"Yeah, it's difficult." Yundiewu smiled lightly: "——If you don't give her a relic directly, it's not ordinary difficult."


Yuehua looked at Yundiewu suspiciously.

Yundiewu asked with a smile: "I heard that Caiyi participated in the Cradle Game Contest?"

Yuehua nodded because she didn't know.

Yundiewu continued to ask with a smile: "I also heard that among the prizes of this Cradle Game Contest, one of the prizes is "Pure World Relic"? "

No one nodded on this, because how could the Sansheng general pay attention to such insignificant things?

And it's an insignificant matter in the big world of Lilith.

However, Yundiewu paid attention.

Although she was not able to watch the game in the Holy White Lotus World, she still paid attention to Yun Caiyi's motivation for participating in the Cradle Game Competition.

Therefore, she still smiled and said: "I heard that in the Western Paradise, there is a method for sealing sinners. This method can seal a person's power, and then drive him into the world, let him go through the sea of ​​suffering, hoping to make him change his ways and let go of the butcher's knife. If you want to remove this seal, there are only two ways. One is to do it by a Buddha or Bodhisattva with profound Dharma, and the other is to swallow a relic."

When Yundiewu spoke to this point, how could Yuehua still not understand what she meant, so she really couldn't help but slowly widened her eyes.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what do you mean, Princess Caiyi...was sealed?"

"It goes without saying that she is so euphemistic, she just sealed her own power."

Yundiewu said with a playful smile.

"Lord Dis's power of trial is mainly the word "extreme situation". If a god is sealed with all his power and becomes a mortal, then the trials he goes through at this time will naturally not be based on the fact that he was a god. The power of the god is used as the standard, but the power after he is sealed will be used as the standard—of course, the premise is that the god must not have the means to lift the seal. If he has the means to lift the seal, then the test standard Naturally, his strength after lifting the seal will still be used as the standard. "

Speaking of this, Yundiewu couldn't help laughing.

"In other words, although Caiyi reduced the difficulty of the trial by sealing her own power, after passing the trial, she couldn't immediately release the seal and restore all her strength. She wanted to release the seal, but she One more relic is needed—this is the real reason why Caiyi’s character participated in the Cradle Game Contest. Because among the prizes of the Cradle Game Contest, there is a world-cleaning relic that can remove the seal on her body.”

Sunlun and Yuehua were dumbfounded - Xinghen still tilted his head in confusion, as if he didn't understand.

Rilun asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, Princess Caiyi, is she... a little abnormal?"

"There are billions of anomalies."

At this time, Yundiewu put away her smile and sighed slightly.

"But I can't blame her. I pushed her too hard, so she can't have any sense of security."

Rilun and Yuehua didn't dare to say anything more.

But Yundiewu continued: "Anyway, send Caiyi a relic, and she will understand what I mean."

Rilun nodded, then suddenly turned to look at the door.

"Your Majesty, someone is coming."

"It should be someone sent by Gu Mingyue."

Yundiewu couldn't help laughing with great interest.

"The Emerald God slipped out of Lilith to hunt for ingredients at such a critical moment. Naturally, Gu Mingyue didn't want me to leave now, thereby disturbing the Emerald God's hunt—but I'm really curious, what means does she have that can make me stay regardless of the overall situation? It's incredible that she is so confident."

Chapter 34 Night and Cloud Butterfly Dance

When I knocked on the door in front of me, I (Ye) actually didn't know what to say to the Supreme Emperor after the door opened.

Even though the chairman said that I am good at interpersonal communication, in fact, I have not deliberately contacted anyone, everything is going with the flow, so for me, this is really a difficult task.

As the daughter of a duke, I (Yue) have naturally learned how to socialize, but to be honest, socializing belongs to socializing, which nobleman would take socializing seriously?

The so-called social interaction in the aristocratic circle is actually nothing more than a group of people pretending to be ignorant and fooling each other.

I have never been interested in the so-called social interaction, and because of this, although I have learned it, I really don't have any social skills.

All along, I (month) just let nature take its course and do what I think I should do.

I (Night) is naturally the same.

So, I (Ye) was completely at a loss as to how to get in touch with the Supreme Emperor and let her stay in the Cradle Academy for a few more days.

Yeah, so that's it, and I'll be honest, even now that there's a knock on the door, I don't know what to say after a formal meeting.

But even so, I knocked on the door.

No way, just bite the bullet.

This is a matter of the survival of the whole world, no matter how hard people try to make things difficult, I can only be forced, right?

After making all the mental preparations, looking at the slowly opened door and the beautiful blonde woman who opened the door, I (Ye) suddenly let myself show a polite smile.

"Hello, is His Majesty the Supreme Emperor here? I am sent by the chairman to provide special services for His Majesty the Supreme Emperor."

"... Special service? What special service?"

The blond woman in front of him seemed to have a slightly demented expression.

"It's just to chat with His Majesty the Supreme Emperor to cheer her up, so that she can stay in the Cradle Academy for two more days." I patiently explained: "I heard that His Majesty the Supreme Emperor will leave tomorrow? That's not right. Right? If His Majesty is allowed to leave so soon, wouldn't it mean that Lilith did not entertain us well? This would make people laugh. So, in order to change His Majesty's mind, I will come here under orders. "

"...Is President Gu trying to change His Majesty's mind by using a beauty trick?"

I was instantly angry: "What beauty trick? Can you stop speaking so straight... so ugly? Am I the kind of man who sells his body? I just came to chat with His Majesty the Supreme Emperor! Let me tell you, I have Girlfriend, if you spread this word, it will damage my innocence, and I have the right to sue you!"

"Yo, little brother, how old are you, and you actually have a girlfriend?" The blond woman smiled in amazement: "But, even if you have a girlfriend, you can't do certain jobs, right? After all, it's hard to make money to support your family, especially raising a girlfriend. What's so bad about making money easily? Don't you think it's wrong? With your good looks, as long as you like it, you can keep customers, and big sisters are willing to be your customers. How about it, do you think about it?"

"Didn't you hear what I'm saying? You said I'm not the kind of man who sells my body!" I was so angry that my lungs exploded, and I couldn't help but took a step forward, getting close to her cheek, and asked in a low voice, "How much are you willing to give?"

The blond woman laughed for a moment, then puffed out her chest, and said proudly: "Why, isn't it enough that big sister gave you such a beautiful body?"

I couldn't help but widen my eyes: "You want to prostitute me for nothing? You're just dreaming."

"How can you say it's a whore for nothing? As long as the little brother is willing to go home with the big sister, the big sister can give you whatever you want."

"You still want to pry into my girlfriend's corner? Let me tell you, don't think that you can make me betray my girlfriend because you have a little bit of money. I am loyal to my girlfriend. It’s only gone out of the track twice, how could it be possible that you can pry it away casually?”

"Really? I don't believe it. For an insecure boy like you, little brother, you only cheated twice when your girlfriend went far away? Big sister, I absolutely don't believe it. Is there a zero missing at the end? "

"That's why it shows how loyal I am to my girlfriend!" I patted my chest confidently.

The blond-haired elder sister had a deeper smile in the corner of her eyes, as if she wanted to tease me and argue with me for a while, but at this moment, a voice came from inside the room.

"Rilun, why don't you welcome guests in?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Please come in, little brother, it seems that Your Majesty is very interested in you."

The eldest sister restrained her smile and welcomed me in.

Soon, I saw the girl sitting on the armchair.

Not to mention that the chairman told me about the appearance and characteristics, even if the chairman did not describe the four characteristics to me, I can still guess that this girl is His Majesty the Supreme Emperor—after all, she is the only one in the audience is sitting.

I (Ye) took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Your Majesty, my name is Ye, and I am here to chat with you."

I didn't salute. Although I (Yue) have also learned the etiquette of male nobles. After all, as a nobleman, I not only have to do my best, but also can see whether others have done their best. But I (Ye) am not a nobleman. As a commoner There is really no need to salute.

Common people have common people's way of doing things, sincerity is my (Ye) must kill.

Looking at my (Ye) sincere eyes, I believe His Majesty the Supreme Emperor will definitely feel my sincerity.

"Are you here to chat with me on the bed?"

The girl in red crossed her legs, crossed her fingers on her knees, and looked at me with a half-smile.

"Gu Mingyue is really sensible. Knowing that I am lonely at night, she sent me such a beautiful boy."

"But isn't that a bit bad? I don't like stealing other people's things. If I want something, I always kill the owner of the thing first, and then grab it directly. After all, stealing doesn't sound as good as stealing, right?"

"Of course, if the other party is sensible and willing to offer what I want, then I can't reward her for being sensible—so your girlfriend, Yue, is really willing to offer you to me. Do you like it?"

Did you investigate the information of the past month, and then found out about me by the way?

Thinking of this in my heart, my face was trembling with anger: "Your Majesty, are all of you in the Suzaku Empire like this? I'm just here to chat! I'm not here to sell my body!"

"Really? Are you really not here to sell your body?"

The girl in red put down her legs, stood up, walked in front of me, met my eyes, and smiled slightly close at hand.

Eyebrows, lips, all smiling.

"It's rare that I fell in love with you at first sight. It's a pity that you weren't offered by your girlfriend. There's nothing I can do. It seems that I can only kill her first, and then snatch you away."

Chapter 35 Dating

It seems she knows everything.

I (Ye) stared quietly at the beautiful pupils that were so close in front of me, and I had to understand this matter.

Yundiewu's height is about the same as mine, which is about 1.7 meters, so she and I are really looking at each other completely.

This kind of head-up made me see the smile in her eyes clearly.

What is she laughing at?

I don't know that.

But at least I know, Gu Mingyue's plan is completely seen through.

It was as if Gu Mingyue had completely seen through Yundiewu's plan.

One thing I seem to have made a mistake is that Gu Mingyue and Yun Diewu are not playing dark chess, but bright chess.

Their actions are based entirely on the premise that the other party will see through all their arrangements.

In other words, their victory or defeat does not depend on the strength and number of chess pieces, but on who can calculate more moves, and who will make a wrong move first.

So here comes the problem, Gu Mingyue played my (Ye) move, she made the move on the premise that Yun Diewu had already seen through her plan, since this is the case... Where did she get the confidence to feel that I Can you keep Yundiewu?

This trust in me (Ye) really makes me feel incredible.

While this thought flashed through my mind, of course I (Ye) didn’t forget to take a step back in a panic, put my hands on my chest, and said in a dissatisfied tone: “It’s not a hero to take someone else’s girlfriend as a threat. I don’t think stealing is more admirable than stealing. If you really have the ability, then just let me move on! It’s not impossible for me to give you a chance. The two of us will go on a date tomorrow. If you can really make me like you, then I can’t break up with my girlfriend. "

Yun Diewu raised her eyebrows, and then... smiled sweetly: "Okay, then it's settled, I'll stay for one more day, so you can fully appreciate my charm."

Huh?It really succeeded?

I couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, I didn't have any hope at all!It's completely self-defeating to say that!Could it be...is it really so important to have a good-looking face?

I suppressed the urge to touch my face, and said with a happy smile, "Then I will pick you up tomorrow morning, see you soon, Your Majesty the Great."

"How about changing the name first? His Majesty the Supreme Emperor is really too distant."

Yundiewu pouted, making my heart skip a beat, I'll go, isn't it really possible for me to fall tomorrow?This charm is really no joke!Even though I know she even has a daughter, but—isn't this more exciting? !

Not daring to look any further, I turned around and left, then waved my hands back: "See you tomorrow, Miss Diewu."

Leaving quickly, Princess Alice, who followed me silently and didn't say a word, also left quickly with me. During the whole process, she really didn't even move at all. It seemed that besides protecting my safety, she Really nothing will do the same.

After leaving for a certain distance, I couldn't help asking Princess Alice: "Princess Alice, what do you think?"


Alice tilted her head slightly, and although she had no expression, she could feel her confusion—she didn't seem to know what I was asking.

"President Gu said that you will protect my safety, but in front of those so-called three generals of the Suzaku Empire, Princess Alice, can you really protect me? How strong do you think they are? Is it just a waste of fame?"

Princess Alice finally understood what I was talking about, and said calmly: "They are strong, stronger than me. But I will protect you. The only person who can defeat you and kill you is me."

What kind of coquettish speech is this?

However, I have to say that through what Princess Alice said, I suddenly realized that I seemed to have underestimated her strength.

No, or did I underestimate the strength of all the Cradle Ten Jade?

In the final analysis, what is the level of strength of the Cradle Ten Jade?

——Ten strongest students of Cradle Academy.

That's all I know.

But if you think about it carefully, since the ten jades of the cradle only represent the ten strongest students of the Cradle Academy, the strength level of the ten jades of the cradle is not fixed, but varies according to the strength of the students in the school.

For example, the Emerald God is the chief of the Cradle Ten Jade, but not every generation of the Cradle Ten Chief can be as powerful as the Emerald God, and the strength of the Emerald God has been unique throughout the ages.

So, why isn't the current Cradle Ten Jade also the strongest ever?

Isn't there such a possibility?

of course not.

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