How the hell did I step into a pit when I took one wrong step! !

"Okay, junior, change your mood, am I okay?"

Chrissy-senpai held my face in her hands and spoke softly.

"Student, you should have seen all kinds of works that senior sister has participated in, right? If you like any role of senior sister, senior sister can transform for you to watch. Or, not only watching, you can do whatever you want!"


Even though I was angry in my heart, I (Ye) couldn't help swallowing at this time.

As the saying goes, rape is like life, if you can't resist it, you should enjoy it.

At this moment, I was obviously thrown into the bottom of the pit by senior sister Murong, and I couldn't resist at all. If this is the case, why not just enjoy it, right?At least it makes you feel better, right?In the future, when you are eager to kill, you can have more good memories, right?

Thinking of this, I made up my mind and said loudly: "Sister Chrissy, I want to see your debut work, brave girl A Ling!"

Senior Chrissy suddenly had a strange expression on her face.

Well, it's natural for her to look weird, because Senior Sister Chrissy debuted as a child star, and she was at the pinnacle of her debut, and she directly starred in the heroine of a popular TV series.

That's right, it is the only protagonist of "The Brave Girl A Ling" I just mentioned, A Ling.

That's right, it's Tong!star!out!road!

A Ling's age at the beginning of the play is set to be seven years old, and she is only eight years old at the end of the play, and senior sister Chrissy fully fits this age when she starred in this play.

It is said that at the time of the casting of this TV series, the protagonist was selected for several months without deciding on the position of the protagonist, until the director accidentally met the young sister Chris, who was also young at the time.

It is really popular all over the world. I followed this drama when I was three years old, and then fell in love with Miss Chrissy. I grew up watching her TV dramas and movies.

And now, I just want to see Senior Chrissy disguised as A Ling, after all, she is my childhood goddess!

Come on, you change, I'm watching, you change for me to see - I'll fuck you! !

For a moment, I couldn't help but widen my eyes, and looked at Chris-senpai, who had directly changed her body shape, clothing, and hairstyle under a ray of light, and completely transformed into the goddess of my childhood.

"Sure enough, the younger brother really prefers this kind of thing, but the younger brother, the older sister would like to advise you, if you like it, you can find the older sister, but please don't commit crimes outside - I will still follow you later. Kim Miho, tell her to stay away from you."

The brave girl A Ling changed from looking down at me with her head slightly down to looking up at me with all her strength, admonishing me seriously with a childish voice.

"No, no, no, what's going on with you, Chrissy-senpai?! Why did you really become Carole?!"

Hearing my surprised inquiry, senior sister Chrissy--A Ling tilted her head in confusion.

"Student, don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

"...Didn't you claim to be my fan?"

"That's right! I've seen the big ones of Chris-senpai's dramas since I was a child!"

I am an undoubted fan of Chris-senpai!

"A "fan" who only watches my dramas, doesn't pay attention to my updates, and doesn't care about my situation in reality? "

The corners of A Ling's small mouth twitched.

"Even if you don't pay attention to me, junior, you have been in the Cradle Academy for several months, don't you know who owns the Cradle Ten Jade?"

"I know!"

How could I not know who the ten jades in the cradle are?There are five of the ten jades in the cradle that I have seen with my own eyes, okay?

"Then who is the head of the Cradle Ten Jade?"

"I know! The Emerald God."

"Who is the second seat of the Cradle Ten Jade?"

"I know! Son of God."

"Who is the third seat of the Cradle Ten Jade?"

"I know! ... Who is it?"


"...Who is it?"


I blinked my eyes: "...Who is the third seat of the Cradle Ten Jade?"

A Ling's immature face was expressionless: "Me."


"But anyone who pays a little attention to my news or the news of Cradle Ten Jade, it is impossible not to know what is the exclusive skill of "Fantasy Fairy" Chris? "

In an instant, I took out my student card and searched for the name Chris.

The first item on the page is the "I know" message of Chris-senpai.

Chrissy, born on August 6666, 6650 in the cradle calendar, was born in the Cradle Continent Sumerian Kingdom, South Lanzhou, Mexis Earl, Song City, a film and television actress, singer, and dancer. She is currently a fifth-year student at Cradle Academy and the third seat in the Cradle Ten Jade. She has the exclusive skill "Transformation Fantasy".

I clicked on "Transfiguration Fantasy", and the detailed information of this exclusive skill appeared.

Exclusive skill: "Transfiguration Fantasy"

——When the fantasy character you play becomes a classic, you will be able to fully transform into this character and obtain all the abilities of this character.

"What kind of perverted skill is this special meow?"

Although in a way, whether this skill is abnormal or not depends on the owner. If the owner can't play any classic fantasy roles, then this is a useless skill-but the key is that this skill is in Chrissy. Senior sister's hands! !

After her debut as a child star, Chris-senpai became popular all over the world. Then, a company directly designed a lot of exclusive scripts for Chris-senpai to take advantage of this popularity. What is even more exaggerated is that Chris-senpai really relied on these scripts to grow from small to big, and made each character become a classic in people’s hearts. I can prove this.

Although not all characters have become classics, it can also be said that most of them are classics.

And more importantly, Senior Sister Chris is a professional protagonist! !

There is not one of her who is not a leading heroine! !

What is a protagonist?

Unless there are special circumstances, the most powerful character at the end of the play must be the protagonist.

Definitely one of the best, if not the only one.

For example, the brave girl A Ling that Chris has transformed into now.

A Ling was born in the countryside. She was originally a very simple and cute little girl, but on the identification day at the age of seven, she was identified as the "brave" and became the nemesis of the "devil king". At this time, a demon king was born in a certain demon area, and the whole world is facing a crisis of destruction—don’t ask why the whole world is facing crisis, and don’t ask why the whole world is facing crisis. Why doesn’t Cradle Academy deal with this demon king? , but to a so-called brave man, how do I know?

There is no mention of the Cradle Academy in the whole play, nor the Golden Crow Empire, the Shivana Empire, and no true gods. All of these things do not exist in the play, as if these real-world settings were not incorporated into the play at all—this kind of situation is actually quite common, so let’s think of it as a fictitious world of Lilith.

Anyway, in the plot, facing the crisis of the destruction of the world, the young A Ling had no choice but to bid farewell to her parents and embarked on an "open-ended" way to defeat the devil and save the world.

How to open it?

Don't ask, how did the children tell you about the TV series?

A Ling has an exclusive skill that can take away an ability value that kills the enemy. On the way to the place where the devil is, she solves an incident in one episode, fights a boss in one episode, and grows up in one episode until episode 158. She is eight years old. A Ling came to the Demon King with a few partners, and killed the Demon King who had the power to easily destroy the world but didn't know why he hadn't done so. After a hard fight, A Ling returned home gloriously. End of play.

It is said that the crew originally wanted to shoot hundreds or even thousands of episodes, but was rejected by Senior Sister Chrissy—although I was only four years old at the time, I was very sorry for the ending of the brave girl A Ling.

At that time, watching one episode every day has become a habit.

Fortunately, there will be other TV dramas made by senior sister Chris after that, otherwise I might cry.

Of course, this kind of thing is not important for now.

The important thing is, what is the strength of this brave girl, A Ling?

You ask me how do I know?

When I was a child, I only cheered for A Ling’s intense and exciting battles. As for A Ling’s strength—anyway, every time she faces an enemy, A Ling will fight hard, and after a hard fight, she will definitely kill the enemy. Is what strength is important?

However, at least in the setting, the demon king has the power to threaten and destroy the whole world, and A Ling successfully defeated the demon king and took away one of the demon king's ability points-although it is not known which ability value A Ling took away until the end, this is the suspense in the play.

And even without mentioning this, A Ling's exclusive skills are scary enough, if...

"Senior Chrissy, when you transform into A Ling, can A Ling's exclusive skills work normally? Can the growth you get through A Ling's exclusive skills be retained? That is, if you cancel the transformation, will the growth gained during the transformation be retained? Will the next time you re-transform will restore to the original setting?"

"That's not the case. Transformed characters can also grow."

Alright, now I understand, I understand why Chrissy-senpai is the third member of the Cradle Ten Jade.

Sure enough, I understand it thoroughly, all ten jades in the cradle are perverted, right?

"Okay, junior, don't talk about this kind of thing, let's get down to business quickly."

A Ling blinked her eyes and looked up at me, then changed her expression in an instant, smiled innocently and said:

"Big brother, what game do you want to play with A Ling?"

"...Senior Chrissy, I beg you to change back."

Chapter 30 Games

Kris-senpai murmured about my (Ye) request to change back.

"There is evil heart but no courage."

This sentence she said with A Ling's face and body really made me deeply provocative.

Let me think about it, it is indeed impossible to escape from the deep pit now, even if you want to ask me (Yue) for help, the water in the distance cannot quench the thirst near the fire, and the water in the distance cannot save the fire near, there is no way.

That being the case, then really change the mind.

Chrissy-senpai thinks she's got me, right?

Well, that's right, you won, and you've got me—but don't imagine that I'll be timid and let you do whatever you want in this kind of thing!

On the contrary, if I don't give you a profound lesson like I did to Senior Murong, I won't be able to swallow my breath!

In an instant, I was so disgusted that I pulled Senior Chrissy, who was muttering secretly, over, and then hugged me whole.


Miss Chrissy yelled, and then she reacted, blinked in surprise, and then changed her expression for a moment——A Ling put her hands around my neck to stabilize her body, and innocently crooked in my arms. Tilted his head.

"Big brother, what do you want to do to A Ling? Aren't you going to teach A Ling how to play games?"

I'll go, this woman is really awesome.

Can a woman with good acting skills be so good at playing?Senior Sister Chrissy is really more seductive than Senior Sister Murong!

Look at her two questions?Look at her ignorant, innocent expression?

The goddess of childhood showed such an expression in her arms, and asked such a question, what kind of feeling would a man feel?How would you answer her question?

Does this need to be said?

"That's right, my brother wants to play games with A Ling. This game requires A Ling's cooperation. Is A Ling willing to cooperate with my brother?"

A Ling smiled happily and nodded, and said with an innocent expression: "Well, A Ling always listens to her big brother, and she can do whatever the big brother asks A Ling to do."

I admit, at this moment, I stood up.

She really understands it too well.

I have to obey.

The costume on A Ling's body is a brave suit, but it is not a hard armor, but a skirt, with white pantyhose on her legs under the short skirt, and shiny little leather shoes on her feet.

The look that was completely matched for the sake of beauty, at this moment, is undoubtedly fanning the flames with the words that she said in that innocent mouth.

Since you can't resist, enjoy it.

I have now fully understood the essence.

And now, there is no doubt that it is time to enjoy it!

So, I finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Senior Chris, you should change back."

Still cowardly.

But I really can’t blame me for this, I feel a bit too guilty, and I always have a feeling that once this bottom line is broken because of Senior Sister Chris, then maybe it will cause other chain sinkholes in the future—such as Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, and Jade, God and God.

At that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist Emerald and Emperor Shentian.

This kind of thing can't work, right?

I admit that I am a scumbag now - but scumbags are also graded! !

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