How can intermediate scum and high-level scum be the same?I am determined to only be a middle-level scum, and I will never take a step towards a high-level scum! !

And the current problem is not only with me (night), there is also a problem with me (month).

That is, at this time, I (Yue) is taking a bath in the bathtub with Shentiandi.

Originally, it was nothing to do, after all, it was just taking a bath with a girl, I (monthly) have experienced this kind of thing a lot.

However, as my (night) side was lured by A Ling, my (month) side began to be unable to look directly at Shentiandi's body.

It can be said that once I (Yue) let go of the bottom line against A Ling, then I (Yue) may also do something to Shentiandi—although I (Yue) can't beat Shentiandi.

But isn't it more dangerous! !

If after I (Yue) couldn't help but move my hands and feet, the Emperor Shentian directly punched my (Yue) life, wouldn't I die unjustly?

So, no matter how strong the temptation is, and the evil thoughts in the heart recur, for the sake of life, this bottom line must never be broken!

However, in the face of my love, A Ling's face was expressionless, and her voice was calm, but full of sarcasm: "A coward, a coward, a wimp, not a man, no seed, yang..."

Before she said that word, I finally couldn't help lowering my head and gagged her mouth, then angrily and lustfully walked towards the bedroom.

Forget it, I admit that I can't bear such ridicule from the childhood goddess.

But if you do a good thing, then you should prepare for me. If you don’t let you receive an unforgettable lesson, I (Yue) will write the name upside down.

After sitting on the bed, I finally let go of A Ling's little mouth.

A Ling blushed and was at a loss: "Brother, why...why did you just..."

"That's the game I want to play with A-Ling, does A-Ling like to play?"

"...I like it, it feels warm all over my body."

"Next, I will play other games that make A Ling more comfortable..."

I talked to A Ling about the game I wanted her to play next, and then I could see that A Ling's earlobes turned red.

For a moment, I couldn't help but wonder secretly, what level of acting skills does senior sister Chrissy have?

"How is it? Is Ling willing to play this game?"

Facing such a problem, A Ling lowered her head, and said in a very soft voice: "A Ling is willing, A Ling listens to big brother for everything..."

With your words, I feel relieved.

Not only did I feel relieved, but also my body and mind were full of anger, as if I wanted to burn my whole body.

The previous scruples have been thrown away thousands of miles away, and now I (Ye) have begun to let a certain part of my body dominate my brain, so, almost impatient, I put A Ling in my arms aside, then sat back on the bedside table, and then waved to A Ling.

"Come on, just like the gameplay I just taught you, let's start, Carole."

A Ling hesitated for a while, her red cheeks seemed to be feverish, but she still crawled towards me (Ye) from the front, and then moved her hands step by step according to the instruction I just taught her in her ear.

She still wears shoes on her little feet, and the brave suit on her body is intact, but the little face that represents my childhood goddess slowly lowered after working with both hands, and unfolded together with my hands. her game...

Chapter 31 The most suitable

When I (night) left from Kris-senpai's dormitory, it was already the evening of the second day.

At this time, there were still two days before the auction officially started.

Nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow is when the auction starts.

In other words, my life may only have two days left.

In fact, after I couldn't control it in the end and broke the bottom line and became a high-level scumbag, I (Ye) really wanted to just stay in Senior Chrissy's dormitory and live.

We happened to be filming together during the day, and I happened to be filming her at night.

I have to say that Senior Sister Chris is really a bargain. Getting one of her is equivalent to getting more than a dozen. Last night, I only enjoyed the beauty of A Ling and Senior Sister Chris, which is still far from the limit of Senior Sister Chris.

And one more thing worth mentioning is that Carole's first time was Carole's first time, and Senior Chrissy's first time was Senior Chrissy's first time, which must be separated—well, I confirmed this point yesterday.

And inferring from this, it seems that the first time of the other characters of Chris-senpai also needs to be separated.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether they are separated or not. The important thing is that getting one from Senior Chrissy is really equivalent to getting more than a dozen, and the number will continue to increase in the future, which is really exciting.

So, I (Ye) sincerely hope that I can just stay in Senior Chrissy's dormitory for a few days when I am uncertain about my future life and death.

——But one thing made me (Ye) have to choose to leave.

Lafayette endured it for several days and finally couldn't take it anymore, and once again went to the door of senior sister Murong. This time, of course, he also got the news that I (Ye) had already left, but this time Lafayette didn't believe it. Yes, it's straightforward to search.

Of course, senior sister Murong didn't refuse, after all I (Ye) really left, and Lafayette couldn't find me as a matter of course.

Then Lafayette started bombarding me (Ye) with information.

To be honest, I really want to hang out with her for two days.

But after thinking about it, I (Ye) still bid farewell to Chrissy-senpai after today's filming, and chose to go back to my dormitory.

I don't know if I can continue to live two days later. If that's the case, I should really get together with Lafayette and my mother and leave a last word or something... Although if I really die, the whole world will die together. What about last words? It seems to be of no use.

But I'm still a big-hearted person, it doesn't matter if it's useful or not, anyway, what should be done before death is to do it.

With such thoughts in mind, I went back to the dormitory and sent a message to Lafayette - I didn't have time to do this at all.

Just back to the dormitory, I (night) saw someone waiting at the door of my dormitory.

And the waiting people also felt my (night) breath and turned around.

The gray-haired and gray-eyed girl looked expressionless, met my eyes, and said calmly, "The president is looking for you."

"...Princess Alice knows why the President is looking for me?"

That's right, the person standing at the door of my dormitory is none other than the fourth member of the Cradle Ten Jade who lost after a fierce battle with me (Ye) in the Cradle Game Contest, Princess Alice of the Elf Empire, one of the six largest countries in the world.

"There is a mission."

"What mission?"

"I don't know, the chairman just asked me to take you there together, saying that there is a task for the two of us to do."


This confuses me on the contrary. What kind of task can I and Princess Alice, two people with vastly different abilities, do together?

Even though I defeated Princess Alice in the cradle game, it was just a game after all. In reality, the strength between me and Princess Alice is very different.

Princess Alice once told me (Ye) about her own ability value. Her individual ability values ​​are all over tens of millions. It's only ten thousand, and the difference in ability value of thousands of times is just here, which is completely impossible to bridge, let alone the gap in various other active skills and passive skills.

She just stood there motionless, and I couldn't break her defense.

And I can't break both.

Uh, of course, after the human experiments of Senior Sister Murong and Senior Sister Chrissy, I still know that if Princess Alice is really motionless and allows me to attack, then there should still be a weakness in her body that allows me (Ye) to break through the defense——this is not important.

In short, based on the strength gap between the two of us, if it is a task that is in line with Princess Alice's level of strength, then I will be a hindrance if I follow it, but if it is a task that is in line with my (Ye) level of strength, then let Princess Alice Following along is simply overkill.

No matter how I think about it, I can't think of how the two of us can combine to complete the mission.

After all, I (Ye) won't join the student union, political missions don't need me (Ye) at all, right?

Forget it, it’s useless to think too much, just go and have a look.

Anyway, the chairman summoned me, and I (Ye) have no right to refuse.

That's it, before I had time to meet Lafayette, I (Ye) came to the chairman's office with Princess Alice again.

I have to say, this is the first time for me (night) to meet the chairman. Before that, I (month) was the one who came into contact with the chairman.

Well, it's not that different except the perspective is a bit different.

"Hi Brother Ye, it's the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Mrs. President has a very kind and gentle smile on her fox face—but at this time, I can no longer be fooled by her smile, and her fox essence only makes me deeply vigilant.

"Master President, what kind of mission is it that I and Princess Alice are going to be together?"

"It's not a mission that requires combat. Brother Ye, this time the mission is mainly about you, and the mission of Junior Alice is just to protect your safety during your mission."


Sister, what you say will only make me more confused, do you understand?

"Cradle Academy now has an important guest, do you know about this?"

"I know, it's His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Holy White Lotus World, right?"

"That's right, His Majesty is eyeing us Lilith..."

The chairman recounted the cause of the incident that I know.

This time, it is no longer just my (Yue) guess, no longer just Xier's guess, no longer just Jiang Ji's guess, but the chairman's own explanation.

There is no difference from everything I know now, or exactly the same-although I don't know if this vixen is lying.

And after saying this, the chairman smiled and said to me (Ye): "Although I can confirm the conspiracy of the Supreme Emperor, we still have to entertain the Supreme Emperor when he comes to our Cradle Academy as a guest without any evidence. Therefore, I hope you can take on the responsibility of entertaining the guests. Before the Supreme Emperor leaves, you will be solely responsible for the hospitality. Are you willing to take this task?"

I frowned deeply: "Why me? I'm just a first-year student, and I'm not a member of the student council yet."

"After much deliberation, I think you are the most suitable candidate, Brother Ye."

"I'm the best fit?"

"Yes, you are the most suitable."

I asked emphatically, the chairman smiled and nodded.

Where am I most suitable?

——I didn't ask this question.

Instead, he asked another question: "My lord, I would like to ask, do you know where my master has gone?"

The chairman raised his eyebrows, but his smile deepened: "Who is your master?"

"It's the Emerald God, chief of the Cradle Ten Jade."

"Jade? Don't you know? A few days ago, she didn't know why she owed Master Chef a big favor, and now she is going to pay off the debt to help Master Chef hunt and kill ingredients. She is not with Lilith at all."

"So that's the case, then when will she come back? No, let me ask another question, can my master come back before nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow?"

"Well... I can't say for sure."

The chairman shrugged his shoulders with a troubled expression, shook his head, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"That ingredient is a bit difficult to get. Although Jade will do it at nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, it's hard to say whether it can solve that ingredient quickly."

"Don't His Majesty the Supreme Emperor plan to stay in the Cradle Academy for two more days?"

"His Majesty intends to leave tomorrow morning, and I can't force him to stay. After all, if there is any misunderstanding, wouldn't I be the chief culprit in provoking a war with the Holy White Lotus Great World?"

"There's nothing I can do about it! After all, I'm not familiar with His Majesty the Supreme Emperor at all."

"But I heard that Brother Ye has the ability to easily get in touch with anyone. Maybe after you show up, you can really keep His Majesty until the day after tomorrow. Besides, Brother Ye, you are so good-looking, maybe His Majesty will be reluctant to leave after seeing you?"

"I can only do my best—but Mr. President, my master is really just hunting for ingredients, right?"

"That's right, just hunt for ingredients."

Seeing my serious expression, the chairman restrained his smile and responded seriously.

"I know how you behave, junior, and I'm not the kind of person who would affect innocent people, neither is jade, so don't worry, junior, except for the target ingredients, you will never touch anything else."

I (Ye) nodded slowly, and then calmly said: "In that case, then I will try my best."

The chairman couldn't help but smile again.

"Sure enough, like I said, Junior Ye, you are really the most suitable candidate for this task, aren't you?"

Chapter 32 The Attack on the Moon

That vixen Gu Mingyue is not only me (Yue), but even me (Ye) is also used together, really good.

But I have no choice but to obey orders, after all, this is also for the sake of my own life.


Don't get me wrong, it wasn't me (Ye) who sighed.

I (Ye) followed Princess Alice, and it was really hard to sigh, so I (Yue) sighed deeply instead of me (Ye).

"Why is sister sighing?"

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