

For example, senior sister Chrissy naturally does not need to be trained, but Kim Miho and I were repeatedly trained again and again during the filming of this scene.

Director Guo Jia did not swear at anyone, but the stern sound of "card" after another really made people panic. At this time, I really didn't know that he was using me and Kim Miho to make a name for himself in the crew, and at the same time It is also showing his leadership ability.

Guo Jia is the first time to officially direct a TV series, and he has no prestige in the crew. It can be said that Guo Jia is a lucky newcomer to the staff gathered in this crew, and it is difficult to convince people. The most important thing he needs to do after starting up is to establish his prestige, and then to show his ability to make people convincing.

He happened to be on me (Ye) and Jin Miho all at once.

Well, Senior Sister Chris is an investor, and she is also the big daddy of the wholly-owned crew. Although Senior Sister Chris respects Guo Jia as a director out of professional principles, Guo Jia naturally dare not take Senior Sister Chris Liwei, in this case, I (Ye) and Jin Meisui have suffered an unwarranted disaster.

But of course, the improvement of acting skills is genuine. It’s the first time I have experienced the so-called director’s ability to tell a play. After half an hour, Kim Miho and I finally passed the scene of opening the door in Teresia At the same time, the scene where she fired a cannon to celebrate.

Then in the third scene, it turned to the dining table. When I was happily cutting the cake, I thanked Teresia with a sad face, and at the same time began to tell the background of the three-person family.

This section will insert a memory according to the script. It turns out that my sister (Lily) and my sister (Teresia) are not real relatives. My sister and I were taken in by the sister who was originally a neighbor after the death of our parents, so as to avoid the ending of being separated and adopted. Shoot later.

The three of us filmed the next scene directly at the dining table until the three-person scene was completely filmed.

For the time being, the next part will be the scene of senior sister Chris, a group of extras, and other leading and supporting roles. Even if today’s mission for me and Kim Miho is over, the rest will be filmed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Well, of course an episode can't end in a day.

Especially for director Guo Da, who strives for perfection.

But at least today it has nothing to do with me.

——Then Kim Miho and I both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

I couldn't help but exchanged glances with this little girl who was not even as tall as my chest, and then showed a sympathetic wry smile at the same time.

"Brother, are you a star? Why didn't I know you before? You are so beautiful, if I have seen it before, I will never forget it."

Kim Miho, who has a very sweet voice, walked with me to the cold drink shop in the virtual world, preparing to have a drink together in this virtual world, and at the same time make a group performance.

"I'm not a star, not even an actor."

"That's the same as me."

"Totally different, you're a super famous big model."

Jin Misui blushed immediately, and then said in a nervous voice, "Brother, have you seen my work?"

"Well, I've seen it, it's very good-looking, and I'm your loyal fan."


Kim Miho looked up at me with bright eyes.

"Really, if this wasn't a virtual world, I would definitely ask you for an autograph."

It's a pity that it's useless to ask for an autograph here, and it can't be brought back to the real world - I've heard that someone can do this kind of thing, but it should be just a rumor.

"If my brother really likes it, he can tell me his home address, and I can mail it with my signature, and I also have a collection of photo albums, which can be mailed to my brother together."

"...I can't do this. I'm a student of Cradle College. I live in the boys' dormitory area of ​​Cradle College. I can't send items in directly from the outside world."

"Is that so..."

Jin Miho's small face instantly dimmed, as if she was extremely disappointed.

There is nothing I can do about it, although I really want her autograph, her photo album, and even her swimsuit, but if I can't do it, I can't do it!

However, Jin Miho soon cheered up again, and said with a smile:

"Brother, let's go find you after I get admitted to Cradle Academy."

"...Well, I'll wait for you."

If I have this ambition, I will focus on encouragement.

Chapter 28 You have to be responsible!

Although my (Ye) role was over, I didn't leave right away. After all, it was the first day of filming. After all the scenes were over, Senior Guo Jia would still have to talk, and I could also work as a group performer.

Therefore, I (night) stayed in the virtual machine and watched other people's shooting.

I have to say that senior Guo Jia is really strict and strives for perfection, and he is indeed a famous director in this respect.

Even if it seems to me that there is nothing wrong with Senior Sister Chris, who played the role perfectly, she was stuck several times, and every time Senior Guo Jia could really pick out the faults for Senior Sister Chris to correct. Improvement, the performance effect is really better.

It can be said that at the end of the day, senior Guo Jia, a newcomer in the director world, has completely established himself in the crew.

Not only is it scary, but it is also convincing.

—but that doesn't seem to be quite the case.

"Thank you so much before, Chris."

After the filming was over, everyone else had already left one by one, and Kim Miho also left, and then Senior Chrissy sat aside.Then, senior Guo Jia also came over, and finally no longer had a grim expression on his face, but thanked senior sister Chris with a smile.

"I just want to try to see if my investment is right. Now it seems that I can finally get some hope of getting back my capital."

Senior Guo Jia put away his smile and looked serious: "Not only will you get back your capital, but it will definitely make you a lot of money."

Senior Sister Chrissy smiled, but she didn't seem to take it seriously—she didn't seem to expect to make any money, she could recover as much cost as she could, and at the same time film the drama well.

At this time, Senior Guo Jia looked at me, as if he knew I was ignorant, so he smiled and explained: "Brother Ye, with Chris's acting skills, how could she make such a low-level mistake, she made it on purpose So that I can stand up and show my ability.”

"That's not a low-level mistake." Senior sister Chris corrected her sentence.

"I can't help but feel ashamed to be so flexible on such advanced mistakes." Senior Guo Jia shrugged with a smile: "By the way, junior, you performed very well today, and it's your first time acting. Being able to enter the state so quickly and mastering the knack, although there are still many flaws, but TV dramas are not like movies, and this flaw is acceptable."

I figured it out, as expected, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, people in the film and television industry really have the same set!

However, seeing that senior Guo Jia has now withdrawn from the director status, I also asked a question: "Senior Guo Jia, is that bug really okay? Although I probably understand that part is also setting up the character of the heroine. , but no matter how you put it, it will affect the evaluation of TV dramas, right? It shouldn’t be that there are no other ways to deal with it, right?”

This time, senior Guo Jia didn't get angry when he heard my question about the plot, nor did his face cool down. Instead, he showed a wry smile: "Student, we have no money!"


"Student, do you know what is the main reason for the success of a TV series?"

"Of course it's in the show."

"That's right, first of all, the drama is good. As long as the drama is good enough, even if there is no promotional funds, the ratings will increase little by little because of the positive reviews, and then it will become a big hit... But the premise is that you have the money to be able to Shoot the TV series to the point where it can boost the ratings with good reviews.”

Senior Guo Jia sighed heavily and said:

"But now we can only shoot three episodes at most, and we will run out of money. It may even be finished after only two episodes. At that time, the show will be cut in half. Can you still say that as long as the show is good, it will be successful? Two episodes can How do you use good reviews to drive ratings? The first few episodes of a TV series never rely on good reviews to drive ratings, but rely on a lot of overwhelming publicity! ——But now we are most short of that promotional funds."

I thought about it, and remembered what Senior Guo Jia said when he got angry before - let the audience debate whether it was written or not, what are you arguing with me here?

Then I couldn't help but look weird: "Senior Guo Jia, are you planning to fully hype this after the first episode of the TV series airs—a slot?"

"Normal publicity is absolutely impossible. The ratings of our first episode can be imagined. Even with Chrissy, there are no shortage of big stars in other TV dramas broadcast at the same time. In terms of publicity, we are Overall disadvantages - in this case, we can only use some unconventional publicity to save money. Regardless of whether the audience came to see it with the intention of complaining or not, as long as they come, I am sure to use the plot to attract them Leave."

Senior Guo Jia will explain this to me, obviously for the sake of senior sister Chris, it is better to say that he is probably explaining to senior sister Chris.

"Not only this plot, but also the plot of Lily being tortured and killed by the eldest prince. This was originally the plot of the third episode, but I compressed it into the plot of the first episode. After the first episode airs, I will focus on hyping this plot and causing controversy."

Black!too dark!Is this the director?Are all directors so dark?

"Brother Ye, as a director, you don't just need to make a good drama, but you have to look at the money to make a good drama. With limited money to make a good drama, you also need to use limited money to increase the ratings. When you can’t have both, it’s impossible to choose to sacrifice one—especially now that you have Brother Ye, I’m more confident in using this method to increase ratings and retain viewers, so Don’t care about this bug at all. As long as some viewers see you because of this hype, it can at least ensure that most viewers can finish watching the first episode, and as long as most viewers can finish watching the first episode, the second The ratings of the second episode will definitely increase significantly, then our crew will be revived."

Having said that, Senior Guo Jia also stood up and bid farewell.

"Okay, Chris, Brother Ye, I wish you all a wonderful night, and I won't bother you."


As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared directly, without even giving me a chance to react and say "You misunderstood".

"He was joking, junior, don't mind." Chris said with a smile.

"Well, I don't care, as long as senior sister Chris doesn't care."

"No, I really care."


"I was misunderstood because of my junior. If this matter gets exposed, my image of a pure and beautiful girl will be lost. How could I not care?"

Senior sister Chris said in a low voice.

"Student, you have to be responsible for this!"

Chapter 29 Big brother, what game are you playing?

You have to be responsible for this!

Hearing such words, it was as if the echoes were deafening. My (Ye) brain was twitched instantly, as if I heard some fairy sound.

"Really? Sister Chris? Are you trying to make the rumors come true? Is it really possible? Then let's go offline immediately to make the rumors come true!"

What kind of good thing is this?Have I been lucky these two days?One after another, yesterday I was the goddess Murong, today I am a world-class star, my peach blossoms have overflowed to the point where men all over the world are envious and jealous, right?

no!I can not wait any more!Hurry up and get offline and start doing something you love with Chrissy-senpai!

Anyway, I have already made a mistake once. If there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if there are too many debts, it doesn't worry. The result is death. I have long been fearless! !

——In the face of my excitement and excitement, senior sister Chrissy smiled, and said softly:

"Brother Ye, if you are counting on Senior Murong, then you are counting on the wrong person."

My brain froze instantly.

It's not a lie, what Chris-senpai said really froze my head.

I couldn't understand what she was saying at all.

Chris just smiled indifferently: "Brother Ye, guess why Senior Sister Murong called out so loudly when we were talking on the phone?"


"Do you think she's asserting sovereignty? Or do you think she's being jealous after knowing it's me?—If she's really being jealous, she should just keep silent."


"She is swearing sovereignty? What kind of sovereignty is she swearing? Is the sovereignty on her side? What qualifications does she have to swear sovereignty? Even Lafayette is more qualified than her to swear sovereignty, at least she is absolutely not qualified."


My (night) face has begun to flow cold sweat.

Senior Sister Chrissy continued to speak softly, and said with a smile: "You are very smart, Junior Ye, but even if you are as smart as you, you can't guess the complicated thoughts of girls. Junior Ye, would you like How about making a bet with Senior Sister? Now that I am offline, Senior Sister Murong is definitely not in my dormitory anymore, do you believe me?"

Without further ado, I (Ye) went offline immediately.

Then, the moment I (Ye) got up from the projection cabin, I (Ye) didn't even check to see if Senior Murong was in the room, but immediately ran towards the door... the window in the opposite direction.

——Then immediately hit a soft wall, and the whole body was directly encircled by a pair of jade arms.

"Oh, brother Ye, why are you in such a hurry?"

Chris-senpai, who was holding me (Ye), let out a coquettish cry as if startled.

"I know, junior, that you are very happy to be able to make rumors and fake plays with senior sister, but there is no need to be in such a hurry, senior sister is not ready yet."

"Senior Chris, I'm not ready either, can you let me be reserved? I'll come back after I get home and drink some water."

"You can still come after you finish drinking the water?" Senior Sister Chris said with a smile: "Student, just give up struggling, I don't know how Senior Sister Murong took you down, But with your character, from the time you failed to reject her forcefully, you have no way to reject others forcefully—the bottom line is for breaking, and you hope to pull back the bottom line student who broke through once. Don't dream, who would allow that kind of thing?"

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