To sum it up, the second seat of the ten jades in the cradle is Shengshenzi, who is one of the three holy sons of the ten thousand heavens and worlds, and his level of strength is close to that of jadeite.

Then the third seat of the Cradle Ten Jade is Senior Sister Chrissy who has the perverted skill of "Transformation Fantasy". Not to mention other things, I can ensure that Senior Sister Chrissy's strength is absolutely It is to be above many gods, and it should be close to the Son of God.

Then, after Senior Sister Chris, is Princess Alice, the fourth seat of the Cradle Ten Jade.

In terms of ability value, comparing Princess Alice with A Ling is absolutely worlds apart... In fact, I have serious doubts about whether Emerald and Shengshenzi can compare with A Ling in terms of ability, but the ranking of the Cradle Ten Jade is in the That, although I can't understand it, doesn't prevent me from knowing that Jade and Shengshenzi are indeed better than A Ling.

However, based on the same ranking of the ten jades in the cradle, it should be certain that Princess Alice is no better than A Ling.

So, is there a huge gap in strength between the third seat of the Cradle Ten Jade and the fourth seat of the Cradle Ten Jade?

This point was denied by President Gu Mingyue, and Princess Alice herself also denied this speculation just now.

No matter what you say, the strength of the three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire will not be inferior to that of Sheng Shenzi and Senior Sister Chris, right?

Rather, it must be stronger than the two of them, otherwise Gu Mingyue's cautious attitude would be too ridiculous.

Maybe the Three Sages can't compete with the Emerald God, maybe the Three Sages can be on par with the Jade God, but in short, other cradle ten jades other than the Jade God can never touch the Three Sages.

If you can touch porcelain—then the Supreme Emperor's plan is also too ridiculous.

There is no need to hope for such a thing.

But under such circumstances, Gu Mingyue sent Princess Alice to protect me.

And Princess Alice is facing the existence of the Three Saints directly——she still has her self-confidence.

Judging from these two points alone, it can be roughly seen that Princess Alice's strength should be as close to the Son of the Holy God as Senior Chrissy's.

Even if she's weaker than Kris-senpai, she's never too weak to be so weak.

Sheng Shenzi has a [-]% chance of winning against Jade, and a [-]% chance of winning against Sansheng.

Senior sister Chris has a [-]% chance of winning against the Three Saints, and a [-]% chance of winning against the Son of the Holy God.

Princess Alice has a [-]% chance of winning against the Son of God, and a [-]% chance of winning against Senior Chris.

Probably this is the difference in strength - this is my personal guess, I don't know if this is the case anyway, but as a metaphor, it should be such a strength class.

In short, with Princess Alice's ability value, I don't know why she is so strong, but since she expressed that she is confident that she can protect me...

"Then I can be a little bolder tomorrow."

Chapter 36 Huge Improvement in Strength

After Ye left, Yundiewu sat back on the chair with a thoughtful expression on his face and a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

But Xingri Yinyuehua asked doubtfully: "Your Majesty, do you really want to stay another day tomorrow?"

"Anyway, as long as we go back before nine o'clock the day after tomorrow, I'm really interested in him now."

Yundiewu smiled.

"Aren't you curious about the person who can make me feel good after seeing him?"

Sun Moon Yin Xinghen tilted his head, and said in a confused voice: "There is no such thing as charm."

Yue Xingyin nodded his chest, as if recalling the feeling just now, thoughtfully: "Your Majesty, are you thinking too much? In fact, you are just looking for sex, right? I am really as beautiful as him." I've never seen it before, and it's not surprising that people fall in love at first sight. If you really like it, Your Majesty, I can find a chance to tie this little brother back to you."

"Do you think I am you?"

Yundiewu gave her an angry look.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be embarrassed, in fact, I am also moved." Ri Lun said with a smile: "Of course, if Your Majesty really doesn't want it, then I will take it away—I have been lonely and cold for so many years, I actually really want to find someone Such an interesting husband."

Yundiewu lifted her foot and kicked her away.

After the room was quiet, she showed a thoughtful expression again.

Gradually, she smiled slightly.



The next day, compared to my (night) date, I (month) ushered in work earlier.

Today, envoys from the six major countries other than Yang finally came to visit.

The first person to come to the door was Mia Lily Lorraine Mintel, one of the key figures in this incident, the head of the Nine Sages of the Sivana Empire.

Possessing infinite magic power and controlling hundreds of forbidden spells, she is one of the pinnacles of the world that ranks among the top ten in Lilith's world no matter how she ranks.

Looking at the silver-haired and red-eyed Lolita in front of me, I (Yue) couldn't help but secretly marvel.

From the appearance alone, this Lolita is really as intimidating as Jade. Who would have imagined that she is even powerful enough to destroy the world—well, it is said that if no one stops it, the Miya sage will rely on infinite Magic is indeed able to easily destroy the world.

Of course, this is nonsense. If no one stops it, the one who can destroy the world must not be the only one in the Lilith world, the Mia sage.

For example, I (Yue) can easily destroy the fairy city without anyone stopping it-but it is actually unrealistic.

Before I can make a move, the head will definitely fall to the ground.

However, even if it is only theoretically possible to destroy the world and does not have the possibility of actual operation, it is enough to show the strength of the Miya sage.

The little girl with silver hair and red pupils who seems to be younger than me (Yue) does not have the temperament of a strong person in front of her. She is really the strongest of the strong.

"Hello, Master Yue, I am Miya, the messenger of Sivana, please call me Mia."

The very polite salute of the Miya sage naturally got me to return the salute.

"Miya Sage, please call me by my name, how dare Yue call me "Master" in front of you? "

Sage Miya pursed his lips and smiled: "You have to change your words first, Lord Yue."



After saying this, the two of us laughed together.

Compared with the title of sage, Miya gave me the feeling more like a noble lady of the same age. I don’t know if she did it on purpose, but she did at least not want to belittle me, the cradle. The meaning of the academy messenger.

Like the envoys from other countries, Miya also brought gifts for me (Yue) when she came to visit.

Well, I have to say that being an envoy of Cradle Academy actually has such hidden benefits!

One day yesterday, just accepting gifts gave me a soft hand.

These envoys from various countries are all good at being human, and all the gifts they received are very valuable and useful to me (Yue). Maybe it is nothing to these countries, but it is enough to prove their intentions.

After all, if the gift is too good but meaningless to me, then it is really meaningless. I can only watch it or wait for future use.

What?Can it be sold after returning to Cradle Academy?

It's okay to sell gifts from others, I can't do such a shameless thing.

If this kind of thing gets out, it will become a laughing stock!

And it would be considered an insult.

After the Miya sage left, I (Yue) just opened the gift box to see what kind of gift this legendary great sage brought me.

When I opened the lid of the gift box, what I saw was a fruit.

It is a bit like a strawberry in shape, but slightly larger and white in color.


"Fei Fei Ling"

——Individual LV.+100, effective below LV.1000


I (Yue) swallowed it without even a second of hesitation.

Mmm, delicious.

Not chewy at all, but delicious.

As expected of the two strongest empires in the world, they really have all kinds of treasures!

Although this kind of thing is not unavailable in Cradle Academy, it is too expensive for me to afford.

This is good, how much time has been saved in fighting monsters and upgrading.

Without hesitation, more than 200 skill points were directly assigned to the "Power of the Ring".

After owning the Seal of Destiny, my (Yue) talent ability value has increased by [-]%, and now it has increased by [-] levels, and the value of various abilities has directly increased by tens of thousands, especially the ability value of INT, which has increased by more than ten Ten thousand.


If we really want to talk about the improvement of the ability value, it still depends on the "power of the ring".

"Ring Power LV.34"

——Full potential ability value +194400

Upgrading from LV.26 to LV.34, all of a sudden, the overall individual ability of the two of us has increased by nearly [-] times, and I have an ability that should be comparable to that of a third-year student. There is definitely a gap in the level of skills between the third graders, but in terms of my (night) and my (month) exclusive skills, it should be no problem to be comparable to the third graders in terms of strength, right?

Well, there's no problem for sure.

Very good, my strength has improved so much, so I feel more secure--shit.

Compared with the enemies I need to face, this increase in strength is useless, not even a psychological comfort.

"Oh... Forget it, it's always a good thing to improve your strength a little bit."

After comforting myself in this way, I (Yue) welcomed the next envoy of the Golden Crow Empire.

And it was at this time that my (Ye) date with Supreme Emperor Yundiewu officially began.

Whether he can live after tomorrow may depend on the date of this day.

Chapter 37 Lafayette and Yundiewu

"This date is for me to attack you, right?"

At eight o'clock in the morning, facing Yundiewu's question, I (Ye) nodded in agreement.

"That's right, this is the opportunity I gave you, Ms. Diewu. I hope you can grasp it well. After all, you have to know that there are countless women who want to get me, but this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone."

"Then, this date should be arranged by me."

Yun Diewu said with a smile like this, she glanced at Princess Alice who was not far behind me, squinted her eyes slightly, then directly took my left arm, and pulled me to the road ahead .

This is the direction to go to the amusement park.

The Cradle Academy is said to be an academy, but it is actually a huge city.

There are residential areas in the city, and there are quite a few residents who are not students or teachers of Cradle College. Of course, there is no shortage of children among these residents-after all, Cradle College has no regulations prohibiting marriage and having children.

And where there are couples with children, there are amusement parks to play in. This is common sense.

Therefore, there is indeed an amusement park in the Cradle Academy.

——Although I haven't played it.

It's a pity, the way I looked at Princess Alice before watching Yundiewu, I'm afraid I can't play it today.

Well, since Gu Mingyue made sure that Princess Alice would protect me every step of the way during the meeting with Yundiewu, I didn't expect to have a normal date with Yundiewu today.

On the way to the amusement park, Yundiewu smiled and asked, "Ye, do you have parents?"

"??? What kind of new curse words is this?"

"Okay, let's put it another way, Ye, what are your parents' names?"

"Father doesn't know, my mother's name is Fei."

"Fee? Oh, it's her."

"You know my mother?"

"I know, she once visited the Suzaku Empire, I have a deep impression of her - that's it, no wonder I feel your power aura is familiar, it turns out to be the "infinite circle". "

"Infinite circle?"

"It's your mother's title. She was quite famous in Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms back then, and she is about the same status as the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms. Of course, in terms of strength, the former Fei was compared to the current Three Holy Sons." It’s still a lot worse, but it’s still pretty remarkable.”

Yundiewu said with a smile.

"However, it's unbelievable that she would marry and have children."

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