"Sigh for you." I (Yue) said to Shentiandi angrily, "Didn't I arrange a room for you? Why do you have to lie on my bed?"

"Because only in this way can we better protect my sister."

"I just feel that you are plotting against me. Don't you want to kill me secretly at night?"

"If I want to kill my sister, then I don't have to wait until night, do I?"

"...that's true."

But on the other hand, it is hard to say that the conspiracy is wrong.

— Explain the current situation.

After buying several sets of clothes for Shentiandi yesterday, it was already night when I returned to the Cradle Pavilion. This time was the end of the first day of shooting at my (Ye) side.

After I came back, with the protection of Emperor Shentian, I (Yue) felt relieved a lot, so I decided to take a good bath to relax myself.

In the end, Shentiandi wanted to take a bath with me (Yue).

I (month) had no reason to refuse, so naturally I didn't refuse, but during the bath, there was an accident on my (night) side. I don't need to say more about the specific accident. In short, this accident made me ( Yue) became unable to look directly at Shentiandi's snow-white and immature body soaked in the water, so I (Yue) immediately chose to take a bath to avoid making a mistake.

This mistake really cannot be made, after all, if it is made, it will be regarded as being killed by the Emperor Shentian, and I have no reason to appeal for grievances!

The truth of life.

The bottom line really cannot be broken, once broken, you can never go back to the past.

I personally testify to this truth.

And now that the truth has been proven, it is natural to find a way to avoid making a big mistake again because of the lowering of the bottom line-but God God is constantly provoking my bottom line.

That night, Shentiandi slept in the same bed with me (Yue) in the name of protecting my (Yue) safety.

Can you imagine what this feels like?

I (night) hugged A Ling and enjoyed the beauty of the childhood goddess, but I (month) could only stare blankly at the God Emperor and dare not move—what kind of punishment game is this?

In the end, with no other choice, I could only choose to put all my consciousness on me (Yue). As for me (Yue), I just lost consciousness instead of sleeping.

That's how it lasted the night.

——However, this is a very risky behavior.

Sleeping and losing consciousness are two concepts. During sleep, consciousness and body alertness don't disappear. The brain is still working, but during the process of losing consciousness-I didn't even know last night Did Shentiandi do anything to my (Yue) body?

Fortunately, Shentiandi is just a little girl, so even if she really did something, I don't really care about it.

Therefore, no matter whether I did something or not, I would just treat it as if she hadn't done it. It's useless to think about it. For me, this is destined to be an unanswered question.

——But you can’t challenge me every day, can you?

Today, envoys from many countries came to visit, and I kept my feet on the ground—well, my ass never left the sofa.

In short, it was a busy day. Except for the six major countries, the other countries seemed to have made an appointment to visit today. It can be predicted that the six major countries will come to visit tomorrow.

Under such circumstances, I (month) really hope to have a good rest and face tomorrow.

However, Shen Tiandi lay naked on my (Yue) bed after taking a shower.

I have to say, this is also an important reason why I (Ye) left from Kris-senpai's dormitory.

You know, Senior Sister Chrissy debuted as a child star, and she is only 17 years old this year. After entering Cradle Academy at the age of 13, because of the academic problems of Cradle Academy, she only made one movie or TV series a year, and the rest were all shot before the age of 13.

There are quite a few dramas she has filmed, and each of them has a heroine plot, and the dramas are all popular. Although not all characters can be popular enough to become classics, at least all the dramas are popular, just like Chris. There is something magical about the senior sister that can make the drama popular, and because of this, there are more and more scripts specially created for Chrissy-senpai. The classic heroine roles before the academy, but—well, I understand everything.

What "Eight-year-old Grand Princess", "Girl Adventurer", "Lolita Knight", "Sage's Disciple", "Hero's Shield", "Young Goddess"... Classics are true classics, played by senior sister Chrissy The characters in the movie have always been the childhood memories of countless children, idols in their hearts, young goddesses, and my heroes.

But, what, um, I understand everything.

So, with no other choice, for my (Yue) side's sake, my (Ye) side still had to leave the dormitory of Chris-senpai, and I have to feel deeply regretful.

But this is good, away from senior sister Chris, I (Yue) can look at Shentiandi's naked body calmly.

"Sister, what is your husband doing now?"

"how could I know?"

"Really? I thought my sister knew." Shen Tiandi pulled the quilt up and said calmly.

"Can you stop calling me sister? This name and your snowy hair always remind me of my sister. I really miss it after seeing each other for several months. I haven't been separated from Xueer for so long since I was a child."

"The husband? Or the lady? Husband? Wife?"

"...You should still call me sister."

Forget it, just treat her as a younger sister.

That rare snowy hair, those rare pair of snowy pupils, at first glance, it really looks like Xueer lying on the bed, and Xueer always likes to make trouble like this.

I don't know what Xue'er is doing now. When she was a child, Xue'er would make a fuss if she couldn't see me for three days. Now it's been more than three months.

Uh, it shouldn't be a problem, after all, Xueer is not young anymore.

But it would be nice if Xue'er could also be admitted to Cradle Academy next year - it seems that there should be some possibility, right?

After all, that was Cher!No matter how many people in the world should count her as Xue'er!

What is the concept of experiencing the first trial of life at the age of seven?

What kind of concept is it that you can become stronger as long as you keep changing stronger weapons?

What kind of concept is it that as long as it is a weapon of steel, it can be mastered absolutely?

In the Taiya Continent, Xueer's exclusive skills are completely wasted, but if she comes to the Cradle Academy, she will really be a Jackie Chan. I don't know if she can compete for the position of the Cradle Ten Jade, but at least she must be much stronger than me.

After all, Cradle Academy has never lacked all kinds of powerful weapons, as long as you have money, you can buy them, but if you don't have enough strength, you can't use them even if you buy them.

Of course, you need money to buy it, but problems that can be solved with money are not a problem.

What?Why do I say this?Am I not Ji Chanxi?

Heh, you underestimate me. If this mission can be successfully completed, how many points can I (Ye) get if I directly ask for points as a reward?

What's more, if the Angels can break into the top eight of the Cradle Game Competition, there are many prizes to choose from!

There is no shortage of steel weapons among the prizes, and the steel weapons that can be used as prizes in the Cradle Game Contest are naturally considered treasures even in the entire Cradle Academy.

Although I (night) will choose the blue sky bead, isn't there still me (month)?

Is there any problem with me (month) preparing a gift for my sister?

It's a pity that the express delivery can't be delivered to the Pacific Asia continent, otherwise it will be mailed directly.

But it is still necessary to make preparations in advance. What if Xueer is really admitted to Cradle Academy?

Even if I fail the exam, I (Yue) can find a chance to send Xueer back.

Of course, all of this still depends on whether we can overcome this difficulty. If we can't, then the last parting is the last meeting between Xueer and I, so it's useless to think about it.

With another heavy sigh, I (Yue) climbed into bed and got ready to sleep.

——At this moment! ! !

A white, slender, immature and petite jade hand like a child seemed to protrude out silently in the dark night.

Moon saw nothing.

She didn't see the little hand quietly protruding from the void behind her.

She didn't see the palm that was getting closer and closer to her back.

He didn't see that the body of Shentiandi had disappeared from the quilt.

She didn't see Emperor Shentian standing behind her with his back.

He didn't see Shentiandi's fist colliding quietly with that small palm.

Divide at the touch of a button!

There was no sound, the little jade hand was stopped by Shentiandi's fist and then quietly withdrew, disappearing from the void without a trace, and Shentiandi also returned to the position where he was lying before without a sound, as if nothing had happened before.

Only her right arm was trembling slightly hidden in the quilt, and her face was quietly dignified imperceptibly.

who is it?So strong.

The right arm was broken.

Although she recovered in the blink of an eye, she was indeed at a disadvantage from the blow just now, and she was able to block the blow just now at the cost of breaking a right arm.

who is it?

Besides Nvxi and Jade God, is there such a strong existence in the world?

Thinking of this, Shentiandi, who had a slightly dignified face, quietly raised the corners of his mouth.

"The world is really big."

Yue didn't notice this matter from the beginning to the end, she lay down beside Shentian Emperor naturally, said goodnight to Shentian Emperor, then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Everything, really as if nothing happened.

Chapter 33

Sun Moon Yin Xinghen withdrew his hand, blinked his eyes, seemed to have a slightly surprised expression of confusion, and cutely tilted his head slightly.

"How is it? Star marks? How is the protection around Yue?"

Yundiewu asked with a smile.

Riyue Yinxinghen looked at Yundiewu, and a childish voice with a slightly confused tone slowly sounded: "There is a person with pretty good strength who is protecting her."

"pretty good?"

Yue Xingyin Rilun raised her eyebrows in surprise, she was too aware of the strength of the person who could make Xinghen say these three words.

"Could it be Li Jiaxiao or Miya who is protecting her personally?"

Sun Moon Yin Xinghen shook his head.

"That can't be the commander of the three great armies of the Sun, Moon, and Stars at Cradle College, right?"

Sun Moon Yin Xinghen still shook his head.

"Is that the Emerald God?"

Sun Moon Yin Xinghen still shook his head.

Rilun crossed his arms and looked puzzled: "Besides these people, does Lilith actually hide someone who can make you say the word "good"?Wouldn't it be some true god who personally dispatched it? "

"Ri Lun, you can't guess only those people who are famous in the world, why not guess other people who are not yet famous in the world, whose specific strength is a mystery for the time being, but there is a little possibility "Yun Diewu smiled unchanged, and asked softly: "For example, is the other party the Holy Son? After all, I haven't seen him yet."

Star marks still shook his head.

Yun Diewu squinted his eyes: "Then... is it Emperor Shentian?"

Xinghen finally spoke, and said slowly in that confused voice: "Your Majesty, I don't know what Emperor Shentian looks like...but it should be her, because the person blocking me is only 20 years old."

"That's Emperor Shentian." Yun Diewu nodded: "I knew she was in Lilith, but I didn't expect that she would become a pawn in Gu Mingyue's hands. Also, such a useful pawn, she will naturally not let it go."

"Is Emperor Shentian so strong?" Rilun couldn't believe it.

"After all, she is the third holy son who is as famous as the Emerald God, and her identity is more than that simple. It is not surprising that she has such strength."

Yun Diewu tapped the armrest with her right index finger, thoughtfully.

"However, in this way, with Caiyi's current strength, I'm afraid it's not very possible for one person to succeed."

"Not necessarily."

Xingri Yinyue Huaqing said calmly.

"We don't even know how strong Princess Caiyi is, but does His Majesty the Supreme Emperor know?"

"I don't know."

Yundiewu shrugged and smiled playfully.

"Even if I have the authority of the king of the realm, it is still difficult to be sure that what I see on Caiyi is hers. Caiyi is very guarded against my mother, and it hurts my heart-but although I don't know , isn’t the Goddess of Trials very clear?”

Hearing Yundiewu's words, Yuehua suddenly showed a slightly understanding expression.

"Lord Dis's authority determines the difficulty of the trial based on the strength of the person being tested. In other words, for Caiyi who was more than three months ago, a soldier from the Japanese Army can make her fall into a In a desperate situation. No matter how much stronger Caiyi is now compared to more than three months ago, facing the Emperor Shentian who can be recognized by Xinghen, it is obvious that he will not be an opponent."

"In this case, it will be difficult."

Rilun frowned in embarrassment.

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